MCQs for Software Testing with Answers

Introduction to Software Engineering and Testing

Software Engineering refers to the systematic, disciplined, and cost-effective approach to developing software. It is an engineering approach to software development. Software testing is an essential part of the software development process and involves identifying and detecting defects in software. The primary objective of software testing is to release high-quality products to clients.

Testing in Software Engineering

Testing is required at various stages of software development. A unit is tested at the time of development and then after its integration with other units. It is essential to test the software thoroughly before handing it over to the client. Tests that directly work with the code are called white box testing, while those that do not require seeing the code are referred to as black-box testing. Gray box testing is a combination of both.

Types of Testing

Unit Testing involves testing a single unit of the software. The goal is to test an isolated unit that contains numerous units. Integration testing is performed separately on a few software units. The units are tested individually and once again, after being integrated. Regression testing is done when a new module is added to the software. The software is tested to ensure that it is working correctly with the new change. System testing focuses on the entire software. It is tested for compatibility on various operating systems. Stress testing involves pushing the software to its limits under as many unfavorable conditions as possible.

Software Testing MCQ


All of the options listed are non-functional requirements, making option D the correct answer.

// Function to calculate the sum of two numbers
function calculateSum(num1, num2) {
  return num1 + num2;

// Creating variables and passing them to calculateSum function
let firstNumber = 5;
let secondNumber = 10;
let sum = calculateSum(firstNumber, secondNumber);
console.log(`The sum of ${firstNumber} and ${secondNumber} is ${sum}.`);

The above code defines a function called calculateSum that takes in two numbers and returns their sum. This function is then called with two variables, firstNumber and secondNumber, which are added together and stored in a variable called sum. The console then logs a message that displays the two input numbers and their sum.

Choosing the Correct Measure for Correctness

In order to accurately measure the correctness of code, it is important to select the appropriate metric. There are various metrics available, but some of the most common ones include:

- Errors per KLOC - $ per KLOC - Defects per KLOC

Out of these, the most common measure for correctness is Defects per KLOC. This is because it provides an indication of the number of defects present in a codebase, relative to its size. It is a useful measure for comparing code quality between different projects or development teams.

When measuring correctness, it is important to consider the context of the code being developed. For example, code that is being developed for safety-critical systems may require more rigorous testing and quality control processes than code that is being developed for less critical applications.

Identifying Fault-Based Testing Technique using Mutations

In software engineering, testing techniques are used to detect faults in the software. Fault-based testing is one of those techniques. Fault-based testing technique is responsible for detecting faults in software by measuring the effectiveness of the test suite. The aim of fault-based testing is to locate as many faults as possible.

There are different types of fault-based testing techniques, including beta testing, unit testing, mutation testing, and stress testing. Among these techniques, mutation testing is a fault-based testing technique that involves identifying and testing mutations of the code. This technique changes a small piece of code to examine if the test cases caught the changes. If they do, it is found that the tests are effective.

Unit testing is another technique widely used by developers. Unit testing involves testing each unit of the code separately. It is a type of testing that focuses on the smallest unit of code that can be tested like a function or a method. It ensures that the tested code is functioning correctly.

Beta testing is a user acceptance testing technique where the product is tested in a live environment before release. It is a form of external testing to ensure the product meets the customer's needs.

Stress testing is carried out to identify the system's behavior when it is under high loads. Stress testing checks the system's stability, reliability, and responsiveness to ensure it can handle any amount of user data efficiently.

In conclusion, among the given techniques, mutation testing is the most effective technique to identify faults in software development.

Identifying the Term Not Related to Testing

Out of the given options: failure, error, test case, and test bot, the term that is not related to testing is test bot.

Test bot refers to a software robot or bot that is used for automating repetitive testing tasks, while failure, error, and test case are all directly related to the testing process.

Therefore, option D, test bot, is the correct answer.

 // No code required for this question

Incorrect Testing Techniques

In software testing, there are various testing techniques that may be used to ensure the quality of the software. Among these techniques, one may be incorrect or inappropriate based on the requirements of the software being tested. The following are the common testing techniques:

  • Unit Testing
  • Integration Testing
  • System Testing
  • Acceptance Testing

Out of these, the incorrect testing technique is:

  • B) Collaboration Testing

Collaboration testing is not a common testing technique. Unit testing is performed to test individual units of code. Integration testing is employed to ensure that individual units work together as expected and to identify issues or defects that arise from the combination of the units. System testing is used to test the whole system or application with all its components and features. Acceptance testing is carried out to determine whether or not the software meets the specified requirements and can be accepted or approved by the end-users or clients.

