Capitalize in php

//string to all uppercase
$string = "String with Mixed use of Uppercase and Lowercase";
//php string to uppercase
$string = strtoupper($string);

Tom Thrower 115 points

$foo = 'hello world!';
$foo = ucfirst($foo);             // Hello world!

$bar = 'HELLO WORLD!';
$bar = ucfirst($bar);             // HELLO WORLD!
$bar = ucfirst(strtolower($bar)); // Hello world!
// string manipulation function 

3.67 (3 Votes)


3.83 (6 Votes)

/* Convert the first character of "hello" to uppercase:  */
echo ucfirst("hello samy!");

//output : Hello samy!

3 (1 Votes)
Amy L Lu 90 points

$foo = 'bonjour tout le monde!';
$foo = ucfirst($foo);             // Bonjour tout le monde!

$bar = ucfirst($bar);             // BONJOUR TOUT LE MONDE!
$bar = ucfirst(strtolower($bar)); // Bonjour tout le monde!

4.2 (10 Votes)

                                    $lowercase = "this is lower case";
$uppercase = strtoupper($lowercase);

echo $uppercase;

4.6 (5 Votes)
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php ignore lower case and upper case in php , just match the words in php how to convert string to all uppercase php convert a string into uppercase in php php string to caps to upper in php php to uppere php get all upper characters all upper case php capital first letter of each word in php php small letter to capital how to select word first letter and do it capital in php first letter capitalized php php string first case php only first letetr uuppercase php uppercase letter HOW TO UPPERCase string php target capital letters php decapitalize first letter php uncapitalize first letter php uppercase everything but first letter php php uppercase first middle capital letter php php convert to small case capitalize each words in php ucuppercase in php t converts the first letter to capital lette php TEXT TO UPERCASE PHP make first character uppercase php unppercase first latter php php uppercase firt letter php words capitalized capital first word php standardise to all caps display format php make first letter of each word capital php uppercase php varible capitalize php varible str caps php change string to uppercase php php convert upper php function to make string first letter capital ucfirst php 7 php string isupper php string is uppercase conver to uppercase php php to caps php capitalizw uppercase class php php conver a letter in upper cse php is upper case convert to Capital in php upercase function php change to uppercase in php to upper php how to convert word first letter capital php php first uppercase php change uppercase php upperase first word can i use capital PHP in php file syntax php lower to uppercase php initial caps capitalizing in php in can type both alphabets caps or small php make characters uppercase in php capital letters to / php array in uppercase in php php upper case first letter php everysecond letter of string uppercase php string replace capital letters into lowercase php string replace capital letters into small letters and 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php upper to lowercase in php lowercase and uppercase together php uppercase to lover case php php convert variable to uppercase php capitalize first char echo uppercase php force uppercase in php php capitalise string php stirng upper php string to capitalize php code to convert lowercase to uppercase UPPER keywork in php php capital letter how to make all words caps in php conver all to all caps php php fierst uppercase php capitalise first letter of string only capilize and lowecase php str to upper and ucfirst in php print capital letters in php first letter in capital in php capital word all in php replace ext uppercase with lowercase php function to convert string in form to uppercase php uppercase the first letter php text uppercase in php ' text touppercase in php ' php set first letter capital php text to uppercase caps php convert text to uppercse in php caps format php how to set capital letter to the first letter in a tag li php php make all values in array uppercase php 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to convert first character in string uppercase to lowercase in php how to convert first character in string lowercase to uppercase in php how to convert lowercase to uppercase in php text capitalize php php capitalize function ucfirst( capialize php reduce first letter php convert caps to sentese case php php InitCap make capital first letter php capitalize first letter php function 1st letter capital in php php change to uppercase first letter php capitalize first character php str_to_upper captial functuon php php convert to first letter only caps strtoupper(substr(md5(time) display numbers only uc_upper php php alle uppercase php function uppercase char to uppercase php only first letter capital php first letter capital pph first character of string touppercase in php string's first character uppercase php make first alphabet capital php php output string with uppercase first letter how to make first letter capital in php uppercase letter php string upper case php first upper case 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case in php how to capitalize cyrillic in php how to capitalize in php php change first character of every word to uppercase how to make first letter capital and rest lowercase in php php capitalized first letters make a sentence all uppcase in php query strtoupper how to convert lower case to upper in php firsrt letter capital in php upcase in php php uppercase first letter after dot covert string to all uppercase in php converting string to uppper case in PHP php upperc php convert uppercase first case senstive php convert to capital letters in php php Capitalized Case php capitalizd string to uppercase in php first word capital inphp php string function first word capital php php uppercase f captial php php covert to all upper covert first char uppercase php php to upper case and exclamation mark string to lower ucfirst get name first letter capital php string uppercase in php cappitalize string in php upper case pghp how to convert string and uppercase first letter php php uppercase to lowercase how to convert string to first letter capital in php first letter capita php To convert all the first character of each word from the string assigned to the variable $AuthorDetails to capital letters. php make a string's first character uppercase php toupper case pho php string capital first letter first letter to uppercase and the rest t lowercase php oppercase php string uppercase php upercase php str.ToUpper php make the first letter uppercase php make text capital u,cap string php php upper string toUpper the first letter of a char in php how to uppercase in php first word capitalzie in php how to show words first letter capital in php php ucfirs str_to_upper php upcasefirst php convert first letter from string to capital letter php php capitalize 1st letter php and capitalize first two letters php first letter capitalized str to upper php to uppercase first letter php all uppercase php how to upper only first character string in php php strtoupper capitalize all letters php php function capitalize first letter php