declare object array in typescript

type submitionDataType = {
    title: string,
    desc: string,
    decks: Array<{ front: string, back: string }>

Robjh 205 points

                                    //Define an interface to standardize and reuse your object
interface Product {
    name: string;
    price: number;
    description: string;

let pen: Product = {
  name: &quot;Pen&quot;,
  price: 1.43,
  description: &quot;Userful for writing&quot;

let products: Product[] = [];
// other products.push(_) to add more objects...
/* --&gt;
* {
*  name: &quot;Pen&quot;,
*  price: 1.43,
*  description: &quot;Userful for writing&quot;
* },
* ...other objects...

4.33 (9 Votes)

                                    export class CrudService {
  cards: Card[] = [];

4.13 (8 Votes)

                                    // Create an interface that describes your object
interface Car {
  name: string;
  brand: string;
  price: number;

// The variable `cars` below has a type of an array of car objects.
let cars: Car[];

4.13 (8 Votes)

                                    interface User {
	[index: number]: {
    	firstname: string;
      	lastname: string;
      	age: number;

4.44 (9 Votes)
Iammrigank 90 points

                                    let userTestStatus: { id: number, name: string }[] = [
    { &quot;id&quot;: 0, &quot;name&quot;: &quot;Available&quot; },
    { &quot;id&quot;: 1, &quot;name&quot;: &quot;Ready&quot; },
    { &quot;id&quot;: 2, &quot;name&quot;: &quot;Started&quot; }

userTestStatus[34978].nammme; // Error: Property 'nammme' does not exist on type [...]

4.17 (6 Votes)
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class typescript create an array object typescript typeecript array fo ojects typescript array of objects with names typescript named object array how to create object of array in typescript where typescript array list of string array in typescript how to create array of objects typescript typscrip list of array how to specify an array of a model ts JavaScript array of objects declare an array of objects in typescript with new declare type array object typscript eclare array must be array of objects typesciprt use object or array typescript create an object toarray typescript array of any ts in object list of objects typescript typescript array types objects in typescript array of array in typescript typescript object array types typescript how create array of string typescript define array of classes typescript array of classes list class typescript type typescript array create objects [] type typescript array create 30 objects typescript array of records typescript define array of 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typescript define object or array specify member as array or object typescript ts new array of objects how to write an array typescript typescript type array with object ts data of type array of objects declare new array of objects typescript define an array of objects in typescript Typescript , how to assign an array of different object types typescript array objects declare array of object in typescript array object in typescript declaring array of objects in typescript create an array object in typescript array of objects type typescript array of object in typescript typescript matrix of objecta object array to number array typescript how to say in ts an array of objects how to say in ts a array of objects ts define object array instantiate a list in typescript typescript array of obj\ typescript array of any objects typescript how to define array of objects type of an object of an array typescript typescript object with array typescript declare an array of objects type of array of objects typescript ts defined array of objects define array object in typescript typescript how to define array how to create a type of array that will have as many items inside it type sript array of object typescript type declare array of objects typescript create new array of objects typescript of model create new array of objects typescript create new array of objects typescripts typescript array of objects const type: array object typescript complex type array of objects typescript define complex type with array of objects typescript declare list of objects creating an array of objects in typescript type for array of objects in typescript how to type array of objects typescript array and objects in object typescript typescript making array whow to we define a list of objects in ts how to initialize an array in typescript define the array of any objects in typescript array typescript definition define an arrayy of specific object typescript typescript class define array but as objects typescript integer array sypescript array of objects type array of objects typescript declare list of object in typescript typescript array object typescript type object array object array typescript with different types ts array of objects how to declare an array of strings in typescript array objects typesciprt object in array typescript how to assign array type to variable in typescript typescript define array of objects typescript entities vs array declarar array en typescript declaring an array in ts typescript anonymous array type atypescript anonymous aray type typescript anonymous type array how to give type to array of objects typescript tsvariable assignment for arrays how to declare a new List of objects in typescript typescript model array of objects typescript create a array typescript type for object array typescript list object typescript array of custom type declaring an array in typescript array of strings in typescript angular declare array typescript get array from aspnet create store array of object simple typescript ts create array array of object declaration in typescript list string int in typescript typescript collection of objects typescript array definition typescript type array of objects create array of objects in typescript define new array typescript type script array of objects typescript type list string array array string in typescript array of array of objects typescript typescrip new array typescript list of objects type angular array declaration assign list in typescript arraylist typescript how to use array object in typescript declare array of custom objects typescript typescriptlang array of objects typescript object new array typescript declare array items as object key typescript object property array ts list of objects ts array type declare a list in typescript typsecript define array literal define array of objects in typescript typescript string array declaration typescript string array sdeclaration typescript define an array typescript declara array of objects typescript declara table of objects arrayt of object typescript type typescript array of numbers object array typescript array of object type typescript array of object type Array&lt;Record&lt;string, string&gt;&gt; array of objects in typescript typescript create list of objects typescript list of object use typescript | with array typescript create a model array of objects Array.create typescript typescript initialize array type array in typescript typescript define object inside array typescript create new object array create object array in typescript typescript create obejct from array create list of object typescript typescript declare array decalre array of object typescript array of object typescript return array of objects typescript what does Array&lt;{}&gt; mean in typescript declare array of objects in typescript initialize array typescript type array of objectId ts array object typescript declare array object in typescript string array typsecript array string typescript how to define type object inside array array type in typescript typescript oject or array of object typescript new objekt to list typescript array type typescript type array with objects just decalaring array of objects in typescript decalaring array of objects in typescript declare a object which is both array and object ts create object arrays typescript typescript object array declaration list of objects in typescript type script string array typescript initialize array of type typescript for in array of objects arrya in typscript type array typescript array typescript typescript array of strings define array of objects typescript typescript strings array of object how to an array in typescript how to assign string to array string in typescript typescript create array from string array declaration in typescript how to declare an array in typescript typescript make an array of objects names ts array of objects type typescript object or array of objects typescript array typescript string typescript defining array of object type typescript list methods localstorage array of objects typescript object from array typescript declare array of objects typescript class array of objects array type objects typescript how to declare array of objects in typescript how to create array of objects in typescript typescript object in array ts declare object array ts array of object typescript return array of objects dfine object array typescript typescript array of object typescript initialize array with anonymous type typescript list objects create list of objects typescript typescript array of objects type array of object type in typescript how to give type for array of objects in ts create array of objects typescript typescript array object Typescript how to do array of objects typescript object with array property ts array of any objects typescript create a new array of objects typescript declare object of array typescript create array of objects how to define array of objects in typescript tyescript array of bojects ts type for array of objects creating array of objects in typescript typescript array of abjects typescript for array of objects typescript define object array array of objects typescript typescript array of objects types typescript list of objects create an object array typescript array of objects in typesript how to create array of objects in ts typescript object array typescript array of objects
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