Types of Code Review

There are two main types of code review: code walkthrough and code inspection.

// Example of code inspection

function calculateSum(arr) {
  let sum = 0;
  for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
    sum += arr[i];
  return sum;

// Example of code walkthrough

function multiplyNumbers(a, b) {
  let result = a * b;

Code inspection is a formal process where the entire code is reviewed systematically. The focus is on finding defects and bugs in the code. On the other hand, in code walkthrough, the focus is on understanding the code and obtaining feedback on its functionality.

When can White-Box Testing be Started?

According to industry standards, White-Box Testing can be started after programming. It involves testing the internal structure and operations of a software application. Prior to White-Box Testing, Black-Box Testing is usually conducted to test the functionality of the software. White-box testing is an important phase in the software development lifecycle, and it helps ensure the correctness and efficiency of the application's code.

Who conducts unit testing?

Unit testing is typically carried out by developers.

// Example code of unit testing in Java
public class ExampleTest {
 // Test method to check if addition works correctly
 public void testAddition() {
  int result = Example.add(2, 3);
  assertEquals(5, result);

In the above example, the developer writes a test method to check if the addition operation works correctly. The test method calls the "add" method of the "Example" class with inputs of 2 and 3 and then checks if the result is 5 using the "assertEquals" method. If the test fails, the developer needs to debug and fix the code.

White-Box Testing Classification

White-box testing can be classified as structural testing. It is a testing approach that involves examining the internal code structure of an application to ensure that all coding practices and standards are followed. Other testing categories, such as design-based testing and error guessing techniques, are not related to white-box testing.

Understanding Testing Terminology

In software development, testing is a crucial process that ensures the quality of deliverables. Testing is defined as the process of evaluating a system or application to detect errors or failures. It involves executing the system or application with an intention to find unexpected behavior or defects.

Out of the given options, evaluating deliverables to find errors is the term that defines testing. Testing ensures that the final product meets the desired specifications and satisfies the user requirements.

// Example of unit testing in Python using unittest library
import unittest

class TestCalculator(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_addition(self):
        self.assertEqual(2 + 2, 4)
        self.assertEqual(0 + 0, 0)
        self.assertEqual(-1 + 1, 0)

    def test_subtraction(self):
        self.assertEqual(4 - 2, 2)
        self.assertEqual(0 - 0, 0)
        self.assertEqual(-1 - 1, -2)

if __name__ == '__main__':

The above code snippet shows an example of unit testing in Python using the built-in unittest library. Unit testing is a type of testing that focuses on testing individual units or components of a system or application.

Alpha Testing Environment

The environment in which alpha testing is performed is the developer’s end.

// Sample code for alpha testing
public class AlphaTester {
  // methods for testing
  public void testMethod1() {
    // code to test

  public void testMethod2() {
    // code to test
  // main method to run tests
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    AlphaTester tester = new AlphaTester();

Objective of Integration Testing

The main objective of Integration Testing is to identify and resolve interface errors.

// Example integration test in JavaScript using Jest
test('should return the sum of two numbers', () => {
  const num1 = 10;
  const num2 = 5;
  const result = sum(num1, num2); // assuming sum is a function that adds two numbers
  expect(result).toBe(15); // verifies if the output is as expected

When Should Regression Testing be Done?

The most appropriate time for conducting regression testing is when the software has been changed and when the environment has been changed. It is important to ensure that regression testing is done both times to ensure the continued accuracy of the software. Conducting regression testing frequently is also recommended to identify and fix possible issues as early as possible.

Understanding Cyclomatic Complexity

Cyclomatic complexity is a metric used in software development to measure the complexity of a piece of code. It indicates the number of independent paths that exist in a program's control flow graph. As a result, it helps developers identify the parts of their code that are difficult to test and maintain.

White box testing is related to the concept of cyclomatic complexity because it involves looking at the internal workings of a program and assessing its source code for readability, maintainability, and testability. Therefore, the correct answer to the given question is B) White box testing.

Rephrased and Edited Answer:

The SRS (Software Requirements Specification) document is commonly referred to as a black box specification.

What is not included in the SRS?

