date to string php

$today = date("F j, Y, g:i a");   // October 30, 2019, 10:42 pm
$today = date("D M j G:i:s T Y"); // Wed Oct 30 22:42:18 UTC 2019
$today = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");     // 2019-10-30 22:42:18(MySQL DATETIME format)

Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    $today = date("F j, Y, g:i a");               // March 10, 2001, 5:16 pm
$today = date("m.d.y");                       // 03.10.01
$today = date("j, n, Y");                     // 10, 3, 2001
$today = date("Ymd");                         // 20010310
$today = date('h-i-s, j-m-y, it is w Day');   // 05-16-18, 10-03-01, 1631 1618 6 Satpm01
$today = date('\i\t \i\s \t\h\e jS \d\a\y.'); // it is the 10th day.
$today = date("D M j G:i:s T Y");             // Sat Mar 10 17:16:18 MST 2001
$today = date('H:m:s \m \i\s\ \m\o\n\t\h');   // 17:03:18 m is month
$today = date("H:i:s");                       // 17:16:18
$today = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");                 // 2001-03-10 17:16:18 (the MySQL DATETIME format)

3.83 (6 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

// Assuming today is March 10th, 2001, 5:16:18 pm, and that we are in the
// Mountain Standard Time (MST) Time Zone
$today = date("F j, Y, g:i a");                 // March 10, 2001, 5:16 pm
$today = date("m.d.y");                         // 03.10.01
$today = date("j, n, Y");                       // 10, 3, 2001
$today = date("Ymd");                           // 20010310
$today = date('h-i-s, j-m-y, it is w Day');     // 05-16-18, 10-03-01, 1631 1618 6 Satpm01
$today = date('\i\t \i\s \t\h\e jS \d\a\y.');   // it is the 10th day.
$today = date("D M j G:i:s T Y");               // Sat Mar 10 17:16:18 MST 2001
$today = date('H:m:s \m \i\s\ \m\o\n\t\h');     // 17:03:18 m is month
$today = date("H:i:s");                         // 17:16:18
$today = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");                   // 2001-03-10 17:16:18 (the MySQL DATETIME format)
/*d	Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros	01 to 31
D	A textual representation of a day, three letters	Mon through Sun
j	Day of the month without leading zeros	1 to 31
l (lowercase 'L')	A full textual representation of the day of the week	Sunday through Saturday
N	ISO-8601 numeric representation of the day of the week (added in PHP 5.1.0)	1 (for Monday) through 7 (for Sunday)
S	English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters	st, nd, rd or th. Works well with j
w	Numeric representation of the day of the week	0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday)
z	The day of the year (starting from 0)	0 through 365
Week	---	---
W	ISO-8601 week number of year, weeks starting on Monday	Example: 42 (the 42nd week in the year)
Month	---	---
F	A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March	January through December
m	Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros	01 through 12
M	A short textual representation of a month, three letters	Jan through Dec
n	Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros	1 through 12
t	Number of days in the given month	28 through 31
Year	---	---
L	Whether it's a leap year	1 if it is a leap year, 0 otherwise.
o	ISO-8601 week-numbering year. This has the same value as Y, except that if the ISO week number (W) belongs to the previous or next year, that year is used instead. (added in PHP 5.1.0)	Examples: 1999 or 2003
Y	A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits	Examples: 1999 or 2003
y	A two digit representation of a year	Examples: 99 or 03
Time	---	---
a	Lowercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem	am or pm
A	Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem	AM or PM
B	Swatch Internet time	000 through 999
g	12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros	1 through 12
G	24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros	0 through 23
h	12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros	01 through 12
H	24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros	00 through 23
i	Minutes with leading zeros	00 to 59
s	Seconds with leading zeros	00 through 59
u	Microseconds (added in PHP 5.2.2). Note that date() will always generate 000000 since it takes an integer parameter, whereas DateTime::format() does support microseconds if DateTime was created with microseconds.	Example: 654321
v	Milliseconds (added in PHP 7.0.0). Same note applies as for u.	Example: 654
Timezone	---	---
e	Timezone identifier (added in PHP 5.1.0)	Examples: UTC, GMT, Atlantic/Azores
I (capital i)	Whether or not the date is in daylight saving time	1 if Daylight Saving Time, 0 otherwise.
O	Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) without colon between hours and minutes	Example: +0200
P	Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) with colon between hours and minutes (added in PHP 5.1.3)	Example: +02:00
T	Timezone abbreviation	Examples: EST, MDT ...
