php replace string

//str_replace("Original Value", "Value to be replaced", "String");
$result = str_replace("1", "2", "This is number 1");
// Output: This is number 2

Alt.126 140 points

                                    str_replace ($needle, $replacement, $haystack);

3.63 (8 Votes)

                                    $new_string = str_replace( $take_out, $put_in, $string);

4 (1 Votes)
Hanna 140 points

                                    $var1 = '';
$var2 = str_replace(&quot;.&quot;, &quot;-&quot;, $var1);
echo $var2; // hello-world

Nuxwin 55 points

  $string = &quot;Hello PHP&quot;;
  $replace = str_replace(&quot;PHP&quot;, &quot;JS&quot;, $string);
  echo $replace; // Hello JS

3.67 (3 Votes)
Darman 80 points

                                    str_replace ($search, $replace, $subject);

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text replace in php find and replace in string php how to replace a character in a string in php? replace strings in string php php str_replace with remove .php from str_replace in php str_replace PHP replace string with string php replace - with _ php str_replace png replace / with \ in php php str_replace key with value replace word in php string with different words str replace php exacly string how to locate a value and replace in a text php php replace character in string &quot; to ' replace a string with other php srt_replace string with % php srt_replace with % php 'str_replace(&quot; &quot;, &quot;&quot;, $data)' str_replace php online php string search and replace php replace before matched string php str_replace regular expression str_replace php to give the full replace string php perform substr_replace with str_replace php replace string inside string find replace string php php string replace chaes srting replace php replace all / in string php function to replace text in php php using string replace replace / with - in php what can replace echo php replace complete string in php replace everthing with * php php in string replace replace // with / php str_replace in one paragraph in particular text php str_replace in a file php str_replace php / / / str_replace() in php explanation equivalent of str.replace() js in php php preg_replace or str_replace find in replace string php php replace with _ how to replace &quot; 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.replace in php string replace php\ php replace function str_replace() in php string replace other string in php replace a word in string php php replace character in string with another How to replace php find replace php str replace php str_replace &quot; replace / with - php replace string from string in php php replace funtion php how to replace create_function php array str_replace replace string with another string in php str_replace php once replace method php str_replace \r php php find text and replace by php str_replace \\r php replace word in text replace value by value in php php string search replace from array replace string data with in loop in php php replace as string with another php text replace get specific text in string then replace php php replace() str_replace pattern php replace string \ php remplace string in php substr replace php replace a string php php replace ' in string php replace ' search string for ( ) and replace php replace &amp; in string php replace str in php replace &quot; with \&quot; php str_replace array in php str_replace on string array in php replacing in substring in php replacing in sub string in php php replace substring with another php function replace string why replace != with !== in php str_replace(array str_raplace in php str replace all in php str replace html php remove a string php php and replace string if match specific word then remove string in php remplace character string php php string replace check if replaced php replace one character in string php replace all instances sustituir caracteres php php replkace php str_raplace how to remove a string char in php str remove substring php edit a string in php php replace user function php remove - from string php str_lreplace php str replace &quot; php text replace funtion How to replace char in string php str repalce php php string replkace find replace all in php substitute substring php sustituir , por . php stri_replace php php reaplce , with . replace \ with / php php str_replace array str to replace in php strtreplace php str remove php php array_map str_replace php strip characters pohp replace how to replace something in string with php search replact from string in php php replace a character in a string how replace word in text whit html tag in php replace all word in php replaces all word in php replace all in php replace in a string u00c4 php find and replace string php replace a character in a string php o replace to 92 in php replace string function in php rphp replace in string variables %s preg_replace php phpcs Undefined function str_replace PHP REPLAce string with regex PHP REPLACE REX replacethis in php php preg_replace php str_replace example remove something out of string php str_replace with &lt;?php remove string php strip char php php replace | with , replace string in php replace all characters in string php string replace ' in php php relace str_replace php 7 php str_replace to &lt;? php str_replace to &lt;?php remove characters from string php eplace the word in php if string is found replace php replace string in array laravel Str::replaceArray dont replace all laravelstr_replace replcaeEach in php i want to replce the value in string in php' php stringreplace str replace php or create a a new string by swapping letters in old string in php replace all from string php php replace &quot;/&quot; php strip character php swap characters php remove / from string remove char php php replace string ' remove from string php php modify a substring php modify a sustring php remvove carater from string replace string php array remove substring from sting php php replace // with / str_replace array string to replace in php stringReplace() in php php change word in arrangement of letters can date be replaced by string using str_replace in php REPLACE in a php string double qoute replace if in php string replace php variable replaceall string laravel php remove all occurrences string replace string by string php str_replace( array eliminar caracter string php php replace all if not php replace all occurrences in string by different replace _ with - in php find and change word in string php str_replace array numbers php str_repalce php remove from str char php delete in string [str_replace =&gt;&gt;=&gt;|] woofeed php replace character in row str_replace sample string repalce php php replace a string replaceall string laravel string replace with string in php replace string in php php replace , in php php find end replace strtreplace php string repla replace substr php how to replace characters in string in php in array sting change anothore string str_replace array_values php php str_place php replace ? with / php relpace php remove string in string php remplace in string php remove in string php remove character string replace some code in php why word is not changing in str_replace in php php replace character from strin php filter our a string from string php replace string in string array of strings match string remove in php remove a string from a string php change letter in word php find and replace a word in string in php php replace all words in string how to replace substring in php remove substring from string by positionphp remove substring from string php str_replace php variable replace text php php strip from string remove the text from string php string replace character php remove .php from string php potencias string replace n with br php Str:: replace all php replace char by another string eliminar entre caracteres php replace text with symbols in php replace all a to b in php file php how to replace word in echo uuuid().replace(/-/g,''); php replace character php string if ($page &gt; 1) { $output .= '&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;' . str_replace('{page}', 1, $this-&gt;url) . '&quot;&gt;' . $this-&gt;text_first . '&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;'; $output .= '&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;' . str_replace('{page}', $page - 1, $this-&gt;url) . '&quot;&gt;' . $this-&gt;text_prev . '&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;'; } php chang string evry loop reaplce text in string php php find replace text php str replace ' with \' php str treplace php subtract string cahnge string php replace character in string php str_replace in php from var php strlen how to delete string character in php php replace a word in a string how to remove character from a vcalue in php php replace &quot; with ' php replace test in string php swap characters in string str_replace in laravel php replace query string parameter replace character in string laravel replace characters with another character php php replace substring from string str replace array with array if string contains &amp; then replace with and in php astrreplace php how to remove the charaters in php string repplace pjp php get replace php sr_replace str_replace * php search &amp; replace remove word in string php remove in string php if string contains letter replace php change characters in word php .replace php how to replace string with another string in php php replace all Docks charter to one substr replace by string in php str replace function str_replace( php php repalce string php str_replcae remove string form string php replace string with another string php remove any string from string in php remonve the &quot;/&quot; and &quot;\&quot; characters string php changes values to a string php replace string inside array php php replace char in string in string how to remove some characters from a string in php trreplace replace character in array php str_replace all php str_replace with each str_replace laravel how to replace entire part of string in php how to replace text with another text in php how to swap text with another text in php how to swap variable text with another text php php replace numbers in commad string word find and replace php $testing_recipient_email_list = str_replace('@', &quot;+{$recipient}@&quot;, $testing_recipient_email); php string remove character str_replace ($search, $replace, $subject); example str_replace( '{' . 'id' . '}', ObjectSerializer::toPathValue($id), $resourcePath); how to change string name php php replace \n str_replace %% change [] to '[]' in php php str replace fonksyonu str_replace(['http://' how to replace \n bay another char string in php substitute string php php replace database value to custom text php str replace from string string remove php laravel str_replace str replace example replace string with blank php remove a character from a string php php remove all up to text remove string characters from around value in array php php change part of html code STRIN REPLACE PHP php srrreplace replace_str re&egrave;lace php character replacement function php php replace character of string strreplac remove char from string php php str_terplace str_replace phph php str_replace all how to replace character on a string on php remove ' from string php srt replecr php string replaceall php str_replace(&quot;.