typescript type definition

// simple type
type Websites = 'www.google.com' | 'reddit.com';
let mySite: Websites = 'www.google.com' //pass
let mySite: Website = 'www.yahoo.com' //error
// the above line will show error because Website type will only accept 2 strings either 'www.google.com' or 'reddit.com'.
// another example. 
type Details = { id: number, name: string, age: number };
let student: Details = { id: 803, name: 'Max', age: 13 }; // pass
let student: Details = { id: 803, name: 'Max', age: 13, address: 'Delhi' } // error
// the above line will show error because 'address' property is not assignable for Details type variables.
let student: Details = { id: 803, name: 'Max', age: '13' }; // error
// the above line will show error because string value can't be assign to the age value, only numbers.

Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    interface Date {
  toString(): string;
  setTime(time: number): number;
  // ...

3.67 (3 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    // cannot use object for type defination because this is not recommended
// use Record<string, any> this same with object

const name: string = "john doe"
const age: number = 30

const days1: string[] = ["sunday","monday","thuesday","wenesday"]
const numb1: number[] = [1,2,3,4,5]

const days2: Array<string> = ["sunday","monday","thuesday","wenesday"]
const numb2: Array<number> = [1,2,3,4,5]

const person: Record<string, any> = {
	name: "john doe",
	age: 30

async function name(): Promise<string> {
	return "john doe"


async function str(): Promise<string[]> {
	return ["sunday","monday","thuesday","wenesday"]


async function int(): Promise<int[]> {
	return [1,2,3,4,5]


async function objectValue(): Promise<Record<string, any>> {
	const person: Record<string, any> = {
	 name: "john doe",
	 age: 30
  return person


async function objectValueMulti(): Promise<Record<string, any>[]> {
	const person: Record<string, any>[] = [{
	 name: "john doe",
	 age: 30
	 name: "jane doe",
	 age: 30
  return person


3.5 (2 Votes)
Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    var name: string = "Anna";
let notes: (number | string)[] = ["Get Food", 23, "Call the previous number when betting"];

4.33 (6 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    // define your parameter's type inside the parenthesis
// define your return type after the parenthesis

function sayHello(name: string): string  {
  console.log(`Hello, ${name}`!);

sayHello('Bob'); // Hello, Bob!

