do while php

	$fruits = ["apple", "banana", "orange"];
    echo "Index of ".$i."= ".$fruits[$i]."<br>";



4 (4 Votes)

                                    while(true) {
 // Infinite Loop

3.5 (4 Votes)

	$a = 0;
    	echo $a.&quot;&lt;br&gt;&quot;;

4.22 (9 Votes)

                                    for($i = 0; $i &lt;=10; $i++){
	echo &quot;The index is $i&quot;;

4 (5 Votes)
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php =+ php while vlaue for $i in php for loop as in php php loop in function while loop in php. php for loop integer &quot; php while(!true) &quot; php while $i php while (!true) for(;;) php php cicle for php for( while do php loop function in php AND in While loop PHP php for loopeach php if and while loop for looops php php while in while while true php loop while loop syntax in php how to put a do while loop beside a do while loop in php php net while php for loop to do while for php for...while loop php php while and do while loop for in php use for loop in php php do while and while do while example php php for syntax check if true after for loop php how to write php code with while loop all loops in php php while endwhile php loop until condition true for loop in css while 10 php while if else php do-while loop php while condition loop php how to use echo in while loop but only print statement one time in php while else php php run while php while loop while(some: other) php 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php do while in foreach php foreach do while php loop in loop for loop number php for 10 php In a separate php program, retrieve the values from your xml file. Use a foreach statement to loop through the retrieved xml and display on a web page within a HTML table. time loop in php variable inside do while loop not available as while param php loop data in php how to use a while php loop php for loop syntax dif bet loops in php do while loop with forEach php sqsClient while loop types of loops in php do while php not working loop while php php look do while loop in php php foreach increment php while loop counter do while and php ph while loop php can i put a or statement in a while loop array while loop php php loop in number how to create for loop in php for php html php while loop on array foreach php w3school php while example foreach array php\ get iterative form of data from the php php loop until false php loop until find number php loop until find wile loop php is it ideal to create a function in a while loop in php php while loop how to create loops in Php for loop in php mysql php while array how to write a db connection code for a loop which should run for 25 times in php for and while loop php make bunch of 100 in php array loop in php for php w3schools forloop in php for each php do-while php php while statement for loop ph php foor loop while lopp array php php for loopo loop until if statement is true php php for mloop while $i is less than php for i = 0 to php foreach php php how many while loop 10%in php while loop php erro while loop php error expects const or function php and do while php and do while loop php while loop w3schools for loop 5 times in php while loop php array php for loop[ php do while something php loop echo php wh3 schools php loop php while : ; php while count loop while demo php while loop example php php while loop index while loop counter with order by php html form php loop stopwhile loop when complete number of round in php php while loop in html php while loop html loop for in php php while do counter in for loop php while loop and endwhile in php while in to while php php do while if else php sql while loop add something how to loop work in php while php ++i while loop php print while loop counter php while loop in phph php mysql while loop php do-while while if php mysql for statement loops once php dow while php while loops php while in php with = as condition php array for loop check a value inside a while loop and stops if found in php PHP LOOPS IN FORM foreach php example w3schools while true in php foreach loop count 10 times php loop 1 to 10 number of parts in loop php do while php laravel do while foreach php php do while example php loop till number while statement php php wile loop sql php 7.1 while statement PHP 7.1 while loop php for and for while loop in mysql php php do while loop php various for loop logic of loops php run a script until a condition is met php php loop until true php loops w3c ph every x loops do php while loop array php while loop alternative syntax while loop programs in php while(i 0 ) echo php While loop in PHP MySQL using for loop php PHP which loops to use while function in php php: count 1 to 10 while loop What loops do you regularly use in PHP and why? 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