Common Database Testing Interview Questions to Expect in 2023 - IQCode's Comprehensive Guide


As data storage has become essential in business operations, ensuring the accuracy and integrity of data has become increasingly vital. Database testing is a type of software testing for data stored in databases, which validates performance, consistency, correctness, and accuracy of the data. It is used to prevent data loss, provide authorized access to information, define a system's behavior in case of failed transactions, and mitigate risk associated with invalid data sources. In this article, we'll cover the most frequently asked database testing questions and answers, focusing on RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) databases. It is assumed that you have fundamental knowledge of database concepts.

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Database testing is a specialized form of software testing that verifies data integrity, consistency, and performance within a database. It ensures that data is functional, accurate, and reliable, and that all data elements meet specific business requirements. Database testing helps identify problems that could cause data loss or unauthorized access to data and ensures the proper functioning of applications that use databases.

//Sample code for Database Testing 

What does data-driven testing mean?

Data-driven testing is a software testing technique in which test cases are designed based on various data values. This method involves testing the application with a set of input data acquired from various sources such as XML or CSV files, databases, and spreadsheets. This allows for the creation of a more comprehensive set of test cases and helps to validate the application's behavior under different scenarios. Data-driven testing enables the detection of defects earlier in the development process, which saves time, effort, and costs for the organization.

Understanding Trigger Testing

Trigger testing is a process of testing an application or system's response to an event or a specific input. It involves simulating a trigger and analyzing the system's behavior to determine if it responds in the expected way. This type of testing is commonly used in automated testing to validate the functionality of the system and ensure that it meets the specified requirements. In simpler terms, trigger testing is a means of checking if a system reacts appropriately to certain actions or events.

Understanding Database Stress Testing

Database stress testing is a process of evaluating a database's stability and performance under heavy loads and stressful conditions. This test is designed to identify the crucial performance issues that a database may face when multiple clients access it concurrently with substantial data loads.

The objective of database stress testing is to examine the database's behavior under ideal and demanding scenarios to identify bottlenecks and optimize performance. In particular, this test measures response time, data throughput, and resource utilization, and determines how well the database scales while handling concurrent connections and processing requests.

Using advanced tools and techniques, developers can simulate heavy loads similar to what the database will encounter in the production environment. They can also use various testing strategies, such as soak testing and spike testing, to simulate duration and volume-based conditions, respectively, and monitor the database's performance during these scenarios.

By identifying critical system issues and performance gaps early on, database stress testing can help businesses optimize their database's performance, improve user experience, and ensure the reliability of applications that depend on it.

// Example of a stress test using Apache JMeter

import org.apache.jmeter.JMeter;
import org.apache.jmeter.engine.StandardJMeterEngine;
import org.apache.jmeter.testelement.TestPlan;
import org.apache.jmeter.threads.ThreadGroup;
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.jdbc.config.DataSourceElement;

StandardJMeterEngine jmeterEngine = new StandardJMeterEngine();
TestPlan jmeterTestPlan = new TestPlan("Database Stress Test");
ThreadGroup jmeterThreadGroup = new ThreadGroup("Database Threads");

DataSourceElement datasource = new DataSourceElement();
datasource.setName("Database Connection");
datasource.setProperty("db.driver", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");
datasource.setProperty("db.url", "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydatabase");
datasource.setProperty("db.user", "root");
datasource.setProperty("db.password", "password");

jmeterThreadGroup.setSamplerController(new JDBCSampler());


jmeterTestPlan.setUserDefinedVariables(new Arguments());



Understanding Database Transactions

A database transaction is a single unit of work performed on a database that involves one or more database operations. These operations are grouped together to ensure that they are either all executed successfully, or if not, then the entire transaction is rolled back to its previous state. Transactions ensure data integrity by guaranteeing that all database operations are either completed or undone in case of a failure. This helps to avoid data inconsistencies and prevent the database from being left in an invalid state.

What is Key and Index Testing?

