Interview Questions for HCL | HCL Recruitment 2023 - IQCode

About HCL

HCL Technologies, previously known as Hindustan Computers Limited, is an Indian IT services and consulting company. Operating in 45 countries, it offers services to several sectors, ranging from banking and automotive to healthcare, media, and entertainment. HCL assists organizations in reimagining their businesses for the digital age using strategies built around Digital, Analytics, Cloud, IoT, Automation, Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Management, and Engineering Services. The company is headquartered in Noida, India, and is one of the twenty largest publicly-traded companies in India. HCL Technologies is also listed on the Forbes Global 2000.

HCL is an organization where innovation and culture are embraced. If you are keen on personal and professional growth and development, HCL is the right place for you. The company has a people-centric culture that fosters momentum and impact in society. The concept of "Ideapreneurship," where employees are the drivers of innovation by nurturing ideas, drives the company forward. The innovation and collaboration culture have given rise to many key enablers that bring about tangible business impact, allowing employees to broaden their horizons while growing as individuals. HCL Technologies is widely recognized as one of the world's most influential companies because of its commitment to encouraging, empowering, and enthusing employees across the organization. The company is growing rapidly, with an incredible workforce, and is committed to becoming the number one software company in the world.

HCL Recruitment Process

HCL recruitment process involves an interview process.


//HCL recruitment process
//Interview process 

P: The interview process details are not provided. It can be improved by providing the steps involved in the process and what candidates can expect.

HCL Technical Interview Questions for Freshers and Experienced

1. What is the purpose of the finalize() method in Java?



method is a method in the Object class that gets called by the garbage collector when it determines that there are no more references to the object. The purpose of the


method is to perform any final actions on an object before it is destroyed. This can include closing open files, releasing network resources, or releasing any other resources that the object may have been holding. However, it is important to note that the


method is not guaranteed to be called, and therefore, should not be relied upon for critical cleanup tasks.

What is the Purpose of Polymorphism in Java?

Polymorphism in Java refers to the ability of objects of different classes to be treated as if they are objects of the same class. This allows for improved flexibility and extensibility in programming. Specifically, polymorphism allows for the implementation of interfaces and abstract classes which can be extended or implemented by multiple classes, each providing its own unique implementation. Additionally, polymorphism enables method overloading and overriding, which allow methods with the same name to be executed differently depending on their context. Overall, polymorphism is a powerful tool for creating modular, adaptable software systems in Java.

Understanding Input and Output (I/O) in C++

In C++, input and output (I/O) refer to the process of reading input data and producing output data using pre-defined stream objects. The stream objects, cin and cout, are part of the iostream library in C++.

Cin is used for reading input data from the user, and cout is used for displaying output data to the screen. When we want to display output, we use the stream insertion operator <<, and when we want to read input, we use the stream extraction operator >>.

For example, to display the message "Hello, World!" on the screen, we would write:

cout << "Hello, World!";

Similarly, to read an integer value from the user and store it in a variable x, we would write:

int x; cin >> x;

By using the iostream library, we can handle input and output in our C++ programs in a convenient and efficient way.

Difference between Constant and Global variables

In programming, a constant variable is a value that remains unchanged during the entire execution of a program. It is used to store values that should not change during the execution of a program. On the other hand, a global variable can be accessed from any part of a program. It can be updated or changed at any point during the execution of the program.

Constant variables are declared using the keyword “const” and are initialized during declaration. Their value cannot be changed once set. Global variables, on the other hand, are declared outside of any function in a program and can be accessed and modified by any function within the program.

It is generally recommended to use constant variables whenever possible, as they help to minimize the risk of bugs and ensure the safety of the program. Global variables, while useful in some cases, can lead to unexpected behavior and make debugging more difficult.

Nested Classes

Nested classes in Java refer to a class that is declared within another class. The class in which the nested class is declared is known as the outer class or enclosing class. The purpose of using nested classes is to group related classes together, increase encapsulation, and improve code organization. There are four types of nested classes in Java: static nested classes, non-static nested classes (also known as inner classes), local classes, and anonymous classes.

