php tags

// The opening tag
  echo "Here is the PHP code."; // Everything in between the tags is executed as PHP code.
// The closing tag

Peajaypee 90 points





4 (2 Votes)
Craig 100 points

                                    &lt;?= //do stuff here; ?&gt;

4.25 (4 Votes)
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Which of the following tags will always be recognized by PHP, regardless of configuration? A. &lt;? ?&gt; B. &lt; ? = ? &gt; C. &lt;% %&gt; D. &lt;script language=&rdquo;PHP&rdquo;&gt;&lt;/script&gt; short open tag in php file start tag open in php file php sort tags short-open tags in php &lt;% tag deprecated in php 7.4 &quot;short echo tag&quot; php if php &lt;?= php tag inside a php ta php &lt;? so long as they're inside the PHP tags php taG TYPE ______________________________ refers to opening and closing PHP script sections within an XHTML document. &lt;php : ?&gt; &lt;?= php php no closing tag php.ini &lt;?php ?&gt; short open tag in php how to make tags in php languages known tag in php php short tag open php open cloe one liner are php short tags still supported php opne and close syntax quickly add php tag close php file php opening asp tag in php php short echo tag php short tag &lt;?php&gt;&hellip;&lt;/?&gt; &lt;?php or &lt;? &lt;?php&gt; &lt;?php php &lt;? ?&gt; tag php short styled PHP tag short open tag opening and closing tags php open and close php short php tags php open close &lt;?php php in p php tags php with &lt;? tag php tag one- php tag open php enclosing php begin tag
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