Z	Timezone offset in seconds. The offset for timezones west of UTC is always negative, and for those east of UTC is always positive.	-43200 through 50400
Full Date/Time	---	---
c	ISO 8601 date (added in PHP 5)	2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00
r	» RFC 2822 formatted date	Example: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200
U	Seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT)	See also time()

Lionel Aguero 33605 points

$date = new DateTime('2000-01-01');
echo $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');

4 (5 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

  // To change the format of an existing date
  $old_date_format = "20/03/1999";
  $new_data_format = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($old_date_format));

3.57 (7 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    $date_string_prepared = date_create("2020-08-07");
$date_string = $date_string_prepared->format("d M Y");
// result 07 Jul 2020

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php php date formates today datetime in php datetime with format php php date format full date formatted date php formatted time php current date and time in php mysql PHP DISPLAY DATE TIME NOW php get the actual date php new \DateTime format format dattime in php php time format timestamp currentdate php php new datetime format php format string to date datetime format string php php today time today date and time in php php date format characters string date format php get date with time php php date long format php format() date echo current date with time php php j datetime get current date php jdatetime get current date $dateTime php format php date object from format format string to create date php how to get currrent date time in php time to string in php date formates php all datetime display format in php datetime display format in php echo current date and time php php how to get current datetime format data in php mysql time format php write out current date php php 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string php php code for current date time format date string in php get current date datetime php php date format codes data format php get currrent date time in php format php time how to get datetime now in php php format day date() php format date format php h echo current date php get time from datetime string php format date date- format php a string php time(0 to string create date from format php php get current datetime as DateTime php for current date how to get current system date and time in php php date convert to string format date representation php which is the format php get date and time php '%r%i timeformat php FORMATA DATA COM PHP php date time object to string format dat php format DateTime object php php get current datetime string new datetime php to string sql datetime php format get current date and time in timestamp php php date format to string convert date to string php how to convert date to string in php in php get current date how to make date to string in php getting the current date in php whats the date format php date format method in php php create date format get value current date php standard datetime format php php format date input php date from format date format php date format) PHP get current date from system php date_format datetime date time format year php print current date time in php sql date format php php how to format DateTime formats dates php how to store current date and time in variable in php date format create in php format a datetime string in php how to format date in php from mysql php date format('I') php get today time php date all formats date format php sql time formats php convert to format date php PHP DateTime ->format formate date php date to string in php php set time format php datetime from format php format date with T format_date php php get today's date and time sql time format php php format date from date object getting current date and time in php full date format php php cahnge format date convert date to string in php php datetime to string formart full date format in php USA format date in php us formate date in php current date in php. php create date with format standard date format in php date format function in php php getting the current date get date to string php make date from string php convert time to string php how to get today date and time in php php format time() as string get current date PHP 7 get date with time now php php getting current date date from format php php date ->format( php code to format date display date format php get the current datetime php current date php function how to get current date and time using datetimne php get new date php date current time php php format datew time formatting in php format dattime php convert date time to string php php date all format how to get the date php php show current date and time how to get the current date php php how to format date string how to get current date time in a variable in php date formats in php date date_format in php php date formatting a date php new date format php get date time now date php formats date- format php date time format %R%a php date format for php reformat date php format datetime object php date_format() in php date to string phpX# datetime format php datetime new dateTime with format php date format php string php current date function php date create from format php time and date format format given date php php current_datetime displaying current date in php how to format date php time formate php php formate date php data format time data_format php pghp date format php script that will display current date and time get current date and time php how to get the current date with php current date in php\ get the current date and time in php how to get current date php time format php date format c php php current date get current date in phph php get todays date and time datetime php format check current datetime in php new datetime with current date php how to return get date now php php format datatime date time sql format php php datetime format with t date format with t php date\ format in php php if date is current date php formato date php date and time formats phpget current date php get current date and time for mysql php format date ita format date and time in php php create date from format date from string php change format date usa month text php php date_format( convert datetime to string php php date format language php get current datettime current date function in php php get current datetime in seconds formatar datas php php datetime standard format current datetime php retrieve current date php php date_format php function to get current date how to check date is current date in php date and time format in php convert date now to string