In software engineering, SRS stands for Software Requirements Specification. It is a document that clearly outlines the requirements for a software project. The options given are:

  • A) Functionality
  • B) Performance
  • C) External interfaces
  • D) Design solutions

The correct answer is D) Design solutions, as it is not included in the SRS. The SRS focuses on what the software should do rather than how it should be designed.


N/A (Explanation only)

Tests that cannot be performed on the first build of software

In the software development process, there are certain types of testing that cannot be performed on the first build of the software. These include:

  • Sanity testing
  • Regression testing
  • Retesting

The correct answer is D) None of the above tests can be performed on the first build of the software.

It's important to note that the first build of software is typically not a stable version and may contain a lot of bugs. As a result, it's not possible to perform certain types of testing until the software has undergone some amount of testing and bug fixes.

Identifying the Stage for Test Case Design

In software testing, test cases are designed during the stage of test specification.

Test specification encompasses the planning and development of test cases, test scripts, test matrices and test procedures.

During this stage, the testing team analyzes the requirements and designs test cases that align with the expected behavior of the software application.

The goal of test specification is to ensure that the application has been thoroughly tested to match the specifications and the customers' requirements.

Therefore, test specification is a crucial stage of software testing.

// Example code for designing a test case in test specification stage
public class TestSpecification {
  public void testCaseDesign() {
    // Analyze requirements
    // Design test cases
    // Develop test scripts, matrices and procedures
    // Align test cases with expected behavior of application
    // Verify compliance with customer requirements

Not a Type of Incremental Testing Approach

To identify which is not a type of incremental testing approach, we need to check each option one by one:

  • Big-bang - This is not a type of incremental testing approach. Correct answer.
  • Top-down - This is a type of incremental testing approach in which the higher level modules are tested first.
  • Bottom-up - This is a type of incremental testing approach in which lower-level modules are tested first.
  • Functional incrimination - This is not a correct term and does not define any type of incremental testing approach.

Therefore, the correct answer is A) Big-bang is not a type of incremental testing approach.

Incorrect Phase in the STLC

The correct sequence of phases in the Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) is: 1. Requirement Analysis 2. Test Planning 3. Coding 4. Test Execution 5. Test Closure

Therefore, the incorrect phase in STLC is option B, which is "Coding". The coding phase is a part of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) but not included in STLC. Testing starts after the coding phase is completed, where the code is tested for any bugs, defects, or issues.

Agile Development Testing

Agile development testing is not considered a separate phase. The correct option is True.


Correct Defect Rate for Six Sigma

The correct defect rate for Six Sigma is 3.4 defects per million opportunities (DPMO) which is equivalent to 3.4 million defects per million lines of code.

It's important to note that Six Sigma sets a high standard for defect rate and aims to minimize defects as much as possible, but it may not always be feasible or practical to achieve a perfect defect rate in every scenario.

Classification of White Box Testing Techniques

White box testing techniques can be classified into structural testing.

// Example of structural testing
public class Calculator {
   // Method to add two integers
   public static int add(int number1, int number2) {
      return number1 + number2;
   // Method to subtract two integers
   public static int subtract(int number1, int number2) {
      return number1 - number2;

In the above code, structural testing technique can be used to test the individual methods of the calculator class.

Classification of Boundary Value Analysis

The classification of Boundary Value Analysis is under White box testing.

//Example code for applying boundary value analysis in white box testing

public void testCalculation() {
  double result = Calculator.add(100, 0.1);
  assertEquals(100.1, result, 0.0001);
  double result2 = Calculator.add(-100, -0.1);
  assertEquals(-100.1, result2, 0.0001);
  double result3 = Calculator.subtract(100, 0.1);
  //Tests for boundary values
  assertEquals(99.9, result3, 0.0001);
  double result4 = Calculator.subtract(-100, -0.1);
  assertEquals(-99.9, result4, 0.0001);

Identifying Components of Software

In software development, the term "software" refers to a collection of programs, data, and documentation that work together to perform a particular task. The correct answer among the given options is:

Program + documentation operating procedures

Therefore, software consists of programs that are designed to perform a specific function and supporting documentation that provides instructions on how to use it.

What is the full form of SPICE?

SPICE stands for Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination.

// No code required for this question.

Measuring the Size of Software

There are several methods to measure the size of software. Here, we are discussing some of the popular methods:

  • KLOC (Kilo Lines of Code)
  • Function Points
  • None of the Above

The correct answer is (A) Size of the module is not used in measuring the size of the software.

