Tech Mahindra Recruitment 2023: IQCode's Comprehensive Guide to Interview Questions

About Tech Mahindra

Tech Mahindra is a multinational company based in India that specializes in Information Technology (IT) and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). It is a subsidiary of the Mahindra Group and has its registered office in Mumbai. As of April 2020, Tech Mahindra was worth $5.2 billion and employed over one lakh people across 90 countries. The company is ranked fifth in India's IT firms and forty-seventh overall in the Fortune India 500 list for 2019. Tech Mahindra is known to attract and develop top talent by providing long-term jobs based on a digital learning environment that is accessible anytime, anywhere, and on any device.

Tech Mahindra is one of the biggest employers in the world. It offers a fantastic workplace and a welcoming environment that facilitates individual and corporate growth.

Tech Mahindra Recruitment Process

Eligibility Criteria

Code and IT enthusiasts who are interested in working at Tech Mahindra must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Minimum of 60% marks in Class X, XII, and the highest degree received
  • No pending backlogs or arrears at the time of applying
  • Candidates must have all official documents up-to-date
  • Candidates should be legally authorized to work in the country of employment
  • Must be proficient in English, both verbal and written
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills are essential

If you meet the above eligibility criteria, you can apply for available positions at Tech Mahindra.

Technical Interview Questions asked by Tech Mahindra for Freshers and Experienced

1. Please explain the difference between the following:

Code and Pseudocode.

Difference Between Call by Value and Call by Reference

When a function is called in programming, there are two ways that the arguments can be passed to the function: call by value and call by reference.

Call by value involves passing a copy of the argument's value to the function. This means that any changes made to the argument within the function are not reflected outside of the function.

Call by reference, on the other hand, involves passing a reference to the argument to the function. This means that any changes made to the argument within the function are reflected outside of the function.

In simpler terms, call by value passes the value of the variable as an argument, whereas call by reference passes the address of the variable as an argument.

Understanding Function Overloading

In programming, function overloading refers to the ability to create multiple functions with the same name, but with different parameters. When a function is called with a specific set of parameters, the compiler determines which version of the function to execute based on the parameter types and their implicit conversions.

This allows programmers to write more concise and intuitive code, as well as reduce the risk of naming conflicts. Function overloading is a common feature in object-oriented programming languages such as C++, Java, and C#.

Object Oriented Programming Languages


<p>Some of the popular Object Oriented Programming Languages are:</p>



Some of the popular Object Oriented Programming Languages are:

- Java - C++ - Python - Ruby - C# - PHP

Understanding Structured Programming

Structured programming is an approach to writing code in a deliberate and organized way. It emphasizes breaking a program down into smaller, more manageable components, and using a logical flow to guide the execution of those components. This approach contrasts with unstructured programming, which involves writing code in a more ad-hoc manner, often leading to difficulty in maintaining and debugging the program. Structured programming also promotes the use of control structures, such as loops and conditional statements, to create clear and understandable code. By following these principles, structured programming allows developers to build complex programs with fewer errors and greater ease of maintenance.

Inline Functions in C and C++

In C and C++, an inline function is a function that is expanded in line when it is called, instead of executing a function call. The inline keyword is used to declare functions as inline functions.

For example, consider the following inline function in C:

inline int square(int x)
  return x*x;

In this example, the function `square` is declared as an inline function, which means that whenever it is called with an argument, the argument is squared and returned without actually executing a function call.

Inline functions can provide significant performance benefits for small, frequently called functions, because the overhead of function calls is avoided and the code is more likely to fit in the CPU caches. However, it is important to note that the decision of whether to inline a function or not is ultimately up to the compiler. The inline keyword is only a hint to the compiler, and the compiler may choose to ignore it in some cases.

Understanding Destructors in C++

In C++, a destructor is a special member function that is called when an object is destroyed, either by deleting it or when it goes out of scope. The purpose of a destructor is to release any resources that the object may have acquired during its lifetime.

The syntax for a destructor in C++ is as follows:

class ClassName {
      ClassName(); //constructor
      ~ClassName(); //destructor

The destructor function is identified by the tilde operator (~) preceding the class name, and it has the same name as the class (excluding any parameters). As with constructors, destructors do not have a return type.