php concert current datetime to string in php format php datetime current datetime php function php date array to string php date() format php date to string (1/1/21) php date to string (1/1/1) php get current date and time in seconds php date format keys\ php how to get current date php get time format php format_date php print current date php formate a date that is a string php format date format php data formates php dateinterval to string php date format) converting date('U') in php to string php string time format php and sql date format php DateTime object format php convert date to string date create from format php php date format table php formate date take h m s php datetime format\ date time php format php format data date function php format date_format timeformat php php current date string php string format date get the current date in php print a specific date in format php php show timestamp php echo current date time php string date date formatting in php php date formate function php print current datetime format php Y-m-d php dateformat php Y-m-d date / time formatter php php get date format date_format php all php date format php calendar date format php date manual date format Y-m-d H:i:s and time zone in php time 24 hour format in php date format Y-m-d H:i:s time get in php date change format to consult in mysql php php date format include day php fill date timefield with constant y-m-d php php echo date() time php format php set date local deutschland south african timezone php php format date mmm date compare php how to select date from php date variable new date in php execution time in php dat day in php det day in php date to minutes php post of date php php get index of date php get idex of date date php format minute different date format php php 7 CURDATE 12h formate php dateandtime in php date formats in php\ how to print curent date php how get current date php php date timestamp format format date currentdate function in php currentdate function inphp php month format php get the device time & date date() pgp format a date string in php date format 0 php php current time string show date in php current time and date php currunt date time in php date value in php php time in 24 hour format php ow() php get current time stamp php datetime format timestamp today date with time in php timestamp example value php return date with A T in php date('h:m:i') php get date from iso date echo now date and time php $heure = date('H'); php 5 php date to string day php current date time in php from format day type php date php W_z how to get today date with date formet in php FULL DATE DISPALY IN PHP php universal date format 24 hour time format php php get now date time date('N') php php convert database datetime to string date example php php time format just month day year open close current time php php date get day php date from y-m-d php date fromn y-m-d curend date phph h m s format php php get actual data date(h:i:s) php date(h-i-s) php php format a date from string new datetimeformatter php $date- format php php function thet can headle all date formats date("Y:m:d h:i:s"); datetime php get date phpdate date() today php date php Date(y, m, 0) date 'F' what is it get today date in rdate php date format week php php date('Y-m-d H:i:s' php formate th high dates format php elevated th in dates format php display the date and time in php php get full data time year date - Manual - › manual › ( string $form php foramt date php time variable format get month year day from a month string php showdateu php php mdate php date format D timetostr php time to string php php date function format get the current date php php function for date and time getting only 12 hours time format in php how to store time in 24 hours format in php date("Y/m/d h:i:s") php how to represent date of date is it's not available in php php get today daet getting current time php format date time php get_date php php current time format cuurent date php format( 'c' ) php datetime php now current date time php php change date time formatting php convertir string a datetime php how to get current date and time php variable date type get current date & time php get current date php datetime php get server datetime now php fetch date from server date ('c') mean in php date with timezone in php format convert current datetime to string php how to get current date time in php php date format month and year dte fucntion parameters in php how to get formatted date and time in PHP php datetime of today php date of today todays date, php php check time year php time to string format datetime php t date short year php date('d-m-yy date(Y m d) php year from date php new data php date format with T php date formaty php time format 24h date format h now date php php system time date('I') how to get today`s date in php month full php php get the current datetime php time H:m:s format to H:m today date and day in php php get now dae current php date php print server time php 24 hour time date/time format php date as php php date full month UNIX_DATE TO DATE PHP take the current datatime php how to get now date time in php php in date and time date('d/m/Y H:i:s') now fotmating date with php * @see how to display current date and time in php how to display current date and time in date in php php print date in format php format time string php date variable use date time in php format date time in php show date number php php code get current time format date di php date format letter PHP how to display time using php php get date format from string php format variable date save a actuall date php save the actuall date php get date today php current data in php 415045 date format php print current date and time in php t in date() php get current date & time in php php datye format unixtime php datye format php formar full date in php ycal link not set title and date php get curretn date in php php currrent time php php add current machine time to date get curremt date time in php dateif php datetostring php php date including date echo date in php how to sgow data in y/m/d format date h:i:s php date get format php format dates format('y-m-d') php datetiem format data() php php dataformat 'Y-m-d' php to get current date in php get date now in php return as date timeformate php date format date in php data date format in php ata date format in php php 24 date how to represent current date in ophp format in php php now -48 hours php datetime y-m-d h i s get the full date in php datetime example php date object to string php change date and time format php php get datetime vlaue today dat date in php live date and time in php display data if date php timestamp php format php datetime format ymd his php current date to string new datetime format php php specific day timestamp php time format list php date format list how to