// Example of measuring software size using KLOC method
int countLinesOfCode(char file[]) {
  FILE *fp = fopen(file, "r"); // open file for reading
  int count = 0;
  char c;
  while ((c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF) { // loop through each character in file
    if (c == '\n') { // count how many times '\n' character is found
  fclose(fp); // close file
  return count; // return the number of lines of code

int main() {
  int kloc = countLinesOfCode("example.c") / 1000; // calculate KLOC by dividing lines of code by 1000
  printf("Size of software = %d KLOC", kloc); // print the size of software
  return 0;

Correcting and Improving a Language Quiz

Question 28: Choose whether the following statement is true or false:

The standard enforcer tool looks at the whole program.

A) True

B) False

Answer: B) False. The standard enforcer tool looks at single statements.

// No code provided for this question

Presence of Lower and Upper Limits in a Chart

The chart that includes lower and upper limits is the Control chart. This chart is widely used in statistical process control to monitor the variations in a process. It provides a graphical representation of the process variables along with upper and lower control limits.

On the other hand, the Run chart shows the behavior of variables over time for a particular system. It is a simple line chart without any control limits. The Bar chart is used to compare different categories or groups, and it does not have any control limits.

To summarize, if you want to monitor the variations in a process and want to know if it is in control or out of control, you should use a Control chart that displays both the upper and lower limits.

Is Exhaustive Testing Possible?

Exhaustive testing, which involves testing all possible combinations of inputs and scenarios, is impractical to achieve. Even automated testing cannot cover all scenarios due to time, resource, and cost constraints. Therefore, while it is possible to conduct exhaustive testing in theory, it is not practical in most real-world situations. The most practical approach is to prioritize testing based on the most relevant and critical scenarios.

Most Reputed Testing Standard

The most reputed testing standard is ISO.

Out of the given options, Microsoft is a company and not a testing standard, M Bridge Awards is an award program and not a testing standard, and QAI is an organization that provides training and certifications related to software quality assurance but is not a testing standard in itself.

ISO on the other hand, is a globally recognized organization that sets standards for numerous industries including software testing. Adhering to ISO standards ensures that the testing process is conducted in a standardized and efficient manner, leading to high-quality and reliable software products.

What is the full form of ITG?

The full form of ITG is Independent Test Group.

Option A is correct.

// No code to optimize as this question doesn't require any code to execute.

Methodology for Maintenance Testing

In maintenance testing, the Breadth test and Depth test methodology is commonly used.

The Breadth test involves examining all areas of the software that have been changed or modified. This helps ensure that the changes did not affect any other areas of the software that were not intended to be changed.

The Depth test involves testing the modified or changed parts of the software in detail. This helps ensure that the changes made to the software are working as intended and do not introduce any new bugs or issues.

Defining Functional Testing

In software testing, functional testing is a type of testing in which the functionalities of the software application under test are validated, and it is done by providing input values to the program and verifying the output. The primary focus is on testing the system's functionalities and making sure that they meet the requirements.

In other words, functional testing is used to ensure that the software system meets the specified functional requirements defined in the business requirements document.

Functional testing is also known as component testing because it tests individual software components and ensures their compliance with functional requirements.

Incorrect White Box Techniques

There are several white box testing techniques that can be used to ensure comprehensive test coverage of the codebase. However, the technique mentioned in option B is not a white box technique. The correct answer is:

  • Statement testing
  • State transition testing (Incorrect)
  • Path testing
  • Data flow testing

White box testing techniques are those that require knowledge of the internal workings of the software being tested. These techniques are also known as structural or glass box testing. The goal of white box testing is to identify code-level defects, such as logic errors and coding mistakes.

State transition testing, on the other hand, is a black box testing technique that is used to test the behavior of a system in response to different input conditions. This technique is particularly useful for testing systems that have complex input-output relationships.

Note: It is important to have a clear understanding of different testing techniques and their appropriate application to ensure effective testing of a system under development.

Stage for User Acceptance Testing

In software development, user acceptance testing is conducted to ensure that the software meets the user's requirements and works as expected. This testing is typically done during the manual testing stage.

// example code for manual testing stage

// Define test cases for the software

List<String> testCases = Arrays.asList("Test case 1", "Test case 2", "Test case 3");

// Execute test cases and verify results

for (String testCase : testCases) { 




In contrast, automatic testing is done using specialized testing tools to ensure that software meets the specified requirements.