Different Cloud Computing Service Models

Cloud computing provides different types of services to users, which are known as cloud computing service models. The three primary service models are:

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • Software as a Service (SaaS)

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is a type of cloud computing service that provides virtualized computing resources via the internet. IaaS provides users with virtualized hardware, servers, storage, and networking components, giving them complete control over their computing infrastructure and operating system.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a cloud computing service model that provides users with a platform to develop, run, and manage applications. PaaS providers offer operating systems, programming languages, and tools for users to build, test, and deploy applications.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Software as a Service (SaaS) is a cloud computing service model that provides users with cloud-based software applications. SaaS providers host and manage the software, while users access it via the internet. Users do not need to install or maintain the software, as all upgrades and maintenance are handled by the provider.

What does Big Data mean?

Big Data refers to large and complex data sets that cannot be easily processed or managed using traditional data processing tools. This data is characterized by the three V's - Volume, Velocity, and Variety.

Volume refers to the vast amount of data that is generated every day, through various sources such as social media, sensors, and digital devices. Velocity refers to the speed at which this data is generated and needs to be processed. Variety refers to the diversity of the data, which can be structured or unstructured, such as text, images, audio, and video.

Analyzing this data can provide insights and patterns that traditional methods may not be able to uncover. Big Data is used in various fields such as healthcare, finance, marketing, and transportation, among others, to make better decisions, improve efficiency, and drive innovation.


A healthcare organization can use Big Data to analyze patient data, lab results, and medical records to identify disease patterns, improve treatment protocols, and streamline processes.

Common Software Analysis and Design Tools

Some common software analysis and design tools are:

  1. Unified Modeling Language (UML)
  2. Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD)
  3. Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)
  4. Flowchart
  5. Structured English
  6. Decision Tree Analysis
  7. State Transition Diagrams (STD)

These tools help software developers to plan, design, and analyze software projects with better accuracy and efficiency.

Major Difference between Structured English and Pseudocode

Structured English is a natural language that is used to describe a specific process that a program should follow. It uses a limited set of rules and guidelines to create a clear and concise description of the task.

On the other hand, pseudocode is not a natural language, but rather a type of code-like language that uses a mix of natural language and programming constructs to describe an algorithm. It is used to create an outline of the logic that a program should follow, without getting into the specifics of any particular programming language.

In summary, structured English is a plain language approach to defining a process, while pseudocode is a more technical approach that uses programming-like constructs to describe an algorithm.

Understanding the Purpose of Pointers in C Programming Language

In C programming language, pointers are used to store memory addresses of variables. Pointers help to manipulate data more efficiently by directly accessing the memory location of variables, rather than making a copy of the entire data structure. They also allow dynamic memory management and provide an important tool for building data structures like linked lists, trees, and more. Understanding pointers is essential in mastering C programming language, and it is considered to be one of the most powerful and challenging features of the language.

Differences between C and C++

There are several differences between C and C++:

  • C++ supports object-oriented programming while C does not.
  • C++ allows function overloading while C does not.
  • C++ provides support for exception handling while C does not.
  • C++ supports namespaces and templates while C does not.
  • C++ is a superset of C and includes all of C's features.
// Example of function overloading

// C++ program to demonstrate function overloading

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Function with one parameter
void display(int num) {
    cout << "Num is: " << num << endl;

// Function with two parameters
void display(int num1, int num2) {
    cout << "Num1: " << num1 << endl;
    cout << "Num2: " << num2 << endl;

// Driver code
int main() {
    int x = 10, y = 20;
    display(x, y);
    return 0;

In the above example, the function 'display' is overloaded with two versions, one taking one parameter and the other taking two parameters.

4 Pillars of Object-Oriented Programming System (OOPS)

In object-oriented programming, there are four main pillars that serve as the building blocks for creating efficient and robust programs. These pillars are:

1. Encapsulation: This pillar refers to the practice of hiding the internal workings of an object from the outside world. It helps to keep the code organized and prevents external interference with the object.

2. Inheritance: This pillar allows objects to inherit properties and behaviors from parent objects. It saves time in programming and helps to keep the code optimized.

3. Polymorphism: This pillar enables objects to take on multiple forms, depending on their context. It allows for more flexible and dynamic coding.

4. Abstraction: This pillar involves creating abstract classes that provide a blueprint for creating new objects. It helps to simplify the coding process and makes programs easier to maintain.

