Top Interview Questions and Answers for JIRA in 2023 - IQCode

What is JIRA?

JIRA is a software tool developed by Atlassian that is widely used in the software field for bug and issue tracking. It is a versatile work management tool that can be used for various purposes, from requirements and test case management to agile software development. The JIRA family includes three products: JIRA Core, JIRA Software, and JIRA Service Desk.

  • JIRA Core: Used for general-purpose task management
  • JIRA Software: Used in teams that follow agile methodologies, such as Scrum and Kanban
  • JIRA Service Desk: Used as a support ticketing system

JIRA Interview Questions for Freshers

1. Can you explain the workflow of JIRA?

    The JIRA workflow is a set of statuses or steps through which an issue moves during its lifecycle. In JIRA, the workflow defines the behavior of an issue and the transitions between its different states. Each status represents the stage of an issue's lifecycle and has a set of associated properties, such as resolution, priority, and assignee. The typical JIRA workflow includes the following steps:
  • Create: This status is assigned to a new issue when it is created.
  • Open: This status means that the issue has been reviewed and is now waiting for action.
  • In Progress: This status means that the issue is currently being worked on.
  • Resolved: This status means that the issue has been resolved and is ready for testing.
  • Closed: This status means that the issue has passed testing and is now closed.

Benefits of Using Jira

Jira offers several benefits for project management, such as:

  • Facilitates team collaboration and communication
  • Provides visualizations for tracking project progress
  • Allows for customizable workflows to fit specific project needs
  • Offers extensive integration options with other tools and software
  • Enables real-time reporting and issue tracking
  • Increases transparency and accountability within the team

Overall, Jira can help teams streamline their workflow, improve project delivery times, and enhance overall productivity.

What is the purpose of a JIRA dashboard?

A JIRA dashboard is used to provide an overview of the team's progress on various projects and issues. It displays relevant information and metrics in the form of charts, graphs, and tables, allowing team members to easily track issues, monitor progress, and make informed decisions. The dashboard can be customized to suit the needs of the team, and can include widgets for specific data and filters to display only relevant information. Overall, a JIRA dashboard helps to improve visibility, collaboration, and productivity within a team.

Agile Methodologies Supported by JIRA

JIRA supports various Agile methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban, and Scrumban. These methodologies help teams to improve their flexibility and adaptability to changes during the software development process. Scrum is a popular framework focusing on teamwork, accountability, and iterative progress towards a common goal. Kanban is a visual approach to visualize the work process, limit work in progress, and continuously deliver small increments of work. Scrumban is a combination of Scrum and Kanban, which inherits the best practices of both methodologies. JIRA provides customized workflows, boards, and reports for each of these methodologies, allowing teams to manage and track their work efficiently.

Definition of Agile Board

An Agile board is a visual representation of the tasks, status, and progress of a project, typically used in Agile project management methodologies. It provides a way for teams to collaborate and stay organized, making project management more efficient and effective. The board is usually divided into columns that represent the stages or steps of the project, such as "To Do", "In Progress", and "Done". The tasks or user stories are placed on the board and moved from column to column as they progress. This provides a clear overview of the project's status and helps identify any bottlenecks or areas where improvement is needed.

Issue Types in a Scrum Project in Jira

In a Scrum project in Jira, there are several issue types that are used to organize and track work items. These issue types include:

- Story: A user story that describes a feature or requirement from the perspective of an end user. - Task: A specific task that needs to be done to complete a user story. - Bug: A problem or issue that needs to be fixed. - Epic: A large work item that is broken down into smaller stories or tasks. - Sub-Task: A smaller task that is part of a larger task or story.

Each of these issue types has its own purpose and is used to track progress on different aspects of the project. By using these issue types, Scrum teams can more effectively manage their work and ensure that all aspects of the project are being addressed.