Key and Index Testing is a type of software testing that focuses on verifying the data integrity and accuracy of keys and indexes in a database. It involves testing whether the keys and indexes are correctly defined, implemented, and maintained in the database to ensure that the data is properly organized and easily retrievable. This type of testing is important for ensuring the reliability and efficiency of the database system.

Understanding Non-Functional Testing in terms of Database Testing

In database testing, non-functional testing involves testing the performance and scalability of a database system. It includes testing the database's ability to handle large amounts of data, the speed of data retrieval and insertion, and the ability to handle multiple users accessing the database at the same time.

Non-functional testing also includes testing the database's security, such as testing its ability to prevent unauthorized access and protect data from loss or corruption. Additionally, it involves testing the reliability and recoverability of the database system, including its ability to recover data after a system failure or crash.

Overall, non-functional testing is important to ensure the database system can perform well and efficiently under different conditions, meet the needs of users, and maintain data integrity and security.

SQL Statements for Managing and Manipulating Test Tables

To manage and manipulate test tables, the following SQL statements can be used:

- SELECT: Used to retrieve data from one or more tables. - INSERT: Used to add new data to a table. - UPDATE: Used to modify existing data in a table. - DELETE: Used to remove data from a table. - CREATE TABLE: Used to create a new table. - ALTER TABLE: Used to modify the structure of an existing table. - DROP TABLE: Used to delete a table.

These statements can be combined with different clauses, such as WHERE, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, JOIN, and others to filter, sort, group, and join data from multiple tables. It is important to use these statements carefully and correctly to avoid unexpected results or data loss.

Understanding the validation of ACID properties in database testing

In database testing, the validation of ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability) properties is essential. ACID properties ensure that database transactions are reliable, consistent, and accurate.

The validation process involves testing whether the transaction fulfills the following criteria:

- Atomicity: The transaction should be treated as a single unit of work. It should either be completed entirely or not at all. - Consistency: The transaction should bring the database from one valid state to another. The database should satisfy all the constraints and rules set forth by the DBMS. - Isolation: The transaction should be executed in isolation from other transactions. The intermediate state of the transaction should not be visible to other transactions. - Durability: Once the transaction is committed, its effects should be permanent and survive future system failures.

By validating the ACID properties of a database transaction, we ensure that the data stored in the database is accurate and consistent. This is important in critical business applications where data integrity is critical.

Understanding Retesting and its Difference from Data-Driven Testing

Retesting is a method of testing that involves running test cases again after changes have been made to the system. This is done to ensure that the changes made to the system have not impacted the functionality of the already tested components. The process of retesting is accomplished by repeating the same tests that were performed earlier.

On the other hand, data-driven testing is a technique that uses test data stored in a separate file or database to drive the test execution. In data-driven testing, test data is created separately from the testing code, which allows for better data management and reuse.

The main difference between retesting and data-driven testing is that retesting focuses on re-running the same tests again after changes have been made to the system, while data-driven testing uses different sets of data to drive the test execution. Retesting is used to ensure that changes do not negatively affect previously tested functionality, while data-driven testing is used to test different variations of the same functionality.

Manual Testing of a Database

Manual testing of a database involves performing tests on a database without the use of an automated testing tool. Here is an example of how you can test a database manually:

Suppose we have a database that stores information about users, including their name, email, and password. We can perform the following tests manually:

1. Verify that new users can be added to the database by manually adding a new user with all necessary information. Then, query the database to ensure that the new user is in the database and that all the information is accurate.

2. Test for data accuracy by verifying that the data in the database matches the input data. You can manually compare the input data with the data stored in the database to ensure that they match.

3. Test for data integrity by entering invalid data and verifying that the database rejects it. For example, you can attempt to add a user with an invalid email format or a password below the minimum length required. The database should reject these inputs.

4. Testing for performance and scalability involves verifying that the database can handle a large volume of data without slowing down or crashing. You can manually simulate a large volume of data by adding a significant number of users to the database and testing response time.

5. Verify that data is deleted from the database correctly when a user is deleted. You can manually delete a user and verify that the information is no longer in the database.

Overall, manual testing of a database requires careful attention to detail and knowledge of SQL commands to perform various tests and validate the integrity, accuracy, and performance of the database.