It is important to note that if a class does not have a destructor defined, the compiler will generate a default one. However, if the class has allocated memory, opened a file or a connection to a database, or acquired any other resources during its lifetime, a programmer should define a destructor to free these resources.

Usage of "finalize" method in Java

The "finalize" method in Java is used for performing cleanup operations on an object before it is garbage collected. This method is called by the garbage collector before freeing the memory occupied by the object.

Here's an example illustrating the usage of the "finalize" method:


public class Example {
    public void finalize() {
        System.out.println("Finalizing object");
        // Perform cleanup operations here

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Example object = new Example();
        object = null; // making object eligible for garbage collection
        System.gc(); // invoking garbage collector

In the above example, the "Example" class contains the "finalize" method where the cleanup operations are performed. The main method creates an object of the "Example" class and assigns null to it, making it eligible for garbage collection. The garbage collector is then invoked using the "System.gc()" method. Before freeing the memory, the garbage collector calls the "finalize" method of the object where the cleanup operations are performed. The message "Finalizing object" is printed on the console to indicate that the "finalize" method has been called.

Understanding Tokens in C and C++

In C and C++, a token represents the smallest unit of code that the compiler can understand. It can be a keyword, an operator, an identifier, a constant, or a string literal. Tokens are used to form statements and expressions in the code. For example, in the statement "x = 5 + y", the tokens are 'x', '=', '5', '+', and 'y'.

Tokens play an important role in the compilation process. The compiler analyzes the sequence of tokens in the code to identify the syntax and semantics of the program. This allows it to generate the appropriate machine code that the computer can execute.

It is essential to have a good understanding of tokens when working with C and C++ programming languages as any syntax error in a token can result in errors and prevent the compiler from compiling the code correctly. Proper coding practices and knowledge of C and C++ syntax can help you to create efficient and error-free code.

Difference between a Class and an Object

Class: In object-oriented programming, a class is a blueprint for creating objects. It's a template or a design that defines the properties and behaviors of a set of objects. A class is declared once and can be used to create multiple objects of the same type.

Object: An object is an instance or a realization of a class. It's a specific, concrete entity that is created from a class. An object has its own unique set of values for properties and methods, and can interact with other objects of the same or different classes. Each object is independent of others and has its own specific behavior and identity.

Advantages of Database Management Systems

A database management system offers numerous benefits, some of which are:

  • Increased data security and protection against data loss
  • Improved data consistency and accuracy
  • Efficient data retrieval and storage
  • Enhanced data sharing and accessibility
  • Advanced data analysis and reporting capabilities
  • Facilitates collaborative work
  • Allows for easy maintenance and scalability

Understanding Acid Properties in Database Management Systems

ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties are a set of characteristics that are essential for ensuring reliable data transactions in database management systems.

Atomicity refers to the "all or nothing" concept, where a transaction either succeeds entirely or is rolled back completely if an error occurs. This ensures that the database is always in a stable and consistent state.

Consistency means that a transaction should bring the database from one valid state to another. This means that any data written to the database should meet the predefined rules of the database schema.

Isolation ensures that separate transactions are not affected by each other's operations. This means that each transaction should be processed independently without any interference from other parallel transactions.

Durability means that once a transaction has been committed to the database, it should be permanent and survive any subsequent system failure.

By ensuring all these properties are met, database management systems can ensure data integrity and transaction reliability, making them a critical aspect of modern computing.H3 Checkpoints in Database Management Systems

In database management systems, a checkpoint refers to a specific point in the transaction log where all the data modifications before that point are written to the disk. It is a synchronization mechanism that helps in recovering the database in case of a failure. Checkpoints help in reducing the recovery time by minimizing the number of transactions that need to be rolled back in case of a system failure. They also ensure that the database is consistent by writing all the modified data to the disk.

What Are Transparent Distributed Database Management Systems?

A Transparent Distributed Database Management System (T-DDBMS) is a type of database management system that provides users with the perception of a single, centralized database, while in reality, the data is distributed across multiple nodes. The T-DDBMS hides the distribution of the data from the end-user, allowing them to access and use the data as if it were stored in a single location. T-DDBMSs are commonly used to improve scalability, availability, and performance in large-scale systems.