JIRA Project Template Configuration

Project templates in JIRA allow for consistency and standardization across projects. Here's how to configure a project template in JIRA:

1. Firstly, go to the JIRA dashboard and select "Projects" from the top navigation bar. 2. Next, click on "Create Project" and select "Browse Templates" from the options available. 3. Select the project template that matches the type of project you want to create. 4. Add a name and key for your project. 5. Include a project description and select a project lead. 6. Customize the project components and issue types as needed. 7. Set any necessary permission schemes and notification schemes for the project. 8. Review your project details and click "Create" to complete the setup process.

With a well-configured project template, it is possible to streamline workflows and reduce the time spent setting up new projects while maintaining consistency across the board.

Popular Add-Ons for JIRA

Some of the popular add-ons for JIRA include:

1. Tempo Timesheets: for time tracking and resource planning<br>
2. Zephyr: for test management<br>
3. ScriptRunner: for automating JIRA workflows<br>
4. Structure: for visualizing and organizing JIRA issues<br>
5. ProForma: for creating custom forms and extending JIRA's capabilities<br>
6. GLiNTECH Attachments Manager: for managing JIRA attachments<br>
7. Service Desk Automation: for automating JIRA Service Desk processes<br>
8. eazyBI: for reporting and visualizing JIRA data<br>
9. Insight: for asset management and tracking in JIRA<br>
10. BigPicture: for portfolio management and agile planning in JIRA.

The Role of Validators in Jira

Validators in Jira are an important element of a workflow as they ensure that certain criteria are met before a transition is allowed. They essentially act like gatekeepers and validate specific conditions that must be satisfied. This helps to ensure data consistency and integrity. For instance, a validator can check if a user has the required permission to execute a transition, if certain fields are filled out, or if the issue is in a specific state. If any of the criteria fail, the transition will not be allowed, and the issue remains in its current status. Validators can be customized to fit a team's workflow, ensuring that issues are processed in a consistent and efficient manner.

Understanding Events in JIRA

An event in JIRA refers to any activity that takes place in the JIRA system, such as creating an issue, updating an issue, closing an issue, etc. These events can be used to trigger notifications and automate processes through JIRA's workflow features. By default, JIRA comes with a set of pre-defined events that can be customized to meet the specific needs of a project. Events can also be created using JIRA’s APIs to integrate with third-party systems or custom scripts. Having a clear understanding of JIRA events is important in effectively managing and tracking activities within a project.

JIRA Interview Questions for Experienced

11. Could you please list the types of reports that can be generated in JIRA?

 Jira provides a range of reporting options, including:
  • Dashboard reports
  • Issue Filter reports
  • Pie Chart reports
  • Created vs Resolved Issue reports
  • Time Tracking reports
  • Workload Pie Chart reports
  • Custom report generation with JIRA API

These reports provide useful insights regarding the project's progress, issues, and team performance.

Modifying Bulk Issues

To modify bulk issues, follow these steps:

1. Select the bulk issues you want to modify.

2. Click on the edit button.

3. Make the necessary changes to the bulk issue fields.

4. Click on the save button to update the changes.

It is recommended to double-check all changes before saving to avoid any mistakes.

Explaining the Three Color Indicators for Time Tracking in JIRA and Their Significance

In JIRA, there are three color indicators that represent the amount of time spent on a particular task or issue. These colors can be viewed in various places throughout JIRA, including dashboards and reports.

The three color indicators are:

1. Green - Represents time spent that is within the original estimate for the task. This indicates that the task is progressing as planned and is on track to be completed within the estimated time.

2. Yellow - Represents time spent that exceeds the original estimate, but is still within the time allotted for the task. This indicates that additional work may be required to complete the task, but it is still manageable within the project timeline.

3. Red - Represents time spent that exceeds the time allotted for the task. This indicates that the task is at risk of delaying the project, and immediate action should be taken to address the issue.

By keeping track of the time spent on tasks and monitoring the color indicators, project managers can make informed decisions about the progress of the project and take appropriate actions to ensure that it stays on track. It also helps team members to stay accountable and manage their time effectively to meet project deadlines.

Configuration Fields for an Agile Board

In Agile methodology, the configuration fields for a board typically include items such as the board name, its description, and the project it is associated with. Other important configuration fields might include the columns or swimlanes for categorizing and prioritizing tasks, settings for filters and search functionality, and team assignments or permissions. It is essential to customize the configuration of an Agile board to fit the specific needs and goals of the team using it.

