Top PayTM Interview Questions and Recruitment Process for 2023 - IQCode

About Paytm Interview Question

Paytm is a technology-based multinational corporation headquartered in Noida, India, which focuses on digital payment systems, e-commerce, and financial services. Paytm offers various online services like mobile recharge, utility bill payments, travel booking, movie and event booking, and provides in-store payments using the PAYTM QR code. Paytm's QR code payment system is widely accepted by over two crore retailers in India.

Most of Paytm's products require exceptional software engineers who are skilled in software technologies. So, Paytm is an excellent opportunity for software engineers. Paytm software engineers face fascinating challenges, and the company is looking for brilliant minds to solve these problems at scale. Paytm's fast-paced environment helps in developing talent, and engineers at Paytm get a lot of exposure in creating valuable products. Paytm pays its software engineers much higher than most other software companies, and the benefits provided to Paytm employees are a significant reason for the company culture's enjoyment.

If you're preparing for the Paytm interview process, then this article will help you by outlining Paytm's numerous interview questions (both for freshers and experienced professionals) and interview rounds. Here are the details of Paytm's recruitment process.



Question 1:

What is the full form of DHCP? Can you explain some of its advantages and disadvantages?

DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. It is a network protocol that enables client computers to automatically obtain an IP address and other related network configuration parameters such as subnet mask, default gateway, and DNS from a DHCP server.

Advantages of DHCP: - Simplifies network administration and IP address management - Efficient allocation of IP addresses - Reduced configuration errors - Centralized management - Scalability

Disadvantages of DHCP: - Single point of failure - Security concerns due to rogue DHCP servers - Limited control over specific IP allocations - Difficulty in troubleshooting connectivity issues

Understanding Schedulers in Operating Systems: Types and Functions

In an operating system, a scheduler plays an essential role in managing processes and allocating resources. It is responsible for selecting processes to be executed by the CPU. There are various types of schedulers in operating systems, and each has a distinct function.

1. Long-Term Scheduler: Also known as the job scheduler, it selects processes from the job pool and loads them into the memory for execution.

2. Short-Term Scheduler: Also known as the CPU scheduler, it selects processes from the ready queue and allocates CPU to them.

3. Medium-Term Scheduler: It removes processes from the memory and places them back into the job queue. This is done to minimize the degree of multiprogramming and avoid the long waiting times of CPU-bound processes.

In a computer system, processes are managed through a queue. Each process has certain attributes that help evaluatetheir priorities in the queue. These attributes include burst time, arrival time, and deadline. Here's a code snippet demonstrating the Priority-based scheduling algorithm that uses process priorities to manage the queue:

// Priority-based scheduling algorithm
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  // Find the highest priority process in the queue
  highest_priority_index = find_highest_priority(process_queue, n);
  // Run the process with the highest priority
  // Remove the executed process from the queue
  remove_process(process_queue, highest_priority_index);

Schedulers are an important component of an operating system, and their performance greatly affects the overall system efficiency. By understanding different types of schedulers and their functions, we can optimize process management in an operating system.

What is your understanding of web applications?

A web application is a software application that is accessible via a web browser and runs on a web server. It allows users to interact with the application and its data through a graphical user interface provided by the web browser. Web applications can range from simple static pages to complex dynamic applications, such as social networking sites or online stores. They can be built using various programming languages and frameworks, including HTML/CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, and many more. Web applications have become an integral part of our daily lives, and they are used for a wide range of purposes, such as communication, entertainment, education, and business.

Understanding the Bug Life Cycle

In software testing, the bug life cycle refers to the various stages of a bug from the time it's detected until it's fixed and the software is released. The bug life cycle typically involves the following stages:

1. New: The bug is identified and reported. 2. Open: The bug is acknowledged and assigned to a developer for further investigation. 3. In Progress: The developer is actively working on the bug and trying to fix it. 4. Fixed: The bug is fixed by the developer and ready for testing. 5. Regression: The bug is tested to ensure that the fix didn't introduce any new issues. 6. Closed: The bug is verified, the fix is confirmed, and the bug is closed.

Understanding the bug life cycle is crucial for software testing professionals as it helps them track the progress of a bug and ensure that it's properly fixed before the final release of the software.

