Common Laravel Interview Questions for 2023 - IQCode's Top Picks

What is the Laravel Framework?

Laravel is a popular open-source PHP web application framework known for being well-documented, expressive, and easy to learn. The framework is suitable for developers of all levels, from beginners to advanced users, and offers robust and scalable solutions for enterprise-level applications.

One of the reasons behind Laravel's popularity is its scalability, as it can handle hundreds of thousands of requests by utilizing packages such as Vapor, which uses AWS serverless technology.

In this article, we'll cover some frequently asked Laravel interview questions, ranging from basic to advanced.

Laravel Interview Questions for Freshers

Question 1: What is the latest version of Laravel available?

Templating Engine in Laravel

Laravel uses Blade as its templating engine.

Supported Databases in Laravel

Laravel supports multiple databases, including:

SQL Server

You can configure your database connection details in the


file of your Laravel project. Laravel also provides a query builder and an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) called Eloquent, which makes working with databases in Laravel even easier.

What Does the Term Artisan Mean?

The term artisan refers to a skilled craftsman who creates manual or handmade products using specific techniques and tools. These individuals usually have years of experience in their craft and produce unique, high-quality products that cannot be easily replicated by machines. Artisans can work in various fields, such as pottery, woodworking, jewelry-making, and more.

How to set environment variables in Laravel?

In Laravel, you can define environment variables in the .env file. This file should be located in the root directory of your Laravel project.

To define a new environment variable, simply add a new line to the .env file in the format of NAME=value. For example, if you want to define a variable called MAIL_HOST, you can add the following line to .env:

You can then retrieve this variable in your Laravel code using the env() function. For example, to retrieve the MAIL_HOST variable:

$mailHost = env('MAIL_HOST');

By default, the .env file is ignored by version control systems such as Git. This is to ensure that sensitive information such as API keys and passwords are not accidentally committed to your repository. However, you can still provide default values for environment variables by creating a file named .env.example. This file should contain a list of all required environment variables, along with their default values.

Can Laravel be used for Full Stack Development (Frontend + Backend)?

Yes, Laravel can be used for full stack development which involves both backend and frontend. Laravel is a powerful PHP framework that provides a wide range of tools and features for backend development. However, for frontend development, Laravel can be combined with other frontend technologies such as Vue.js or React.js to create a seamless full stack web application.

How to Enable Maintenance Mode in Laravel Applications?

If you are working on a Laravel application and need to perform maintenance or updates, you may want to enable maintenance mode. This will display a user-friendly message to your visitors letting them know that your website is currently down for maintenance and will be back soon.

php artisan down

This command will put your site into maintenance mode. You can customize the default maintenance mode message by modifying the


file. This file contains the HTML markup for the maintenance mode page.

To disable maintenance mode and bring your site back online, simply run the following command:

php artisan up

Default Route Files in Laravel

In Laravel, the default route files are located in the 'routes' directory and are named 'web.php' and 'api.php'.

'web.php' contains routes for web interface while 'api.php' contains routes for application programming interface (API).

These files define the routes for your application and map them to the appropriate controllers or closures.

You can also create additional route files for specific purposes and include them in your application using the main route files.

Migrations in Laravel

Migrations in Laravel are like version control for the database, allowing the developer to modify the database schema through code instead of manually going into the database management system. It helps to make database schema changes easier and more efficient, especially in collaborative development scenarios. By using migrations, developers can easily share and modify the database schema across different environments. In simple terms, migrations provide a way to define changes in the database schema using PHP code instead of SQL.

Understanding Seeders in Laravel

Seeders in Laravel are used to populate the database with test data. They allow developers to quickly create test data without having to manually input it into the database each time. With seeders, developers can create and run a set of tests on data that closely resembles the actual data that will be stored in the production database.

Seeders can be located in the `database/seeders` directory and can be run using the `php artisan db:seed` command. Laravel also includes several useful functions for working with seeders, including the ability to specify the number of records to be created, insert data into related tables, and reset the database before seeding.

Overall, seeders are an essential tool for Laravel developers, as they make it easy to quickly create test data and run a series of tests to ensure the database meets the requirements for the desired functionality.

What are Factories in Laravel?