Creating User Stories in JIRA for Agile Projects

In JIRA, user stories can be created by following these steps:

1. Open the Agile project in JIRA. 2. Click on the “Create” button located in the top navigation bar. 3. Select the “Story” issue type from the drop-down menu. 4. Fill in the details of the user story such as title, description, acceptance criteria, priority, and estimation. 5. Add appropriate labels and assign the user story to the relevant sprint or backlog. 6. Click on the “Create” button to save the user story in JIRA.

JIRA also allows for customization of user story templates and fields to better fit the needs of the Agile project. It is important to regularly update and refine user stories throughout the Agile project to ensure they accurately reflect the project requirements and priorities.

Ways to Customize the Agile Board

There are several ways to customize the Agile board. Here are a few:

  1. Rearrange the board according to your workflow.
  2. Add customized columns to satisfy your team's requirements.
  3. Include additional lists to organize information concerning team members, deadlines, or any other relevant details.
  4. Select custom backgrounds that align with your project's branding or mood.
  5. Choose custom fonts and colors to enhance the board's readability.
  6. Activate automation that automatically moves tasks or issues through the board, saving time and increasing productivity.

These are some of the simple yet effective ways to customize the Agile board and enhance your team's productivity.

Types of Post-Transition Functions

After a transition is executed, there are several post-transition functions that may be carried out depending on the specific implementation of the transition. These may include updating the state of the system, triggering reactions, and propagating changes to other components. Other possible functions may include logging events, notifying observers, and validating the results of the transition. The exact nature of these post-transition functions will depend on the specific requirements of the system being modeled.

Understanding the Inclusions of Change History for an Issue

In the context of an issue, what details comprise the change history?

Why are JIRA issues labeled?

In JIRA, issues are labeled to provide a quick and efficient way to categorize and classify them based on their type, priority, status, or any other custom attributes. Labels help in organizing and managing issues, making it easier for users to search and filter them based on their requirements. This allows teams to quickly identify the most crucial issues that need attention and prioritize them accordingly. By using labels consistently, organizations can streamline their workflow and improve their overall productivity.

Understanding the Jira Schema

The Jira schema is composed of a set of database objects, including tables, views, indexes, and triggers, which define the structure and relationships of data within the Jira application. These objects are organized into logical groupings, or modules, that correspond to different areas of functionality within the application, such as issues, users, projects, and workflows.

Understanding the Jira schema is essential for developers and administrators who need to customize or integrate Jira with other applications, as well as for those who want to optimize query performance and troubleshoot issues related to data consistency or integrity.

// Sample code for querying the Jira database schema using SQL:
SELECT column_name, data_type, is_nullable 
FROM information_schema.columns 
WHERE table_name = 'jiraissue';

Understanding the Functionality of a Service Desk in JIRA

JIRA Service Desk provides a customer portal where customers can submit their requests or report issues. The requests are then automatically converted into JIRA tickets which are assigned to specific team members to work on. The Service Desk also provides a customizable knowledge base that customers can use to get solutions to frequently asked questions. Team members who are assigned tickets can communicate back-and-forth with the customers through the JIRA Service Desk interface. Customers are also notified via email whenever there is an update on their requests. This allows for efficient communication and collaboration between the support team and customers. Additionally, the Service Desk provides real-time metrics and reports which help the team to monitor performance, track trends, and identify areas for improvement.

What is a Kanban Board in JIRA?

A Kanban Board in JIRA is a tool that visualizes and manages work performed by a team as part of the Kanban methodology. It provides a clear and concise overview of the work in progress and helps teams to prioritize and collaborate on tasks effectively. The board consists of vertical lanes that represent different stages of the workflow, while horizontal swimlanes can be used to categorize work items by type, priority, or any other criteria. Work items, or "cards," can be moved across the board as they progress through the workflow, allowing team members to see the status of each item at a glance. JIRA's Kanban Board can be customized to fit the specific needs of a team, including the number of columns, the colors and styles of the cards, and the rules for transitioning cards between columns.