Understanding Socket Programming: Benefits and Limitations of Sockets in Java

Socket programming involves communication between a client and a server over a network. In Java, sockets can be used to establish network connections between applications.

Benefits of Sockets in Java:

  • Easy to implement and use for client-server networking
  • Allow communication between multiple processes or threads
  • Platform-independent, as Java allows sockets to work on different operating systems
  • Efficient transmission of data over a network using sockets
  • Flexible and versatile, enabling the development of various types of network applications

Drawbacks or Limitations of Sockets in Java:

  • Requires strong knowledge of network programming and underlying protocols
  • Not suitable for building distributed systems with high scalability needs
  • Data security can be an issue, necessitating additional security measures
  • Performance can be affected by network latency and packet loss

In conclusion, sockets in Java provide a convenient and efficient way to establish network connections between applications. However, while offering benefits, they also have some limitations that developers need to consider when building network applications.

Explanation of the Layers in the OSI Model in the Context of Computer Networking

The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model is a framework for computer networking that consists of seven layers. Each layer of the model helps to handle a particular aspect of the communication process between two or more network-connected devices. The layers are as follows:

1. Physical Layer: This is the first layer that involves transmission of data from one device to another through the use of physical components such as cables, connectors, and repeaters.

2. Data Link Layer: This layer is responsible for establishing communication between two network devices and ensuring that data is transmitted with minimal errors. It uses protocols such as Ethernet and Wi-Fi to perform this function.

3. Network Layer: The network layer handles routing of data packets over the network. It is responsible for identifying the most efficient path for data transmission and forwarding the packets to their destination.

4. Transport Layer: This layer provides end-to-end communication between two network hosts. It ensures that data is transmitted in a reliable and orderly manner, and also detects and recovers from error occurrences.

5. Session Layer: This layer establishes, manages, and terminates communication sessions between devices. It also maintains synchronization between the sending and receiving devices.

6. Presentation Layer: This layer transforms data received from the application layer into a format that can be easily interpreted by the receiving device.

7. Application Layer: The application layer is the interface between the user and the network. It offers services for applications to transmit and receive data over the network and assists users with communication tasks such as email, file transfer, and remote access.

Understanding the OSI model is essential for network engineers and administrators as it helps them in troubleshooting and maintaining networks.

Defining Macros in C/C++


#include <stdio.h>

// Definition of a macro named SQUARE
#define SQUARE(x) (x*x)

int main() {

  int num = 5;
  // Using the SQUARE macro
  int square_num = SQUARE(num);

  printf("The square of %d is %d\n", num, square_num);
  return 0;

In C/C++, macros are defined using the #define preprocessor directive. Macros are used to substitute a particular piece of code with another piece of code, at compile-time.

In the example above, the macro SQUARE has been defined to calculate the square of a given number. The SQUARE macro takes an argument "x" and returns "x*x".

Inside the main method, the SQUARE macro is used to calculate the square of a variable "num". The result is then printed using the printf function.

Concept of Virtual Memory

In computing, virtual memory is a technique that allows a computer to use more memory than it physically has available. It is a memory management system that uses hard disk space to simulate RAM. The operating system allocates a portion of the hard disk to be used as virtual memory when it needs more physical memory than is available. This allows multiple programs to run simultaneously on the computer, even if the programs require more memory than the system has. The computer swaps data in and out of virtual memory as needed, which gives the illusion of using more memory than the computer actually has. This technique greatly enhances the performance and efficiency of the computer system.

Overview of the Unix Kernel

The Unix kernel is the core component of the operating system. It provides low-level services such as hardware management, memory management, process management, and file system management. The Unix kernel consists of two main parts: the system call interface and the process scheduler.

System Call Interface

The system call interface is the entry point for user programs to access the kernel services. System calls are functions provided by the kernel that allow user programs to request services such as creating a new process, reading or writing to a file, or allocating memory. The system call interface is standardized across Unix-like operating systems, making it easy for software developers to write portable code.

Process Scheduler

The process scheduler is responsible for managing the execution of user processes on the system. It decides which process should run next, based on a set of scheduling policies. The most common scheduling policy is round-robin, where each process is given a fixed amount of time to run before being preempted and replaced by another process. The scheduler also provides mechanisms for synchronization and communication between processes, such as semaphores and pipes.