Unary Operations in Relational Algebra and their Application in SQL

In Relational Algebra, the unary operators are used to perform operations on a single relation. Here are some of the commonly used unary operators with their SQL equivalents:

1. Selection: This operator is used to select a subset of tuples from a relation based on a given condition. In SQL, it is equivalent to the WHERE clause. For example:

RA: σ grade=’A’ (ENROLMENT)


2. Projection: This operator is used to select a subset of columns from a relation. In SQL, it is equivalent to the SELECT clause. For example:

RA: π student_name, grade (ENROLMENT)

SQL: SELECT student_name, grade FROM ENROLMENT

3. Rename: This operator is used to rename a relation or its attributes. In SQL, it is equivalent to the AS keyword. For example:



4. Set operations: These operators are used to combine two or more relations. In SQL, the UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT keywords are used for union, intersection, and difference operations, respectively. For example:

RA: R ∪ S


RA: R ∩ S


RA: R - S


These unary operations are very useful in manipulating data in databases. By using a combination of these operations, we can perform complex queries and get the desired results.

Explanation of Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a crucial component of the Java platform. It is responsible for interpreting and executing Java bytecode, which is the compiled version of Java source code.

JVM plays a vital role in making Java a platform-independent programming language. The bytecode created on one platform can be executed on any other platform, provided that the platform has a JVM installed.

JVM includes multiple components such as a class loader, runtime data areas, execution engine, and native interface. Class loader loads the class files into memory, runtime data areas store data and code during JVM execution, execution engine reads the bytecode and interprets it, and the native interface enables JVM to interact with the underlying operating system.

JVM is responsible for several critical functions such as memory management, garbage collection, and exception handling. It also enables dynamic linking, which facilitates the linking of compiled code at runtime.

Overall, the Java Virtual Machine is a critical component that makes the Java programming language both platform-independent and efficient.

Types of Memory Areas Allocated by Java Virtual Machine in Java

In Java, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) allocates memory areas for different purposes. These memory areas are:

1. Heap Memory:

It is the runtime memory area where objects are stored in Java. The heap memory is shared across all threads but not static members. It's arranged in generations and resized dynamically by the garbage collector.

2. Stack Memory:

It is a runtime memory area of Java. It contains method-specific values that are short-lived and referred to as local variables or method variables. The stack memory is automatically freed up when the execution of a method is complete.

3. Method Area Memory:

It is a memory area for storing class structures like metadata, constant pool, and method data. The method area memory is created when the JVM starts up and is shared across all threads.

4. Native Method Stack Memory:

It is a memory area for native code execution and is separate from the Java stack memory. When a native method, which is written in a language other than Java, is called, the native method stack is used.

5. PC Registers Memory:

It is a memory area for storing the address of the JVM instruction that is currently being executed. The PC registers memory is specific to each thread.

Explaining ClassLoader in Java and Its Different Types

In Java, a ClassLoader is an object that is responsible for loading classes at runtime. A ClassLoader reads the bytecodes of a Java class and stores them in memory for execution.

There are mainly three types of ClassLoaders in Java:

1. Bootstrap ClassLoader: This is the parent of all ClassLoaders and is used to load core Java classes from the



2. Extension ClassLoader: This classloader is used to load classes from the


directory or any other directory specified by the


system property.

3. System ClassLoader: This classloader is also called the Application ClassLoader and is used to load application-level classes from the classpath.

Overall, ClassLoaders in Java follow the delegation model, where if a class is not found by the child ClassLoader, it delegates the search to its parent ClassLoader and continues until the class is found or it reaches the top-level Bootstrap ClassLoader.

Default Value of Local Variables in Java

In Java, local variables are not initialized by default. Therefore, the default value of a local variable is undefined. If you try to access an uninitialized local variable, you will get a compile-time error. It is important to always initialize a local variable before using it in your code to avoid any unexpected behavior.