Therefore, the correct answer is option A - User acceptance testing is done at the manual stage.

Incorrect Black Box Technique

The correct answer is B) LCSAJ is not a black box technique.

Black box techniques are used to test the functionality of a system without the knowledge of its internal structure or implementation. The incorrectly identified technique, LCSAJ, is a white box technique which requires knowledge of the code structure.

Defining Software

Software refers to a collection of programming code, documentation and associated libraries. It is responsible for enabling computers or electronic devices to perform specific tasks, such as word processing, browsing the internet or playing games.

The correct option that states the correct definition of software is D) All of the above.

//sample code demonstrating the use of software

//importing necessary libraries

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

//creating a dataframe using pandas

data = {'name':['John', 'Jane', 'Bob', 'Sam'], 'age':[25, 30, 28, 35]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

//sorting data by age using numpy

df = np.sort(df, axis=0, order='age')

FAST Methodology

The acronym FAST stands for Facilitated Application Specification Technique. It is a methodology used to streamline the process of defining business requirements for software development projects.

The correct answer to the given question is A) FAST stands for Facilitated Application Specification Technique.

Decomposition is a.k.a. Divide and Conquer Principle

In computer science, decomposition is a common strategy that involves breaking down a problem into smaller sub-problems that are easier to solve. This method is also known as the "divide and conquer" principle. It simplifies solving large problems by dividing them into smaller and simpler problems.

Out of the given options, the answer to which principle popularly known as Decomposition is Divide and Conquer principle (D). The other principles mentioned, i.e., Group and merge principle, Binary search principle, and Quicksort principle, are all specific algorithms that implement the Divide and Conquer principle.

Therefore, the correct answer is D) Divide and Conquer principle.

Understanding RUP and PSP

In software engineering, RUP and PSP are commonly used acronyms. RUP stands for Rational Unified Process, while PSP stands for Personal Software Process.

Rational Unified Process (RUP) is a structured software development methodology that emphasizes iterative development, continuous verification and validation of software requirements, and the use of architecture-centric design.

Personal Software Process (PSP) is a process that is used by individual software engineers to improve their productivity and quality of work. It involves measuring and analyzing one's own performance to identify areas for improvement.

Thus, the correct answer is option A) RUP stands for Rational Unified Process and PSP stands for Personal software process.

# Constant variable for Rational Unified Process
RUP = "Rational Unified Process"

# Constant variable for Personal Software Process
PSP = "Personal Software Process"

# The variables can be used throughout the code 
# to refer to the processes and improve the code's readability 


The COCOMO model is a software cost estimation model. It was developed by Barry Boehm in 1981. COCOMO stands for Constructive Cost Estimation Model. This model is used to estimate the cost and effort required for software development based on the size of the project.

Understanding the CCMI Model

The CCMI model is an acronym for "Capability Maturity Model Integration" and refers to a framework that outlines the necessary steps to improve an organization’s software development process. It is a comprehensive model that covers everything from the initial requirements gathering phase through final delivery and maintenance. The model helps organizations to assess and refine their software development practices to ensure optimal quality and productivity.

Definition of Testing

Testing is the process of evaluating a software product's functionality against the specified requirements to identify any errors or gaps in deliverables.


The cyclomatic complexity of a program is a measure of the number of linearly-independent paths through a program's source code. A higher cyclomatic complexity indicates that the program has more paths that can be executed, which makes it more difficult to test the program thoroughly.

Therefore, option B) is the correct answer; a program with high cyclomatic complexity is more difficult to test.

Testing Tool that does not support Database Testing

The answer is option D - none of the above. This is because all of the options listed (finding broken code, a stage of all projects, and evaluating deliverables to find errors) are not specific testing tools.

However, to answer the question of which testing tool does not support Database Testing - it is not clear from the given options. More context is needed to properly answer this question.

Identifying the Life Cycle with Test Case Design, Test Execution, Defect Tracking, and Maintenance

In software development, there are various life cycles that define the stages of the software development process from conception to delivery and maintenance. In this context, the phases of test case design, test execution, defect tracking, and maintenance are part of the Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC). The primary objective of the STLC is to ensure that the software product is of high quality and meets all customer requirements.

Therefore, the correct answer to this question is option B - STLC. Options A and C refer to the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Software Quality Life Cycle (SQLC), respectively, but these life cycles do not include the specific phases mentioned in the question. Option D - Business Life Cycle (BLC) is not relevant to software development or testing.