Other Kernel Components

In addition to the system call interface and process scheduler, the Unix kernel also includes other important components such as device drivers, which provide low-level access to hardware devices, and the virtual file system, which abstracts the details of different file systems into a common interface. The kernel also implements security mechanisms, such as file permissions and access control lists, to ensure that processes can only access resources that they have permission to use.


The Unix kernel is a complex and sophisticated piece of software that provides the fundamental services required for an operating system. Its modular design and well-defined interfaces make it easy to extend and maintain, and its robustness and reliability have made Unix a popular choice for mission-critical systems. Understanding the basics of the Unix kernel is essential for anyone who wants to work with Unix-like operating systems at a low level.

C Storage Classes

In C, storage classes are used to define the scope, visibility, and lifetime of variables.

There are four storage classes available in C:

1. Automatic: It is the default storage class for all function variables. Memory for automatic variables is allocated at runtime and is destroyed when the function call is completed.

2. Register: This storage class is used to define variables that require quick access. These variables are usually stored in machine registers.

3. Static: All variables declared as static have a lifetime throughout the program's execution. Memory for static variables is allocated only once and persists for the rest of the program's runtime.

4. Extern: This storage class is used to provide a reference to a global variable from a different file. The actual variable definition is located in a different file.

Definition of Marshalling

Marshalling is the process of transforming the memory representation of an object or data structure into a format that can be transmitted over a network or stored for later use. This involves converting complex data types and structures into a standardized format that can be easily understood and manipulated by different programming languages and systems. Marshalling is commonly used in distributed systems, where data needs to be sent between different nodes or processes, and can help to ensure that data is transferred accurately and efficiently.

Understanding System Calls in Operating Systems

System calls are a fundamental part of an operating system. They are interfaces that allow user-level processes to request services from the operating system kernel. These services may include accessing hardware devices, creating new processes, and managing memory among other things.

When a user-level program needs to perform a task that requires special privileges or interactions with hardware, it must issue a system call. The process of issuing a system call involves setting up appropriate arguments and invoking a specific function in the operating system kernel. The kernel then executes the function and returns the result to the user-level program.

Some examples of system calls include opening and closing files, reading and writing from files, creating and managing processes, and network communication. Each operating system has its own set of system calls that are used by programs to interact with the kernel.

System calls are an essential concept to understand when working with operating systems. They provide a way for user-level programs to access the functionality of the kernel, which is necessary for performing tasks that require elevated privileges or direct access to hardware resources.

Explanation of Callback Functions in JavaScript

In JavaScript, a callback function is a function that is passed as an argument to another function and is executed when the parent function is called. The parent function will “call back” the passed function when it is done with its task.

Callback functions can be synchronous or asynchronous; it means they can be executed immediately or at a later time based on the action performed.

Here is an example of a callback function:

function greet(name, callbackFunction) {
  console.log('Hello ' + name);

function sayGoodbye() {

greet('John', sayGoodbye);

This code defines two functions, “greet” and “sayGoodBye.” The “greet” function takes two parameters, “name” and “callbackFunction.” When the “greet” function is executed, it logs “Hello” along with the value of the “name” parameter. Then, it calls the “callbackFunction.”

The second function, “sayGoodbye,” is passed to “greet” as the callback function. Therefore, when “greet” is called with “John” as the name argument, it first logs “Hello John” and then calls the “sayGoodbye” function, which logs “Goodbye!” to the console.

Using callback functions can make your code more flexible, modular, and reusable. They are commonly used for handling events, asynchronous programming, and other scenarios where you want to execute a function after the completion of another function.

Understanding Functional Programming in JavaScript

Functional programming is a programming paradigm that focuses on building software by defining functions and their inputs and outputs without modifying the state of variables. In JavaScript, functional programming involves using higher-order functions, closures, and pure functions to create reusable and modular code.

Higher-order functions are functions that take other functions as arguments or return functions. Closures are functions that have access to variables in the outer scope even after they have been returned. Pure functions are functions that always return the same output given the same input, without modifying any external state.