4.14 (7 Votes)
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typescript typescript function data type type declartion ts function name is incompatible when creating typescript template property type checks typescript type of function typescript typescript anonymous function this compare types in typescript typescript variable type function typescrit method return typscript + Custom type including various specify return type of function typescript typescript define function as type typescript set return typescript only some types of class typescript specify return type type guard function typescript declare return type typescript return type of function typecript typescript resolve argument typescript not type of typescript defnine new type type typescript feature typescript expression tell ts it can only be this type typescript function return value function type [2] requires another argument from function type [3] in property how to set return type in typescript get custom type typescript typescript compound return type typescript how to type a 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create function with same parameters as parameter function typescript function with a type typescript reference object string return a string typescript make a function return a string typescript optional arg typescript set types for function retur what is type in typescript function typescript return type typescript checking varaible againist partial types typescript compiler use to check type when type is not given typescript type or undefined typescript function parameter type definition typescript one of two types cancel ts const custom type treturn function ts typescript use as type typescript string parameter typescript types declare a function how to tell typescript that a function recieves javascript typescript branch control function expression in typescript typescript function return number typescript optional type type of this in typescript how to use typing in typescript what is {} type in typescript typescript advanced object array operations typescript distinguish an object type from union type typescript find type of iterm defined as A|B typescript returntypefunc typescript no arguments type typescript notation on function define a function in typecript ts function can take variable but doesnt need one typescript tag object what type typescript defining types define method type typescript typescript type declaration functions reference internally in typescript call function typescript create new type typescript user define function in typescript data type function in typescript typescript type properties typescript hardcode type of object typescript create a type with properties of another type typescript typing function property typescript set type of function angular function type type parameters into function typescript typing function ts typescript fuction types typescript anonymous function typescript typesave customevemts typescript variable that tracks type of object typescript type parameter "ADD" typescript return type for function different in typescript type of method typescript type whole class typescript function types typescript typescript combination of strings typescript define function return typescript function that returns type typescript method with * optional type typescript typescript specify function type define custom types typescript defining new types in typescript typescript index typescript structural typing can't define this in function ts unable to define this in function typescript functjion receive object typecript typescript predicate example typescript type type typescript declare function as variable typescript defined type typescript type for function response typescript types example typescript ? and ! typescript handbook type keyword typescript function input type function signature in typescript typescript nulable unions and type guards typescript typescript what type is a function typescript function member type making a new type typeScript typescript class typing typing classes typescript typescript params: any typescript type = function return type typescript declare function typscript type narrowing union type reutn type functioon typescript @param typescript type is a function typescript typescript type function prototype node typescript function type typescript type of object of functions typescript object of funtions typescript null type writing function in type script typescript "!" to function return sign return +number in typescript typescript function require a few but extends X typescript what type is function variable as function typescript typescript typed string oherwise string typescript function return string typescript define closed list of strings for an object property typescript parameters what is ... in typescript assign same type to multiple parameters of function typescript what is @ in typescript typescript typings typescript js function type declaration for function typescript anonymous function typescript typescript check for type defining a type for the function angular type either typescript type of asinc funtion typed property typescript typescript he how to give types to function typescript typescript reutrn type of function as ibject typescript function with either boolean or function as parameter typescript parameter type how to set type to function in typescript typescript set type as function declare method in typescript typescript nullable method in typescript funtcion on typescript typescript type union not required type for function variable typescript define function return type typescript examples typescript return function when calling just the class typescript function : o is type instanceof typescript let typescript know that value is of type through function ts function return function. return type typescript typescript user defined types typescript set return type inner function based on outer function return signature typescript typescript not properties type ts functions signatures pass value to returned function in typescript typescript how to define type as function 'in' operator typescript typescript funciton<type> typescript method call type typescript function typescript type of anonymous function type 1 and type 2 typescript typings in typescript javascript function signature typescript options type typescript functions types typescript function return type what is the type for a function typescript ts predicate return types typescript typescript return typescript funciton type typescript function needs return typescript function any how to let my typescript function allow params typescriot function as a type typescript function as a type typescript guard types don't use function as a type. the function type accepts any function-like value typescript type of {} typescript {} or type how to use type in typescript typescript function parameter typescript string or function construct individual params as type typescript typescript method ? type parameter ts inline function in typescript typescript what means TYPE[] typescript return type typescript set types for parameters typescript create functiontype with args typescript default parameter value typescript fnction typescript return value from fonction typescript define function as argument with return type functions types typescript typescript function of type any typing any function typescript typescript function as parameter define types typescript typescript type "|" typescript type = | typescript value is type how to make type in typescript typescript typing newtype x syntax typescript typescript create type for function typeof that extends typescript typescript where to define types check typeof typescript typescript determine type typescript ensure something is the right type type in typescript example typescript type for any function typescript ...arg typescript parameter of type class typescript type js function value interface alias typescript methods type number typescript typescript 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enforcing types typescript define types in typescript typescript types and interfaces in typescript, use type keyword to define an interface ? in typescript in typescript typescript define complex type object setting function type typescript typescript composite types TypeScript advance where to define types in typescript defining type in typescript typescript create function type typeguard object param ts custom data type typescript function that checks type typesciprt typescript pick property from interface and ensure type true in pick typescript IUser typescript optionat typescript typescript not return type checking typescirpt define function type typescript define method signature create custom data type in hava like typescript type parameter typescript typescript tyep function types in ts check type of in typescript how tto define a type of a function typescript cumul type typescirpt set var to function by value typescript type any function ts type check function declare custom type typescript typescript type use other type typescript define type script custom types typescript define function on type typescript check typeof type guard number in tyoesctuip check type of typescript typescript ceck type typescript is type check typescript define type of function typeof number typescript typescript type guard union type typescript + check type advance typescript tutorial typescipt custom types complex type in typescript advanced types typescript property types type script button data type type of typescript typescript type declare optional how to create type in typescript specify function type as object in ts typescript function multiple parameter types typescript define any function typescript function return type as alias ts @type("number") how to read the typescript type u need how to create custom types typescript is type of typescript ts typeof typescript number type typedef typescript typeof ts type guard any types typescript type guard a string type typescript type guard a string typescript typescript typeof check on generic will still make you unable to assign type how define type in typescript define types in ts add a function to a type typescript typescript define complex type typescript tell property type typescript type ts against declare type type guard type creation syntax typescript ts defined type function as type in typescript create type use everywhere typescript declare types typescript typescript type two results types@ typescript typesafe something with type 2 typescript type typescript dont have get typescript set type ts type function typescript check type typescript using type typescript create update type how to check id object in typescript complex types typescript typing in typescript how to represent a function type in typescript function to create type from object typescript create type from object typescript isType typescript typescript choice type typescript type guard object property define a typescript type how to define type typescript define function type of other function typescript define function type of other function3 typescript set type in typescript funciton typing typescript typescript alternative types ts function as type typescript own type function typing in ts typescript double type parameter typescript is type of list of types typeof typescript typescript use custom type as type typescript alias type typescript custom type guard how to type a function typescript typescript "&" types define named variable typescript type for function in typescript create runtime types typescript typescript should i use function as a type typescript type of function typescript record class name to string typescript create type from object type for function typescript declare type typescript custem type in typescript should be of type Function: value was {} typescript specify type for function typescript typeguard typescript set this type typescript checkout if string is type typescript variable type typescript this type comparing types in typescript typescript how to type get entry from multi type object typescript typeof that extends type typescript declare a functiontype typescript tyoe typescript typescript define function as any any typeof typescript object typeof typescript class string type constructed by multiple types typescript string made of multiple types typescript string made of 2 types typescript call a function along with define typescript typescript how to define function type typescript guards typescript accept either a string or object in function ts take either string or object in function parm how to declare custom strings typescript typescript functions type apply type typescript Typescript interface with alias field typescript instance of typeDef in typescript ts function = () => why do we have to include the typw within function of typescript type methods typescript typescript container of types how to declare custom types as undefined set this type typescript typescript create type from other type how to set type of function with parameters in typescript ts create type for function typescript key cases typescript alias typescript add any type create a type typescript typedef struct typescript typescript declare function type type annotation for function in ts typescript declase functio typescript create types typescript typof typescript compare types typescript string[] check type use method type typescript declare function type typescript typescript function that takes a function declare custom type in typescript how to give a function call a type typescript typescript function specify arg type when using typescript working with or types check type in typescript typescript function signature type typescript function type definition Conversion of type 'StorageValue' to typescript typescript property type typescript for type typescript type gurard Typescript type | AdvancedMaps typescript give two values as options string 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object string type checking typescript typescript advanced type runtime checking typescript type predicate typescript define type and string in one extract type typescript type guard custom type typescript\ function type typing a function typescript function type in typescript define custom type typescript custom typescript types ts functions params type define type typescript set typescript functions variable type typescript type "is" type typescript is create type typescript how to declare new types in typescript compare types typescript typescript signature type of type typescript how to define function type in typescript typescript types for custom types typescript types or custom types typescript custom object type typescript new type typescript declare type typescript typeof class typescript typeof interface typescript typof in type guard typescript type guard typescript return type property typescript set type of parameter typescript custom type check typescript is custom type 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