declare date variable in php current date() in php from date to DATETIME php changer format heure php datetimepicker format php date formay on php getting current datetime in php php date time now php echo date to page in php php format date timestamp from database php format date timestamp current data and time in php php data and time format php y m d format Date - hours php created_at date get in y-m-d H:i:s php add todays date in php php current date timestamp php current timestamp format format date object php php print date object php custom date format 17th date in php date function php full year how to create a,c,b date form in php accepts a, b, c, date and prints below the results together with the current date php php format date time formating date in php date in php date('H-i a', strtotime date('Y-m-d') ; php convert datetime to string custom time format php php standard date time format date('Y-m-d') function php date dates in php php get current date romania date php dateform php date current date datetime object to string php format date php 5 php date format default how to day in php date format date and time php formated date and time php time input to string php php format current timestamp php ->format('j') php date_format display time in 12 php format time from variable format date y-m-d php php date time formats dmY PHP get today date time i php get current date ph date formate with timestamp php how to know the day php date how to get automatic time in php $date->format("D") how to set date and time php php date formaat curent date in php dateTime current time in php date day php readable date php php dtae to string php minute number of the week date() options php php how to get todays data and hour php date full date php reformat the date php template the date.php format date en php php ate get today get currebt date in php php display year php full date date formats with timezone php new date from format full date with timezone current time in 4 hour format php H:s:i php what is t in date format php date and tome php time format php 24h date php function month and date function in php in php date format time current php covert datetime varaible timeonly in php php unix timestamp to string date m d y php format datetime to year in php php get time of day php date() php date guide formatter function php php iso 8601 format date('d') php date(now) how to echo date and time in php how to print current date and time in php add day to php date zero to add 10 below add zero php date options 20210329 to date format php make a date format with php php time formats php date returns past time php how to write date in a text get only date from datetime in php php get date time php date format subtract php date as momentum date time formatting php get current date timestamp in php get current date in timestamp php date to strong php date () u php datetime w3schools php date () php day and hour js date to php datetime php date time to date php date format +1 <?php echo date(" h: i : s A");?> y-m-d format in php change time format in php created at time to number php find current date in php current timestamp php php m/d/Y horis date format output of php date method php date () php option 10 ans date data time on php y-m-d date format in php php date format with timezone add today name to website by php php date format m/d/Y php day with leading zero php computer date time time now php php datetime to string print current timestamp in php time format H:i date php format h php date-> php date with month and year string date year php get current timestamp in php get current dateb time in php new datetime format datetime format time string php get now on php php format date object php date time now datepicker in php form php echo day of week cast date to string php php datetime formats php datetime formatd how to get current time using date time function in php how to get current date with time in php date format Ymd php convert date to another format php formater une heure php to date php php date h:m:s php date time fornat show current date time in php date time in php php select current date todays date in numbers without format php today's date in numbers php get date now php date() in php data() in php format time php from time string format time php php format current date get current date and time php ajax get current date and time php getting system time in php how to print date in same page using php datetime to date string php datetime php convert date into F J, Y format php format time only php date n {{date('Y-m-d')}} php time nw date funciton in php8 f j y date format php date from string date time object to date strign php date convert format in php datetime in php string to date php format php date from string d.m.y php get month and day from date today php get time and date Ymd php jmy php php to date string function date php php datetime sql to datetime get today's date php fetch time in php date format ph get current server time php php format() mysql formate php date. present date in php php date() diffrent formet php format date full number to date php date time format in php yymdHis php php echo time get date from date php current time not current date php format date with php php get days php date fomat php format hour datetime format n credit mutuelating an event on a date php new date pho HOW TO GET CURRENT DATETIME ON PHP php date values data format php shroten date php weekday today date show in php php datetime now to string php calendar str format code clock php calendar str format code hour php calendar str format code exact time in php php date this monthe php function sql timestamp to date and time php datetime format table get date YmdHis php get date YmdHis current server time php currentdate timestamp php date and time now php date("H:i:s"); is js or php php date part this year new date php format php date(t) php date to timestamp Php datetime format H:I without sceconds get date time in php php datetime format hours and minutes current datte phph get Sept 22, 2020 as date format php date"h" php format date"h" php a.