Advantages of Java Packages

Java packages provide numerous advantages that help developers in organizing their code and enhancing the reusability of their programs. Some of these advantages are:

  1. Modularization: Java packages facilitate the division of large programs into manageable units or modules.
  2. Reduced naming conflicts: Java packages avoid naming conflicts by providing unique namespaces for classes and interfaces.
  3. Access control: Java packages enable developers to control the accessibility of classes and their members by using access modifiers (public, private, protected and default).
  4. Code maintenance: Java packages make code maintenance easier by providing a clear and logical structure to organize related classes and interfaces.
  5. Code reusability: Java packages encourage code reusability by providing a convenient mechanism for sharing code across multiple projects.
Overall, Java packages are an essential aspect of Java development that help developers in writing clear, organized, and maintainable code while promoting code reuse.

Calculating Total Interest on Multiple Loans

As an API, this program can be used to calculate the total interest on a given number of loans. The user needs to input the amount borrowed, the interest rate, and loan term for each loan. The program will then calculate and return the total interest for all the loans.

function calculateTotalInterest(loans) {
  let totalInterest = 0;
  for (let i = 0; i < loans.length; i++) {
    const loan = loans[i];
    const interest = (loan.amount * loan.rate * loan.term) / 100;
    totalInterest += interest;
  return totalInterest;

// Example usage:
const loans = [
  { amount: 1000, rate: 5, term: 2 },
  { amount: 5000, rate: 3, term: 1 },
  { amount: 3000, rate: 8, term: 3 }

const totalInterest = calculateTotalInterest(loans);
console.log(`Total interest: ${totalInterest}`); // Output: Total interest: 860

Find the difference between the sums of even and odd values in an array of positive integers

function findEvenOddDifference(arr) {
  let evenSum = 0;
  let oddSum = 0;
  // iterate over the array and add even numbers to evenSum and odd numbers to oddSum
  for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    if (arr[i] % 2 === 0) {
      evenSum += arr[i];
    } else {
      oddSum += arr[i];
  // return the absolute difference between evenSum and oddSum
  return Math.abs(evenSum - oddSum);

This function takes an array of positive integers as input and finds the difference between the sums of even and odd numbers. It does this by iterating over the array and adding even numbers to


and odd numbers to


. It then returns the absolute difference between





Difference between Swapping and Paging

Swapping and Paging are two memory management techniques used by the operating system to handle memory in the system. The main difference between these two techniques is that swapping moves entire processes back and forth between main memory and secondary storage, while paging moves only parts of processes that are actively being used.

Swapping involves moving entire processes between memory and disk. When a process is swapped out, it is written to the hard disk, freeing up memory for other processes to use. When the swapped out process needs to be executed again, it is read back into memory from the disk. This technique allows the system to handle more processes than can fit in main memory at one time. However, it is relatively slow, as it involves moving large amounts of data between disk and memory.

Paging, on the other hand, involves dividing memory into fixed-size blocks called pages. Processes are divided into smaller parts, called pages, which are loaded into memory as needed. The pages that are not currently being used are swapped out to disk to free up memory. This allows more efficient use of memory, as only the pages that are currently needed are loaded into memory. It also allows for more efficient memory allocation, as pages can be shared between processes if they are not currently being used.

In summary, swapping moves entire processes between memory and disk, while paging moves only parts of processes that are actively being used. Paging allows more efficient use of memory and allows for more efficient memory allocation.

Understanding Request Processor and Request Dispatcher in Java

In Java, a Request Processor is a component that receives incoming HTTP requests from clients and forwards them to the appropriate servlet for processing. It acts as a middleman between the web container and the servlet. The Request Processor performs various tasks such as parsing the incoming request, extracting data, and determining the appropriate servlet to handle the request.

On the other hand, a Request Dispatcher is an interface that enables a servlet to communicate with the web container to forward or include a request to other components. It helps in dividing a large-scale application into smaller fragments for independent development and effective testing. The Request Dispatcher has two methods, forward() and include(), to forward a request to another servlet or resource.

In general, the Request Processor and Request Dispatcher play a vital role in maintaining the reliability and efficiency of Java web applications.

Understanding Servlet Collaboration

In the context of web development, servlet collaboration refers to the ability of multiple servlets to work together to handle a client request and generate a response.

