dicts python

student_data = {
  "course":['Bsc', 'Computer Science']

#the keys are the left hand side and the values are the right hand side
#to print data you do print(name_of_dictionary['key_name'])

print(student_data['name']) # will print 'inderpaal'
print(student_data['age']) # will print 21
#this will print 'Bsc' since that field is an array and array[0] is 'Bsc'


                                    thisdict =	{
  "brand": "Ford",
  "model": "Mustang",
  "year": 1964
x = thisdict["model"]

BinaryTox1n 110 points

                                    thisdict = {
  "brand": "Ford",
  "model": "Mustang",
  "year": 1964

4 (1 Votes)
NHaskins 105 points

dict = {'Name': 'Zara', 'Age': 7, 'Class': 'First'}
print ("dict['Name']: ", dict['Name'])
print ("dict['Age']: ", dict['Age'])

4 (3 Votes)

                                    # decleration
my_dict = {
  'spam': 'eggs',
  'foo': 4,
  100: 'bar',
  2: 0.5

# access single values from the dictionary
print(my_dict['spam']) # eggs
print(my_dict['foo']) # 4
print(my_dict[100]) # bar
print(my_dict[2]) # 0.5

# iterate over the dictionary
for key, value in my_dict.items():
  print(key, value)

# get length of the dictionary
print(len(my_dict)) # 4

# modify the dictionary
my_dict['baz'] = 'qux' # adds a pair
my_dict['baz'] = 'quxx' # also updates it
del my_dict['spam'] # removes a pair

# other methods
print(my_dict.copy()) # Returns a copy of the dictionary
print(my_dict.fromkeys('added', 100)) # Returns a dictionary with the specified keys and their values
print(my_dict.get('foo')) # Returns the value of the specified key
print(my_dict.items()) # Returns a list containing a tuple for each key value pair
print(my_dict.keys()) # Returns a list containing the dictionaries keys
print(my_dict.values()) # Returns a list of all the values in the dictionary
my_dict.setdefault('a', 'b') # Returns the value of the specified key. If the key does not exist: insert the key, with the specified value
my_dict.pop('foo') # Removes the element with the specified key
my_dict.popitem() # Removes the last inserted key-value pair
my_dict.update({'baz': 'val'}) # Updates the dictionary with the specified key-value pairs
my_dict.clear() # Removes all the elements from the dictionary

