IQCode's Top Maven Interview Questions for 2023

Overview of Maven as a Project Management Tool

Maven is a project management tool based on the POM architecture that simplifies the day-to-day work of Java developers. It provides features for project build, managing dependencies, and documentation. Basically, it is a tool that can create and manage any Java-based project. It is popularly used in Java projects, but it can also manage projects written in other languages such as C#, Ruby, Scala, etc. The Apache Software Foundation hosts this tool, which was previously part of the Jakarta Project.

Brief History of Maven

In 2002, Jason van Zyl developed Maven as a sub-project of Apache Turbine. The project was approved as a top-level Apache Software Foundation project in 2003 after voting was conducted. In July 2004, the key first milestone, Maven v1.0, was released. After nearly six months in beta cycles, Maven 2 was designated v2.0 in October 2005. Maven 3.0 was introduced in October 2010 with backward compatibility to Maven 2.

Maven Interview Questions for Beginners

1. When should Maven be used?

Maven can be used in any Java-based project. It helps simplify the project build process, enables effective dependency management, and provides an easy way to maintain documentation. Hence, it is recommended to use Maven for any Java project, especially the larger ones where the project's complexity is high.

Core Concepts of Maven

Maven is a build automation tool that is widely used in Java projects. It helps manage the build process and dependencies of a project. The core concepts of Maven are:

  1. POM (Project Object Model): It is an XML file that describes the project and its configuration. It contains the project's dependencies, build instructions, and more. The POM is the heart of Maven, and every Maven project has a POM file.
  2. Dependency Management: Maven helps manage dependencies, which are external libraries required by your project. It automatically downloads the required libraries and includes them in the build classpath.
  3. Build Lifecycle: Maven follows a predefined build lifecycle that defines the order in which the project is built. The build lifecycle has several phases, such as validate, compile, test, package, verify, install, and deploy.
  4. Plugins: Maven plugins are used to extend the build process. A plugin is a Java class that provides specific functionality to the build, such as compiling, testing, or packaging. Plugins can be added to a project by specifying them in the POM file.
  5. Repositories: Maven repositories are a collection of binary artifacts and metadata that are used to manage dependencies. There are two types of repositories: local and remote. The local repository is the cache of downloaded artifacts on your machine, while the remote repository is the central repository that contains all the libraries that are publicly available.

By making use of these core concepts, Maven simplifies the build process and makes it easy to manage dependencies and plugins.

Understanding Maven

Maven is a build automation tool primarily used for Java projects. It manages dependencies and builds the project, making it easier to manage and understand the project's structure.

Maven works by using a project object model (POM), which is an XML file that describes the project's structure and dependencies. Once Maven has read the POM, it can automatically download all the necessary dependencies and compile the project.

Maven uses plugins to perform different tasks, such as compiling the code, running tests, and deploying the project to a server. These plugins can be added to the POM or included in the Maven installation.

Overall, Maven simplifies the build process and helps ensure consistency across different projects.

Differences between Maven and Ant

Maven and Ant are both build tools used in software development, but they have some differences:

  • Dependency management: Maven has a built-in dependency management system, which allows users to automatically download and manage dependencies. Ant, on the other hand, does not have this feature and dependencies must be manually managed.
  • Convention over configuration: Maven is based on the principle of convention over configuration, which means that by default, it uses a set of pre-defined conventions for building applications. Ant, on the other hand, is highly customizable and requires users to explicitly define the build process.
  • Plugins: Maven provides a wide range of plugins to integrate with other tools and technologies, while Ant requires users to write custom tasks to integrate with other tools.
  • XML configuration: Both Maven and Ant use XML for configuration, but the structure and syntax of the XML files differ between the two.
  • Build lifecycle: Maven has a pre-defined build lifecycle with a set of phases for building projects, while Ant does not have a build lifecycle and users must define the build process manually.

