strlen php

$myString = 'Hello Bob how are you?';
if (strpos($myString, 'Bob') !== false) {
echo "My string contains Bob";


$str = 'abcdef';
echo strlen($str); // 6

$str = ' ab cd ';
echo strlen($str); // 7

3.75 (8 Votes)
Raga 165 points

$name = 'abcdef';
echo strlen($str); // 6

$string = ' ab cd ';
echo strlen($str); // 7

4 (2 Votes)
Inian 95 points

echo strlen("Hello world!");	// will output 12

4.75 (4 Votes)
Reginald 95 points

$str = 'abcdef';
echo strlen($str); // 6

$str = ' ab cd ';
echo strlen($str); // 7

4.4 (5 Votes)



echo strlen($string); //outputs 10

how do it will count 

Y  | o |  u |  r  | S | t  | r  | i  | n  |  g

1  | 2 |  3 |  4  | 5 | 6  | 7  | 8  | 9  | 10

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CHECK IF STRING CONTAINS ANOTHER STRING IN PHP php string contain function php check if a string contains a specific word strpos php parameters check if string contains php\ substring contains php check if contains caracter on string php length in php string php strpe php get string length using count check string contain char in php how to check a string contains a particular character or not in php check string has character php how to use strpos in php strpos(] how to get strpos in php php gert lengh of string check if string contain value in php find string length in phph how to check if string contains php php if text contains in variable php legth of string if the string contains this character in php check if str contain character php php check if word exist in string how to check a word is in string in php php check if name contains character fonction length string php and strpos in php count string lengthin php php length variable php length( string contains in php7 php check 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What is the purpose of strpos() function of PHP? length php string what is the use of strpos() function in php php string has word php code to find the length of a string if string consists php st leng php check if a string contains character in php php change string length variable length php get the length of a string in php check if string conten () php strlen in php php allow string length php if text contain php if sub str exist php length for php check to see if string contains substring php is string contains php if variable contains text string contains en php php if string like how to see if string contains substring php see if string contains a word php php function to get character length of string strlen() php string get strpos in php php 8 str contains check if word contain string php check if length variable in php strstr strlen php php text contains string how to check string contains substring in php how to check a string contains a words in pohp php what does strpos 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PHP check if a word exists in a string php how to check string contains / or - in PHP php string_contains php size length php if string contains certain words php contains() strp in php find length of string in php string contain php php check string exists in string php string contains php 7 how to check length in php str contains php 7 find len of string PHP strlen function in php check if string contain word php php count string length string contain syntax in php define length of string in php contains string php check php character length php if string contains - if string contains - php php if string contain char php check string contains another strings get the lenght of a string php php str contains substring how to use includes in php php check if string contains a type of character php len of string php if text length how to know length of string in php str_contains php7 check if word is in a string php check if string exists in another string php lenght of string php php 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words contain phps check if string word contain phps check if string word contains phps checks if string word contains php checks if string word contains php check if strings word contains php check if strings word contain php check if strings words contain php check if string words contain php check if string words contains php check if string word contais php check if string word contain s php check if string word contain php check if string word contains php string includes char check if string contains word php php str_length php strin contains php get string length in characters strn length php php check if string includes php check if word exists in string check string contain php if sub str in str php if has string php .length in php count length string php length of variable in php php check word in string length of text in php check string php contains lengh string php php print string length type value php print string length php count str length php str len php check if 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string contains text% php end of string contains substring string contain character php php check if end of string contains how to test for length of string in php php string contains sting check if variable length php php strpis how to check if a string has some word in php if word exists in string php use of strpos( ) function in php php length of variable get length string php php check if string in string php strpos function php strpipos php strpos -1 php strpos > -1 php search if string contains php see if word is in string contains letter php php if text contians detect if string contains substring php .. strpos php strposphp str_len php find if string contains any of character php find if a string contain any of a given words php php string get length php string contains substring at positon check if a string is already in a string php php verify if contain string function php if contain word strpos() in php len str in php include string php calculate length of string in php 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php php test string contains substring if a string contains a word php php string length left if sting contain in php php generate string of length length function php php check if a string contains substrings check if a text include a word php php includes string in text php contains string in text contains in stringin php if string contains words php php check sting lenght php includes text php lenth length of string in php find length of a string php php value contains string length of php if string have word php php check if word contains character if word contains php php 7.4 string contains check if a string contains a word in php php function to get length of string php check if string has words php word contains letter php string contains specific string length string syntax php php length of len str php php strpos example if contains string php check if string not contains php check if a word exist in a string php php check if has english character in string check string 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in php .lenght en php string string contains other php php lentg strlenght php php is substring exists php if has string string contains check php php string inclue php if string containg php check if text contains letters length str in php php get string lenth check if word exists in string php strpos includes in php php 7 string length strpos php php includes in string php match substring strpos in php .length() in php check substring in php get string lenght php php count string char length php if string contains . check if string in another string php php if exists in string if variable contains one of this string php if variable contains string php search string for character php how to check if text is in a string php check if substring exists in string php check if string contains substring pho search in string in php php find in string if string lenthphp php string include check count of characters in string php search for string in string php php check string in substring if 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php string contain char php blade get string characters count laravel single code check in string php check if string is