&quot;,&quot;&quot;,$mobile); string reaplce in php how to replace in php php replace string with null php parse string, remove some string Str::replace replace a character with nothing php php eliminar un string dentro de otro str_replace on message php php str_replace all occurrences fucntion to replace a word in php remove a word in a string php how to replace one element in the string php php str_replace( repplace &quot; ' php php remove replace in php string string replace and put series number in php php replace ' \' str_replace ? replace string next char in php changer char in string php replace characters php remove and replace string laravel php str_repleace str_replace .php wordpress php str_replace string php replace caracter in string replace parts of string php remove and replace ' in php php reemplazar caracteres de una cadena remove text to string php srt replace php php change string php remove all occurrences of substring php remove all &quot;\&quot; php function replacing echo php find string in array and replace remove character php string replcae in php ** (process:82385): CRITICAL **: 22:54:20.169: string_replace: assertion 'self != NULL' failed php replace character replace work in php search and replace php str_replace.php remove text that do not have the same pattern as php php remove $ from string php delete character from string replice php str_repleace remove character php string remove _ php string replace string in string php string replace php \n php str_replace_all find and replace in string laravel php find and replace in variable replace from string in php replace text in string php string relace php php replace get value in string php str_rep remove number php replace characters in string php php replace pice of string php replace all string php replace every existance in string combine array search and replace php find a word in array an replace it php replace one word in a array with variable in php php s_replace sustituir string php php find string and replace PHP how to remove something from string str.replaace php replace brackets php remove word from string php remove a word from string change all text after php php replace \ with / php str repelace str_replace array php function declaration replace in php function replace in php php search and delete string replace in string php php remplac in string remove substring php replace string in php array remplace em to a php remove substrings php replace , php str_replce replace char in string php\ replace letter in word php replace letter inside word php removing characters in a string php swap characters in php str_repplace php find and replace in string str_replace(&quot;\'&quot;, &quot;'&quot;, php string replace some part php replace all selected php change how repleace string by php php replace all letters in string search all line replace str php how to find a text inside a variable and replace by another in php how to find a text inside a variable and replace by other in php change character in php php wstring replace php string change php replace string with static spring php string change character str_replace() function php remove sbustring replace substring with another string php php return str_replace str replace do i need to assign it php find character in string and replace php replace string value str_replace array of values find and replace word in string php php text change code php str_replace(&quot;%body%&quot; php remove a word from string using like str repalce php replace / by \ replace symbol php find the word in array and change php explode a string in php and replace one word php replace something in variable str_replace utf8 php remove &amp; from string strreplace example php muscar en un string y borrar replace \ with / in php str to replace serch remplace caracht&egrave;re in php how to replace characters in php only if they show a certain way how to replace __ with / php how to replace characters using php php search all and replace php remove part of string replace all is to that in php file replace array php string php remove from string php 7 str_replace php remove string if exists str_replace in file php php remove character from array str replace pgp remove a char from string php php replace every occurrence str_repace replace word with another word php replace all , php php str repla php strplace function to find and replace in php str replace from array value php STR REPLACE , TO . str replace . to , replace - to / php replace part of a string php str_replace for ' and &quot; string replaceall in php replace character with empty string in php php read file and replace string php reemplazar caracteres character , change . php&uacute; str_replace character , change . character change php php change character in string find and replace ' php replace all numbers in string php php replace with array str replace &szlig; php str replace &auml; php str_replace regex php remove character php string replace . for '' php remove all instances of character from string php find and remove from string reemplazar $amp; por *&amp; php php substitute in string cat from string at end php str_replace delete char from string php php replace all string occurances php replace tring php remove string replace text in a string php replace string to php string pgp replace php substitute string in text how to use replace string in php str_replace() en php php remove substring find and replace in word php replace all in array php str_replace(&quot;-&quot;, &quot; &quot;, $string); strt replac ephp remove &amp; from string php php replace all in array replace &quot; with ' php string str_rep php how to replace characters in string php substitution php string replace character php substitute string %s replace string from string php php str replace str replace php show in array php remove character php replace all occurrences of character in string replace all letters in string php php global search and replace tstr replace PHP if substring found in string replace php POST str replace string replace function in php istr_replace php cambiar a texto replace text php string str_replace using array str replacephp php replace global php replace all string in string php replace string within string global str replace on array function to replace strings in php php str relace strr_replac replace string in php function to delete occurrences of a alphabet in php php str_replaceall replace text inside string php laravel string replace all replace with php str_replace wordpress replace string using php php replace number reemplazar string php