    // Example of how to define a target in Ant build.xml file:
    <target name="compile">
        <javac srcdir="src" destdir="bin" />

    // Example of defining an equivalent task in Maven pom.xml file:

Elements Used in Creating a pom.xml File

A POM (Project Object Model) is an XML file that contains information about a project and its configuration details. The following are the main elements used in creating a pom.xml file:


- This is the root element of the POM file and contains information about the project such as its Group ID, Artifact ID, and Version.


- This element specifies the version number of the POM model to be used.


- This element identifies the group or organization that created the project.


- This element specifies the name of the project, which will be used when generating the project's JAR or WAR file.


- This element specifies the version number of the project.


- This element lists the dependencies required by the project and their versions.


- This element contains information about how to build the project, such as the name of the source directory, the location of the output files, and which plugins to use.


- This element lists the plugins to use during the build process. Each plugin has its configuration section that specifies its settings.

These are the essential elements used for creating a pom.xml file that is used in a Maven project.

Types of Maven Repositories

Maven repositories are locations where Maven builds can find the dependencies that are needed to build an application. There are three types of Maven repositories:

  1. Local Repository: This is the repository on the developer's machine where dependencies are cached to avoid redownloading frequently used dependencies. It is located in the .m2 folder in the user's home directory.
  2. Central Repository: This is the default repository used by Maven and is hosted by the Maven community. It contains a vast number of commonly used dependencies.
  3. Remote Repository: This is a repository hosted by individuals or organizations, which can be added to a project's Maven configuration to retrieve dependencies that are not available in the Central Repository.

Properly configuring these repositories is essential for successful Maven builds as it helps to avoid dependency conflicts and reduce build time.

What is the command to install JAR files in the local repository?

To install JAR files in the local repository, you can use the following command:

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=path/to/your.jar

Make sure to replace "path/to/your.jar" with the actual path to the JAR file you want to install. You can also specify additional options, such as the group ID, artifact ID, and version:

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=path/to/your.jar -DgroupId=com.mycompany -DartifactId=myproject -Dversion=1.0

This will install the JAR file in the local repository, under the specified group ID, artifact ID, and version. You can then use this JAR file as a dependency in your Maven project.

Understanding Maven Phases: Clean, Default, and Site

In Maven, phases are a set of predefined steps that are executed during the build process. There are three main phases in Maven: clean, default, and site.

The clean phase deletes all files generated during the previous build, allowing for a fresh start for the next build.

The default phase is the main phase of Maven that executes the build specified in the POM.xml file. It includes the following sub-phases: validate, compile, test, package, verify, and install.

The site phase generates the documentation for the project, including reports and project information. This phase is optional and can be configured in the POM.xml file.

Understanding the different phases in a Maven build cycle can help developers run builds effectively and efficiently while ensuring that all necessary steps are executed in the correct order.

Different Phases of the Default Life Cycle

The default life cycle of a JavaServer Faces application consists of six phases:

1. Restore View Phase: This phase restores the saved view for the component tree (if any).

2. Apply Request Values Phase: This phase applies the request values to the component tree.

3. Process Validations Phase: In this phase, the validator checks whether the input values follow the rules or not.

4. Update Model Values Phase: In this phase, the input components' new values are updated in the model.

5. Invoke Application Phase: This phase executes the application actions that are invoked by the user in the page.

6. Render Response Phase: In this phase, the rendered view of the component tree is displayed on the page.

Maven Plugins: Types and Usage

Maven plugins are used to extend the functionality of the Maven build cycle. They are used to perform tasks such as compiling code, packaging code, deploying code, and generating reports. There are two types of Maven plugins:

1. Build plugins - Used to create the artifact that is generated by the project, such as a JAR or WAR file.

2. Reporting plugins - Used to generate reports about the project, such as test results, code coverage, and project documentation.

Some commonly used Maven plugins include:

1. Maven Compiler Plugin - Compiles the project's Java source code.

2. Maven Surefire Plugin - Runs the project's unit tests.

3. Maven Javadoc Plugin - Generates JavaDoc documentation for the project.

4. Maven Release Plugin - Releases the project to a remote repository.

Maven plugins can be included in the pom.xml file of a Maven project and can be executed using the Maven command line tool.

