start php server

cd path/to/your/app
php -S localhost:8000

Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    $ cd ~/public_html
$ php -S localhost:8000

3 (3 Votes)
A-312 69370 points

                                    1) cd ~/public_html
2) php -S localhost:8000

4 (2 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    cd path/to/your/app/script
php -S localhost:1234

Krish 100200 points

                                    php -S localhost:8000

4.44 (9 Votes)
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php built in server document root how to local php php make server local host php php buid in server php version use PHP built-in web server in folder on server php ?s= start php server command line windows php s localhost 8000 means starting php server standalone php terminal how to make php servers open php how to set localhost how to make a php server for application how to make a php serve for application how to get php server to serve webserver how to start php local server "php -S" SERVER PHP APP how to serve with php php $erver run php server on linux web server for php php server-cooooookie build server for website using php localhost php php on server php dev server run php server on localhost php run server default script php run on server php server command php server comand creating php web server php development server command line Note: you should use the php server only for testing and not in production. why php cli serve php command line start server on localhost and ip 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