Full Stack Developer Interview Questions for 2023: The Ultimate Guide by IQCode

Preparing for Full-Stack Developer Interviews: Common Questions and Answers

If you're preparing for a Full-Stack Developer interview, it's normal to feel anxious, especially if it's your first time. Full-Stack Development is a highly sought-after and popular profession in the tech industry that requires expertise in a broad range of skills and knowledge, including front-end and back-end development. Its high level of responsibility makes it a pivotal career in tech, and companies are willing to pay handsomely for developers with comprehensive knowledge and the right skillset.

If you're considering a career as a Full Stack Developer, the future is promising. Our IQCode team has carefully curated a list of 30+ Full Stack Developer interview questions and answers to help you prepare for your interview. We have selected these questions based on what you are likely to encounter during the interview process.

Before we discuss the questions, let's first define what a Full Stack Developer is.

Who is a Full Stack Developer?

Now, let's dive into the most frequently asked Full Stack Developer interview questions for both entry-level and experienced candidates.

Full Stack Developer Interview Questions for Entry-Level Candidates:

1. What technologies and languages would you need to develop a project from scratch or what are the essential skills required for a Full Stack Developer?

Which Language do Full-Stack Developers Prefer the Most?

As a full-stack developer, which programming language you prefer the most often depends on the project you are working on and your personal preferences. However, some of the most popular programming languages among full-stack developers are:


JavaScript is widely used for both front-end and back-end development. It provides developers with a broad range of frameworks, libraries, and tools, making it a preferred choice for full-stack development.


Python is known for its readability, simplicity, and versatility. It has a vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, which makes it a popular choice for full-stack development.


Java is widely used for building large-scale enterprise applications. It has a great community, a vast ecosystem of tools and frameworks, making it a preferred choice for full-stack development.


Ruby is a flexible and dynamic language, which is popular for web development. It has a framework called Ruby on Rails that provides developers with everything they need for full-stack web development.

Explanation of Pair Programming

Pair programming is a software development approach where two developers work together on a single workstation. One developer is responsible for being the "driver," actively writing code and navigating, while the other developer is the "navigator," actively reviewing and giving feedback on the code written by the driver.

The primary benefits of pair programming include improved code quality, reduced development time, increased knowledge sharing, and better collaboration. Additionally, pair programming offers an opportunity for developers with different levels of experience to work together, learn from each other, and improve their skills.

In summary, pair programming is a collaborative approach to software development that can produce high-quality code and foster a positive team culture.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

CORS is a mechanism used by web browsers to prevent cross-origin requests from websites. It is a security feature that restricts a web page from making requests to a different domain than the one that served the original content. CORS allows servers to specify who can access their resources and what methods can be used to access them. This helps to protect users from attacks like cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF).

Understanding Callback Hell in JavaScript

Callback hell is a common problem in JavaScript programming, which occurs when there are multiple asynchronous operations being performed one after the other, making the code look messy and hard to read. The nested structure of callbacks can be difficult to follow, leading to bugs, maintenance issues and slow performance.

The concept of Promises and async/await have been introduced to solve the problem of callback hell and make the code more readable and maintainable. By chaining promises or using async/await syntax, it's possible to avoid the nested structure of callbacks and make the code easier to understand and debug.

Here's an example of callback hell:

    getUser(function(user) {
        updateUser(user, function() {
            getOrders(user, function(orders) {
                updateOrders(orders, function() {
                    // more callbacks here...

Long Polling Explained

Long Polling is a technique used in web development to reduce server load and improve efficiency. When a client makes a request to a server, instead of the server immediately sending back a response, it waits and holds the request open until new data is available or a timeout occurs. This allows the server to send back new data as soon as it becomes available, without the client having to constantly make new requests.

Long Polling is often used in real-time applications, such as chat applications or stock market tickers, where immediate updates are necessary. Instead of constantly refreshing the page or sending many requests to the server, Long Polling allows for a more seamless and efficient user experience.