$t php php datetime from string get datetime in format php transform date php how to get current time date and time in php time function in php to date php get gurrnet date time 12H php new data format string current date timestamp in php date( u ) in php cahgne date format in php reformate date from string to another view string ih php php new date get today date in php php datetime format why i used for minute php datetime format why i php get date year-month-date $time=date("H:i"); php date f, o, y, d getting just current date in simple format php getting current date in php how to write out dates in php format date from string php how to get server current date and time in php timestamp to date php php datetime format year php week number of year get timestamp in php format database date php php how to use date variable in javascript php formate to datetime php set format date Format Month as a number php current date y m d php php formatting date finction to format date php iso New date php format iso date format php php dates date('y-m-d:h-s-s' current date display in php date() php format date Ymd how to get date in php pattern ^(30m|1h|24h)$ in php fecha date php date time php get day of week from date php php format date el lettre how to get the curent time and date in php get todays date php datetime format u php echo datetime php F j, Y ? php date and time letters php date formate examples print today date and time in php print today date in php datetime format in php :: date data.php php is value date php get today php datetime format options php new datetime format php year php display date format php time now timestamp get currenct timestamp php DATE fromat H:i j M Y php crrent time get the date using php current date into time Carbon::createFromFormat($format, $time, $tz) r print date format php date now function in php d php clear date formatting php find date in phph php now datetime php current date without time php is date date format php month day year php date format U php time function champ date integer php php date method php get date in format date php current date format show date format in php get todat date php php day of month timestamp in php how to create date in html and php code how to take current date in php php dataformat c convert date format php php datetime current date date("Y.m.d"); date format phph STR_TO_Time('" . $purchaseDate . "', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s'), php foramt php php date from format string php echo todays date in Y-d-m time formatting php php date + seconds php date to sting now_date_time php brazil php date current date format in php get current time inphp php display local date time instead php store date to string php store date to string yyyymmdd date with current time in php date f php get current date in php php date format timestamp php get iso date in php how to change date format Format a local time/date php date today in php cue forma te dattime get current time and date in php date format H:i:s php php date h ms time not get using date function in php date ymd his php display messege on specific date and time in php php code to display time set date from today php how to add input in form 'Y-m-d H:s:i' html show time in php date ymd php format date from string php formt dte aget date time in php string date to datetime php date format specifiers php want date in format php php date variable format php get today's date time week php object php current timestamp function of date like sep-07 year can't display in php string in variable time() php format date and time in php dmy in php php get current date as string reformat a date php date(Ymd) php month and year from string date format in ph php date format write h get day of week php php date format convert how to display current date and time in php php date format seconds date timeformat in php how to change date format in php php 3 digit day php datetime current time format in php format php echo date with dec date("Y-m-d") php dateTime->format dateFormat php php time() vs date(u) php date from datetime php get current time string php datetme to string date time to date php php date time to string why my php server say current date is 2007 how to get the current date using php H:i time format in php get new date value php date input n php d-m-Y php format with minutes php date formating who to find the present date in php how to format php date now in php day in php time actual date php date actuel php Formate The Date inj php real date time in php php european date format php date format for unix timestamp get live time in php php get current dare daye in php print currunt date in php date in php format date("h:i:s") php get datetime in variable how to get the current date and time in php how to get the current date in php php 24 hour time format date formate with pc time in php php how to pick current date in php php for current time write a php program to display current date and time today DateTime php php date %B %e, %Y Type a message how to print current date in php date chenge format php date show year first php echo date time object php as string stroto date format php datetime string php in php create crrunt date and time php 7 get current date get date and time in php php date string format present date php get datetime php php get date from time 'H:i:s' vs h:s:i time format php date and time day th php date and time day display current date and time in php get current day and time php locahost/PHP/phpdates.php php date month number get time H:m from date time variable in php get time H:m from date time in php datetime in echo php curdate print dateTime format php str to datetime php print days php php get date and timestamp show time php date function php date formate in php data format in php how to show date in php how toshow date in php how to get today date in php php output date and time how to automatically get the current date and time in php how to get date format from datetime format in php convert time format in php php what datetime format php date( format any date sql format php format any date format php php echo now time php date format constants formating php show todays date in php current+date+php time format 24 hr php recent time to datetime php php format dob custom time php function phpdate format php get current date time to print php print datetime date and hour php php get current server time php month PHP-specific format function type date php date to format php how to format the date in php frommat php php date formattingh get today's date in php get auto system date in php date("Y-m-d desired date in pgp date i php php time in html php using NOW() php using NOW() function php time to string format string date in php php get today date and time php date in 24 hour format how to format time to 24 hour in PHP php date correct format php month number format date object to string in php php data formatter date('Y-m-d' H-i-s) date('Y ', $date); php format string to ['h'] date u php date time to string php php style time date print in php php date time from exact date php date time for date php cast datetime to string recuperer la date du jour en php how to convert date format php print time in php php get date now get current full date and time php time to string php php print date time get today's date , day name, month in php date(Y, L, J, ) date in pphp php receive date and format? date as DateTime php datetime get date php how to change the standared format of datetime input in php date formatter in php current date and time in php php dynamic date format send