Servlet collaboration can be achieved through various mechanisms such as forwarding a request from one servlet to another, including the output of one servlet in the response generated by another servlet, or sharing data between servlets by storing it in a common scope such as application scope or session scope.

Effective servlet collaboration is essential in building complex web applications where multiple servlets need to cooperate and share data or functionality to deliver the desired user experience.

Different States of a Process

In computing, a process can be in one of the following states:

1. Running:

When a process is executing, it is said to be in the running state.

2. Ready:

When a running process is interrupted so that another process can start executing, the interrupted process is in the ready state. It is ready to reexecute as soon as it gets a chance to do so.

3. Blocked:

A process is said to be blocked or waiting state when it cannot carry on with its execution because it's waiting for some event like an input/output operation to complete or for a particular resource like memory to be allocated to it, etc.

4. Terminated:

When a process completes its execution or is explicitly killed, it is said to be in the terminated state.

Microkernels in the Context of Operating Systems

Microkernels are a type of operating system kernel architecture that is designed to minimize the kernel's size and functionality by removing as much functionality as possible from the kernel and implementing it as user-level processes. This approach reduces the complexity of the kernel and improves its reliability and security.

In contrast to monolithic kernels, which incorporate all of the operating system's functionality into a single kernel, microkernels only provide the most basic services, such as interprocess communication, scheduling, and memory management. All other operating system functions, such as device drivers, file systems, and network protocols, run as user-level processes.

Microkernels offer several advantages over monolithic kernels. Because the kernel is smaller and simpler, it is easier to verify its correctness and security. This leads to a more reliable and secure operating system. Additionally, microkernels are more modular, making it easier to add or remove services from the system.

However, microkernels also have some disadvantages. Because more functionality is implemented as user-level processes, system performance may be slower than with monolithic kernels. Additionally, implementing operating system services as user-level processes can be more complex and may require more overhead.

Despite these challenges, microkernels have been used successfully in several operating systems, such as QNX and L4, and continue to be an active area of research in the field of operating systems.

Explanation: Reentrancy in Multiprogramming Time Sharing Systems

Reentrancy is a property of a computer program that allows it to be interrupted in the middle of its execution and then resumed from where it left off without losing its state. In multiprogramming time-sharing systems, multiple processes or threads share a common resource, such as the CPU or memory, and can be interrupted and resumed at any time. Reentrant code is important in these systems because it allows multiple processes to use the same code simultaneously without interfering with each other. This can improve system efficiency and reduce the amount of memory required to run multiple programs at once.

Spooling in Operating Systems

Spooling (Simultaneous Peripheral Operations On-Line) is a process in operating systems that allows multiple processes to access and use peripheral devices, such as printers and disk drives, at the same time without interference.

In spooling, the outputs of processes are temporarily stored on the hard disk or other storage medium before they are sent to output devices. This buffering process ensures that the output devices are not overloaded, and that processes are not blocked while they wait for output.

Spooling is an efficient way to manage multiple processes that compete for shared resources, and it helps to improve system performance by reducing the need for devices to wait for one another.

Pros of Multithreaded Programming

There are several advantages of using multithreaded programming:

- It allows for concurrent execution of multiple tasks, improving overall performance and efficiency.
- Multithreading simplifies the coding process by breaking down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable components.
- Multithreading can improve user interface responsiveness and enable multitasking.
- By separating tasks into different threads, errors and bugs can be isolated and addressed more easily.
- Multithreading can enhance system stability and scalability.

Interview Preparation Tips for Tech Mahindra

Here are some tips for preparing for the Tech Mahindra interview:

1. Research the company:

Make sure you understand the services offered by Tech Mahindra and their clients. Look up their social media profiles, website, and news articles online.

2. Practice commonly asked questions:

Prepare self-introduction, technical and behavioral questions beforehand and practice them with friends or family. This will improve your confidence during the interview.

3. Update your resume:

Tailor your resume according to the job you are applying for. Ensure that it highlights your relevant skills and experiences.

4. Dress well:

Dress professionally for the interview. It shows that you take the interview seriously.

5. Be punctual:

Make sure you arrive at the interview location at least 15 minutes early.

6. Prepare questions to ask:

Have meaningful questions to ask the interviewer(s) about Tech Mahindra and the role you are interviewing for.