Factories in Laravel are used for generating fake data in order to test applications and seed databases with fake data. They allow developers to define a blueprint for the type of data they want to generate, and then easily create multiple instances of that data with varying values. Factories are a useful tool for creating sample data sets that can be used to test an application's functionality and performance. They are commonly used in conjunction with Laravel's built-in testing framework to write automated tests for web applications. Factories help ensure that an application is functioning correctly and delivers accurate results under various conditions.

How to Implement Soft Deletes in Laravel

When you want to delete a record from your database in Laravel, it's permanently removed. However, in some cases, you might want to only hide it from view but keep it in the database for future reference. This is where Soft Deletes come in.

To implement Soft Deletes in Laravel, follow these steps:

1. Add a "deleted_at" column to the table you want to use Soft Deletes on. You can do this by creating a migration with the following code:

Schema::table('table_name', function (Blueprint $table) {

2. Make sure the model for the table includes the "SoftDeletes" trait:

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes;

class ModelName extends Model
    use SoftDeletes;

    // rest of the model

3. When you want to delete a record, use the "delete" method:

$record = ModelName::find($id);

4. To restore Soft Deleted records, use the "restore" method:

$record = ModelName::withTrashed()->find($id);

Soft Deletes make it easy to keep track of deleted records without permanently removing them from the database. Use them in situations where you might need to recover a deleted record or keep a record of when something was deleted.

Advanced Laravel Interview Questions

One of the most commonly used features of the Laravel Framework is its Eloquent ORM. Eloquent is a powerful, intuitive and easy-to-use ORM that allows developers to interact with their database in a much more natural way than traditional SQL queries. Eloquent provides many features, one of which is Relationships.

Relationships in Laravel allow developers to define how database tables are related to one another. There are several types of relationships in Laravel:

One to One

: In this relationship, each record in table A is associated with one record in table B, and each record in table B is associated with one record in table A.

One to Many

: In this relationship, each record in table A can be associated with many records in table B, but each record in table B can only be associated with one record in table A.

Many to Many

: In this relationship, each record in table A can be associated with many records in table B, and each record in table B can be associated with many records in table A.

Laravel makes defining these relationships very easy. It provides methods such as








, etc. that allow developers to define these relationships in their models. By using these methods, developers can retrieve related records and perform CRUD operations on them using Eloquent.

Understanding Eloquent in Laravel

Eloquent is an Object Relational Mapping (ORM) used in Laravel, which allows developers to access databases through defined model classes instead of writing SQL queries. It provides a simple, expressive, and straightforward syntax to interact with databases. Eloquent also includes relationships between tables, making it easy to query related data. With Eloquent, developers can build complex queries and extract required data with ease.

What is Throttling and How to Implement it in Laravel?

In web development, throttling refers to limiting the number of requests made by a user in a specific timeframe. It helps to prevent abuse or overuse of resources. Laravel, a popular PHP framework, provides built-in support for throttling to help developers control the rate of incoming requests to their applications.

To implement throttling in Laravel, you can use the `middleware` provided by the framework. This middleware is responsible for checking if a user has exceeded the allowed number of requests in a given timeframe. If so, the middleware will respond with an error indicating that the user has been throttled.

Here is an example of how to implement throttling for a route in Laravel using the `throttle` middleware:

Route::get('/', function () {
   return view('welcome');

In this example, the `throttle` middleware is applied to the route with a limit of 3 requests per minute (`3` requests and `1` minute). If a user exceeds this limit, they will receive a 429 HTTP error response.

Throttling can also be applied to controller methods or groups of routes. For more advanced use cases, the Laravel documentation provides guidance on customizing the throttling logic to suit your needs.

Understanding Facades in Software Development

Facades are a design pattern used in software development to provide a simplified interface to a complex system of classes, interfaces, and code. It acts as a "facade" to hide the complexities of the system and present a simplified abstraction that can be easily understood and utilized by other parts of the software.

In essence, facades provide a simplified layer between the client code and the complex subsystems. This simplifies the communication between the two, reducing the dependencies, and isolating the client code from the complexity of the subsystem.

Facades are commonly used in the context of APIs as they make it easier for developers to use complex APIs by providing a simplified interface that they can interact with. This is also useful in scenarios where different teams or developers are working on different parts of the software, as it allows them to interact through a simplified interface without requiring an in-depth understanding of each other's code.