current date php php formatted datetime to datetime time() php 24 hrs format in time date datetime php the date php php date n to m php date select m from n procedure php default H in date format if none provided php today date formate function in php php timestamp from date string how to modify datetime format to date month year format in php php format +0100 timestamp datetime php form php format display of datetime php ojbject to string format output utc short code for php php datetime format codes new php date time now in php php date h i s m print current date in php \w\d php php get date time string get datetime simple in php php get date formatted string cusatom time format to timestamp php php formate date time format datetime php php system datetime with example new datetime php format php format % format H:i php date su today time formate php php display current date and day php get today day php time format without date date to timestamp php php date now current stamp laravel time formats php datetime get current date time format utc datetime php date formte php php get system date get date time php DateTime() php to string php date annotation date format functino php php time from timestamp date('H:i:s') php how to format ' in php php actual date how to send date on get php send date with % php php get system time string date in php ::time in php How to get the current time in PHP if How to get the current time in PHP php date format variable simple date conversion php php format date and time php how to get time() from date how to fetch date time values from database in date time format in php php show datetime now getday in full letters php short date to date format php how to sed a datetime object in php how to get the day today in php how to get the datetime today in php php current date & time modifier le mois d une date php date hour format php format function in php date fromate YMD getting the current time in PHP how to set time in 24 hour format in php php date time get month day php where date format php format string to look like a date opml date format php datetime format with timezone php t z format date php write php date 01 aug 2020 days or month php api format get format in php get datetime to only date php php display data format get current date server php php from date to timestamp php datetiome codes php tatetime to date php format date from timestamp with timezone php format date from timestamp php date to timestamp format datetime::timeformat php php d/m/Y how i get the present day php Does ,date('Y-m-d H:i:s') grab local pc or server pc time how to get time in 24 hrs format in php how to get date in 24 hrs format in php php date now format format a given date string php php j php date time custom type string to time month day year php date time long format php php date format to an-2020 php date forma worphp date format jour en php datetimr format php format date php usa j m y date php php date type php convert dateperiod item to date time formats in php get today day in php hwo to print date in php date and time function php print date from variable php return date('F d, Y \a\t h:i a',strtotime($date)); dateformt php datetime form of date in php php date format example converter dados datetime em string php php date format php to format date php variable date format unix to dateformat php date time format list php phpmanual format dat php simple current datetime php get datetime string php dateToString php format date string to string date format in php\ php datget urrent date convert datetime php php datetime now timestamp format php php format minutes using php how to get server actual time display date and hour php php date year month day current timestamp to string in php php date format months >format('F'); get date with php get day timestamp php how to get todays date in php 7 how to make simple time date in php php value to input datetime format php date formet php echo date today date format php datetime php new datetime get curreny day php datetime to date formate 24 hour format php datetime y m d apache php default date format 4 digits apache php default date format php date fromt datenow php php date only today php time now now() php system time date math sql php get date php format datae php php today's date timestamp current date & tie in php datetime php to string date operatrion in php PHP date time of day php now() function php date Y m d not showing current time php curent datetime display datetime in php php correct time format get day from date object php php get data of today php date Month and day php todat date day from timestamp php php get current date only display datetimein php format date to year php php current timpstamp date() php format variable php change time format timestamp to date in php get time from date php le format php php string format to timestamp PHP date('H') list of php date format get word monday php get date from datetime php php format time to datetime input php format time to datetime php date now\ formatting date in php datetime string php\ how to get only the current date in php display date time in php date - date php get date from timestamp php change php format time set current date in php now() in php php fordate date formate php php date formats list $s->$h php code php datetime format only date how to get current time in php php:current datetime php full date with day automatic date on php get current datetime stamp php php program to find todays date php date return value php get current datetime pc get hour from date php date format - n/j/Y php code to print curent datetime php code to print the current datetime echo date(" g:i a ") php year of date get the actual date php date format with hours and minutes and seconds in php date format with hours and minutes and seconds in ph php date day format php rtime date() php getting out getting through current data php php date string to other format time in php php DateTime format function date php formating echo today date in php date reformat php php datetime MTIME format php function datetime(today, Mtime) current time in php datetime(today, Mtime) php php datetime format string date format php timestamp php timestamp from string get time now php d/m/Y g:i a format to datetime object js d/m/Y g:i a to date DateTime Object to string en php php fprmat hours hwo to check currentdate in php php limit date to specific date outpu date php php dte format php get string date from date object get current date string php echo date change datetime format in php display php datetime php date pattern how to get todays date in php php code to extract date in a particular format from the database php get date using year as base php time 24 hour format php hours format how to current time in php echo date time in php php time format T inside date format 24 hours php php