MCQs for CSS: The Best Multiple Choice Questions to Test Your Knowledge

CSS Basics

CSS, short for Cascading Style Sheets, is a language used to describe how HTML elements should be displayed on different media. CSS enables the control and modification of the design and layout of multiple websites simultaneously. External style sheets are stored in .CSS files.

One of the primary benefits of CSS is that it allows the separation of HTML elements from their styling and attributes. This seamless separation of concerns enables effective code management leading to more efficient web design.

CSS syntax includes two parts- a selector and a declaration block. The selector points to an HTML element that we want to style, while the declaration block consists of multiple declarations separated by semicolons. Declarations are composed of a property name and a value and are enclosed within curly braces.


  /* example of CSS code */
  h1 {
    color: red;
    font-size: 30px;
    text-align: center;
  p {
    color: blue;
    font-size: 18px;
    text-align: justify;

The Meaning of CSS

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, which is used to describe the presentation of a document that is written in markup languages such as HTML. It is responsible for controlling the style, layout, and format of multiple web pages at once by using a set of rules and guidelines.

// Example CSS code
h1 {
  color: blue;
  font-size: 36px;
  text-align: center;

The above code changes the color, font size, and text alignment of all h1 headings on a web page to blue, 36 pixels, and center-aligned respectively.

Changing Background Color of an Element in HTML/CSS

To change the background color of an element in HTML/CSS, we can use the "background-color" property. This property sets the color of the background of an HTML element.

.element {
  background-color: red;

In the above example, the class "element" has its background color set to red using the "background-color" property. We can also use other valid color values such as hexadecimal codes and predefined color names like "blue" and "green".

How to Change the Text Color of an Element in HTML

In order to change the text color of an element in HTML, we can make use of the "color" property.

element { 
    color: [insert color value here]; 

In the code above, "element" refers to the HTML element whose text color we want to change. The "color" property is then used to set the desired color value.

For example, if we want to change the text color of a paragraph element to red, we can use the following code:

p { 
    color: red; 

This will make the text inside the paragraph element appear in red.

Ways to write CSS

CSS can be written in three ways:


- CSS code is applied directly to the HTML element using the "style" attribute.


- CSS code is placed in the head section of the HTML document, between the <style> tags.


- CSS code is stored in a separate file with a .css extension, and linked to the HTML document using the <link> tag.

Identifying CSS Types

The given code snippet is an example of Inline CSS, which is used to style individual HTML elements on a specific web page without affecting other elements on the same page.

  <h1 style="color:blue;">A Blue Heading</h1>

Recommended CSS Type for Designing Large Web Pages

The recommended CSS type for designing large web pages is External CSS. This is because of the concept of "Separation of Concerns," which advocates for separating the presentation (CSS) from the content (HTML) and functionality (JavaScript) of a web page.

/*Example of External CSS*/
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">

In the above example, the CSS code is written in an external file named "styles.css." This file can be linked to multiple HTML pages, which saves time and keeps code organized.

Internal CSS Declaration in HTML

In HTML, the


tag is used to declare internal CSS. This allows you to define styles specific to a particular HTML document without affecting other pages. The syntax for declaring internal CSS is as follows:

    selector {
        property: value;

Simply replace "selector" with the HTML element you wish to style (e.g. "body", "h1", "p"), and add the desired CSS properties and values inside the curly brackets.

How to Select an Element with a Specific ID in CSS

In CSS, we can select an element with a specific ID using the # symbol followed by the ID name. For example:

#my-element {
  background-color: blue;

This will select the element with an ID of "my-element" and apply a blue background color to it.

How to Select Elements with a Specific Class in CSS

In CSS, we select classes using a period (.) followed by the class name.

For example, if we have a class named "my-class", we would select it in CSS like this:

.my-class {
  /* CSS rules go here */

We can then apply styling rules to all HTML elements with the "my-class" class by including them within the curly braces.

For instance, to set the text color of all elements with the "my-class" class to blue, we can do:

.my-class {
  color: blue;

This will affect all elements with the "my-class" class, such as <div class="my-class"> and <p class="my-class">.

Writing Comments in CSS

In CSS, comments can be written using the syntax /* comment */. Anything written between these symbols will be ignored by the browser. It is useful when you want to explain the purpose of your code or to temporarily remove some portions of the code for testing.