Adopting functional programming in JavaScript can lead to more concise and predictable code that is easier to test and maintain. It can also improve code readability and reduce the likelihood of bugs caused by unexpected side effects.

Understanding Namespaces in Python

In Python, a namespace is a system that ensures that names (such as function names, variable names, etc.) are unique and can be correctly mapped to their corresponding objects. Namespaces prevent naming conflicts and make it easier to organize and manage code.

Python has three main types of namespaces: - The built-in namespace: which contains all the built-in functions and types in Python. - The global namespace: which contains names defined at the top level of a module or declared global within a function. - The local namespace: which contains names defined within a function.

When Python interpreter encounters a name, it looks for it first in the local namespace, then in the global namespace and finally in the built-in namespace. If the name is not found in any of the namespaces, a NameError is raised.

To create a namespace in Python, you can use a module, class or function. These constructs allow you to group related code and names together in a single namespace, making it easier to manage and organize your code.

Overall, understanding namespaces is an important concept in Python programming as it helps to avoid naming conflicts, improve code organization and make code more readable and understandable.

Singleton Design Pattern

The Singleton design pattern is a creational design pattern that ensures a class has only one instance and provides a global access point to that instance. This means that if we create an object of a class using the Singleton pattern, we can only create one instance of that class throughout our program. The Singleton pattern is beneficial when only one instance of a class should exist, and that instance should be accessible globally. It can be implemented in Java using a private constructor, a static method, and a static variable to hold the single instance of the class.

Distinguishing Local and Global Variables in Programming

In programming, local variables are declared within a block of code, such as within a function, and are only accessible within that block. On the other hand, global variables are declared outside of any function and can be accessed by any part of the program.

To differentiate between local and global variables, consider where the variable is declared and where it can be accessed within the program. It's good practice to limit the use of global variables as they can lead to naming conflicts and make debugging more difficult.

Features of Hadoop

Hadoop is a widely used framework for distributed storage and processing of large datasets. Some of its key features include:

- Distributed Computing: Hadoop distributes data and processing across clusters of commodity hardware for faster processing.
- Scalability: Hadoop can handle large datasets and is highly scalable due to its distributed nature.
- Fault Tolerance: Hadoop has built-in fault tolerance to ensure the system operates continuously even when nodes fail.
- Flexibility: Hadoop can handle various types of data, including structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data.
- Cost-Effective: Hadoop utilizes low-cost commodity hardware, making it a cost-effective solution for organizations managing large datasets.
- Community Support: Hadoop is an open-source project with a large community of developers contributing to its development and support.

C++ function to display all the nodes in a circular linked list:

void displayCircularLinkedList(Node* head) {
  Node* current = head;
  // Check if list is empty
  if(head == NULL) {
    cout << "List is empty";

  // Traverse the list and display each node's data
  do {
    cout << current->data << " ";
    current = current->next;
  } while(current != head); // stop when we reach the head node again

This function takes the head node of a circular linked list as input and then traverses the list, starting from the head. It prints the data of each node until it reaches the head node again.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Using a Star Topology in Computer Networks

A star topology is a type of network topology where all the devices in the network are connected to a central hub or switch. This type of topology has both benefits and drawbacks.


1. Easy to set up and maintain: The star topology is easy to set up and maintain because each device in the network only needs to be connected to the central hub or switch.

2. Fault detection and isolation: The central hub or switch in the star topology allows for easy fault detection and isolation, which means if one device fails, it does not affect the rest of the network.

3. High performance: The star topology can provide high performance because each device is connected to the central hub or switch through a separate cable.


1. Single point of failure: Since all devices in the network are connected to a central hub or switch, it becomes a single point of failure. If the hub or switch fails, the entire network goes down.

2. Limited scalability: The star topology has limited scalability because it relies on the capacity of the central hub or switch.

3. Cost: The star topology can be costly to implement because each device needs to be connected to the central hub or switch through a separate cable.

Overall, the star topology is a simple and effective way to connect devices in a network, but it has limitations that need to be considered before implementation.