Why does Maven use Convention over Configuration?

Maven utilizes Convention over Configuration approach to make software development easy and efficient. This approach means that Maven follows predefined conventions and settings that are built-in into its architecture, rather than requiring the developer to configure everything manually.

By utilizing these conventions, Maven can automatically configure multiple aspects of a project, including directory structures, naming conventions, and default values for various settings. This can save a lot of time for developers and helps ensure consistency across projects.

Overall, Convention over Configuration helps streamline the development process and allows developers to focus on writing code rather than spending time on configuring settings.

Maven Inheritance Order

Maven follows a specific inheritance order when managing projects. The parent project, or root project, is at the top of the hierarchy and defines common properties and dependencies. Child projects inherit from the parent project, and can also define their own dependencies and properties. These child projects can also be parents to their own set of child projects, creating a hierarchical structure.

The inheritance order is as follows: 1. Super POM (root parent project) 2. Global settings.xml and user settings.xml 3. Parent POM 4. Project POM 5. CLI command line options

This order allows for efficient and organized management of dependencies and properties throughout a project hierarchy.

Understanding Maven Snapshots

In Maven, a SNAPSHOT is a version identifier used for the development stage of a project. It indicates that the current version is still under development and may be subject to changes in the future. Snapshot versions receive updates each time a change is made to the codebase. When the development process is complete, the snapshot version can be replaced with a stable release version. Maven places SNAPSHOT versions in a specific repository directory and appends the string "-SNAPSHOT" to the version number. This helps in distinguishing snapshot and non-snapshot versions of a library or a project.

Where are Maven Dependencies Stored?

Dependencies in Maven are stored in a local repository, which is located in the `.m2` directory in the user's home folder. This directory contains all downloaded dependencies, as well as the metadata needed to build a project. It is also possible to configure a remote repository, which can be used to download dependencies from a central location.

Types of Maven Build Profiles and Ways to Activate Them

Maven build profiles can be categorized into three types: Default Profiles, Environment-specific Profiles, and Custom Profiles.

1. Default Profiles: Maven provides some default profiles that are activated under certain conditions, such as the presence of a particular JDK version. Some examples of default profiles are - dev, test, and production.

2. Environment-specific Profiles: These profiles are created when the build needs to be configured differently for different environments like development, staging, and production. These profiles can be activated by using the -P option and passing the profile name as a parameter.

3. Custom Profiles: These profiles can be created based on the project's requirements, and they are defined in the POM file. Custom profiles can also be activated by using the -P option and passing the profile name as a parameter.

Build profiles of Maven can be activated in the following ways:

1. Command Line: The -P option can be added along with the profile name to activate it during a build.

2. POM File: The profile can be included in the POM file, which will activate the profile whenever the POM is built.

3. Settings.xml File: The profile can be included in the settings.xml file, which will activate the profile for all Maven builds.

By using Maven build profiles effectively, developers can create flexible, customizable, and environment-specific builds with ease.A property declared in the POM.xml file can be referred to using the syntax "${propertyName}".

Generating Javadocs in Maven

To generate Javadocs in Maven, you can use the `javadoc` plugin. Here's how:

1. Add the following plugin to the `` section in your `pom.xml` file:


2. Run the `javadoc:javadoc` goal to generate the Javadocs:

mvn javadoc:javadoc

3. The Javadocs will be generated in the `target/site/apidocs` directory.

Note: You can customize the plugin configuration to suit your needs. Check the plugin documentation for more details.

What is Mojo?

Mojo is a web application framework written in the Perl programming language. It uses non-blocking I/O and is designed to be very light-weight and fast, making it a popular choice for building high-performance web applications. It provides a powerful routing system, template rendering, plugins support and much more.