Using facades in software development can improve the maintainability, scalability, and extensibility of the system.

Explanation of Events in Laravel

Events are a way to trigger and handle actions based on specific occurrences in Laravel-based applications. They are used for allowing the decoupling of different classes, making them easier to maintain and manage. When an event occurs, it can be handled by a listener that provides a response to that event. The events system in Laravel allows for customization and extensibility of the application, making it more flexible and adaptable.

Logging in Laravel

Logging is an important aspect of any application development process. It helps developers to easily identify errors and debug their code. Laravel provides a powerful logging system out-of-the-box that allows developers to log messages to various channels, such as a file, database, or email.

To use Laravel's logging system, developers can simply call the `Log` facade and specify the level of the message as well as the message content. For example, to log an information message, developers can use the following code:

Log::info('This is an information message');

Laravel also supports logging messages of different levels, such as debug, info, warning, error, critical, and alert. Developers can configure the logging system to write messages to different channels based on their level.

In addition to the default logging channels, developers can also create their own custom channels and specify their own drivers, such as Loggly, Bugsnag, or Papertrail.

Overall, Laravel's logging system is easy to use and provides developers with a flexible and powerful tool for debugging and monitoring their applications.H3. Explanation of Localization in Laravel

Localization in Laravel refers to the process of translating an application to support multiple languages. It provides the ability to display the content of the website or application according to the language preference of the user. Laravel's localization feature allows developers to easily translate their application into different languages without having to duplicate the code. It works by using language files that store translations for all the strings that are used in the application. These files are located in the resources/lang directory of the Laravel project and are organized based on the language code they are associated with (i.e., en for English, fr for French, etc.). By default, Laravel sets the language to English, but it can be easily changed using the setLocale() method provided by Laravel. Localization in Laravel is an important feature that helps to make applications more user-friendly for a global audience.

Explanation of Requests in Laravel

In the Laravel framework, requests are used to handle incoming HTTP requests. These requests can be validated before they are processed and are typically used to interact with inputs from forms, APIs, and other HTTP sources. Laravel provides several classes for handling requests, including the Request class which provides an interface for accessing and validating request inputs. Additionally, Laravel provides built-in middleware for handling authentication and authorization of incoming requests. Requests can also be managed through route parameters and controllers within the framework.

How to Perform Request Validation in Laravel

In Laravel, request validation is an important aspect of web application development as it helps to ensure that the data being sent to the server is valid and secure. Here are the steps to perform request validation in Laravel:

1. Create a new request class by running the command `php artisan make:request MyRequest` in the terminal. This will create a new request class in the app/Http/Requests directory.

2. Open the newly created request class and define the validation rules in the `rules()` method. For example:

public function rules()
    return [
        'name' => 'required|string|max:255',
        'email' => 'required|email|unique:users,email',
        'password' => 'required|string|min:8|confirmed',

This defines three validation rules for the `name`, `email`, and `password` fields. The `required` rule ensures that the field is not empty, while the `string` and `email` rules ensure that the field is of the correct type. The `max` and `min` rules ensure that the length of the string is within the specified limits, and the `confirmed` rule ensures that the password and password confirmation fields match.

3. In the relevant controller method, type-hint the request class as an argument, like so:

use App\Http\Requests\MyRequest;

public function store(MyRequest $request)
    // Handle the request

4. Laravel will automatically validate the incoming request using the rules defined in the request class. If the request is invalid, Laravel will return a response with the validation errors. If the request is valid, the controller method will be run as normal.

By following these simple steps, you can easily perform request validation in Laravel and ensure that your web application is secure and reliable.

Explanation of Laravel's Service Container

The Service Container in Laravel is a powerful tool that manages class instantiation and dependency injection throughout the framework. It allows developers to bind classes or interfaces to the container, resolve dependencies automatically, and manage objects' lifecycle. The Service Container serves as a central hub for managing class dependencies and enables flexible, modular application building.

In simpler terms, the Service Container is like a container holding various services required in the application. It handles the instantiation of objects, the injection of their dependencies, and manages the object lifecycle for more effective memory handling. In essence, it helps manage the code and ensures that it is easy to maintain.