Validating Update of Database Table after Entering Data from Front-End Application

To validate whether the database table has been updated after entering data from the front-end application, you can perform the following steps:

1. Connect to the database using the appropriate credentials. 2. Execute a SELECT statement to retrieve the data that was entered in the front-end application. 3. Compare the retrieved data with the data stored in the database table before the update. 4. If the retrieved data matches the updated data, it means that the database table has been updated successfully.


// Connect to the database
$servername = "localhost";
$username = "username";
$password = "password";
$dbname = "myDB";

// Create connection
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);

// Check connection
if ($conn->connect_error) {
    die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);

// Retrieve the data that was entered in the front-end application
$sql = "SELECT column1, column2, column3 FROM myTable WHERE id = 1";
$result = $conn->query($sql);

// Compare the retrieved data with the data stored in the database table before the update
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
    while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        if ($row["column1"] == $updated_column1 && $row["column2"] == $updated_column2 && $row["column3"] == $updated_column3) {
            echo "Database table has been updated successfully.";
        } else {
            echo "Database table has not been updated.";
} else {
    echo "No results found.";


Note: Replace 'column1', 'column2', 'column3', 'myTable', 'id', 'updated_column1', 'updated_column2', and 'updated_column3' with the actual column names, table name, ID, and updated data values.

How to Test Stored Procedures

Stored procedures can be tested by following these steps:

1. Identify the stored procedures that need to be tested. 2. Prepare the test data that will be used to execute the stored procedures. 3. Execute the stored procedures using the test data and verify that the expected results are returned. 4. Test for error conditions such as null values, invalid input data, and any other exceptions that may occur. 5. Ensure that the stored procedures are not causing any adverse effects on the database or any other components. 6. Check the performance of the stored procedures by executing them multiple times and measuring the execution time. 7. Document the results of the testing process, including any issues or defects that were identified. 8. Fix any issues or defects that were identified during the testing process and repeat the testing until all stored procedures pass the test cases.

Testing stored procedures is an important part of database testing and helps ensure that the database is functioning properly.

Determining Trigger Firing During Database Testing

To determine if a trigger has been fired during database testing, you can use the following steps:

1. Identify the trigger that you want to test. 2. Set up a test scenario that will trigger the identified trigger. 3. Perform the actions that should trigger the trigger. 4. Check the database logs to see if the trigger has been fired. 5. Verify the expected results of the triggered trigger.

By following these steps, you can confirm whether or not a trigger has been fired during database testing.

SQL Statements for Database Testing

There are several SQL statements that can be used for database testing:


Used to retrieve data from a table.


Used to insert data into a table.


Used to update existing data in a table.


Used to delete data from a table.


Used to create a new table, view, or stored procedure.


Used to delete a table, view, or stored procedure.


Used to modify the structure of an existing table.


Used to grant privileges to users or roles.


Used to revoke privileges from users or roles.

These SQL statements can be used to test various aspects of a database, such as data retrieval, data manipulation, and data structure.

Important of Database Testing in Software Testing

As an experienced software tester, you should understand the significance of database testing in software testing. Database testing is crucial because it assesses the accuracy and consistency of data stored in a database, ensuring that it meets the expectations of developers and end-users. Without proper database testing, issues such as data corruption, loss of data, and errors in data retrieval can occur, which can lead to system failures and significant financial losses. As a result, database testing plays a critical role in enhancing application performance, reducing risks, and improving the overall quality of software systems.

Step-by-Step Process to Test the Database

1. Identify the database to be tested.

2. Determine the scope of the testing, including the data to be tested and the testing methods to be used.

3. Create test cases that cover the various scenarios and edge cases of the database.

4. Prepare test data that will be used for the testing.

5. Set up the test environment, including any required software and hardware.

6. Run the tests, ensuring that all test cases are executed and that the results are recorded.

7. Analyze the test results and identify any issues or bugs.

8. Reproduce and isolate any issues or bugs that were identified during the testing.

9. Fix any issues or bugs in the database.

10. Re-run the tests to ensure that the issues or bugs have been resolved.

11. Repeat the testing process as required until the database is fully tested and all issues or bugs have been resolved.

12. Document the testing process and results for future reference.

What is structural database testing?