html replace a string in php replacing string in php strt replace with array str_replace () php str_repalce php search for character in string and replace php replace all letters to X how to set string replace in php str_replace pgp streplace replace \ in string php php replace string in array str replac php replace word &amp; characters replace string content php replaceall php php delate word in string replace charachter in string php replcae a substring in php php remplace php replace strig replace character in php str replace array php string replace array values str replace array php srt replace str_replacfe str rpless php php string replace in string how to use str_replace in php replace `` in string function replace php strreplace() php find and replace , for . in php php replace ' with str_replae php php strtrplace {} Create a function with three parameters (text, letter, replacement), and you will find it in the text given by you in the text parameter letter that will be entered by you in the letter parameter and replaced with replacement parameter php replace all characters php str replace 1 php srt replace str replace any of the strings repalce ' php strreplace in php php string replace function how to make a find text function php replace array with string value php array replace string php change - to &quot; &quot; in php php replace char in string sting replace array php remove char from string change character in string php string remove character php array str_replace php str replace from array replace multi string parts php from array php find and replace in a string php replace symbol \ str.relace() st replacephp replace str .str_replace in php .str_replace find replace in php reemplazar php relace / with /\ php tr_replace replace the string in php replace specific word in php replace specific word php str_replace \ str replace \ replace all characters in a string php str_reaplce arrays to str_replace change a substring php replace part in string php find and replace string in php php eliminar cadena caracteres php: str_replace phpstrreplace str_replace() php php replace example find repace php php reemplazar caracter how to modify a string in php str_replace php until index php substitute search string in array and replace php string str_replace reqplce in php php remove character n espanol php replace character in string and return replace php example remove string from string php php replace all occurences php search and replace replace char php string replace &euro; simbol php str_replace('+', '-', str_replace('/', '_', $val)) str_replace( ',', '', $a ); php replace array character with nothing php function to replace &quot; with ' intercambiar texto php php eliminar caracteres php remplace ' replase in php str_replace( in php str_replace( in ph find and replace php str_replac str_replace_all php PHP str_replace() REPLACE WORD STRING PHPH $string = str_replace php sustiruir en string php replace every occurrence of character in string str_replace(array( php remove &amp;#039; php overwrite in string php replace all characters in string str replace in php php repalce string within string repalce php php replace chars in string str_replace php ejemplo php replace string array str_replace() how to replace string in php replace strings php php 7 str_replace $_post strreplace php php substitute characters in string str_replace all remove a char from a string php strrepalce php str_replace ' how to remove ' character and replace with ` character in php delete string from string php str.replace php substitute string python php replace text in string php edit a string replace char in string php str_replace php array replace all charactes in array from string php php replace char str_replace( php remove characters from string replace single char in php &amp;#39; replace in php php string replace \ php string replace all replase \ in php php chnage value in string php replace . with - replace text in variable php find and replace in php remove character from string php php string replace at php change char in string search and replace occurrence of word in a file using php search and replace occurrence of word in file php php replace , character with ! php replace \\ php strign replace php string replace and put new string js php replace characters php strin replace str-replace php str-replace array php string replace &quot;&quot; to ' str_replace () strreplace php replace string in string replace in php php replace substring php replace characters echo php strip # from string php replace part of string php str change car php replace ' with /' replace function in php php replace all occurrences in a text str_replace array value php file_get_contents php replace character php php string remove php replace aphotophy string search and replace in php php str_replce php replace all in string php remove substring from string sustituir cadena php php string repalce php replace all occurrences in string string replace all place php php replace text in a string php replace caractere strreplace count find and replace in a string php str replace php str_replace aray str_replace php example php remove string from string php string replace all occurrences php replace part of string with another php replace in string php str_replace function php replace character in string php replace characters in string str_replace in php php replace all php string sabstitute replace substring php php find and replace string replace string php php str_replcae example str_replace ph php replace , php string replcate php string_replace example stri_replace replace php string php replace all occurrences php strreplace str_replace php php string replce replace php str replace php php string replace php str_replace php repllace string string replace php php remove character from string str_replace php string replace in php php replace php str replace php replace string str_replace php find and replace
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