substring lengh of string php php check if contains find a character in a string php str.length in php find string in string php string inside a string inside a string php php check specific word in string php check if string contains search tring in php check if string is a word php if substring in string php stropos string php length get count of character in string php php check substring in string find string into string count character in a string php string inside another in string php string match php php check if in string contains php string how to check if a string contains a character php check string for value php get stringlenght by php php count number of chars php strlen array php lehgth of string php string in string getlength php string inside of string php strcount in php check string php check string contains php php str lenght string is exist in variable php Get the length of the stringin php check if the value contains string php string include php check if a world is a substring of another word check if word in string php if string has word php php 7 string contains str_contains phpç get number of letter php mysqli get number of letter php php count character check string is present in php if string contains another string php sting contains php php if variable like text php str contains check if a string contains a substring php php check if string matches with * how to count string php search in string php get length of string in laravel count of string in laravel length of str in php check length of variable in php length of string in laravel function to find string length in php php code to decide the number of characters to display chek if contains string inside instring php strcontains php find strings that contain php str_contains alternative php php check if substring exists check if substring is in string php check if a character is present in string php php substring in string how do i get the length of a string in php lenegth in php php string is in string if string has substring php php check if a string contains a substring fint text in string php php7 string contains charecter count in laravel php cointains php sterlen php how to count characters search word from string in php php check if string has substring check if string like string php how to check if a string contains a substring find word inside string php check whether string contains substring HP script to check whether a string contains a specific string if string has a sequence of a word php check length of string in array php php string contans check if the string match in php check string have % in php php veriable length php see the length lenght() in php php check if string has - php check if string has with regex php check if string has how to get lengh of a input in php check number of characters in string php php länge eines strings If start of string contains php php if subtring php check string contains substring php check character in string lentgh of string php str_contains php search word in string php php check if string contain fax To print the size of a string. Pass string as an argument in php count char in string in php php find part of string inside string php string has char php check substring in a string find size of string in php how to find value in string in php match substring in php return number of chars in string php sizeof string in php count text characters php check if a string contains another string php length string in php strpos to check if , is present in a string or not php check if it contain , in a string contain string in php php count charater how to check if a php string contains a certain word php amount of characters php if character in string php if string includes php if str contain php if string contain php check if string contains strng php stinhg length if a string contains a letter php php get all words the has char in string php get word in string there has a char php get word wird specific cahracter count string in php str_contains laravel string legnth str_includes php see if string contains word php if contains text get length php a get length of string pp part of string in another part of string php check if string has substring php php search one string in onother if string include php character count function in php php string lenght count php strrchr check if strcontains count length of string in php php string contains number or letter check if string has symbol php check if string has @ php check strpos in php php if string contains letters php substr exist php text leng charctar count php strlen get characters from number in php php limit para length of string if string instring php if contains namme php check if word matches with string includes string php check word in string and retun string check if in string php laravel string count strtr method php is string php bolean var contains str php check if substring php php find words in string count on a string php php str ` check number of length with php string legth functionin php check if result contains a word php get the numbers of chars in string php .contains() in php if php string contains getting length in php if chrctor exsisit in to paragph in php check if strnig contains value php php strpos() how to check if a string contains another string php str_contains in php how to check word is availabl in str in php how to check string has specific char in itself php check if is string php string php sting contains capoital; how to check if a php string atleast contains the follwowing how t count length in php check if has char in string php string include word php php len() find substring in string php count elements of a string php string check exist other string php strlen php function get lenght of a string php strlen php php if string contains character xhexk if string is like another string php check if a string is like another string php check number length php check if string contains specific word php if character exist in string Max character count for string in php word contains letter php 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of string php php string length function check characters php php check for string in string count characters inside a string php how to get length of string in php string length between PHP define string length in php check in string match php string lentgth php count string char php compt nomber of letter php php get string sized check if string contain word how to get variable length in php strlen oho how to count letters a in string php how to count woule in string php php string lenths php get charactercount lenght of in php php size of string get the caracter length in php str length php if > how to count string chars php check sting contsin sub sting php if (strlen($=10) php get length string php strlen arabic php string include php test string length how to test if string is in another string php return length of a string php php string count char php string checker php check string for value php 7.4 string length php check str length how to check php string length how to check php string length how to check php string length how to check php string length how to check php string length how to check php string length how to check php string length how to check the length of a string in php php check length of strin count letters in php laravel string length php len function strlength php laravel count characters check if a string contain a substring php ph check if value in string php if string length greater than if string includes php get lentght of a string php confirm length of string in php check if substring is present in string php php if strpos find strin length in php php string length* check length of string in php php str-_len text exist in string using php len in php check in string string legnth validation php sample laravel length of string size of a string php text length php length property in php strinfg contains phph php:contains length in string php php lenght of a stirn $data length in php how to count string in php php:if contains if 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