In summary, Long Polling is a technique where the server waits and holds a request open until new data is available, reducing server load and improving the efficiency of real-time applications. Code:

Latest trends in Full Stack Development

Full stack development is a constantly evolving field, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends is crucial for success. Some of the latest trends in full stack development are as follows:

  • Microservices architecture: It enables building scalable, robust applications that can operate independently.
  • Cloud computing: It allows developers to leverage various cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud to deploy, manage, and scale applications.
  • Artificial Intelligence: With AI, full stack developers can create intelligent applications that can learn, reason, and self-correct problems.
  • Serverless computing: It offers developers a cost-effective and low-maintenance approach to application development.

To stay updated with the latest trends, I follow leading technology blogs, attend relevant webinars or conferences, and participate in developer communities.

State the Differences Between GraphQL and REST (Representational State Transfer)

GraphQL and REST are both used for creating APIs but they differ in the following ways:

  • Architecture: REST follows a client-server architecture while GraphQL uses a single endpoint.
  • Communication: REST uses standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE whereas GraphQL uses a query language to request and retrieve specific data.
  • Data Retrieval: REST returns all the data in the response while GraphQL allows the client to specify the data it needs.
  • Response Size: REST typically returns large responses containing all the data requested whereas GraphQL returns only the requested data, leading to smaller response sizes.
  • Caching: REST has built-in caching support while GraphQL does not have a standard mechanism for caching.
Overall, both GraphQL and REST have their own strengths and weaknesses and the choice between the two depends on the specific needs of the project.

What is Continuous Integration (CI)?

Continuous Integration (CI) is the practice of regularly merging code changes from multiple developers into a central repository, where it will be tested and verified automatically. By doing so, CI ensures that the codebase is always in a working state, reduces the likelihood of introducing errors or conflicts, and enables faster feedback and iteration in the development process. CI is often used in combination with other Agile practices, such as Continuous Delivery (CD) and Continuous Deployment (CDeploy), to enable more efficient and high-quality software delivery.

Meaning of Multithreading

Multithreading is the capability of a CPU (Central Processing Unit) to perform several threads, which have different parts of a program, simultaneously. It is the process of executing multiple threads of the same process in parallel.

In simpler terms, multithreading allows multiple parts of a program to run concurrently, independent of each other. Each thread is like a separate program running within a larger program and can perform operations independently of the others. Multithreading is beneficial because it allows for greater efficiency in processing tasks that can be divided into smaller parts and run in parallel.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Using "use strict"

The "use strict" directive is a feature in JavaScript that enables a stricter way of parsing and executing the code. It can provide some benefits, but also has some drawbacks.


  • It helps in avoiding common coding mistakes and errors by enforcing stricter rules for writing JavaScript code.
  • It helps in writing efficient and optimized code by making the code easier to interpret, which results in better performance.
  • It prevents the unintentional creation of global variables by throwing an error when the undeclared variable is used. This helps to prevent the accidental overwriting of variables.


  • It can sometimes cause compatibility issues with older browsers that do not support it.
  • It can make the code harder to read and write due to the stricter syntax and rules.
  • It can make debugging more complicated since stricter rules can lead to more errors and warnings being thrown.

Overall, the use of "use strict" can be beneficial in improving code quality, safety, and performance, but it may also have some drawbacks, especially when working with legacy code or older browsers.

Some Uses of Docker

Docker is a platform that allows developers to build, ship, and run applications in a consistent and isolated environment. Here are some of the common uses of Docker:

  1. Containerization of Applications: Docker makes it easy to containerize applications and deploy them to any environment. This helps in maintaining consistency and eliminates the "it works on my machine" problem.
  2. Continuous Integration and Deployment: Docker simplifies the process of continuous integration and deployment by providing a uniform environment where applications can be built, tested, and shipped.
  3. Microservices: Docker facilitates the implementation of microservices architecture by allowing each service to run in its own container.
  4. Isolation: Docker provides a secure and isolated environment for running applications. Each container has its own file system, networking, and resources.
  5. Scaling: Docker makes it easy to scale applications horizontally by creating multiple instances of containers that can be load balanced.

In summary, Docker helps in simplifying the development and deployment of applications by providing a consistent and isolated environment. It has become an essential tool in modern software development and deployment workflows.

Understanding the Event Loop in Node.js

In Node.js, the event loop is the mechanism that allows for asynchronous programming. It's a single-threaded loop that continuously checks for new events in the queue and processes them one by one.