4 (7 Votes)
Mushroom Man 110 points

                                    a = {'a': 123, 'b': 'test'}

3.5 (6 Votes)
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Python Dictionary is an ordered collection of items. Python Dictionary is a mapping of unique keys to values. 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dictionary python using in dictionary python dictionarry python make a dict in python python 3 access dict value all methods involving dictionaries python python keys and values in dictionary python dictironary python dicitionary.items python make diction accessing a dictionary python to display its key value for a user example on a takeway restaurant app python how to define a dictionary access dictionary elements in python python dictionary in a function dictinary in python how to make a dictionary in pytho9n python diction`ARY print one thing from dictionary p creating dictionaries in python python printdict how to create a dictionary referencing a dictionary entry in python dictionary in pythons python dicionary preitte python dict strucutre and format for dictionary in pyhton dict example in keyword python dictionary how ot make dictionary python python define dictionary dict() python simple dictionary database dict data type in python python 3 create dictionary python print dictiary how to print entire dictionary in python dictionary format python python access values in dictionary python key different types of dictionary in python dictionary pyhton accessing dictionary items in python defining dictionaries in python build dictionary with for python how to reference values in dictionary in python get the values in a dictionary python key, value python dictionarys in python how to access dictionaries values keys and values in dictionary how to access a python dictionary items python make new dictionary python dict access key value dictionary notation python python write into dictionary dictionary data structure python how to write into a dictionary in python how to get value in dictionary python dictionary attributes python calling a dict in python3.8 calling a dict python3 dictionary properties in python python how does a dictionary look like accessing dictionary values in python python dictionweries print values in a dictionary python python dictionaries explained python dictionary working with what are dictionary in python ditionary python use dictionary in python dict function doesn't return array in order python display dictionary in python print dictornary vakues in python' 2-element dictionary python 3 data = dict() learn python dictionaries how to make dictionary python how to access values in a dictionary python 3 dictionary in method dictionary in python syntax python3 dicts syntax of dictionary in python types of dictionaries in python dictionary data structure in python print dict python in keyword on dictionary python3 use in dict python python cdictionary python create new dictionary dictionary keys values access dictionary keys python How to define dictionary in ython how to write to dictionary in python create dict python 3 how to build a disctionary in python 3 with format key print dictionary values python write data to dictionary python python dictionary create python dictionary key dict python examples show dict 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python dictionary object key and value in python python list of dictionary explained dicionary python print python 3 dictionary functions what is a python dictionnairy python dictionary syntex print dict values python printing values of a dictionary in python how to print dict python python working with dictionaries dict python 3 how to use dictionarys in python making dict in python how to read from a dictionary in python python read dictionary key value dictionary python print keys dict key value python python dicttionary python3 dictonary how to print dictionary elements in python dictionary python access dict python python full dictionarty how to display a dictionary in python create new dictionary python access a dictionary python how to print values of dictionary in python print dictionary python python dictionary key values print values of dictionary in python python how to make dictionary python dictionary reference dictionary iteritemss python3 map dictionaries and load when available in python print dict in python\ processing a dict in python to print dictionary using keys in python ctionary python why use dictionary in python python dictionary entries python access dict items create a dict python objects seeing by dict keyword in python python and define a dictionary how to see at what location item is python dicto how to print the value in a dictionary in python dicts python examples python3 dict how to make dictionaries in python python access values of dictionary parts of a dictionary python python output from dictionary refer to value in dictionary python dictionary() python dictionary python3 python dictioanry python3 dictionary example how to make for dict in python create dic in python 3 dictionary python tutorial gosh dudar make dict() python dictionary in python python print dictionary value create a dictionary in python dictionary in python curly braces dict methods in python dicts python dictionary access python make python use " for dictionary how to make a dictoranry in python how to write dictionaries in python python dictionary . or python dictionary python dictionaries keys and values python dictionary functions python dictionary key value dict python python dictionary in using dictionary in python how to make a dictionary in python dictionary python methods What is the use of dict () in Python? dict type python dict() python how to define dictionary in python reading keys of a dictionary python create a dictionary python python dictionary methods dictionary python attributes define python dict dictionnary python how to create an dictionary in python dictionary methods python 3 get element from dictionary in python working with dictionary in python access items in a dict in python python dictionary in list create dictionary python how to use dictionaryies python creating dictionary in python dictionary methods in python how to use dictionary methods in python access value of dict python python types of dictionaries dict to css mappings python how to define a dictionary in python 3 working with python dictionaries what is the data structure of dictionary in python dictionary in method python 3 python example of dictionary python dict list how to work with dictionaries in python dict methods in python 3 dictionary methods in python 3 python dictionary get large dictionary dicts in python return table rows as dict object in python cant access the data in a dictionary object python python dictionary examples python dictionaries how to make dict python 3 type is list but work as dictionary python Which of these collections defines a DICTIONARY in python python create dictionary empty dictionary python 3 python3 dictionaries dictionary structures python python 3 dictionary dictionary element access python python3 data from dictionary access dictionary key in python create dictionary in python python3 dictionary NameError: name 'thisdict' is not defined dictionary above other code python dict() python dictnary python print dictionary python disctionaries key attributes python technique used in the implementation of python's dictionary structure is {} in python3 python how to make dict dict in python 3 python dictornaries * python dictornaries handling dictionary in python 3 by value dictionaries python\ python dictinary and list pythoin dict how to make python dictionary python3 refer to dictionary can dictionary receive 3 {:::} python can dictionary receive 3 ::: python can dictionary receive 3 python python descructure dictionary display dictionary python python map values dictionary make a python dictionary python notation for dictionary dictionaries in python dict attribute python 3 data dict python how to get how many fields a dict has python how to get the dictionary values in python dictionary example python check dictionary value data types python access element of a dict in pythion print a dictionary python3 print a dictionary dictionary syntax python dictionaries python 3.6 dictionary pythin print a value from a dictionary python dictionaries python 3 dictionary of object python python print value in dictionary how to see all names of stuff in dict python 3 how to list all names in a dict python 3 dictionary in python 3 user dictionary python python mapbyvalues dictionary dictionary python python dictionay python dict dictionary python 3 dictionaries python
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