Understanding Service Providers

A service provider is a company or an individual that provides specific services or solutions to its clients. These services can range from technical support and maintenance to legal and financial advice. Service providers can be specialized in a particular domain or offer a wide range of services. In the business world, service providers are essential as they fulfill the needs of their clients and help them to achieve their objectives. Hiring a service provider can save time, money, and resources, as they have the knowledge and expertise required to perform tasks efficiently and effectively.

Explanation of Register and Boot Method in the Service Provider Class

In a Service Provider class, the `register` method binds an implementation to an interface in the Laravel service container. The `boot` method is another method that can be defined in a Service Provider class and is used to perform any actions after all other service providers have been registered. It is typically used to register event listeners.

Here is an example code of a Service Provider class:

    namespace App\Providers;

    use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
    use App\Services\ExampleServiceInterface;
    use App\Services\ExampleServiceImpl;

    class ExampleServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
        public function register()
            $this->app->bind(ExampleServiceInterface::class, ExampleServiceImpl::class);

        public function boot()
            // Register event listeners

In this example, the `register` method binds the `ExampleServiceImpl` class to the `ExampleServiceInterface` interface in the Laravel service container. The `boot` method would perform any additional actions after all other service providers have been registered, such as registering event listeners.

Defining Routes in Laravel

In Laravel, routes can be defined in the `routes/web.php` file. You can use the `Route` facade to define routes and map them to controller actions or closures. Here is an example of defining a basic route:

    Route::get('/hello', function () {
        return 'Hello, World!';

In this example, we are defining a GET route for the `/hello` endpoint, which returns the message "Hello, World!".

You can also define routes that map to controller actions. Here is an example:

    Route::get('/users', 'UserController@index');

In this example, we are defining a GET route for the `/users` endpoint, which maps to the `index` method of the `UserController` class.

Laravel also provides routing methods for handling HTTP verbs such as POST, PUT, DELETE, and OPTIONS. For example:

    Route::post('/users', 'UserController@store');

This example defines a POST route for the `/users` endpoint, which maps to the `store` method of the `UserController` class.

Additionally, you can define route parameters. Here is an example:

    Route::get('/users/{id}', 'UserController@show');

In this example, we are defining a GET route for the `/users/{id}` endpoint, where `{id}` is a parameter that can be passed in the URL. This route maps to the `show` method of the `UserController` class.

Routes in Laravel can also be named, which is useful for generating URLs in your views and controllers. Here is an example:

    Route::get('/users', 'UserController@index')->name('users.index');

In this example, we are defining a GET route for the `/users` endpoint, which maps to the `index` method of the `UserController` class and is named `users.index`.

Defining routes in Laravel is an essential part of building web applications. With the Route facade, you can easily define routes that map to your controllers and actions, handle HTTP verbs, define parameters, and name your routes.

Named Routes in Web Development

Named routes are a way to give a route in a web application a specific name that can be easily referenced in other parts of the code. This is particularly useful in large applications where there may be many different routes with different URLs. By assigning a name to a route, you can refer to it in your code by name instead of the URL string, making it more readable and easier to maintain. In addition, named routes allow you to change the URL of a route without having to update all references to that route throughout your codebase.

Explanation of Route Groups

In web development using a backend framework, a route group is a way to apply common attributes to a group of routes that share a common URL segment. This can simplify the process of defining routes by allowing the developer to apply middleware, prefixes, or namespaces to a group of routes rather than individually defining them for each route.

For example, if you have a set of routes all starting with "/admin/", you can group them together and apply middleware like authentication or role-based access control to the entire group, rather than writing the middleware code for each individual route.

Route groups can also be nested to provide a way to organize routes into logical groupings. Nesting allows the developer to apply attributes to a subset of routes within a group, without affecting the other routes.

Overall, route groups are a convenient and efficient tool for organizing and applying attributes to related routes in web development.

Understanding Middleware and Creating One in Laravel

Middleware is a mechanism in Laravel that provides a flexible way to modify HTTP requests and responses. This feature allows for handling common tasks, like authentication, before and after request handling.

To create middleware in Laravel, you can use the following command:

php artisan make:middleware MiddlewareName

This command creates a new middleware file in the app/Http/Middleware directory. Open up the file and you'll see a handle method. This method receives the request object and a closure, which is used to execute the next middleware in the chain or the final request handler.