When an asynchronous function is called in Node.js, it's pushed onto the event queue to be executed later. The event loop continuously monitors the queue and processes the events in order.

The event loop has several phases which determine the order in which events are processed. These phases include timers, I/O callbacks, idle, and prepare phases. Each phase has its own priority and handles different types of events.

Timers handle timeouts and intervals, I/O callbacks handle network and file system events, and the idle and prepare phases prepare for the next event loop iteration.

Overall, the event loop is a crucial component of Node.js that enables efficient and scalable non-blocking I/O operations. Understanding how it works is essential for building fast and responsive applications.

How to Decrease the Load Time of a Web Application?

Yes, there are several ways to decrease the load time of a web application.

Here are some tips:

  1. Optimize images by compressing them, reducing their size, and choosing appropriate file formats.
  2. Minify JavaScript and CSS files by removing unnecessary spaces and characters.
  3. Enable caching to allow the browser to store data so that it does not have to be reloaded every time a user visits the website.
  4. Reduce HTTP requests by combining multiple files into a single file.
  5. Use Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to reduce the distance between the server and the user.
  6. Avoid using too many third-party tools or services.

By following these tips, you can significantly reduce the load time of your web application, providing users with a faster and more enjoyable experience.

Dependency Injection Explained

Dependency Injection is a design pattern used in object-oriented programming, where an object is provided with its required dependencies from an external source rather than creating them internally. In simpler terms, instead of creating objects within a class, the objects are provided to the class from an external source, such as a constructor parameter or a setter method. This makes the code more flexible, scalable, and easy to maintain. It also makes it easy to substitute the dependencies with mock objects during testing, improving testability and reducing coupling between classes.

Observer Pattern

The Observer Pattern is a design pattern where objects, known as Observers, are notified when a subject, also known as an Observable, undergoes a change in its state. The Observers are dependent on the state of the Observable and get notified when any change occurs. This pattern is commonly used in situations where the decoupling of objects is necessary, enabling a one-to-many relationship between objects. The Observer Pattern is also useful in cases where an efficient broadcasting of messages to multiple observers is required.

Full Stack Developer Interview Questions for Experienced

// Blue/Green Deployment and Rolling Deployment Differences // Blue/Green Deployment: In this deployment method, two identical production environments, blue and green, are set up. At any given point of time, only one environment is live and the other is idle. When a new version of the application needs to be deployed, the new version is deployed in the idle environment. After the deployment is complete, traffic is routed to the newly deployed version. This ensures that if there are any issues with the new deployment, the existing version can still remain active.

// Rolling Deployment: In this deployment method, new versions of the application are rolled out to small groups of servers at a time, and then traffic is gradually redirected to the newly deployed version. This method allows for a gradual migration, and if any issues arise, the deployment can be rolled back easily.

// The main difference between Blue/Green and Rolling deployment is that Blue/Green deploys updates to a separate environment while Rolling deployment deploys updates to the existing environment.

Explanation of Inversion of Control

Inversion of Control (IoC) is a pattern in software development where the control flow of a program is inverted by transferring the control and responsibility for managing dependencies to an external component. Instead of a program controlling the flow of logic, it delegates control to a framework or container that manages the application. IoC aims to decouple application components by providing a framework to manage dependencies, which helps to reduce the complexity and increase the maintainability of the codebase. In simpler terms, instead of coding the dependency management logic in each module, IoC allows the modules to declare their dependencies, so the framework can resolve them at runtime. This approach is commonly used in modern web applications, where frameworks like Spring and AngularJS are used to manage the dependencies and flow of control.

Understanding Referential Transparency in Functional Programming

Referential transparency is a fundamental concept in functional programming. It refers to the property of a code block or function that always evaluates to the same result for a given input. In other words, if we replace a function call with its value, the behavior of the program would not be affected. This is because referential transparency ensures that the function does not depend on any mutable state or external variables outside its scope.

For example, consider the function `add(x, y)` that takes two numbers and returns their sum. This function is referentially transparent because it will always return the same value for the same input parameters. We can replace the function call `add(2, 3)` with its result `5` anywhere in the program without affecting its behavior.

The benefits of referential transparency in functional programming are numerous. Functions with this property are easier to reason about and debug, since they do not have any hidden side effects. They also enable more efficient and parallel execution, as they eliminate the need for synchronization and locking mechanisms.