By adhering to these four pillars of OOPS, developers can create programs that are reliable, efficient, and easy to use.

Aggregate Functions in SQL

Aggregate functions in SQL are functions that operate on a collection of values and return a single value as output. These functions are commonly used in SQL queries to perform calculations on groups of data. Some examples of aggregate functions in SQL are SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX, and COUNT. The SUM function calculates the total sum of all values in a group, while the AVG function calculates the average value of the group. The MIN and MAX functions return the minimum and maximum values in the group, respectively. Finally, the COUNT function returns the number of items in the group. By using aggregate functions in SQL, we can simplify complex queries and obtain useful information about large data sets.

Constraints in SQL

Constraints in SQL are rules that are applied to columns in a table to limit the type of data that can be entered. These rules ensure data accuracy, consistency, and integrity in the database. The following are the types of constraints in SQL:

- Primary Key Constraint: A primary key constraint specifies that the column or columns can uniquely identify each row in a table. - Foreign Key Constraint: A foreign key constraint is used to ensure referential integrity between two tables. It requires that a value in one column matches a value in another column in a different table. - Unique Constraint: A unique constraint ensures that no duplicate values are entered in a column or set of columns. - Not Null Constraint: A not null constraint specifies that the column or columns cannot contain null values. - Check Constraint: A check constraint allows the specification of a condition that must be met before data can be entered into a column.

Using constraints can help to avoid data inconsistencies and improve the quality of data in a database.

What is DBMS?

DBMS stands for Database Management System. It is a software system used to manage and control data in a database. A DBMS allows users to create, access, update, and manipulate data in an organized and efficient manner. It acts as a mediator between the database and the user, ensuring data integrity, security, and reliability. Examples of popular DBMSs include Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and PostgreSQL.

How to Achieve Multiple Inheritance in Java

In Java, multiple inheritance is not supported through class inheritance. However, it can be achieved through interfaces. An interface in Java is similar to a class, but it only contains method declarations and constants.

To achieve multiple inheritance through interfaces, you can create multiple interfaces and have your class implement them. For example, if you have two classes A and B, and you want to create a class C that inherits from both A and B, you can create two interfaces IA and IB, and have A and B implement those interfaces. Then, you can create a class C that implements both IA and IB.

Here's an example code snippet:

interface IA {
  // method declarations
  void methodA();

interface IB {
  // method declarations
  void methodB();

class A implements IA {
  // method implementation
  public void methodA() {
    System.out.println("Method A");

class B implements IB {
  // method implementation
  public void methodB() {
    System.out.println("Method B");

class C implements IA, IB {
  // method implementations
  public void methodA() {
    System.out.println("Method A");
  public void methodB() {
    System.out.println("Method B");

In this example, class A implements interface IA and class B implements interface IB. Then, class C implements both interface IA and IB, effectively achieving multiple inheritance.

What is __init__() in Python?

The __init__() method is a constructor method in Python that is automatically called when an object is being instantiated. It initializes an object's attributes. The self parameter refers to the newly created object that is being initialized. The init method can also take parameters that will be used to initialize the object's attributes.

class Car:
    def __init__(self, make, model, year):
        self.make = make
        self.model = model
        self.year = year

my_car = Car("Toyota", "Corolla", 2021)

In the above example, the Car class has an init method that takes parameters for make, model, and year. When an object of the Car class is created and initialized with these values, it will have attributes make, model, and year set to the corresponding parameter values passed during instantiation.

The role of Domain Name System (DNS)

The Domain Name System (DNS) is responsible for translating domain names (such as into IP addresses that can be understood by computers. This enables users to access websites and other internet resources through human-readable addresses, rather than a series of numbers that would be difficult to remember. DNS servers are distributed around the world, creating a global network that allows for efficient and reliable access to websites and online services. Without DNS, accessing websites and other resources would be much more difficult and time-consuming.