PAYTM Interview Preparation

Here are some tips to help you prepare for your PAYTM interview:

  • Research the company and its products/services
  • Prepare for common interview questions
  • Review your resume and be prepared to discuss your experience and skills
  • Dress appropriately for the interview
  • Arrive on time and be courteous to everyone you meet, including receptionists and other staff members
  • Be confident, but also humble and open to learning
  • Ask questions about the position and the company culture
  • Follow up after the interview with a thank-you email or note to the interviewer

// Sample code for preparing for an interview at PAYTM // by researching the company and reviewing job requirements

const companyName = "PAYTM"; const jobTitle = "Software Engineer"; const jobRequirements = { education: "Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or related field", experience: "2+ years of experience in software development", skills: ["Java", "Python", "AngularJS", "React"], responsibilities: "Design, develop, and maintain software applications", };

console.log(`Preparing for interview at ${companyName}`); console.log(`Job Title: ${jobTitle}`); console.log("Job Requirements: "); console.log(jobRequirements);

Palindrome String Swapping

Problem solved using the Two-Pointers Approach

def get_min_swaps_to_palindrome(string:str) -> int:
    # initialization
    left_pointer = 0 
    right_pointer = len(string) - 1 
    swaps = 0 
    # loop until pointers meet
    while left_pointer < right_pointer: 
        # condition when we don't need to swap 
        if string[left_pointer] == string[right_pointer]: 
            left_pointer += 1 
            right_pointer -= 1 
        # left character is greater 
        if string[left_pointer] > string[right_pointer]: 
            # move right pointer leftwards until we find a character that is greater or equal to left character
            for i in range(right_pointer - 1, left_pointer - 1, -1):
                if string[i] >= string[left_pointer]:
            # if we didn't find bigger char than left char
            if i == left_pointer - 1:
                return -1 
            # move this character to the right side with adjacent swaps
            while i < right_pointer: 
                string = list(string) 
                string[i], string[i + 1] = string[i + 1], string[i] 
                string = ''.join(string) 
                swaps += 1 
                i += 1 
        # right character is greater 
            # move left pointer rightwards until we find a character that is smaller or equal to right character
            for i in range(left_pointer + 1, right_pointer + 1): 
                if string[i] <= string[right_pointer]:
            # if we didn't find smaller char than right char 
            if i == right_pointer + 1: 
                return -1 
            # move this character to the left side with adjacent swaps
            while i > left_pointer: 
                string = list(string) 
                string[i], string[i - 1] = string[i - 1], string[i] 
                string = ''.join(string) 
                swaps += 1 
                i -= 1 
            # move pointers towards each other 
        left_pointer += 1 
        right_pointer -= 1 

    # return the minimum number of swaps required to make the string palindromic 
    return swaps 

Sum of an Array

This program solves the problem of finding the sum of an array.

def array_sum(arr):
    This function takes an array of integers as parameter
    and returns the sum of all the elements in the array.
    total_sum = 0
    for num in arr:
        total_sum += num
    return total_sum

In the above code, we have defined a function named 'array_sum' which calculates the sum of all the elements present in the array. We have initialized a variable 'total_sum' to 0 and used a for loop to iterate through each element of the array and add it to the total sum. Finally, we return the total sum.

Mother Vertex: Solving Graph Data Structure & Algorithms Problem

This program deals with finding the mother vertex of a given graph by implementing graph data structure and algorithms. The term "mother vertex" refers to a vertex in the graph from which every other vertex can be reached by traversing the graph.


// function to find the mother vertex of a graph
int findMotherVertex(vector<int> graph[], int vertices) {
    stack<int> s;
    vector<bool> visited(vertices, false);

    // push every vertex of graph onto stack
    for (int i = 0; i < vertices; i++) {
        if (!visited[i]) {
            visited[i] = true;

            // DFS traversal of graph
            while (!s.empty()) {
                int v =;

                // visit adjacent vertices
                for (auto adj : graph[v]) {
                    if (!visited[adj]) {
                        visited[adj] = true;

    // check if last visited vertex is a mother vertex
    int mv = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < vertices; i++) {
        if (visited[i]) {
            mv = i;
    visited.assign(vertices, false);

    // DFS traversal from last visited vertex to check if it's a mother vertex
    while (!s.empty()) {
        int v =;

        for (auto adj : graph[v]) {
            if (!visited[adj]) {
                visited[adj] = true;

    for (int i = 0; i < vertices; i++) {
        if (!visited[i]) {
            return -1;

    return mv;

// sample usage
int main() {
    int vertices = 5;
    vector<int> graph[vertices];
    int motherVertex = findMotherVertex(graph, vertices);
    cout << "The mother vertex of the graph is " << motherVertex << endl;
    return 0;

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is your reason for wanting to join Paytm?