sql does i need uppercase php to uppercase char . ucwords($row->name) ($row->last_name) . php do first php uppercase string built in function to change the first letter in a word to uppercase in php php built in function for making first letters capital php upppercase php proper casing first character to uppercase in php all letters in capital in php send string big character in php first leter to upper php first leter to caps php php D upercase upper case text php make character uppercase php make all uppercase php string make all characters maj php string capitalize php php firt letter capital rest lowercase php to upper case method capitalize first letter php first letter to uppercase php str turn to capital letters php first letter updatecase php capitalize first letter pho strupper php php first letter to uppercase convert first letter to upprcase in php auto capitalize in php php variable ufirst php first capital letter capitalize word php make first letter uppercase php convert string to caps in php php uc first what does UcFirst mean hoe to change to uppercase for the firt caracter php first letter captial in string in php upper first letter in php make first letter capital in php php ufcfirst upper case letter php make uppercase php php first to upper php change first character to uppercase php uppercase and excmation point function php convert to capital letters and excamation point cpitalise php how to capitalize first letter in php php string tilt4 case php change first character big others small text capitalize in php php string first letter uppercase capitalize text php strtoupper() php first letter of string uppercase capitalise php php ucfirst() how to capitalize 1st letter in php string' string first character upper in php php capitalize to letter firstUpcase php php stop email first letter capitalize php change case of first letter make first character uppercase in php captilization in php php str upper TOUPPERCASE PHP capitalize string php str to upper when null php uppcase php how to any upper alphabet php php uppercase all turn the string to uppercase in php php new ucfirst class name php convert string to capitalize php capitalise strings php capitalise uppercase to capitalize php first to upper php convert letters to uppercase php convert first letter uppercase php php uppercase first letter in string first letter capital php php lowercase capitalize first letter how to fix php $reference No = strtoupper($_POST['reference No']); how to fix php $referenceNo = strtoupper($_POST['referenceNo']); php string capitalize uppercase pph ucupper in php php code to dsiplay capslop in first letter php str uppewr upper case php php first character capital php first letter big php code to display as upper case letters php code to print the first letter as uppercase Create cap with php php ucase uppercase in php first letter php ucfirst special characters initcap in php php strisuppercase make first letter of a string uppercase php strupperp php php make all uppercase php capitalize and lowercase return php sentence case upper case function php uppercase all string in php convert first letter to lowercase in php ucase in php upper text php set uppercase php letters should be uppercase in php string toupper case php string to uppercase php convert string to uppercase php php all uppercase php string toupper php string to capital first letter str to uppercase in php capital first letter php convert small letter to capital in php captilize php capitalize first letter in string php php capatilize string how to capitalize first letter php php to uppercase first letter init cap in php php upper case uppercase a string in php php capitalize only first letter of words capitelise first letter php capitalized string in php capitalise string in php how capitialize only first letter in php '/\b\S+$/e' => strtoupper how to uppercase first letter in php php uppercase iii php toUpperCase php first letter MAJ php convert first letter to uppercase how to set uppercase first word using php how to capitalise the first letter php capitalize first letter php php normalize string first uppercase then lowercase php capitalise complete sentence in uppercase letter php capitalize the first letter php php first letter to upper capitalize all letters in php first character to uppercase php Enlarge the first letter of a word in php php upper first letter make all characters uppercase php php capital first letter how to capitaliza in php php function to make first letter capital remove capital at end of string php strtoupper php php strng to Uppercase what does strtoupper do in php string to upper php string capitalize first letter php how to capitalise first letter in php how to convert to uppercase in php first later capital php strtoupper in php php to sentence case ucfirst function inphp capitalization php STING TO UPPER PHP php to lower with first character cap php str to uppercase convert to uppercase in php change first letter to capital in php php make first letter capital php to uppercase function php uppercase only first letter toupper in php php to uppercase first word capital in php toupper php php sentence case capital first letter in php php make first letter uppercase strtouppercase php ucfirst() in php capatilze first letter php capitalize string in php php convert string to sentence case uppercase php first letter will automatically capital while entering in database php php upper capitalise first letter php php to upercase capitalize first alphabet php capitilise first letter php php string to uppercase hot to capitalize first letter in php to uppercase in php uppercase in php capitlize first letter php php string capitalize first letter touppercase in php php convert all character to caps php uppercase php string to upper case php change sting to caps php strto sentence case php frist character uppercase capitalize php string strtoupper first letter php ucfirst php capitalize fist letter on insert php capitalise first letter php capatolize string php str capitalize first letter php str uppercase first letter fisrt letter upper php ucfirst in php PHP capitalize sentence first character uppercase php make first letter capital php php first character of string uppercase How to uppercase the first letter of a string php php first letter uppercase first letter capital in php first letter uppercase php php set first character of string to upper string to capitalize php uppercase first letter php PHP set first char to uppercase capitalize first character php capitalize php ucfirst php sentence case in php php first character uppercase php text transform capitalize php first letter capital first letter caps in php make string start with uppercase php first character capital in php php how to make string start with capital letter php first char uppercase first to uppercase php php first word uppercase php capitalize first letter php capitalize capital letter php php capitalize string php ucfirst php uppercase first letter php capitalize first string how to change first letter to uppercase and other to lowercase in php first letter to upper php
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