default date format php get current day how to format in php format dates php format date to php types of date format in php php now date php timestamp to year month day how to show current time php formatted currentdate in unix php php get actual time and date how to get php current date and time php current day php get date format from another strins value php get date format php date and time function php date (u) echo current time user php date("h:i:sa") php todaydate phpdatetime to string php full date Êáôá÷þñçóç format php Êáôá÷þñçóç Ðáñáããåëßáò ìå áñéèìü format php php formats php code for date format php date format !m php used date db change format to onlu date php get format date from db value used date return current date and time in php php date and time functions phpdate and time functions php date("H : i : s") php fate formatted php echo date and time php function to get the current date how toprint date value in php php format an object get now in datetime php php get date Y-m-d format php date > $_GET['date'] get current date and time using php FmY date format php date separator php same with skype d-m-y format php datetime object to string in php work with date php get the current date string in php time code php forma date php php ddate dateformat in php php get date from timestamp php get date as if it was date php convert datetime to date php object writing formatate php deconstruct date type php change datetime format php convert datetime to date format date and time function in php get today last date time stamp php convert date object to string php php get now in datetime php format codes php short date functions get full time php format date with timezone php get topdays date php php time to date how to get the current data in php format date string php how to get the current date inphp datetime 24 hour format php php date string to format language php date string to format all date format in php php format a date take time and date in php php to show todays date orders set date fromat php in wordt date() format in php date format php Y timedata string to format in php mysql datetime format php php current day formats get day in php php function date To print current time which function will use in pphp echo now phpmp date format r php 0 in date format php php time() format date in php php datetime object to string php datetime today as text php get actual date php custom format php data time t o php fromat date DateTime get current day php format date php from string php convert date to datetime php docs date format get exact date and time in php date unix format php today in php show date php by letters string current date php php run date and time get current date in day month in words and year php current date time in php todays date time php php datetime current day set current date time in php SET CURRENT DATE TIME IN PHP SET CURRENT DATE TIME IN PHP' php day string php current date hour get the cuurent date time in php get todays date time in php php dataf ormatting how to give current date and time in php get current time php function how to have a current date in php php dateformart php nice date format style the date in php php format to show all 4 year digits format a date in php today date in pjp php get the date and time now time format date function php date php now php format data en datetime from format php php date format examples with day name php date format examples with week day change time format php php month formats php timestamp format date how to get current daterime in php phph get now date time Hie date format php php date format timezone php current time and date php get time now l and t in date() php php return date date time php function php date time functions PHP Get Current Time in format with DateTime Class php get today's date in timestamp php get todays date in timestamp php date just get tiome how to get server date and time in php php get the actual date in format php date ymd his date example php date time strng now on php php date get noe show current date in php php get current timestamp display current data php php format date a variable and month date format in php get date php php date from now year function php date format to time php formater date php print date in php customizing php time format based on location usa europe how to get system date and time in php php date value format new date time month php datrtime to string php how to get current data in php date to string php date time pph php get date php get fully qualified current date time how to store a date string in php php date short month, day, year how to get date fromtme php datetime with current date pho php get datetime format different time formats in php php code to display current date and time in different formats php code to print current date formatdate php how to get todays date php php date no how to take the date in php mdate in php php date + hours php date string php hour format date in php get date values in same php page format php changer le format d'une date php php date conversion m in date format php php current datetime now current date and time php php date with time get local date format php datetime get current date php dates and time php date format php example how to get correct date in php php get date and time php working with date php datetime formatting php get current day and month php raw date format show datetime in php function to get current date and time in php date formats php php tostring datetime perfect current date and time in php data php format format data php military date format php php date w fromat date php php date format strings php check current data année en php how to get current date and time in php php format date with day of week php format time with day of week PHP string mask day-year date('l'); get current day in php Standard date format php année php date formant php year php format a string date php php datetime day of the week datatime object into string php <?php echo date(s)?