Understanding the term "Super POM"

As an AI language model, I don't have personal understanding, but in the context of programming, Super POM (Project Object Model) refers to a feature in Apache Maven, which is a build automation tool primarily used for Java projects.

The Super POM is the default POM that sits at the top-level of the Maven Project Object Model hierarchy. It provides default values for all Maven projects unless overridden in the project's POM. It essentially defines global settings, such as the project coordinates, build profiles, and required dependencies.

In simpler terms, the Super POM is a fundamental part of Maven that sets the baseline configuration for all Maven projects.

Explanation of Dependency Scope and its Types

Dependency Scope refers to the part of the Java program where a dependency is required. It helps to determine how the dependency will be used during the build process.

The following are the different types of Dependency Scopes:

1. Compile: It is the default scope and is used during the build process, compile, and run time of the application. 2. Runtime: Dependencies are not required for compilation. However, they are required during the run time of the application. 3. Provided: Dependencies are only required for compilation. The application server or the target environment will provide these dependencies during run time. 4. Test: Dependencies are required for the testing phase only. They are not included in the run time classpath. 5. System: Dependencies are treated similar to those in the compile scope. But they are located in the local system and not in a remote repository. This makes it necessary to add them explicitly to the project classpath.

It is crucial to specify the scope when declaring dependency in the pom.xml file, as this ensures that only the necessary dependencies are included in the build process.

Maven Interview Questions for Experienced

Question 21: Can you explain what a Maven Archetype is, and how would you create a new project using an Archetype?

Answer: An Archetype in Maven is a template or a blueprint used to create projects with pre-configured settings and dependencies. It allows us to create a project structure easily, consistently, and efficiently. Maven provides several default archetypes, and they are usually identified by an Archetype Artifact ID, which is a unique identifier.

To create a new project using an Archetype, we can use the "mvn archetype:generate" command along with the necessary parameters, which include the Archetype Group ID, Artifact ID, and a version number. We can also provide additional optional parameters such as package name, project name, and other related information.

For example, if we want to create a new Maven project based on the default quickstart Archetype, we can execute the following command in the terminal:

mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.example -DartifactId=my-project -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false

This will create a new project with the Group ID "com.example", Artifact ID "my-project", and based on the quickstart Archetype. We can then modify the project as required to suit our needs.

Creating a New Project from Hard Drive

The command used to create a new project from a hard drive depends on the specific software or tool being used. Generally, it involves opening the software or tool and navigating to the option for creating a new project. From there, you may be prompted to select the location on your hard drive where you want to save the project. It's best to consult the documentation for the specific software or tool you are using to see the exact steps for creating a new project from a hard drive.

Phases of the Clean Lifecycle

In general, there are five phases in the Clean Lifecycle, which are as follows:

1. Initial: In this phase, the system's requirements are gathered and analyzed, and the architecture of the system is designed accordingly.

2. Build: Once the initial phase is completed, the actual development of the system takes place in this phase.

3. Test: In this phase, the developed system is tested rigorously to ensure that it meets all the requirements and specifications.

4. Deploy: In this phase, the system is released to the production environment after thorough testing and quality assurance.

5. Maintain: The final phase of the Clean Lifecycle involves monitoring and maintaining the system to ensure that it runs smoothly and meets the changing demands of the user.

Note: The Clean Lifecycle is a methodology used to develop software applications in a systematic and efficient manner.

Phases of the Site Lifecycle

There are seven phases in the site lifecycle:

  1. Planning
  2. Design
  3. Content Creation
  4. Development
  5. Testing
  6. Launch
  7. Maintenance

Each phase is important for the successful development and deployment of a website. The planning phase involves setting goals and objectives, determining the target audience, and creating a sitemap.

The design phase involves wireframing and creating a visual design for the website. Content creation involves creating or sourcing content for the site.

The development phase involves building the website, integrating back-end functionality, and adding interactivity. Testing is necessary to ensure the website is functioning as intended.

Launch involves making the website live and available to the public. Finally, the maintenance phase involves ongoing updates, performance monitoring, and bug fixes.