Structural database testing refers to the process of verifying the database schema and data models to ensure that they conform to the design specifications. This type of testing involves evaluating the relationships between tables and ensuring that the database schema meets the performance requirements. It also involves testing the data integrity, security, and consistency of the database. The primary objective of structural database testing is to identify any defects or inconsistencies in the database design and ensure that the database is functioning correctly. This is essential to ensure that data can be stored, retrieved, and processed accurately and efficiently.

Testing Database Triggers and Procedures

To test database triggers and procedures, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the specific trigger or procedure that needs to be tested.
  2. Prepare test data that will be used during the testing process.
  3. Execute the trigger or procedure using the test data to ensure that it is performing as expected.
  4. Verify that the results of the trigger or procedure are correct and that no errors occurred during execution.
  5. Iterate through the testing process by introducing different test data to ensure that the trigger or procedure can handle different scenarios.
  6. Document the testing process and any issues encountered during testing.

Once the testing process is complete, make any necessary adjustments to the trigger or procedure before implementing it in a production environment to ensure that it performs as intended.

Possible Test Scenarios for Database Migration Across SQL Servers

When migrating a database from one SQL server to another, there are several test scenarios to be considered. Some possible test scenarios include:

  1. Verifying that all data has been successfully migrated to the new server
  2. Checking for any data inconsistencies or errors in the migrated database
  3. Ensuring that all user credentials have been migrated successfully
  4. Verifying that all functions and stored procedures have been successfully migrated
  5. Checking for any performance issues in the migrated database
  6. Ensuring that all database connections are working properly
  7. Verifying that all database backups and restore procedures are working correctly on the new server
  8. Checking for any compatibility issues with other systems or applications that interact with the database

By testing these scenarios, we can ensure that the migration has been successful and that the migrated database is fully functional and compatible with the new SQL server.

Reasons for Using SQL Constraints in a Database

SQL constraints are utilized in a database to ensure data accuracy and consistency. Constraints are implemented to define rules or restrictions on the information being entered into a database table, and they assist in preventing invalid data from being inserted, updated, or deleted. The following are some reasons for using SQL constraints in a database:

  • To enforce entity integrity by ensuring that there are no duplicate primary keys in a table.
  • To enforce entity integrity by ensuring that a foreign key always refers to a valid record in the parent table.
  • To maintain referential integrity by avoiding the creation of orphan records in a child table when a corresponding record in the parent table is deleted or modified.
  • To restrict data entry to a predefined range of values or specific conditions, such as minimum and maximum values, non-null values, or unique values.
  • To ensure consistency across multiple tables, such as ensuring that related columns in different tables have the same data type or format.

  CREATE TABLE employee (
    emp_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    emp_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    emp_dept VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL REFERENCES department(dept_name),
    emp_salary DECIMAL(10, 2) CHECK (emp_salary >= 0)

How to Perform Data Load Testing

Data load testing is crucial to check the performance of an application or system under heavy data loads. Here are the steps to perform data load testing:

1. Identify the expected maximum load: Determine the maximum amount of data that the system is expected to handle.

2. Create test data: Prepare a set of test data that matches the expected maximum load. You can create this data manually or generate it using automated tools.

3. Configure the test environment: Set up the test environment similar to the production environment to ensure accurate results.

4. Execute the test: Run the load test, and measure the response time, throughput, and resource utilization. Note any issues encountered during testing.

5. Analyze the results: Analyze the test results to identify any performance bottlenecks, such as slow database queries or inefficient code.

6. Optimize the system: Fix the issues identified during testing and optimize the system to improve its performance under load.

7. Re-test: Rerun the load test to verify that the performance has improved and that the system can handle the expected maximum load.

By following these steps, you can perform a successful data load test and ensure the optimal performance of your application or system.