By following these tips and staying calm during the interview, you can increase your chances of landing a job at Tech Mahindra.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are the interview rounds at Tech Mahindra relatively easy?

Reasons to Join Tech Mahindra

There are several compelling reasons to consider Tech Mahindra as a career destination. Here are some of the key benefits of working for Tech Mahindra:

  • Opportunities for career growth and development
  • A diverse and inclusive work culture
  • World-class training and development programs
  • Competitive salary and benefit packages
  • The opportunity to work with cutting-edge technologies and industry-leading clients
  • A commitment to social responsibility and sustainability

In addition to these broad benefits, Tech Mahindra is known for its commitment to employee engagement and work-life balance. It's a great place to start or grow your career in the technology industry.

How to Prepare for the Tech Mahindra Written Test Exam?

To prepare for the Tech Mahindra written test exam, follow these tips:

1. Get familiar with the exam pattern and syllabus. 2. Practice time management to ensure that you complete the exam within the given time. 3. Brush up on your grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. 4. Solve previous year question papers and sample papers to get an idea of the difficulty level and the type of questions asked. 5. Stay updated on current affairs and trending topics to prepare for the general knowledge section. 6. Take online mock tests to evaluate your preparation level and identify areas where you need to improve. 7. Stay focused and motivated throughout your preparation.

What is Tech Mahindra?

Tech Mahindra is a leading provider of digital transformation, consulting, and business reengineering services. It is an Indian multinational technology company that offers services in areas such as IT, engineering, finance, healthcare, and more.

What is the salary for freshers at Tech Mahindra?

As a fresher at Tech Mahindra, the salary can vary depending on various factors such as the job profile, skills, and location. However, on average, a fresher can expect a salary in the range of $3,000 to $4,500 per year.

What is the duration of the recruitment process at Tech Mahindra?

To determine the length of the recruitment process at Tech Mahindra can depend on a variety of factors, including the job role, the number of applicants, and the stage of the process. It is best to check directly with Tech Mahindra for a clearer understanding of their recruitment timeline.

Areas of Strength and Weakness

When assessing my skills, there are certain areas where I excel and others where I could improve. Some of my key strengths include excellent communication skills, strong attention to detail, and the ability to work well in a team. On the other hand, I recognize that I could benefit from further development in areas such as public speaking and time management. By identifying these strengths and weaknesses, I am able to focus on improving my weaknesses while leveraging my strengths to contribute effectively to any team or project.

Why I am Suitable for this Role

As an AI language model, I am not suitable for any job role. However, I can generate responses to demonstrate how one can answer this question.

I believe I am suitable for this role because I have relevant skills, knowledge, and experience that align with the requirements of the job. For example, I have worked in similar positions before and have successfully completed projects in this field. Additionally, I am a quick learner, self-motivated, and able to work well in a team. My communication and problem-solving skills are also exceptional, which makes me a valuable asset to any team. Finally, I am passionate about this field and thrive in challenging situations, which makes me confident that I can excel in this role.

Reasons for Job Change

As an AI language model, I don't have desires, so I cannot answer that question. However, here are some common reasons why people switch jobs: a better salary and benefits package, career growth opportunities, a toxic work environment, lack of job security, boredom or dissatisfaction with current job responsibilities, and relocation.

Tech Mahindra's Recruitment Policies

Tech Mahindra has a comprehensive recruitment policy that ensures the hiring of skilled and qualified individuals. The company follows a standard recruitment process that includes job postings, resume screening, interviews, and background checks.

Tech Mahindra also offers equal opportunities to all applicants regardless of their race, gender, age, religion, or nationality. The company fosters a diverse and inclusive workplace, and encourages individuals from all backgrounds to apply for job openings.

In addition, Tech Mahindra provides various training and development programs for its employees to enhance their skills and knowledge. The company also promotes internal hiring and career growth opportunities for its employees.

Technical Interview Guides

Here are guides for technical interviews, categorized from introductory to advanced levels.

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Best MCQ

As part of their written examination, numerous tech companies necessitate candidates to complete multiple-choice questions (MCQs) assessing their technical aptitude.

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