In summary, referential transparency is an important concept in functional programming that enables predictable and reliable behavior of functions and code blocks.

State the Difference Between Normalization and Denormalization

Normalization and denormalization are two strategies used in database schema design to optimize database performance. The following are the differences between normalization and denormalization:

- Normalization involves organizing data into tables and ensuring that each table has a single purpose to eliminate data redundancy and improve data integrity. It involves splitting data into smaller, related tables and creating relationships between them. Normalization is suitable for complex databases with multiple tables having a lot of interrelated data.

- On the other hand, denormalization involves adding redundant data to a table to improve database performance by reducing the number of joins that the database engine has to perform. Denormalization is suitable for databases with large amounts of read data and where query performance is critical.

In summary, normalization aims to prevent data redundancy and ensure data integrity, while denormalization aims to optimize query performance by adding redundant data to a table.

What is Connection Leak in Java and How to Fix It?

In Java, a Connection Leak refers to a situation where a database connection is not properly closed after its use, hence, resulting in the connection not being released back to the connection pool. This can lead to resource wastage and might even cause the application to crash when the connection pool is exhausted.

To fix this issue, we can implement the following methods:

1. Always close database connections: It is good practice to ensure that database connections are always explicitly closed, whether in case of success or failure.

2. Implement Connection Pooling: Connection pooling ensures that a set of connections is created before the application starts and reused throughout the application lifecycle. This greatly reduces the possibility of a connection leak.

3. Use a Finally Block: One effective way of ensuring that database connections are closed is to use the finally block when handling database interactions. This ensures that, regardless of what happens in the try-catch block, connection resources are always released.


Connection conn = null;
try {
    //Database connection code goes here
} catch (SQLException e) {
    //Handle SQL exceptions
} finally {
    if (conn != null) {
        try {
        } catch (SQLException e) {
             //Handle SQL exceptions

Promises and Their States

A promise in JavaScript is an object that represents a process that hasn't completed yet, but is expected to finish at some point in the future, yielding a value. Promises can be in any of three states- pending, fulfilled, or rejected.

The pending state is the initial state of a promise, indicating that the associated operation is currently ongoing and hasn't completed yet. When a promise completes successfully, it transitions to the fulfilled state, which means that it has produced the expected value. On the other hand, if an error occurs while the promise is executing, it moves to the rejected state, which indicates that the promise has failed to produce the expected result.

Developers can create new promises using the Promise constructor. Once a promise is created, it can be chained together with other promises and actions using various methods like then() and catch(). Promise states can be checked and handled using these methods to take appropriate actions based on whether a promise has been fulfilled or rejected.

Difference between GET and POST

GET and POST are two HTTP request methods used to send data to a server. The basic difference between them is that GET method sends the data in the form of a query string appended to the URL, while POST method sends the data in the request body.

GET method is generally used to retrieve data from the server, while POST method is used to submit data to the server to create or update a resource. GET method has restrictions on the amount of data that can be sent, while POST method has no such restrictions.

// Example of GET method request using jQuery

  url: "/api/data",
  type: "GET",
  data: {name: "John", age: 30},
  success: function(response) {
  error: function(error) {

// Example of POST method request using jQuery

  url: "/api/data",
  type: "POST",
  data: {name: "John", age: 30},
  success: function(response) {
  error: function(error) {

Understanding and Implementing RESTful APIs


RESTful API (Representational State Transfer) is a web-based architectural style and communication protocol used in web development. It uses the HTTP protocol to interact with servers and exchange data in a standardized way. RESTful APIs are easy to implement and are widely used in web application development.

To create a RESTful API, developers follow some principles: resources are identified by URIs, manipulation of these resources is done through representations, and clients and servers communicate using HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.

One usage of a RESTful API is to retrieve data from a server by sending a GET request to a specific URI. For example, a client can send a GET request to a RESTful API at "http://example.com/api/users" to retrieve a list of all users as a JSON response. Similarly, to add data, clients can send a POST request to the same URI with the new User data as a JSON body. PUT and DELETE requests can be used to update or delete a specific user data respectively.

In summary, RESTful APIs are a standard way of communicating through the web for data exchange and manipulation. They are increasingly popular due to their flexibility and simplicity in implementation and usage.

