php pad leading zeros

$input = "Alien";
echo str_pad($input, 10);                      // produces "Alien     "
echo str_pad($input, 10, "-=", STR_PAD_LEFT);  // produces "-=-=-Alien"
echo str_pad($input, 10, "_", STR_PAD_BOTH);   // produces "__Alien___"
echo str_pad($input,  6, "___");               // produces "Alien_"
echo str_pad($input,  3, "*");                 // produces "Alien"

Houninym 120 points

                                    str_pad($input, 9, &quot;0&quot;, STR_PAD_LEFT);

4 (4 Votes)
Chris Judge 130 points

                                    sprintf('%06d', '12')

4 (6 Votes)
WarDiab 85 points

                                    str_pad($month, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); 

4.25 (8 Votes)
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