Definition of JQL

JQL stands for "Jira Query Language". It is a query language used to search for issues in the Jira issue tracking system. It allows users to search for specific issues based on various parameters such as issue type, status, assignee, reporter, priority, and more. JQL is a powerful tool for Jira users to find and manage issues efficiently.

Jira Core: Overview

Jira Core is a project management software developed by Atlassian. It is a powerful tool that helps teams to plan, manage, and execute projects effectively. Jira Core provides features such as customizable workflows, project templates, real-time reporting, project tracking, and more. It is designed to be flexible and scalable, making it suitable for various industries and teams of all sizes, ranging from small startups to large enterprises. With Jira Core, teams can collaborate, streamline workflow, and improve productivity, ultimately delivering high-quality results.

Configurations for JIRA Project and Issue Type

In JIRA, the following configurations can be applied for projects and issue types:

  • Issue type schemes
  • Workflow schemes
  • Fields and screens
  • Permission schemes
  • Notification schemes

Limitations of Editing an Active Workflow in Jira

When editing an active workflow in Jira, there are a few limitations to keep in mind:

  1. Any changes made to the workflow will affect all the issues associated with that workflow, including those in progress.
  2. You cannot delete a status that is being used in the workflow.
  3. Renaming a status may cause issues with any filters, boards, or reports that use that status name.
  4. Adding a new status to the workflow will not automatically update any existing issues. You will need to manually update them to use the new status.
  5. Removing a step in the workflow may cause issues with any transitions that use that step.

It is important to review these limitations before making any changes to an active workflow in Jira. It is also recommended to backup the workflow before making any modifications.

Difference Between JIRA Kanban and JIRA Scrum

JIRA Kanban and JIRA Scrum are two different board types within the JIRA project management software.

JIRA Kanban is used for visualizing the workflow and limiting work-in-progress to optimize the flow of work. It focuses on continuous delivery, with tasks moving from "To Do" to "Done" across the board.

JIRA Scrum, on the other hand, is used for agile software development. It focuses on delivering small, working increments of a product during each sprint, which is a set period of time during which specific tasks are completed.

In Kanban, the team works on a continuous flow basis, whereas in Scrum, the team works in sprints. Additionally, Kanban does not have defined roles like Scrum does, such as Scrum Master and Product Owner.

Ultimately, the choice between JIRA Kanban and JIRA Scrum depends on the type of project and team working on it. It is important to understand the differences between the two in order to choose the best board type for the project at hand.

Common JIRA Add-ons

JIRA has various add-ons available that can enhance its functionality. Some of the commonly used JIRA add-ons are:

1. Tempo Timesheets: Allows tracking time spent on tasks and generating detailed reports.

2. Zephyr: Provides test management capabilities within JIRA.

3. ScriptRunner for JIRA: Allows customizations and automation through scripting.

4. Automation for JIRA: Enables rule-based automation to streamline workflows.

5. Portfolio for JIRA: Provides project portfolio management capabilities.

6. Structure for JIRA: Offers advanced project management and organization features.

7. Insight - Asset Management: Enables tracking and management of assets within JIRA.

8. Profields - Custom Fields for JIRA: Provides additional custom fields for JIRA.

9. BigPicture - Project Management & PPM: Offers project management, planning, and tracking features.

10. eazyBI - Reports and Charts for JIRA: Enables creating custom reports and visualizations for JIRA data.

Explanation of Cloning an Issue in JIRA

Cloning an issue in JIRA refers to creating an identical copy of an existing issue in the same or different JIRA projects. It allows users to reuse an already used issue and its associated details like assigned users, labels, and comments. Cloning an issue can be done for different purposes such as creating a duplicate for different testing cycles or tracking similar issues identified during testing. Cloning an issue can be achieved using the Clone button available under the More option in the issue view screen in JIRA.

Issues that cannot be cloned:

There may be certain issues that cannot be cloned in a given system. However, it may vary based on the system used. It is necessary to check the documentation or user manual of the specific system to know which issues cannot be cloned.

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