You can add your custom logic to the handle method to customize the incoming request before it's handled by the final request handler.

After defining your middleware, you need to register it in the app/Http/Kernel.php file. Middleware can be global, meaning it's applied to every request, or it can be assigned to specific routes.

For example, to apply middleware to a specific route, you can use the middleware method in the route definition like this:

Route::get('/', function () {

This code tells Laravel to apply the middleware named 'middleware-name' to the '/' route.

Creating and using middleware in Laravel can help you modularize your application code and make it more maintainable.

How to Create a Route for Resources in Laravel?

In Laravel, creating a route for resources can be done using the `Route::resource` method. This method generates the necessary routes to handle basic resource actions, such as index, create, store, show, edit, update, and destroy.

Here's an example code snippet that shows how to create a route for a `PostsController` resource:

    Route::resource('posts', PostsController::class);

This code will create the following routes:

Verb URI Action
GET /posts index
GET /posts/create create
POST /posts store
GET /posts/{post} show
GET /posts/{post}/edit edit
PUT/PATCH /posts/{post} update
DELETE /posts/{post} destroy

By using resourceful routing, you can create clean and maintainable code for your Laravel application.

Understanding Dependency Injection in Laravel

In Laravel, dependency injection is a design pattern that allows objects to be injected into other objects or classes as dependencies. The purpose of dependency injection is to make code more maintainable, testable, and flexible.

Instead of creating objects directly within a class that needs them, dependency injection allows for the objects to be passed in as parameters, which makes it easier to modify, test and reuse the code.

Laravel's dependency injection container manages the injection of these dependencies, which can be specified through contracts or interfaces. This container also helps with resolving the dependencies and makes sure that the appropriate class is being used.

Overall, dependency injection is an essential tool for any developer working with Laravel, as it helps to improve the quality of code and ensure efficient, maintainable applications.

Understanding Collections in Java

In Java, Collections refer to a group of classes and interfaces used to create and manipulate groups of objects. Collections are an essential component of Java and are used extensively in most Java applications. They allow developers to organize and process large amounts of data easily and efficiently. Some of the most commonly used collections in Java include ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, TreeSet, and HashMap. By understanding collections, developers can write code that is more readable, efficient, and maintainable.


Contracts are legally binding agreements between two or more parties that outline the terms and conditions of a particular transaction or relationship. Contracts establish the rights and obligations of each party and provide a framework for resolving disputes that may arise. Companies often use contracts when engaging in business activities, such as buying or selling goods, acquiring services, or entering into partnerships with other companies. It is important for individuals and businesses to understand and carefully review the terms of a contract before signing to ensure that they are aware of their rights and responsibilities.

Explanation of Laravel Queues

Queues in Laravel are used to delay the execution of time-consuming tasks, such as sending emails, processing images, and other time-consuming jobs, so that the application can respond more quickly to the user. Laravel provides a simple and easy-to-use interface to work with queues.

When a job is added to the queue, it is placed on a storage system, such as a database, Redis, or Amazon SQS, until a worker process picks it up and executes it. This can be helpful for background processing and gives the application more resources to respond to user requests.

Laravel's queue system comes with many built-in features, such as delaying the execution of the job, ensuring that the job is only executed once, and prioritizing the order in which jobs are executed.

Overall, queues in Laravel are a powerful tool for optimizing application performance by delegating time-consuming tasks to background processes, resulting in a faster and more responsive application for the user.

Accessors and Mutators in Object-Oriented Programming

In object-oriented programming, accessors and mutators are methods that allow access to an object's attributes or properties. Accessors, also known as getters, retrieve the value of an object's attribute. Mutators, also known as setters, modify the value of an object's attribute.

For example, let's say we have a class called Person with an attribute called name. To access the value of name, we would use a getter method:

public class Person {
    private String name;
    public String getName() {
        return name;

To modify the value of name, we would use a setter method:

public class Person {
    private String name;
    public void setName(String newName) {
        name = newName;

Using accessors and mutators helps to ensure that an object's attributes are accessed and modified in a controlled way, rather than directly. This can help prevent bugs and make the code more maintainable over time.

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