Mean Stack: An Overview

MEAN stack is a web development technology that stands for MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js. It is a free and open-source stack that enables developers to create dynamic and feature-rich web applications. It is a full-stack JavaScript-based technology that simplifies and accelerates the web development process by allowing developers to use a single language, i.e., JavaScript, for both the client-side and server-side of an application.

Preventing Bots from Scraping Your Public API

It is important to prevent bots from scraping your publicly accessible API to protect your data from being misused or stolen. Here are some ways to prevent scraping:

1. Implement rate limiting: You can limit the number of requests that a single IP address can make to your API within a certain time frame. This can prevent a bot from making too many requests and overwhelming your server.

2. Use CAPTCHA: Implementing a CAPTCHA can prevent automated requests. This will require the user to complete a challenge to prove they are not a bot before they can access the API.

3. Use API keys: Require API keys to access your API. You can monitor your API keys to see if there are any that are being used in unusual ways or make too many requests.

4. Use HTTPS: Using HTTPS can help prevent man-in-the-middle attacks and ensure the privacy and security of the data being transmitted between client and server.

5. Monitor server logs: Monitoring server logs can help detect and block suspicious activity, such as unusual traffic or frequent requests from the same IP address.


// Example implementation of rate limiting using Node.js and Express
const express = require('express');
const RateLimit = require('express-rate-limit');
const limiter = new RateLimit({
  windowMs: 15 * 60 * 1000, // 15 minutes
  max: 100, // limit each IP to 100 requests per windowMs
  delayMs: 0 // disable delaying — full speed until the max limit is reached

const app = express();

Note: This is just an example and may not fit your specific use case, so make sure to tailor the implementation to your needs.

Differences between MVC and MVP

The main difference between Model View Controller (MVC) and Model View Presenter (MVP) is the way in which the two patterns separate the responsibility of the presentation logic from the business logic.

In MVC, the model represents the business logic and data, the view renders the model, and the controller handles user interaction, updating the model and view. Whereas, in MVP, the presenter acts as an intermediary between the view and the model, updating the model in response to view events.

Additionally, MVP is seen by some as an evolution of MVC, with an improved separation of concerns and testability. MVP is also more suitable for complex user interfaces and for situations where the model is allowed to change due to user actions.

Overall, the choice between MVC and MVP depends on the specific needs of an application and the preference of the developers working on the project.

Temporal Dead Zone in ES6

In JavaScript ES6, a variable declared using the




keyword is not initialized until the interpreter reaches its declaration statement. Before the declaration statement, the variable is said to be in the "temporal dead zone", where any attempt to access it will result in a runtime error of type


. This phenomenon is known as temporal dead zone. It is important to note that this does not occur with variables declared using the



Reasons to avoid using Arrow Functions in ES6

Arrow functions should not be entirely avoided in ES6, but there are certain use cases where they may not be the best choice. Here are some potential issues to consider:

1. Lack of `this` binding: Arrow functions do not bind their own `this` keyword, causing potential issues when attempting to access the `this` context within the function.

2. No `arguments` object: Arrow functions also do not have their own `arguments` object, which can be a problem when needing to access a function's arguments.

3. Implicit returns: While convenient in some cases, the implicit return feature of arrow functions can be confusing and lead to unintended consequences if not used carefully.

4. Limited readability: Complex or lengthy functions may be more difficult to read when written using arrow function syntax, compared to traditional function syntax.

Overall, arrow functions can be a useful tool in the ES6 developer's toolkit, but it's important to understand their limitations and use them appropriately.

Understanding Event Bubbling and Capturing in JavaScript

In JavaScript, event bubbling and capturing are two ways events can propagate in the HTML DOM tree.

Event bubbling is the process where an event starts at the deepest element affected, and then moves upwards through its ancestors up to the document root. For example, when a button inside a div is clicked, the click event first fires on the button itself, then on the div, and eventually on the document. This can sometimes cause unexpected behavior if event listeners are not properly scoped.

Event capturing, on the other hand, is the opposite of bubbling. The event starts at the document root and then moves downwards through the DOM tree until it reaches the target element. This is rarely used, but can be helpful when you want to intercept events and handle them before they reach their target.

