sql groub by count

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT program_name) AS Count,
  program_type AS [Type] 
FROM cm_production 
WHERE push_number=@push_number 
GROUP BY program_type

Ken Taylor 115 points

                                    SELECT COUNT(Id), Country 
  FROM Customer
 GROUP BY Country

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select distinct group by count sql group by distinct values sql count(distinct group by) count distinct inner group by sql sql count distinct values with in group by select distinct count with group by sql group by having distinct line distinct and group by sql group by having distinct count count unique sql group by sql group by distinct column count group of a groub sql groupby count distinct group by count distinct sql select count group by distinct find group by distinct count distinct and group by aggregatge sql distinct group by sql sql distinct group by count sql group by and distinct count select distinct group by number of occurrences group by count distinct select distinct group by the count function in sql returns the number ofValues Group By Distinct values Columns sql select distinct values group by using distinct,count and groupby in SQL distinct with group by sql count unique values group by tsql unique count group by access sql count distinct group by sql distinct group by sql group by distinct tsql how count distinct after group by count function in sql returns the number of values distinct values group columns sql server group by count distinct of each sql server group by count distinct COUNT(distinct GROUP BY) count(*) in sql with grp by group by distinct count count distinct with group by count in sql and group by sql get number of rows in group by grupby with count count(*) in sql group by return count after grouping sl count and select distinct mysql count group by sql count id group by get count and group by count in one query COUNT OF DIISTICNT STAR SQL sql count distinct values group by select distinct with count with list sql count by group count groups sql sql select group by count sql count per category count gruoups how to count distinct values in sql how to find distinct count in sql how to count distinct rows in sql count distincg mysql group by count get count in group count by group sql sql syntax count group by count and group by in sql how to count status in sql query by group by group and count sql group by count and where group by column sql server count use group by and count in sql conut distinct count by group by sql group by and count sql group by distinct sql select distinct group by distinct count sql sql row count of group by groups sql row count of group by groupos count of distinct values in sql group by count distinc group count sql group by count sql count select distinct count COUNT DISCTINCT SQL select count sql group by count groupby sql count by column value count group by sql count after group by table sql server select distinct and cout count how many people in the same group sql sql count number group by each column select count of distinct values count doublon sql sql server get count group by select distinct and their count sql group by with count groups group by count count gorup by select count group by sql server distinct count unique count sql GROUP BY in sql sql count group group by number of rows Count distenct c# count distinct in groupby mysql group by clause find the count group_by with count sql 1 select group count sql count and groupby together sql count unique group by on count count total records using group by count with group by and whre sql count type group of people using count(DISTINCT with a group how to get distinct count in sql server t sql group by and where count ciunt uniqe sql sql grouby by count count in sql with group by sql count distinct rows how do i count group by and show it as a column sql how to group by count in sql sql count of distinct values sql count distinct values count distinct value sql count grouped rows sql use of groupby clause with distinct select count unique sql group by example count t-sql count group sql query groupby and count sql server count group by count by id sql count unique values sql group by select count group by sql sql count and combine values sql count number of records in a group group.From, group.To, group.Count); as a table how to use distinct and group by in sql sql select count group by sql group by and count column count in sql using group by but output will be all 2 sql get count group by tsql group by count count each element in sql group by in sql count sql distinct count group by sql count of group by select count distinct count based on group by sql how to get count of record in group by group sql group by id and count sql select count and distinct count() groub by sql distinct and group by sql count distinct values in group sql count rows in group sql group by count id counts based on distinct sql count group by where sql group by distinct values sql group by with distinct count group by count row sql query select from table and group by count group by count function in sql how to apply count in gruop by query return group count and namee count by name sql count with distinct sql count group by column group count mýql select COUNT avec disctibnctsql server how to count and group by sql group by counter sql group by with count sql count for each group count each unique value in sql how to see the count of different categories in sql sql count unique values by group select count with group by sql count rows for each distinct value Write a query using the count function with the GROUP BY clause to return the number orders for each order’s status count with goups dispkayed in sql group sql select count group by example sql cont per company count number of rows group by sql group count get count within each group, not overall sql how to count and group by in column data COUNT DISTINCT select some records in group by sql with count groupby show count for rows in group by sql group by count(id) how to get latest data with count and groupby sql select count distinct sql group by and count how many in each group count with group by group by with count in sql how to group by a count in sql count sql with group by sql count group by and sum rows sql server count rows group by query for groiup by and count the record get count of group by sql count groups sql count rows in each group sql group count group by count mssql get count of group by sql grouping list select only count > 1 groupby and count sql GROup by using count in the group by GRUopu by using count group by and count sql count on group by query count by group how to count in the group by sql server group by count in one column count sql by id count with group by in sql count records in group by sq count of rows group by sql sql group by and count select count distinct sql count records group by sql count and group group by and count each rows counting(row values in SQL with group by select count of columns group by group by count unique sql sql server how to group count by values count distinct group by group by with count group by in count sql group by in count group by count and the column sql group by count query count sql group by group by and count togather in sql group by then count in sql how to count year and group in sql how to count by category in sql sql server count with group by sql group by count value equals sql counting groups get count with group by in sql sql get count of each distinct value tsql get count of group by field group by value count in sql how to use count and group by in sql sql count of group by values how to use count with group by in sql sql count for each recored sql count for each distinct value sql count each group counting and grouping sql select count and group by sql get number of distinct values by group in sql sql select count distinct group by how to get the count of records in sql using group by use count in sql with group by clause sql query select diostinct and then count count sql and group by count each distinct value sql sql group by count with all columns Distinct count in sql count in group by sql group by count in sql group by query to groupp records sql select count and group by sql distinct with count of each sql count unique group by count in sql group by sql count total rows when using group by count row ms sqlgroup by sql query group rows and get total count sql select distinct values and count of each sql count distinct get count of rows in sql group by sql group by count distinct count and group by sql how to group all records in sql sql how to count group by sql distinct count sql count group by between values t-sql group by with counts select count sql server group by count with group by sql group by count sql sql group by and count distinct mssql select count for each id sql count and group by sql group by count in each group Get the count of an item in sql with group by sql count group by how to count unqiue in sql group by and count in sql sql server group by count group by name and count in sql query group by name and count in query count group by group by id sql using Count and GeoupBy select count distinct group by SELECT count(*) AS DistinctCountries FROM (SELECT DISTINCT Country FROM Customers); group by and count queries select id count(*) from table from group by id having count ? 3 List the number of customers in each country, ordered by the country with the most customers first. group by count group by sql and count use count group by and where count unique sql sql groupby count select group by count count distinct values in each column sql by group sql group by count sql count group by rows sql query get the row count with group By group by count query in sql query count and group by count sql example group by county field in sql sql county field count distinct sql sql groub by count sql count distinct group by
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