Split Functions.php

// It doesnt get any better than this Example
$pizza  = "piece1 piece2 piece3 piece4 piece5 piece6";
$pieces = explode(" ", $pizza);
echo $pieces[0]; // piece1
echo $pieces[1]; // piece2

Khayyam1048 130 points

                                    explode(&quot; &quot;,&quot;Geeks for Geeks&quot;)

4 (2 Votes)
Andrew D 105 points

                                    $roots_includes = array(

foreach($roots_includes as $file){
  if(!$filepath = locate_template($file)) {
    trigger_error(&quot;Error locating `$file` for inclusion!&quot;, E_USER_ERROR);

  require_once $filepath;
unset($file, $filepath);

4.07 (27 Votes)
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php split string php by length split after point php splite string php php split by lines splitline php separate str php str_split and take o index in php array_split php php split qoma from string splitting a line of text in php splitting a. line of text in php Create an array from a string with string split php split for php split code in php php split text at return spliting into array in php php 7 split splits on the , php split string with , php string.prototype.split php split string by adelimeter in php explode string characters php separate string php php splitting strings split string in php with delimiter split string on , php split strring by , php split in php example js split in php php opposite of str_split php implode str_split split by php split string with a return php split string at sertain words php php array splity php split on php explode by character how can i separate string in php by / splite php make string array split with &quot;,&quot; php split string from 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in php split by &amp; php php split a string in array split string function syntax in php split in to string php php split string into array by delimiter split php string by character split a string after finding a string php split a string after a string php split a string into array php php separate string to array php seprate sting split string by comma php oppposite function of str_split in php reverse action to str_split in php php stplit strin split string in to array php php split string by / php split string and loop php split string at xord php split in array split value php split array with php split str in php split string end of line php how to split data in php split words in string php php function separate string split with string php split using , in php php how to split on character split sentence in php php string separate split string woth - in php php split string from position separate string by , php str split by php php split text to array how to split an array 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string by space and put in an array php separate array string extraction based on delimter in php php how to split string with symbol php split php string separated by space how to split string to array in php how tosplit string in php laravel explode split array elements php split string by spaces php php expl split by , in php how to split of delimeter php breaking string in pho php string sdplit split by space in php php split space emplode in php how to explode \ from string in php split text from string in php split string into an array php php string splite cut a variable into an array php php split by conna php get array from string explode 3 word php php string split by string php split words into array php split string on space php string divide php explode as watch php string to split number as time php explode example php split by comma laravel explode [] explore php string into array php string splite by substring php split by char php explote string php Separating the string that comes with the post split() in php 7 split() in php function explode php how to split a two string in php mysqli string convert string to array by delimiter in php php explode add sibling array create an array php from string how to delimited in php php split on sign &lt;?php $data=explode(&quot; &quot;, {{$order-&gt;created_at}}); echo $data[1]; ?&gt; explode php limit php explode speci strexplode php array value split in php split string php 7 php array variable split php array split by values split array php split php explode 1 words php delimiter string php explose explode() php add comaas to string after every 2 characters php php version explode split string in regex comma in php php how to separate a string php separate how to separate string in php php expolode php break string into array where in explde php split array in batches php split str php split by string explode function php expload php split php file php word seperator read input php as separated into array explode php function break stringphp slipt string php change character on exploded php 1,2,3,4 x 100 exploded php function convert array back into string php str_split explode deux elements php php separate string by slash php split into array split string by &quot; &quot; php split php array into strings php explode time to array php explode on string php split string by hash php parse text from array php stplit string split backward php php split string in two parts split to array php split method php php echo delimiter php echo deleimeter split and store string in array php explode array from string php php expode string use or condition in split function php explode string word into character php split string to array each elemment in php' array split php split a string phpo php word split php string to an array break string from space in php split string with character number php php 7.1 explode how to split in string using php split in phpo php spit string by space php separate words in a string text to array php how to splite string in php php split explode php split each word into list parse line on character php str split in php function in PHP returns an array of strings, each of which is a substring of main string formed by splitting it on boundaries formed by a delimiter. explode string php comma how to split a string using a char in php php split string with delimiter php split every 4 characters php spilt int add - somthing like split() in php php split string by dot split strin in php split , in php php text to array join a split string in php array explode php php create array from string split string into an array using delimiter php7 split string in to an array using delimiter php7 php string split character explode string sphp php expludde php break string into 2 words split to php 7 split to php7 delimiters in php break a string and store in two strings php devide string php php string