Both event bubbling and capturing are important concepts to understand when working with JavaScript events. By default, event bubbling is used in most cases, but you can use the `addEventListener` method with the `useCapture` parameter set to `true` to implement event capturing instead.

Project and Technologies Used

One of my recent projects involved developing a web application for an online retail store. For the front-end, I used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript along with the React framework to build dynamic and responsive user interfaces. For the back-end, I chose Node.js and utilized Express.js to create RESTful API endpoints that could communicate with the front-end. To store and manage the data, I opted for a MongoDB database.

I chose these technologies because of their versatility, popularity, and ability to efficiently handle the requirements of the project. React allowed me to create reusable UI components, making it easier to maintain code and design consistency. Node.js, being a lightweight and scalable platform, helped me to build fast and responsive back-end services. Express.js made it simpler to define routes and handle API requests. Lastly, MongoDB provided a flexible and schema-less data storage solution that was perfect for storing the e-commerce related data.

What was your best implementation or debugging experience in the past?

As an AI language model, I don't have personal debugging experience to share. However, if you face any debugging issue, I can assist you to resolve it.

Frequently Asked Questions

33. What are the steps to become a Full Stack Developer?

To become a Full Stack Developer, you should follow these steps:
1. Start with learning the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
2. Familiarize yourself with front-end frameworks such as React or Angular.
3. Get proficient in at least one back-end language such as Node.js or Python.
4. Learn how to work with databases such as MySQL or MongoDB.
5. Familiarize yourself with version control systems like Git.
6. Practice building complete web applications from start to finish.
7. Continuously update your skills and stay up to date with the latest technologies in the field.

Types of Full-stack Developers

As a Full-stack developer, one can specialize in a variety of areas. Some possible categories of Full-stack developers include:

  • MEAN Stack Developer
  • MERN Stack Developer
  • LAMP Stack Developer
  • Ruby on Rails Developer
  • Python Developer
  • ASP.NET Developer
  • Java Developer
  • PHP Developer
  • WordPress Developer
  • E-commerce Developer
  • It's important to note that while these are common specializations, Full-stack developers are generally expected to have a broad understanding of different technologies and programming languages, regardless of their specific area of expertise.

    Which is the best Full Stack?

    Choosing the best Full Stack depends on the specific requirements of your project. Different Full Stacks have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. It's important to evaluate the needs of your project and choose a Full Stack that aligns with them.

    Some popular Full Stacks are:

    MERN Stack - MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js
    MEAN Stack - MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, Node.js
    LAMP Stack - Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP

    Ultimately, the best Full Stack is the one that meets your project requirements and allows for efficient and effective development.

    Full-Stack Development as a Promising Career Choice

    Full-stack development can offer a promising career path with high demand in the tech industry. As a full-stack developer, you will have the ability to work on various aspects of web application development, including both front-end and back-end technologies. This can provide you with a well-rounded skill set and allow you to take on diverse projects.

    In addition, full-stack developers are highly valued in startups and small companies where there is a need to keep costs down while still accomplishing many tasks. However, keep in mind that becoming a full-stack developer requires consistent learning and keeping up with emerging technologies.

    In conclusion, if you possess a passion for problem-solving and have a willingness to continuously learn and adapt, full-stack development can be a great career choice with plenty of opportunities to thrive in the tech industry.

    //Sample code for Full-Stack Development:
    function fullStackDevelopment() {
      let frontEndTechnology = "HTML, CSS, JavaScript";
      let backEndTechnology = "Node.js, Python, PHP";
      let databaseTechnology = "MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL";
      let frameworks = "Angular, React, Vue.js";
      let devOps = "Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, Azure";
      console.log("As a full-stack developer, you will work with: ");
      console.log("- Front-end technologies: " + frontEndTechnology);
      console.log("- Back-end technologies: " + backEndTechnology);
      console.log("- Database technologies: " + databaseTechnology);
      console.log("- Frameworks: " + frameworks);
      console.log("- DevOps: " + devOps);

    Full Stack Developer Salary

    As a Full Stack Developer, the average salary in the United States is around $110,000 per year. This can vary based on experience, region, and the specific company you're working for. Senior Full Stack Developers can earn upwards of $140,000 per year. It's important to research the market and negotiate your salary based on your skills and experience.

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