/* This is a comment in CSS*/
body {
  background-color: #f3f3f3; /* This sets the background color of the page */

It is always a good practice to add comments to your code to make it more readable and understandable by others.

Margin Ordering in CSS

In the given code snippet, the margins will be added in the following order: Top, Right, Bottom, Left.

The values given in the margin property are applied in clockwise order starting from the top. Therefore, the first value represents the top margin, the second value represents the right margin, the third value represents the bottom margin, and the fourth value represents the left margin.

p {
  margin: 25px 50px 75px 100px;

Can padding property have negative values?

The correct answer is B) No, padding property values cannot be negative.

    /* Incorrect way: negative padding values */
    div {
        padding: -10px;
    /* Correct way: padding values should be zero or positive */
    div {
        padding: 0;

When using the padding property, negative values are not allowed. If negative values are used, the padding will not be applied, and the content inside the element will be forced out of its boundaries. Hence, the correct way is to use zero or positive values for padding.

CSS Property for Specifying Transparency of an Element

The CSS property used to specify the transparency of an element in web development is 'opacity'.


The value of the opacity property ranges from 0 to 1. A value of 0 means the element is completely transparent, while a value of 1 means the element is completely opaque. Any value between 0 and 1 provides a partial transparency effect.

Specifying Letter Spacing in CSS

To specify the spacing between each letter in a text, we use the


property in CSS.

Referring to External CSS in HTML

The correct syntax for referring to an external CSS file in HTML is:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="path/to/stylesheet.css">

Option A is correct.

Valid Ways to Represent a Color in CSS

In CSS, a color can be represented in multiple ways. The following ways are valid:

  1. A valid color name
  2. RGB values
  3. HEX values

Therefore, the answer is D) All of the above options are valid ways to represent a color in CSS.

Correctly Selecting h1 Headers in a div Element

The correct way to select all h1 headers in a div element is by using the CSS descendant selector. This selector can be represented with a single space between the parent element and the child element. Therefore, the correct answer to the question is A) div h1.


        /* This CSS code selects all h1 headers inside a div element  */
        div h1 {
            /* Add your CSS styles here */

So, this code will select all h1 headers that are descendants of the div element and apply the specified CSS styles to them.

How to Create Rounded Borders using CSS

/* Apply rounded corners to all sides */
.element {
  border-radius: 5px;

/* Apply rounded corners to specific sides */
.element {
  border-top-left-radius: 5px;
  border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;

/* Create a circle by using the same values for horizontal and vertical radius */
.element {
  border-radius: 50%;

The border-radius property is used to make rounded borders around elements. It can be applied to all sides of an element or specific sides using border-top-left-radius, border-top-right-radius, border-bottom-left-radius, and border-bottom-right-radius. A perfect circle can also be created by setting the horizontal and vertical radius to the same value.

Setting Maximum Width of Element's Content Box using CSS

The max-width property in CSS can be used to set the maximum width of an element's content box.

/* Example CSS code to set maximum width of an element */
   max-width: 500px;

Here, the max-width property is set to 500 pixels for the .element class. Any content within this element will not exceed the width of 500 pixels.

Identifying CSS Properties for Border Styles

The correct CSS property used to specify different styles for the border is border-style. This property allows you to define a single or multiple border styles for a particular element on your HTML webpage.

border-style: solid dashed dotted double;

Alternatively, you can use the border shorthand property in CSS. This allows you to define all of the border properties (including style) in one line:

border: 2px solid blue;

Therefore, the correct answer is option A) border-style.

CSS Outline Property

The outline-style property is used to set the style of an outline for an HTML element. This property is used in conjunction with other properties to set the outline color and width.

The correct answer is outline-style which specifies the style of an outline. The options B, C, and D are invalid.

Valid CSS Position Properties

All three of the following CSS position property values are valid:


The default position of every element is static. Elements with the static position flow normally with the document unless we specify them otherwise.


The relative position of an element is set relative to its original position. When an element with relative positioning is moved, it doesn't create a gap in the document flow.


Elements with a fixed position are positioned relative to the viewport and do not move when the document is scrolled.

Understanding the "inherit" value in CSS

The "inherit" value in CSS is used to inherit the value of a property from its parent element. When you set a property to "inherit", you are telling the element to use the same value as its parent element. This can be useful for creating cohesive and consistent styles across a website.

