explode a number php

$colors  = "red,blue,green,orange";
$colorsArray = explode(",", $colors);

Fair maid 85 points

                                    $nums = ""; //Declare a variable with empty set.

$nums .= $number; //concatenate the empty string with the integer $number You can also use

$nums = $nums.$number; // this and the expression above do the same thing choose whichever you
                     //like.. This concatenation automatically converts integer to string
$nums[0] is now 4, $nums[1] is now 5, etc..
$length = strlen($nums); // This is the length of your integer.
$target = strlen($nums) -1; // target the last digit in the string;    
$last_digit = $nums[$target]; // This is the value of 5. Last digit in the (now string)

4.17 (6 Votes)
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