insert current date in mysql

UPDATE personal set birthday = STR_TO_DATE('1-01-2012', '%d-%m-%Y') where birthday IS NULL;

Awgiedawgie 440215 points

                                    INSERT INTO my_table (last_updated) VALUES(NOW());
INSERT INTO my_table (last_updated) VALUES(sysdate);	-- Oracle
INSERT INTO my_table (last_updated) VALUES(getdate());	-- SQL Server

4.25 (8 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440215 points

                                    -- If you just need to insert the current DateTime: --
INSERT INTO yourtable (`DateTimeFieldName`) VALUES (NOW());

4.29 (7 Votes)
Rubixphys12 15320 points


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show insert date record in sql mysql: insert datetime auto insert date and time in mysql mysql insert query datetime format mysql add to date insert query date in sql mysql datetime insert date only mysql insert datetime string insert current datetime in sql insert today date into sql mysql insert table current date my sql insert date time insert current datetime in sql column insertince date values in sql table how to insert current date and time in database by sql insert date time mysql insert todays date in sql how to insert entries mannually for Date in mysql in mysql how to insert a datetime value into a table insert date in mysql in dbeaver mysql datetime add 1 dat insert date in sql value how to add time to datetime in mysql add date in table in mysql query how to insert date in table mysql mysql insert into datetime sql command to display current date and time while inserting value mysql now datetime insert date insert sql how to insert in a table with date in mysql how to insert date into table in mysql insert datetime in timestamp mysql mysql insert date into table how to insert time in mysql in table how to insert curent date in database using sql insert value Date_add mysql mysql insert date today insert today's date in mysql how to insert date in mysql query set cureent date time in sql insert query date in sql insert how to add date in mysql mysql add a date to a table add date to mysql set current date when insert in sql for inserting current date time to database using date function for mysql date fuction for insert current time and date to database in sql How to insert Date in MySQL? date on mysql database insert on table insertion of date in mysql when insert row add date mysql insert date type mysql insert values date mysql insert current date and time in sql table mysql insert into time mysql insert datetime current_timestamp mysql add date createed add time mysql datetime ms sql insert current date mysql insert date example insert date 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in sql insert a date in mysql adding date in mysql time mysql insert mysql datetime insert example mysql datetime format insert example mysql datetime format insert insert date data in sql mysql how to insert date date mysql insert into %s insert date now in table by sql insert date syntax in sql sql query insert current date time INSERT CURRENT DATE automatically insert current date and time in sql table current date and time in sql insert mysql insert date into a table mysql insert date field mysql new date today insert date now sql insert insert date in my sql insert current date time in sql how to insert current date and time in sql mysql insert date function mysql insert dates insert datetime mysql timestamp get date insert row mysql get date insert mysql inserting date into mysql table insert into current date time mysql insert into current date current date and time insert in mysql insert date into mysql table query to insert current date and time in sql sql insert date now add 1hour to datetime mysql how can we add date in time in mysql data insert a date value in sql date add mysql insert current datetime sql mysql query insert current datetime mysql insert time mysql insert into get date add current date and time to insert query mysgl datetime insert mysql automatic datetime insert mysql insert value date insert date value in mysql insert into time mysql inserting mysql date insert into table name current date insert date in sql insert time into mysql table mysql insert time now how insert date in sql insert time to mysql mysql add date to table mysql add date insert values date sql how to insert atuomatica current date into mysql insert into date now sql insert current date in ms sql insert date value in sql table mysql now date insert how to manually insert date in mysql how add current date in sql mysql insert date only insert date in mysql comunity insert date in to a sql insert time mysql mysql insert a datetime where clause mysql insert a datetime 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