For example, if you set the font-size property of the body element to 16px and then apply the "inherit" value to the font-size property of a child element, that child element will have a font size of 16px as well.

Note that not all properties can be inherited. Some properties, like "border", are not inherited by default. However, you can use the "inherit" value with properties that are explicitly set to be inheritable.

So to answer the original question, the "inherit" value for a property in CSS is used to inherit the value of that property from the parent element.

/* Example usage */
body {
  font-size: 16px;

h1 {
  font-size: inherit; /* Will inherit font size of 16px from parent body element */

Inline-block in CSS

The CSS property used to set up an inline-block is display. The correct syntax for setting an inline-block is display: inline-block.

/* Example */
  display: inline-block;

Color is a property used to set the foreground color of an element, not to define the display type. Block is also a display type in CSS, but it is not used to create an inline-block.

CSS Property for Controlling Layout



property is the most important CSS property used for controlling the layout of elements on a web page.


The CSS background-origin property specifies the starting position of the background image. This property has three values: padding-box, border-box, and content-box.

The padding-box value sets the background image to start from the top-left corner of the padding area. The border-box tells the background image to start from the top-left corner of the border area.

content-box, the default value, sets the background image to start from the top-left corner of the content area.

Therefore, option A is correct, as it specifies the origin of the image.

Defining Custom Fonts in CSS

To define custom fonts in CSS, we can use the @font-face rule.

@font-face {
  font-family: 'Custom Font';
  src: url('font.ttf');

In the above example, 'Custom Font' is the name of the custom font we want to define and 'font.ttf' is the source file for the font.

Understanding the CSS Box Model

In CSS, the box model is a way to represent the elements on a web page. It is an imaginary box that encases every HTML element, including the content inside it. There are four components of the CSS box model, which are:

Margin - the space around the border of an element Border - the border surrounding the padding and content Padding - the space between the content and the border Content - the actual content of the element

All four elements work together to create the final shape and size of the HTML element, and they can all be adjusted individually to create the desired look for the webpage.

To answer the question, all of the options listed (A, B, and C) are correct, and the correct answer is D.

Which Components of CSS Box Model are Transparent?

In the CSS box model, both the margins and the padding are considered transparent regions.

The box model describes how elements on a web page are represented as rectangular boxes. Each box consists of content, padding, borders, and margins. The content is the area where the actual text or images appear, while the padding is the empty space between the content and the border. The border is a line that surrounds the box, and the margin is the empty space outside the border.

In order to properly format a web page, it is important to understand the box model and how each component interacts with the others.

When an element has a transparent margin or padding, it means that there is no background color or image in that area. This allows the content behind the element to show through. This can be particularly useful for creating overlapping elements or adding a sense of depth to a page.

/* Example of transparent padding */
div {
  padding: 20px;
  background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);

/* Example of transparent margin */
div {
  margin: 20px;
  background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);

Calculating the Width of a Div Element

The width of the div element will be:

310px (width) + 20px * 2 (left + right padding) + 5px * 2 (left + right border) + 0px (margin) = 360px

Therefore, the width of the div element is 360px.

CSS Lists

CSS lists provide a way to style ordered and unordered lists in HTML. With CSS lists, you can do the following:

  1. Set different list item markers for ordered lists
  2. Set different list item markers for unordered lists
  3. Set an image as the list item marker

So, the correct answer is option D) All of the above, as all of these features can be achieved with CSS lists.

  /* Set different list item markers for ordered list */
  ol {
    list-style-type: upper-roman;

  /* Set different list item markers for unordered list */
  ul {
    list-style-type: square;

  /* Set an image as the list item marker */
  ul li {
    list-style-image: url('image.png');

Identifying List Item Marker in CSS

The correct CSS property to specify the type of list item marker is


. This property can be applied to both




tags, which are used to create unordered and ordered lists respectively.

For example:

ul {<br>
    list-style-type: disc;<br>
ol {<br>
    list-style-type: decimal;<br>

In the above code,


creates a filled circle bullet point for an unordered list, while


creates a numbered list for an ordered list.


To make an element, such as a table, span the entire width of the screen, the value passed to the width parameter should be set to 100%.

Identifying the CSS Property for Aligning Text

In CSS, the text-align property is used to align text. It specifies the alignment of text in the element it is applied to.