Explanation of Three Commonly Used Maven Plugins: Clean, Surefire, and Antrun

The Maven build tool comes with a variety of useful plugins that simplify and automate various tasks in the build process. Let's discuss three of the most commonly used Maven plugins:

1. Clean Plugin:

The Clean plugin is used to remove all the build artifacts, such as compiled classes, generated Javadoc, and JAR files, from the target directory. This ensures that a new clean build is performed every time, thus eliminating any chance of conflicts with previous builds.

2. Surefire Plugin:

The Surefire plugin is used for running unit tests in Maven-based projects. It ensures that all the defined tests are executed, and reports the results to the build output. It also generates various reports that can be used to analyze test coverage and identify failing tests.

3. Antrun Plugin:

The Antrun plugin allows the execution of arbitrary Ant tasks within the Maven build process. This can be useful for performing tasks that are not easily achievable with the existing Maven plugins. For example, it can be used to run scripts, execute system commands, or perform complex file operations.

In summary, the Clean plugin helps ensure that each build is clean of any previous artifacts, the Surefire plugin is essential for running comprehensive unit tests and identifying failing tests, and the Antrun plugin allows for more customized task execution within the Maven build process.

Understanding the settings.xml File in Maven

The settings.xml file in Maven is an optional configuration file that allows you to customize your Maven build settings. This file is typically located in the .m2 directory of your user's home directory.

In this file, you can configure settings such as the repositories to use, proxy settings, authentication credentials, and more. The settings.xml file can also be used to define profiles, which are sets of settings that can be activated based on various conditions.

Overall, the settings.xml file is a powerful tool for customizing and configuring your Maven builds to suit your specific needs.

Explanation of Dependency Mediation and Dependency Management

In software development, dependency mediation and dependency management are crucial processes to ensure that a project's dependencies and their versions are correctly managed and integrated into the project.

Dependency mediation involves the resolution of conflicts that arise when different dependencies require different versions of the same library or package. This conflict can cause errors and prevent the project from running correctly. Dependency management, on the other hand, involves the identification, retrieval, and storage of dependencies in a project.

Effective dependency management ensures that all dependencies are up-to-date, compatible, and meet the project's requirements. It also reduces the risk of security vulnerabilities. Commonly used dependency management tools include Maven, Gradle, and npm.

In summary, good dependency mediation and management practices can significantly enhance the quality, security, and reliability of a software project.

Understanding System Dependency

System dependency refers to the relationship between different components or modules of a software system, where the functioning of one component is reliant on the behavior of another component. In other words, a system is dependent on external systems or modules for its proper functioning.

This can occur when a software system relies on a specific version of an operating system, database, programming language or other dependencies to function properly. Failure to meet these system dependencies may result in errors or unexpected behavior.

It is important to carefully manage system dependencies to ensure that software systems are reliable, maintainable, and functional. This can be achieved through proper documentation of dependencies and version control, as well as testing and monitoring to detect any changes or updates that may affect system functionality.

Why are Optional Dependencies Used?

In software development, optional dependencies are used to identify dependencies that are not necessary for the basic functionality of an application, but only required for additional features or specific modes of operation. Optional dependencies are not necessarily required, but if they are present, they enhance the application's functionality. This approach allows developers to create leaner and more flexible applications that can accommodate different feature sets and user preferences. Additionally, developers can use optional dependencies to provide 'plug-in' functionality, which allows users to enhance the application by installing additional modules or plugins that implement specific features.

Understanding Transitive Dependencies and Dependency Exclusions in Maven

In Maven, a transitive dependency is a dependency that a project indirectly relies on because it is required by another project's dependency. For example, if Project A depends on Project B, and Project B depends on Project C, then Project A has a transitive dependency on Project C.

Dependency exclusion, on the other hand, allows you to exclude a specific transitive dependency from your project. This is useful when a transitive dependency is causing conflicts or compatibility issues with your project. To exclude a transitive dependency, you can add an exclusion element to the dependency in your POM file, specifying the groupId and artifactId of the dependency to be excluded.