How to Test Transactions in SQL Databases

In order to test transactions in SQL databases, you can follow these steps:

1. Begin by creating a test environment that mimics your production environment as closely as possible. This includes setting up the same database schema, business logic, and triggers.

2. Write a test script that includes a transaction. This script should simulate your application's usage of the database and include appropriate rollback and commit statements.

3. Execute the test script and verify that the transaction behaves as expected. This includes ensuring that data is correctly inserted, updated, and deleted, and that the transaction is either committed or rolled back appropriately.

4. Use a tool such as SQL Server Profiler to monitor the transaction and identify any performance issues or other problems.

5. Repeat the test with different scenarios, including cases where the transaction fails due to errors or concurrency issues.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your SQL database transactions are reliable and perform as expected in real-world usage scenarios.

Validating the ACID Properties

To validate the ACID properties of a database system, the following steps can be taken:

1. Atomicity: Ensure that all transactions are treated as indivisible units, and either complete in their entirety or are rolled back in case of failure. This can be validated by simulating a transaction that involves multiple operations, such as money transfer between two bank accounts. If the transaction completes successfully, all changes should be committed to the database. If it fails midway, all changes should be rolled back, leaving the database in its original state.

2. Consistency: Ensure that the database remains in a consistent state, with all constraints and rules enforced, before and after a transaction. This can be validated by inserting invalid data into the database and verifying that the database rejects it due to constraints. For example, attempting to add a record that violates a unique key constraint.

3. Isolation: Ensure that each transaction appears to execute in isolation from others, even though multiple transactions may be executing concurrently. This can be validated by simulating two transactions that access the same data simultaneously. The changes made by one should not be visible to the other until they are committed.

4. Durability: Ensure that once a transaction is committed, its changes will remain in the database, even in the case of a failure such as a power outage or system crash. This can be validated by inserting data, committing the transaction, and then shutting down the database. Upon restarting, the data inserted should still be present.

By performing these tests, the database system can be validated to conform to the ACID properties, which ensure data consistency, reliability, and durability.

Testing Data Integrity in Database Testing

To test data integrity in database testing, you can perform the following steps:

- Verify the accuracy of data stored in the database through queries that retrieve all relevant fields and values. - Test constraints, such as primary keys or foreign keys, to ensure that data is being saved and accessed properly. - Create test cases to verify data storage and retrieval functionality. - Execute both positive and negative test cases to test the database's resilience against incorrect data entry or system errors. - Use data profiling tools to verify data quality and consistency over time.

By performing these steps, you can ensure that the data stored in the database is accurate, complete, and consistent, which is critical for successful functionality of any application that relies on the database.

Common Issues in Database Testing and Their Solutions

When it comes to database testing, there are several issues that can arise. Here are some of the most common ones and how to solve them:

1. Data Integrity Issues: This occurs when there are inconsistencies or discrepancies in the data that's stored in the database. These discrepancies can be caused by bugs in the software, hardware faults, or human errors.

Solution: To prevent data integrity issues, it's important to perform regular backups and test them to ensure that the data is being properly stored. Additionally, you should implement rigorous data validation routines to detect any errors or inconsistencies.

2. Performance Issues: Poor database performance can result in slow application response times, making it difficult for users to access data in a timely manner.

Solution: To address performance issues, you should monitor your database's performance metrics and identify any bottlenecks that might be causing the slowdowns. You should also work with your team to optimize queries and indexing to improve response times.

3. Security Issues: Data breaches are a serious threat that could result in loss of sensitive information or unauthorized access to the database.

Solution: To improve database security, you should implement a robust security protocol, including access controls, encryption, and monitoring to track suspicious activities.

4. Compatibility Issues: When upgrading your database or migrating data across systems, you may face compatibility issues, especially if the software versions are not compatible.

Solution: To avoid compatibility issues, it's essential to thoroughly test any upgrades or data migrations before deploying them. You should also work with your IT team to ensure that all software versions are compatible with each other.

By addressing these common issues and following the recommended solutions, you can ensure a smooth and efficient database testing process.