No code to show for this question as it is only discussing software development life cycles.

Order of Performing Automated and Manual Testing

Manual testing should be performed before automated testing. This is because automated tests are created based on the manual test cases, and testers need to thoroughly understand the system and the expected results before automating any tests. Automated testing can then be used to quickly re-run the tests and catch any regressions or changes in the code.

// Example code of automated test using Selenium WebDriver in Java

// Launch browser and navigate to website

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();


// Find search input and enter text

WebElement searchInput = driver.findElement("q"));

searchInput.sendKeys("example search");

// Click search button

WebElement searchButton = driver.findElement("btnK"));;

// Verify search results

WebElement resultStats = driver.findElement("result-stats"));


Understanding Bug Prioritization

In software development, it is common to encounter bugs or issues in the code. It is essential to prioritize the bugs that need to be fixed first, which is referred to as bug prioritization.

The correct answer is D) Priority.

Priority helps developers identify which bugs need to be addressed first, based on factors such as impact on the software's functionality, severity, and frequency of occurrence. This system ensures that critical bugs are resolved first, minimizing the risk of damage and maximizing the performance of the application.


// Sample code for setting priority of bugs

if (bugSeverity == "Critical" && bugImpact == "High") {
   bugPriority = "High";
} else if (bugSeverity == "High" && bugImpact == "High") {
   bugPriority = "Medium";
} else {
   bugPriority = "Low";

The code sets bug priority based on severity and impact on the software. Critical bugs with high impact will be assigned a high priority, while less severe bugs with low impact are given low priority.

Black Box Testing

Black box testing is also referred to as behavioral testing.


White Box Testing

White box testing is an approach to software testing where the tester has access to the internal structure and workings of the system being tested. This level of testing is also known as glass box testing due to the tester being able to see through the outer shell of the software and into its inner workings.

The other types of testing mentioned in the question are:

  • Behavioral testing - This type of testing focuses on the external functionality of the software and tests how well it meets the requirements and specifications.
  • Structural testing - This type of testing looks at the structure of the software at a higher level, and tests how different parts of the software work together.

It's important to note that a combination of these testing methods should be used to thoroughly test software and ensure it is functioning correctly.

// Example of white box testing
function addNumbers(num1, num2) {
  // Check if both inputs are valid numbers
  if (typeof num1 !== 'number' || typeof num2 !== 'number') {
    return 'Please enter valid numbers';
  // Add the two numbers together and return the result
  const result = num1 + num2;
  return result;

// White box test
console.log(addNumbers(2, 5)); // Expected output: 7

Understanding System Testing in Software Engineering

In software engineering, system testing is a type of testing carried out on a complete and integrated system to evaluate its compliance with the specified requirements. It is a level of testing that examines the behavior and performance of a software product as a whole. It is performed on the entire system, not on individual components.

When it comes to system testing, generally, we use black box testing techniques. As the name suggests, black box testing refers to testing the functionalities of the system, without knowing any internal details, such as how the system processes the inputs, how it maintains data, etc. In black box testing, only the input and output data are considered.

Therefore, among the given options:

C) Black box testing is the correct answer for the question "what type of testing is system testing?"

Clarifying Misconceptions About Unit Testing

Unit testing is a critical process of software development, where the development team tests individual units of source code to ensure they are fit for use. Contrary to what some people may believe, unit testing does not slow down the pace of development. In fact, unit testing can speed up the development process by identifying errors and bugs earlier in the development lifecycle.

Unit testing is typically conducted by the development team and not by specialized testers. While unit testing may not catch every single error in a program, it can catch many of them and ensure that the code is working correctly. Therefore, unit testing is an essential part of ensuring the overall quality of software and should not be overlooked.

Understanding Software Development Terminology

In software development, there are various terms that one must know, each with its meaning and significance. A commonly used term in software development is a defect. A defect is a variance from software product specifications, which means that the delivered product does not comply with the requirements stated in the software specifications.

// Example of code related to a defect int a = 5; int b = 0; int c = a/b; // This will result in a runtime error due to division by zero, which is a defect in the code.

Defects can cause software products to malfunction, leading to financial losses, damage to a company’s reputation, and even loss of life in some cases. To prevent defects, it is essential to perform rigorous testing, quality control, and code review before releasing new software products to the public.

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