> reccuperer la date php $ldate=date('d/m/Y h:i:s', time()); php set variable to current date time get current date today php php automatic date php date to string with day month year and time today date format php timestamp to format php set datetime at today php format timestamp php get actual data php php timestamp now date time format php date format php mon php datetime / to - php time datetime to datestring php get date in php php support 5 digit date php date format with score can php date be echoed as string different date formats in php php timetostr get timestamp php new date php what is date ("H") understanding php date function tutoria php date today date(u) php call format on string php date php get now timestamp php convert datetime display date format in php get current date from year php date format sql php php timestamp format echo datetime php datetime drfault format php php current datetime get string date php php date format reference php documentation date current date string in php php date format 25 hours php set datetime to current date php display database date and time php date display format date month in php is php date output a string avoir la date en php php date time php time string find data format in php get full date php time to date php echo date french fuseau horaire php php get day string grab current date php php echo format date php date function php time formart php date formart date today php php get current dateand time php date custom format date ('l') php identify time pm or am with date php php date(ymd) date format php l with capital print current time php print current date php Format php php dateformat format is html and php date the same format php function today date php live time date time and date - time and date php format a timestamp php get date text php php print month format php get now php dtoday date date object from string php y-m-d format date from php datetime obj date now php php datetime object formats th date in PHP dateFOrmat laravel datetime to string date php français php get date today php date object format how to get current timestamp in php today date in php date mont php php date format of january php date format add "of" php calendar string php get now datetime how to get the current order 'date in php function to retrieve the current date and time in php php function in php for current date and time php date string to date object php date time format print date php get year php php all date formate get date from the time() php what field type is date in php date time php php date 24 hour format php full date YmdH php format datetime currrent datetime to string php php date formats iso 8601 php today date time with 24 hour format php how to convert datetime in date php php get time format php date new DateTime() to string php now type how to get today's date in php php curent date phpget date php datetime to str get current date time php date_default_timezone_set("America/New_York"); echo "The time is " . date("h:i:sa"); PHP date formatting newdatey php get date from datetime object in php php format date string format string date php string to php date hours format php php reformat date php date functions time php php datetime format month date format in php month name php to display time php date() d/m/Y H:i php get date string php time formatting time zone php time formatting php display date php date today datetformat php get time in standard datetime format in php get time in T datetime format php how to find today date and time in php php date format from string php > date(m/d/Y) after an year get today y-m-d php how to get system date in pp php date('Y-m-d') How to know the Date using PHP get current time in php php get date current php get datenow php get datetime now date("l",$date) php php date ymd echo server time php get time PHP php get today datetime with diferent time php w3 date php date format with timestamp datephp php year actual php getdate php current time php echo today's day php date day string php datetime format to ymd php date to format php format tdate time php change date format to display day month year php date and hour php now() get full day and month in php format php DateTime format print the current date and time on the page php echo date as string php value of date php create date get year date function in php php format string date format the date php format date oho php now change format of time php current time php php echo date php display date day month year date php php changer le format d'une date get current date time in php get sysdate in php as varchar2 take sysdate as string in php take sysdate as sting in php php function for current date and time php date iso 8601 required|date_format:YmdHie php datetime to date php current date and time how do i get the and print the current date and time in php php format timestamp php date(y-m-d) php correct date php formatdate php complete date php new DateTime to string php datetime php datestamp convert date string into format php display time php what is date variable in php datefns get current time js format date dd/mm/yyyy mysql string to timestamp get the latest filter date in vba format value to date php javascript date format get current datetime in javascript for iran get current date time in javasscript for specific region vue format date date and time in yaml react show current time datetime to string python jquery custom Date format now php function dateofrmat php php datetime get today date current datetime in php get the time and date in php print current time and date in php php format time php datetime to date and time date pattern php php date to time() format php show today's date php curremt data how to show current date in php php echo current date php date format day only get current date in php php date codes format formate date in php currentDateTime php php date format string php manual date php date and time formatting php date format ymd date php date month year php date and time date() format php display current date in php date field php how to get curretn dat in php how to fetch current date in php php date fromat week short how to get todays date inphp how to get the current date in php\ php sql date nox how to get current datetime in php list format date php get current datetime in php php current date time time date php date format php keep string current datetime php php get time in nice format php get current date time format php format date from variable php format for time php get current date timestamp dateformat j/m/a php get cURRANT DATE INN PHP todays date in php php today date get current local date and time in php get current date and time in php how to get current date in php php date formate date formats in php give today's date i php php date date formats php date format 20091208T040000Z php date today as string php date formats php date format with .000 php dateformat php get today's date php format format date heure php get curent date php format date php get time in php ge time in php php format letters php date with format how to have current data in php php current time Hour PHP get todat date php datetime as string php date functions all date formats php current date time function php get the current date php get datetime php get current time print date and time php php check currentdate year date format php date( c time()) php date ant time coe in php how to display the current date and time in php using php to display date php get current date now fetch today data in php php get oday php get now date and time php time format c php current date short string format 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