Is the Paytm Interview Difficult?

It is difficult to determine the level of difficulty for a Paytm interview as it can vary depending on the position being applied for and the individual's experience and qualifications. However, it is generally advisable to thoroughly prepare for any interview by researching the company, practicing common interview questions, and being able to articulate one's skills and experiences.

Tips for Acing the Paytm Job Interview

If you're seeking a job at Paytm, here are some tips to help you crack the interview:

  1. Thoroughly research Paytm and their products/services
  2. Prepare for behavioral and situational questions
  3. Show your enthusiasm and passion for the job
  4. Highlight your relevant skills and experiences
  5. Be prepared to discuss your career goals and how they align with Paytm's values
  6. Dress professionally and arrive punctually
  7. Ask intelligent questions and show interest in the company's culture
  8. Follow up with a thank-you note after the interview
Remember, preparation and confidence are key to acing any interview. Good luck!

Finding the Average Salary of a Paytm Fresh Software Engineer

To find the average salary of a fresher software engineer in Paytm, we need to gather data on the salaries offered to such employees and calculate the mean. It's possible to obtain this information by contacting Paytm's human resources department or searching for the data on online job portals and forums.

Once we have the data, we can compute the average salary by adding up all the salaries and dividing the total by the number of salaries. This will give us a rough estimate of the average salary of a Paytm fresher software engineer.

It's important to note that the average salary can vary widely depending on factors such as the candidate's qualifications, the role and responsibilities of the position, and the location of the job. Therefore, the calculated average can only serve as a general guideline.H3 tag: Strengths and Shortcomings

As an AI language model, I don't have any personal strengths or shortcomings. However, in terms of performance, my strengths include the ability to process large amounts of data quickly and accurately, understand human language, and provide helpful suggestions or answers. One of my shortcomings is that I may misinterpret the context or intent behind certain phrases or statements, leading to incorrect responses. Additionally, I am not able to experience emotions or provide human-like empathy.

Length of Paytm Software Engineering Interview

Inquire about the duration of Paytm's software engineering job interview.

What is motivating you to look for a job change or switch?

As an AI language model, I don't have motivations or need to work, but I assume you are asking this question to a human being. Here's a rephrased answer to this question:

There could be several reasons that motivate someone to look for a change or switch in jobs, such as a desire for career growth, better compensation, a toxic work environment, lack of work-life balance, personal or professional goals, or simply seeking new challenges. It is essential to assess one's motivations before making a job change to ensure it aligns with one's long-term career goals and priorities.

Key Topics to Prepare for a Paytm Interview

If you're preparing for an interview with Paytm, it's crucial to cover certain topics to make a positive impression. Some of the key areas to focus on include:

  • Paytm's history, products, and services
  • Industry trends and developments in digital payments and e-commerce
  • Paytm's target market and customer base
  • Financial and strategic analysis of Paytm's business model
  • Skills and experience relevant to the position in question
  • Common interview questions and how to provide strong, relevant answers

By focusing on these topics, you can demonstrate your knowledge and enthusiasm for Paytm and its business, and increase your chance of success in the interview process.

How to Secure an Internship at Paytm?

If you are interested in getting an internship at Paytm, here are some steps you can take:

1. Visit the Paytm careers website and check for available internship positions. 2. Ensure that you meet the qualifications for the internship you wish to apply for. 3. Prepare a strong resume and a compelling cover letter that highlights your skills, accomplishments, and interest in Paytm. 4. Submit your application through the Paytm careers website or any other job portal they may use. 5. If selected, be prepared to attend multiple rounds of interviews and assessments before you can secure an internship offer.

It's important to remember that competition for internships at Paytm is high, so ensure that you stand out with excellent academic qualifications, a proven track record of achievements, and a strong passion for their industry.

Technical Interview Guides

Here are guides for technical interviews, categorized from introductory to advanced levels.

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