vs code: comment multiple lines

********** For Windows **********
-> How to comment a block?

CTRL + K + CTRL + C 

-> How to uncomment a block?


Millemila 105 points

                                    how to add comment for multiple lines :
********** For Windows **********
-> How to comment a block?

CTRL + K + CTRL + C 

-> How to uncomment a block?


4.14 (7 Votes)
Mchid 90 points

                                    shift + alt + A

3.86 (7 Votes)
Pbhj 95 points

                                    ctrl + shift + A

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comment multiple line in vscode shortcut to comment multiple lines in visual studio for mac how to comment multiple lines visual studio multi line comment vs code shortcut key for multiline comment in vs how to do multiline comment in vscode shortcut key how to do multiline comment in vscode visual code comment mult lines shortcut for commenting multiple lines in visual studio code how to comment out multiple lines in vscode windows comment multiple lines of code in visual studio how to make multiple lines as comment visual studio how to comment many line in visual studio code vscode shortcut to generate multiple comment multiline comment hotkey vscode shortcut for commenting out multiple lines in visual studio comment multiple line in vs code visual studio code multiline comment add line vscode automatic multiline comment extension vs code automatic multiline comment extention vs code: comment multiple lines vs code multiple comment short cut how to comment multiple lines in vscode 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than one line vscode shortcut comment multi selected lines in vscode multiple line comment shortcut in visual studio commenting multiple lines in vscode windows how to comment out multiple lines in html visual studio code multi line comment visual studio how to comment several lines in vsCode how to comment more than one line in vs code visual studio code multiple line comment not working multi line comment shortcut in visual studio shortkeys to put multiple line comment in vscode visual studio multi line comment vscode multiline coment comment multiple lines visual studio comment several lines visual studio code change multiple lines into comments vscode multi line comment shortcut in vs code How to comment multiple lines in Visual Studio Code? comment multiple lines visual studio windows how to write on multiple lines in vs code comment multiple lines shortcut vs code multi comment in vs code multiline comment in visual studio code comment out in vs code multimple lines ghow to comment multiple line is vs code multiline comment vscode shortcut shortcut to comment multiple lines in visual studio code multiline comments visual studio visual studio code comment multiple lines mac how to comment out many lines in vscode multi line comment in vs code multiline comment in vscode windows 10 how to comment out multiple lines in visual studio code comment many lines studio code shortcut to comment multiple lines in visual studio comment out multiple lines visual studio how to comment several lines in vs how to comment multiple lines in visual studio code vs code cpmment multiple lines use multiline comment in vs code vscode mulitple lines comment shortcut how to comment multiple lines at a time in VS code comment multiple line in visual studio how to comment multiple line in visual studio how to comment multiple lines at once in visual studio code multi commento vs code commetn multiple lines vs code how to comment line vscode multiple mutiple line comments in one go 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