Elements Required for Each External Dependency

There are several elements that must be defined for each external dependency, including:

- Name of the dependency

- Version number

- Description of functionality provided by the dependency

- Source of the dependency (e.g. URL, package manager)

- License information

Explanation of User-Defined Properties

User-defined properties refer to custom properties that you can create and assign to objects or variables in a programming language. These properties are not built-in to the language or the object itself, but they are created by the user for their specific needs.

User-defined properties provide flexibility in a program by allowing the user to customize properties that fit their specific use case. They can store various types of data, such as numbers, strings, or arrays.

For example, in JavaScript, you can create a user-defined property for an object like this:

var person = {
  name: "John",
  age: 30,
person.location = "New York"; // user-defined property

In this code snippet, we create a user-defined property called "location" for the "person" object. This property didn't exist before we added it, and it is not a standard property of the object in JavaScript.

Overall, user-defined properties are a powerful feature that can greatly enhance the functionality and customization of a program.

Exploring the Profile Element in settings.xml File

The settings.xml file in a software project contains various configurations and settings that the project uses during its lifecycle. One of the elements in this file is the Profile element, which allows for the management of multiple profiles for the project.

Each Profile element contains specific configurations and settings that are applicable to a particular environment or build profile, such as development, testing, or production. By defining multiple profiles in the settings.xml file, developers can easily switch between different configurations, dependencies, and settings for each profile.

Here's an example of how a Profile element may be defined in the settings.xml file:


In this example, we have defined two different profiles: development and production. The development profile has two properties defined, which are the project build encoding and a flag to skip tests during the build. The production profile also has the project build encoding defined, but it also has a dependency on an external library.

By defining these profiles in the settings.xml file, developers can easily switch between these profiles during different stages of the project lifecycle, making it easier to manage configuration changes and dependencies.

Understanding the Maven Release Plugin and its Functionality

The Maven Release Plugin is a tool used in Maven build automation that helps in automating the release process for a Java-based project. It simplifies the process of releasing a project version to a repository, removing the need for manual input and reducing the risk of errors.

The Maven Release Plugin works by creating a coherent release build, updating the version numbers, creating a tag in the version control, and then deploying the release build to a repository. It handles the versioning of the different artifacts in the build, ensuring they have the correct version number.

In addition, the plugin also ensures that the build process is fully revertible, allowing developers to easily roll back changes if necessary. This makes it a popular tool for teams working collaboratively on complex projects.

Overall, the Maven Release Plugin is a valuable tool for automating the release process in Maven-based projects, simplifying the development workflow and reducing the risk of errors.

Reasons for Making Exclusions on a Dependency-by-Dependency Basis

In Maven, exclusions are made on a dependency-by-dependency basis instead of at the POM level because it provides more control over the dependencies that are included in the project. This allows developers to exclude specific transitive dependencies that are not needed, which can reduce the overall size of the project and improve performance.

Exclusions can also help to prevent conflicts between different versions of the same dependency that are included in the project. By excluding a specific version of a transitive dependency, developers can ensure that the correct version of the dependency is included in the project.

Making exclusions at the POM level can also be problematic because it can affect all dependencies that are included in the project. This can lead to unintended consequences, such as breaking other parts of the project or introducing new bugs.

Overall, making exclusions on a dependency-by-dependency basis provides more control and flexibility over the project's dependencies, which can help to improve the project's performance and stability.

Default and Advanced Configuration Inheritance

In software configuration, inheritance refers to the process by which a child configuration or object derives its attributes and settings from a parent configuration or object. In this context, default configuration inheritance refers to the process by which a child inherits settings from a basic or default configuration.

On the other hand, advanced configuration inheritance refers to the process by which a child inherits settings from a more complex or advanced configuration. This configuration may include more specific or detailed settings than the default configuration, allowing the child to inherit a more granular set of attributes.