to array php divide the string into two parts from the end split the text in php seperate text by fullstop php Do you need to separate a variable from a string in php php parse % with space php preg split php strib to array php splitting string at spaces separation with char in php php separate string by character explode phph php split by character php expolde php split stringf explode all php Seperate a string in php break string php php split string after string php and string to array php explode function php split string by coma split() php function \ explode php \ \ explode php how to call explode element in php split php explode('_') in php php split limit explode by &amp; php php split at character php split string on character expode in php &quot;split string by&quot; php string to list stroing to array php php split string by hyphen split from dot php php explode resources meaning break string command in php split line php how to split 2 element / in php php explode one or another character php convert string into arrat explode() explode on php .explode php array split text from numbers php php explode to integer array php str explode php parse string separating variables by same amount of space php php explode if no separator is found split characters php php &lt;&lt;&lt;DELIMITER deprecated php &lt;&lt;&lt;DELIMITER php delimiter change delimiter array php Seperate string at dot and send each thing to an array php split string every after 4 comma in php split string by space php for serach how to explode command in seperated line in php split string to php array explode pphp slitp at space php slitp php explode after first slash php explode ph convert exploded array to normal array php php devide string explode an array of numbers with comman php php split string to individujal components php split string at first number explode on each character php php variable split string split a string into 3 non empty parts php explod php split string when space php explode and take first value from string php string split on space php php explode string in between string php find string and explode php list split function explode parameters php search for a particular word after explode in php how to write php split php split string get first element explode in hpph explode a string in php to after a certain word split an array into strings php php split up string php splt php split space stigint o array php split text using position text split php php string split explode with | in php split string to characters php split method in php php split string by delimiter expload in php what does the | delimiter do php split string in php by delimiter epldoe php split character by character in php split character by character in php php array to string seprate by space php print each character in a string using explode array splitting php separating string in php php array explode explode by space str_explode php get value seperated by ? php split string to letters how to separate text out in php php split string with delim split text in php eplode php turn string into array at spaces php php split string by equal php explode('\' get split string php split variable in array php how to split the string in php with delimiter php split string into words php split 7.4 how to explode a dash-seperated string in php how to split sting in php string break in php laravel string seperator what is the default delimiter in php array string split comma php php split data array time into 2 php break string into array for search engine php split line PHP split string into array at position phph split separate string by period php php store explode value in an array split text after a character php and add a comma at the end split text after a character php php explode onto array explode php geeks php explode with same delimeter multiple times php explod exploid in php php explode field comma php explode field php exlode string php explode into array array split by value php expolide in php how to splite two string in php php sprit string into words php explode to array php explosion before and after php split words string split by comma php pph explode str explode php how to explode in php breaking string php split string into array by space php split a string in php php 7.4 explode php divide code string into parts split text php by comma php 7.2 split php explode and get firstaclue how to split string contains &amp; in php split text data php array by delimiter string split array to string converting with php get first character after explode split function php What functions are used to split a string into an indexed array php split by character explode number in 2 pieces explode function in php how to convert explode to array for php? how to split a string in php7 by space continue explode null php continue explode php split string with space in php explode in string php how to split string on symbol php] explode( break the string in php php exlode how to split number of strings into an aarray php php split string two parts php split by char explode string php explode array to string php php explode string by character split value in php delimiter php split number php explode string php example siplr string php string to arrat php php split on character how to divide string in php extract from string php by delimiter how to split any characters in php explode i php .split php explode split array php php string split by character string explode in php explode ; and make 2. string how to parse [string] to array in php php parse string as array php string split function split string by php php place a string into an array string split to array php how to seprate string to a substring in php split string php using explode with emply delimeter $strLen = explode(&quot;&quot;, $strVar); strign to array php explode php convert string into arrat php php split by charcter php split string by space split the string function in php split explodein php php split words by space split into array by , php split string comma separated php split by space php seperate a string with comma php how to sprit values from php explode() in php php split string and merge php divided string which contain : devide string into two variable in php php $_GET explode php devide string after comma split by , php php split string to array by comma explode on comma in php how to split string in php using eplode php delimiters how to explode string to array of string in php space split in php string php split two words php explode returns divide string to array php conver string to array php php split variable delimiter php split variable by &lt;&gt; separate