Differences between C and Java

C and Java are both programming languages, but they differ in several ways:

  • C is a procedural language, while Java is an object-oriented language.
  • C is a low-level language, while Java is a high-level language.
  • C is compiled, while Java is both compiled and interpreted.
  • C provides direct access to memory and hardware, while Java does not.
  • C requires manual memory management, while Java has automatic memory management through garbage collection.
  • C is commonly used for system programming, embedded systems, and operating systems, while Java is commonly used for web applications, mobile applications, and enterprise software.
// Example of C code

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    printf("Hello, World!");
    return 0;
//Example of Java code

public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello, World!");

Differences Between Compiler, Interpreter, and Assembler


A compiler is a program that transforms source code written in a high-level programming language into a low-level language such as machine code. The resulting machine code can be executed directly on a computer.


An interpreter is a program that reads and executes code line-by-line. It does not transform the entire code into machine code in advance, unlike a compiler. Instead, it translates one line at a time, executing each line as it goes. This makes it easier to debug code since there is no compilation step.


An assembler is a program that converts assembly language into machine code. Assembly language is a low-level programming language that is specific to a particular architecture. The input to an assembler is typically a text file that contains instructions written in assembly language. The output is machine code that can be executed directly on a computer.

In summary, compilers transform entire programs written in high-level languages into machine code. Interpreters execute code line-by-line without pre-compiling the entire program. Assemblers translate assembly language into machine code.

HCL Interview Preparation

If you have a job interview with HCL, it is important to prepare well in advance. Here are some tips to help you prepare for your HCL interview:

1. Research the company: Make sure you have a good understanding of what HCL does, their mission and values, and any recent news or developments in the company.

2. Review the job description: Understand the role you are interviewing for and the skills and experience required for the position.

3. Practice common interview questions: Prepare answers for common interview questions such as "Tell me about yourself" and "What are your strengths and weaknesses?".

4. Brush up on technical skills: If your role requires technical skills, make sure you are up to date with the latest tools and techniques used in your field.

5. Dress appropriately: Make sure you dress appropriately for the interview. It's better to be overdressed than underdressed.

6. Be on time: Plan to arrive at least 15-30 minutes before your interview so you have time to find the location and settle in.

7. Be confident: Remember to stay calm and confident during the interview. Speak clearly and confidently, and be sure to highlight your strengths and accomplishments.

Good luck with your HCL interview!

Palindrome Integer

This problem involves solving a mathematical question related to palindromic integers. The details for this problem can be found at [/problems/palindrome-integer].

Reverse Integer

 * Given a 32-bit signed integer, reverse its digits.
 * Assume we are dealing with an environment that could only store integers within the 32-bit signed integer 
 * range: [−2^31, 2^31 − 1]. The function returns 0 when the reversed integer overflows.
 * @param {number} x
 * @return {number}
function reverseInteger(x) {
  let reversed = 0;
  while (x !== 0) {
    reversed = (reversed * 10) + (x % 10);
    x = parseInt(x / 10);

    // Check for overflow
    if (reversed < (-2) ** 31 || reversed > (2 ** 31) - 1) {
      return 0;
  return reversed;

The above code provides a solution to the reverse integer problem. The function takes in a 32-bit signed integer and returns the reverse of its digits. It can handle negative integers as well. If the reversed integer exceeds the range of 32-bit signed integers, the function returns 0.

Reverse Bits

This problem is related to bit manipulation.

Please solve the problem at this link: /code/problems/reverse-bits

Grid Word Backtracking Problem Solver

This program solves the Grid Word problem using backtracking.



All HCL Interview Questions

Below is a list of interview questions that may be asked during an HCL interview:

None, as this is not code. Just a list of potential interview questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is an HCL interview easy?

Why do you want to join HCL?

Can you please provide me with the reasons for your interest in joining HCL?

How to get placed in HCL?

If you are interested in getting placed in HCL, you can follow the below steps:

1. Visit the HCL Careers website and create an account. 2. Apply for the job positions that match your qualifications and experience. 3. Attend the interviews and assessments as scheduled. 4. Successfully complete the selection process to be offered a job at HCL.

Ensure that your resume is updated and highlights your skills, experience, and achievements. Additionally, it is beneficial to research HCL and understand the company culture, values, and businesses before attending the interview.

Salary of Freshers in HCL

What is the starting salary for fresh graduates at HCL?

Technical Interview Guides

Here are guides for technical interviews, categorized from introductory to advanced levels.

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Best MCQ

As part of their written examination, numerous tech companies necessitate candidates to complete multiple-choice questions (MCQs) assessing their technical aptitude.

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