multiple joins mysql

SELECT dashboard_data.headline, dashboard_data.message, dashboard_messages.image_id, images.filename
FROM dashboard_data 
    INNER JOIN dashboard_messages 
        ON dashboard_message_id =
    INNER JOIN images
        ON dashboard_messages.image_id = images.image_id 

Anmol 90 points

                                    SELECT AS aname, COUNT( AS cct 
    FROM areas 
    LEFT JOIN consAreas 
      ON consAreas.area = 
    LEFT JOIN consultants 
      ON = consAreas.cons
   WHERE areas.areaID = $area 
     AND = 1

3.44 (9 Votes)
Annie 110 points

                                    SELECT name, id,
    t1.add_date add_date, 
    t2.soc_township township_name1,
    t2.soc_name soc_name, township_name
FROM block t1 
INNER JOIN society t2
    ON (t1.soc_id =
INNER JOIN township t3
    ON (t2.soc_township =

4.33 (6 Votes)
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