variable into 2 php split 1 character php string split php 1 char first _ in split in php explode in phph php split string with , split coma in php how to break a string in php php split string delimiter php array split split with space in php separate by comma php php explode words split string comma php split string with a character in php how to split word in php explode into array php php explode empty string php exploade php create array from string explode php explode maximum splits php explode maximum parts php exloder implode two previously separated values in php split variable in php comma php parse string by character split the string in php php parse string to array split on php php split string untill end triangle how to split a string by a string in php php explode string in array php split string by underscore and dot split string from space in PHP php slpit into array explode a variable from three places php php split string by every 3 spaces php split string by every 2 spaces php split values by delimeter split string at comma php php explode string first 4 words explode php from GET Exploade PHP 2nd slash remove string explode in php explode php based on %C2%A0 explode php %C2%A0 php explode separator not working only giving 1st letter php exlpode into 2 words ipplode php php explode , split in php string explode every letter php split on space php how to split in php php explode string split on , php explode array in php php id with separator how to split string php explode not working for comma in php php split functions.php php split string words explode comma in php split text to array php break up a string to array php php split with space php split string by char php sring to array by using explote giving error of array to string explote in php string to aray php explose php exploid function in oho php str_explode Spliting string by words in php function php split string by period php break string at character php split string after every image array explode php explode semicolon even if no semicolon php split string by space end php split string to array by length php str to array break string in php php sexplode php 7 string to array php exploe php split sting to array match between sentence and array in php split a word to character in php substring explode string to array php explode convert sting into array by seperator php int split php turn string into array php explode php code split into array php php split string in array explode function in php php separate string by space php string split by comma php create an array from a string array from string php split text php php 7 comma values to array split input php explode php into simple array split string from comma in php explode string delimiter php split word php provide delimiter in impload function php php splite str php string to php array split string at php php split string add to beginning php extract text split string explode(';',$word) php explode string php split string by character explode php manual split php array split string into array at index php exploid php how to separate streing in php devide text by a delimiter in php aplit a string php iphp split string split string php into array split string on php php split comma how to see different delimiter in string in php php separate string by comma by space from string to array php explode an string php split by comma php iexplode the array variable how to explode string in php code for explode php 7 code for explode php separate string by comma laravel split string by space string explode per catacter php php explode function example explode in php with comma php delimiter variable php separate string how to split a string in php php get part of string by separator php str_split by char split string by space php create array from string php split string php by comma split sting on character php php split string array php how to seperate variables in txt field split string after . in php explode string in php php divide string php separate comas in string split by - in php split into words php php split string using character php split make list str split php php splitting strings based on characters break string into array php explode string in letters php php explode string in array php explode php split string by comma split elements in an array php split elements array php split in php php explode string by comma php convert string to array split str after 4 word in php php explode number and text in string split php string php divide array by delimiters split variable php divide a string into parts php with dashes array explode in php how to split string in php php explode unknown lenght how to split string by character in php splitting a string in php how to split text in php explode trim empty space the comma separated string to array in php laravel php slit string into array string to array in php explode php before space explode from last comma in string php how to split a string in php by space split a string and get the first value php string split in php explodde string pgp split string in array php explode php how to chang one string in to thery variable in php php explode() split a string in php with space php point string to array php string to array string to array php php explode number remove after explode in php string to array p hp convert string to array php php explode online last 4 carkters explode an integer php php break up string explode in php do break down string after .php explode find array explode in php separate string in php how to slipt a string php delimiter - characktr split php php ecplode number and text in string php cexplode string explode string on php php string explode split string in php php split function split atring php php split a string split the string based on delimter in php split cmd by space php split a string php php split string to array explode php array split up string php sphp string split php split string by commas spliting a string in php php split by words php un explode string split php php explode text php split string into array by comma how to split a text in php php string split explode array php php str split spliting string in array in php how to split a string php php split string into array array php explode explode string into array php split string on characters php spilit string php php split php split string at word php explode divid split string character php explode php string explode string php seperate string into list php explode a string split after each space php php explode array php split variable split string php php split string
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