Here are some best practices that should be followed while performing database testing:

  1. Understand the Database Structure: Before testing the database, it is important to have a thorough understanding of the database structure, including tables, fields, indexes, and relationships.
  2. Test both Functional and Non-functional Requirements: Database testing should include both functional and non-functional requirements such as data accuracy, data integrity, data validation, and data integration.
  3. Use Test Data with Realistic Scenarios: The test data used for database testing should be based on realistic scenarios and should cover all possible input combinations and edge cases.
  4. Perform Regression Testing: After any changes to the database schema or data, regression testing should be performed to ensure that existing functionality has not been impacted.
  5. Test Database Performance: Database performance should be tested by simulating real-world user loads and monitoring response times and database resource usage.
  6. Utilize Automated Testing Tools: Automated testing tools, such as SQL scripts or testing frameworks, can help to improve the efficiency and accuracy of database testing.
  7. Document Test Results: All test results, including both successful and failed test cases, should be properly documented for future reference and analysis.

// Example SQL script for testing the employee table

SELECT * FROM employee WHERE name='John';

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM employee;

SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employee;

Validating Tables and Columns in a Database

To validate tables and columns in a database, you can use SQL queries. Here's an example query for validating the existence of a table:

SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'database_name' AND table_name = 'table_name';

You can also check for the existence of a column in a table using a query like this:

SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'table_name' AND column_name = 'column_name';

These queries can help you ensure that your database is properly structured and all necessary tables and columns exist.

How to check for errors in a stored procedure with thousands of lines of code?

To check for errors in a stored procedure with thousands of lines of code, you can use the following methods:

1. Use a try-catch block to catch any exceptions that may be thrown during the execution of the stored procedure.

2. Use a debugging tool such as SQL Server Profiler or SQL Server Management Studio to step through the stored procedure line by line and identify any issues.

3. Divide the stored procedure into smaller, more manageable sections and test each section separately to identify any errors.

4. Use print statements to output the values of variables and other important information during the execution of the stored procedure to help identify any issues.

5. Use error logs to review any errors that may have occurred during the execution of the stored procedure and identify the root cause of the problem.

Can a table have multiple primary keys?

In a relational database, a primary key is a unique identifier for a row in a table. A table can have only one primary key, but the primary key can consist of multiple columns. However, it is not possible to have multiple primary keys in a single table. Instead, you can create a composite key by including multiple columns in the primary key constraint.

Fetching Values from TableA That are Not Present in TableB Without Using NOT Keyword in SQL

In SQL, you can use a LEFT JOIN to fetch values from TableA that are not present in TableB without using the NOT keyword. The basic syntax for LEFT JOIN is:

SELECT TableA.column FROM TableA LEFT JOIN TableB ON TableA.column = TableB.column WHERE TableB.column IS NULL;

Explanation: - Use the SELECT statement to select the column from TableA that you want to fetch. - Use the LEFT JOIN to join TableA and TableB based on the columns that match in both tables. - Specify the join condition using

ON TableA.column = TableB.column

where the column is the matching column between the tables. - Use the WHERE clause to filter out the rows where TableB.column is null, which means that no match was found for that row in TableB.

By using LEFT JOIN and filtering out the rows with null values, you can fetch the values from TableA that are not present in TableB without using the NOT keyword.

Differences between GUI Testing and Database Testing

GUI testing involves verifying whether the graphical user interface of software or an application is performing as expected or not. It checks the functionality of menus, buttons, text boxes, and all other GUI elements. On the other hand, Database testing involves checking the consistency, accuracy, and completeness of data in the database.

The major differences between GUI testing and Database testing are as follows:

  • GUI testing checks the user interface of the software, while database testing checks the reliability of the database.
  • GUI testing is an external testing process that checks the front-end of the application, whereas database testing is an internal testing process that checks the back-end of the application.
  • GUI testing is focused on validating the overall user experience, whereas database testing is focused on checking data integrity across all tables in the database.
  • GUI testing is performed using manual and automated testing techniques, while database testing can be performed using automated testing techniques only.
  • GUI testing requires the testers to have knowledge about the graphical user interface, while database testing requires testers to have expertise in SQL queries and database design concepts.

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