.selector {
   text-align: center; /* example of center alignment */

Correct approach to make a table responsive

The correct approach to make a table responsive is by adding a container element (like <div>) with the CSS property overflow-x: auto; around the <table> element. This will enable horizontal scrolling on smaller screens, making the table responsive to different screen sizes.

    <div style="overflow-x: auto;">
            <!-- table content goes here -->

CSS Property for Specifying Stack Order of Elements

The property that specifies the stack order of elements in CSS is called z-index.


Using this property, you can specify which elements should appear on top of others based on the value assigned to






CSS property is used to create a clipping region and specifies the visible area of an element. It is used to clip an HTML element to a specific region. This can be used to hide parts of an element or to create interesting shapes.



CSS property determines whether an element is visible or hidden. If it is set to "hidden", the element will be hidden and will take up space on the web page.

Therefore, the correct answer is option (B), which is the



Uses of CSS Pseudo-Elements

CSS pseudo-elements are used to:

  1. Style specified parts of an element.
  2. Style the first letter or line of an element.
  3. Insert content before or after the element.

Therefore, option D) All of the above is the correct answer.

How to Select Elements with a Specified Attribute in CSS

In CSS, you can select elements with a specified attribute using the


selector. For example, if you want to select all anchor tags (


) with a


attribute, you can use the following CSS:

a[target] {<br>
     /* Your styles here */<br>

This will select all anchor tags with a


attribute, regardless of its value.

Types of Length Units in CSS

In CSS, there are two types of length units:

  1. Absolute
  2. Relative

Therefore, the correct answer is C) Both A and B.

Understanding Relative Length in CSS

In CSS, relative length units are used to size an element relative to other elements on a webpage or relative to the viewport. The following units are examples of relative length units in CSS:


It is important to note that all the above mentioned CSS units all relative length units and they are used to define the length of an element in a relative manner, making them useful in creating flexible web designs.

Understanding the calc() Function in CSS

The calc() function in CSS takes a mathematical expression as a parameter. This expression can include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

The result of this mathematical expression is then used as the value for the property it's being applied to. This allows for dynamic and responsive design, as the values can be based on the size of the viewport or other variables.

Adding Importance to CSS Properties

In CSS, the


rule can be used to give a property/value more importance than normal. This overrides any other styles that may be applied to the same element. Using


should be done sparingly, as it can make CSS difficult to manage and troubleshoot.


The CSS property that specifies the painting area of the background is background-clip.


is used to specify whether the background image should extend into the borders, padding, or content area of an element. The property can take three possible values: border-box, padding-box, and content-box.

Types of Gradients in CSS

CSS supports different types of gradients that can be used to add visually appealing backgrounds to HTML elements. The following are the three types of gradients available in CSS.

Linear Gradients<br>
Conic Gradients<br>
Radial Gradients<br>

All of the above can be used to create gradients in CSS.

Creating an Image Reflection with CSS

The CSS property used to create an image reflection is the



For example:

img { -webkit-box-reflect: below 0px /* webkit - safari/chrome */ box-reflect: below 0px /* w3c */; }

This code will create a reflection of the image below the original image with the webkit and w3c properties.

CSS: Equivalent RGBA value for transparent keyword

The value equivalent to the transparent keyword in CSS is the RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0). This RGBA value means that the element will have a completely transparent display, making it invisible on the webpage.

 background-color: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0); 

Function for inserting values of a CSS variable



function is used in CSS for inserting values of a CSS variable.

Correct Syntax for var() Function


The correct syntax for the var() function is:
var(--name, value)

Explanation: The var() function is a CSS function that allows the use of a variable in a CSS declaration. It takes two parameters: the first is the name of the variable, and the second is the default value to be used if the variable is not defined.

The correct syntax for the var() function is var(--name, value), where "--name" is the name of the variable and "value" is the fallback value to be used if the variable is not defined.

Option B (var(--name)) is incorrect because it lacks the second parameter (value). Option C (var(value)) is incorrect because it doesn't provide the variable name. Option D (None of the above) is incorrect because the correct answer is A.

Number of CSS Layout Modes Before Flexbox Module

Before the introduction of the Flexbox Layout module in CSS, there were a total of four main layout modes:

1. Block
2. Inline
3. Table
4. Positioned

Each of these had its own unique set of behaviors and properties that could be applied to elements on a web page.

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