Both default and advanced configuration inheritance can save time and streamline the configuration process by allowing for consistent settings across multiple configurations or objects. However, it's important to understand the differences between default and advanced inheritance and when to use each method appropriately.

Explanation of Project Aggregation

Project aggregation refers to the process of combining multiple individual projects into one larger project. This allows for easier management and tracking of overall progress and resources. Project aggregation is commonly used in industries such as construction and software development, where a larger project may be broken down into smaller, more manageable tasks.

The process of project aggregation typically involves identifying individual projects that will make up the larger project, determining their dependencies and sequencing, and then integrating them into the overall plan. This requires careful planning and coordination to ensure that the individual projects are completed on schedule and within budget, and that the overall goals of the larger project are met.

Using project aggregation can provide many benefits, including increased efficiency and productivity, better resource allocation, and improved communication and collaboration among team members. Overall, project aggregation is an effective strategy for managing complex projects and ensuring their successful completion.

Understanding the Purpose of the Maven Wagon Plugin

The Maven Wagon Plugin is a tool that enables developers to transfer files across different protocols (such as FTP, HTTP, and SSH) during the Maven build process. Its purpose is to simplify the process of deploying your application to a remote server or repository, making it more efficient and streamlined. With this plugin, you can easily upload or download files from a remote server without having to manually execute each command. Overall, the Maven Wagon Plugin makes it much easier to manage and deploy your projects during the development life cycle.

Usage of Doxia in Maven

Maven uses Doxia as its documentation engine. Doxia allows developers to write documentation in a variety of formats such as Markdown, HTML, or Textile. Maven plugins can then process this documentation into different output formats such as PDF, HTML, or RTF, depending on the user's needs. Using Doxia enables consistent documentation across projects and makes it easy to generate and distribute documentation for Maven-based projects.

Running JUnit Tests in Parallel with Maven Build

To run JUnit tests in parallel with a Maven build, follow these steps:

1. Add the following dependencies to your project's pom.xml file:


These dependencies include the JUnit Jupiter Engine and the JUnit Vintage Engine.

2. Add the following plugin to your project's pom.xml file:


This plugin configuration specifies that the JUnit tests will run in parallel using the "methods" mode, with a maximum of 10 threads and 3 forked JVMs. The "reuseForks" option ensures that the forked JVMs are reused, rather than creating new ones for each test run. The "testFailureIgnore" option allows the build to continue even if there are test failures.

3. Run the Maven build command with the "-T" option to activate parallel testing:

    mvn clean install -T 4

The "-T" option specifies the number of threads to use for parallel testing. In this example, the build will use 4 threads for testing.

Skipping tests for a specific project

To skip running tests for a specific project, you can use the following command in the terminal:

mvn <goal> -DskipTests=true -pl !<project name>

Replace `` with the goal you wish to execute (e.g., `package`, `install`, etc.), and `` with the name of the project you want to skip tests for.

This command uses the Maven flag `-DskipTests=true` to skip running tests, and the `-pl` option to specify the project to exclude. The `!` before the project name indicates that the particular project should be excluded from the build process.

By using this command, you can skip running tests for a specific project and speed up the overall build process.

Understanding the Difference Between Maven Package and Maven Install

Maven is a popular build automation tool that is commonly used for projects written in Java. Two of the most commonly used Maven commands are "package" and "install". However, there are some key differences between the two that are important to understand.

The "package" command compiles the source code of a Maven project and packages it into a distributable format, such as a JAR or WAR file. Essentially, this command creates an archive of the compiled project, but does not install it anywhere.

On the other hand, the "install" command not only packages the project, but also installs it in the local repository of the user's machine. This means that the compiled project can be easily accessed and used by other projects on the user's machine.

Overall, the main difference between "package" and "install" is that "package" only creates an archive of the compiled code, while "install" both packages and installs the code in the local repository for easier access and use in other projects.

    mvn package 
    mvn install

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