array key value php

array_keys ($array);
// It returns an array
// more informations at (fr)

Krish 100200 points

                                    $healthStructureData = [
            'product' => $product,
            'website_data' => $website_data,
            'total_keywords' => $total_keywords,
            'certificate_status' => $certificate_status,
            'total_user_websites' => $total_user_websites,

foreach ($healthStructureData as $key => $value) {
  $$key = $value;

4.5 (4 Votes)
Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    foreach($bigArray as $array){    
    foreach($array as $key=>$value){
        echo $key;

#If if helps you give it Thumbs up

4.33 (3 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

foreach($age as $x=>$x_value)
  echo "Key=" . $x . ", Value=" . $x_value;
  echo "<br>";

4.22 (9 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    $id = 1;
$age = 2;    
$sort = "id"; // or "age";
    $Key = $$sort;
$arr = array($Key => 'string');


4.5 (4 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    $array = array(0 => 100, "cor" => "vermelho");

$array = array("azul", "vermelho", "verde", "azul", "azul");
print_r(array_keys($array, "azul"));

$array = array("cor"     => array("azul", "vermelho", "verde"),
               "tamanho" => array("pequeno", "medio", "grande"));

3.2 (5 Votes)
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creating associative array that calls function in php get array by key php php get a key from an given value get key of an element in array php php array key array how to get data array in php key and value php create an array of keys [...Array.key] array() key = value php php set array key get array values by keys php php create array with keys how to set value of key in array as string including the variable in php how to store key and value in array in php how to echo out a key of array in php array with key php get key aray php comment retrouver un libéllé à partir d'un tableau php why php array use key as variable get array key php php array definition get_jeys php dict php get value from array as key index an array php how to get back the array key used to get the product in array hash array php create array php php get key from array item PHP Fatal error: Must use arrays of associative arrays for loop parameters in php + array [][] = php [] php associative array into definition list get key value from collection php php array get keys as string php handle multi dimensional array possible missing or not set values how to get the key of an array in php create array key and value php set new key value in array php php print key php array return as key value php get array key value pair php initialize map iteral array php php create new array php array_key string php print array values and keys define an array in php how to create product array in php with key value php in array get key give array values key name php php show array keys and values Set and Dict in PHP 5.3 php array key with variable read key value from array php php array_keys flat php use variable as array key keys associated to values in php how to print key of array in php get the array key in php how to access key value pair array in php $arr array array functions php return associative array get keys php php make dictionary array key associative array php php key value pair php echo name of 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con key how to assign key to a value string in php assign $variable of key value pair array to multiple variables php php get key from value in array get the value of key php set array keys php php associative array key get array key by value php get key where text php how to get array key value in pph how to get array key and value in php key and value in array in php php is associative array have key php key value pairs php get array key of in array get array key by value get only array where key php key array php associative array of int php get keys of an array php array notation with key php get array key and value while one key array php php get array key with @ array? array.key== ''? 'value': '' get array name php get array keys only php keys key( php php access array by key php array key echo array key php define a array of object of values in php getting keys of array php associative array with value is an array php php list array keys php are all keys in array get key array php php array with keys name php declare key value pair php array get value where key equals phph assign array to associative array assign new content for an array php get single array key function php get ony keys array how to get key id in array php php get array key position from string key php array key number php create array by key get array data using key php php get array key where value is php create array from dictionary array get jey short array php php dictionary with [] php key array php get keys of array php array key value print get all key of array php array get key of value php array met key how to get array key in php php array get by key php create item of array with key and value php get key value from array php get associative array key by index define array php get array element php array kay value using key value in php create array from array keys php get array of keys php get key from value php php array index array array keys php use ? php print keys of array php get key of array php key of array php create array with key and values how to refer to a specific pooint in the arra y in php php array key value php all keys in array variable as array key php array keys php php array_key array_value php get array keys php array key value pair php get keys from array php key as array dictionary php get array keys php php create key value array php array with keys php create array and key key value pair php how can i get key value pairs in subarray php php dictionary access array by key php get array key php key value array php get keys key value array php array key value php
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