
import React from 'react'
import uuid from 'react-uuid'

const array = ['one', 'two', 'three']

export const LineItem = item => <li key={uuid()}>{item}</li>

export const List = () => array.map(item => <LineItem item={item} />)

Pete Ludlow 120 points

                                    npm install uuid   

Chris P 85 points

                                    function uuidv4() {
  return ([1e7]+-1e3+-4e3+-8e3+-1e11).replace(/[018]/g, c =&gt;
    (c ^ crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] &amp; 15 &gt;&gt; c / 4).toString(16)


4.33 (3 Votes)



                                    function uuidv4() {
  return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
    var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r &amp; 0x3 | 0x8);
    return v.toString(16);


Sudheeshix 80 points

                                    function uuid() {<br/>  return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {<br/>    var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r &amp; 0x3 | 0x8);<br/>    return v.toString(16);<br/>  });<br/>}<br/><br/>var userID=uuid();//something like: &quot;ec0c22fa-f909-48da-92cb-db17ecdb91c5&quot; 

3.86 (7 Votes)
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simple uuid react uuid v4 simple uuid react simple uuid using the uuid module in express js uuid js library create UUID for tha pp generate system uid create unique id javascirpt test uuid v4 generate a guid nodejs js generat guid uuid function in nodejs guuid js node js unique id uuid 36 characters generator 32 js generate random uuid uuid4 nodejs equivalent uuid - npm create uuid from string online javascript generate unique key UUID.get randomm uuid const uuid or var uuid error in react uuid import node unique Id generatore import * as uuid from 'uuid/v1'; import { v4 as uuidv4 } from &quot;uuid&quot;; uuid \ uuid give me using react uuid react unique id npm uuid full form javascript new uuid uuid react' generate uunid in js current UUID is uuid javascript uuid number generator UUD id with react uuid token minecraft uuid generator install uuidv4 library on windows .net generate uuid random uuid generator react native generate uuid uuid react native uuid generator react native 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string javascript how to use uuid react reactjs uuid uuidv4 npm module unique id number generator js generate unique key javascript irials unique id random uid number nodejs uui import * as uuid from 'uuid'; npm exapme uuid nodejs uuid generator uuid npm install uuid reac mindustry uuid generator fre angulr install uuid ble uuid generator uuid/v1 type declaration uuid random how to generate id unique in javascript javascript object uniqid generate unique id in javascript npm uuid node uuid/v4 UUID in nodejs how to generate random uuid in react uuid generator npm gerate unik id js uuid typescript react typescript uuid react uuid in package.json uuid npm typescript javascript unique id on every section deploy react app using uuid on react uuid node nestjs how to import uuid nest how to importe uuid uniqid() number character php unique id 16 characters node js project UUID.randomUUID example jaavscript uuid using latest version of uuid uuidv4 npm generating uuid in javascript uuidv4 import append uuid in react from nodejs server use uuid in react node js generate id add uiid react project how to generate unique ids id generator how to set length of uuid i react app how to generate unique id use of uuid in node js generate unique id package use uuidv4 in react typescript uuid What is my UUID.com uniqid trong php install uuidv4 v4 react javascript generate unique ids uuid npm formats v4 npm npm uuidv4 generate uuid uuid/v1 javascript create id how to create a unique id in javascript uuid es6 javascript create id unique js generate guid UUID generation can i use npm uuid package in react js example UUID using uuid in react uuid in node js online generator tool nodejs generate uuidv4 .net uuid sample uuid result online generate unique value uuid cdn uuid install Generate unique id JavaScript what does uuid for npm do nodejs uuid uuid v1 npm node js how to use uuid uuid nodejs npm uuid v4 is undefined const uuid = require('uuid/v4') import uuid4 react react uuis generate uuid like minecraft comment utiliser uuid dans react nodejs random uuid example nodejs random uuid node guid generator GUID reactjs NPM unique ID uuid generator online guid generator install uuid javescript create a unique id javascript generate unique id from string random v4 uuid gener uuid genator uid react import uuid unique uuid javascript get unique id v4 javascript uuid unique id generator javascript js generate uuid generate unique id node js bits javascript unique id install and run uuidv1 generate unique ids in js react uuid generator npm i react-uuid node.js uuid generator unique id js javascript generate unique id how to generate a unique id in javascript create unique ids javascript uuid in javascript create uuid nodejs using GUID with nodejs unique id gen unique id generator javascript package js unique id generate uuid in javascript generate unique id rspec how to use uuid reaact Required UUID to uniquely identify request in react generator unique id node js id generator online easy random UUID whats uuid react uuid react js how to generate a unique id in stata jaavascript uid javascript Unique ids how to generate unique id in javascript get uniqu uuid uuid generator lib add uuid to react rangon uuid v4 generator uuid generator risk generate different uuid node unique id generate uuid example UUID v4 link code generator uuid j get uuid uuid generator 4 number only uuid react npm import uuid from &quot;uuid/v4&quot;; Random Unique ID guid javascript npm no - online uuid generation new Guid in nodejs js uuid lib uuid generator react js generate uuid 4 onlone javascript uuid generator library uuid for js get random uuid ko generate multiple uuid npm generate guid what is the uuid package in react used for how to use uuid valid uuid online generate uuid4 online for postgres creating your own uuid generate uniqe Id js uuid js generate uuid v1 example winshop 6 generate uuid generate a uid how to generate unique uuid how to generate uuid in react native how to generate uuid create unique uuid valid uuid uuid v4 example random UID js unique id javascript uuid generator 32 characters uuid in reat generate random id uuid for react generate unique id import uuid from uuid node create uuid generate a unique id how to create uuid in nodejs uuid/v1 npm typescript random uuid how to use uuid in react js use uuid.v1() react uuid from javascript generate guid in node js client side unique token generation javascript library create uuid require crypto uuid node console create uuid node console create uuid node js node.js guid type script random uuuid uuid use in react nodejs new guid wht is uuid react typescritp random uuid how to use uuid/v4 in react react uuid example uuid for javascript generate uui with react import uuid from 'uuid' nodejs uuid simeple id uuidv1 example uuid javacript javascript ruuid uuid react-native uuid react library uuid node package react js guidgenerator javascript generate uuid v4 node js uniqueidentifier import uuid in react uuid javascipt uuid version 4 javascript react install uuid javscript uuid npm install uuid react uuid typescript generate random uuid node unique id js type uuid react npm package react uuid npm javascript unique id generator import uuid reacct node uuid generator react uuid npm usage npm install uuid uuid reactjs uuid package nodejs what is uuid js package what is uuid package in js uuid javascript sdk uuid generator reactjs guid creator npm uuid id react uuid import react guid uuid npm uuid in react js use uuid in react uuid generator node uuid in react how to use uuid javascript guid nodejs npm uuid react import uuidv4 from 'uuid/v4'; react uuid() create uuid node nodejs guid generate guid javascript npm what is uuid.v1 inr reactjs uuidv4 react react uuid v4 uuid.js download uuid.js save uuid4 react uuid4 generator react install uuid for react typescript generate uuid uuid js library import uuid in react js how to import uuid react how to import uuid npm generate unique uuid uuid() react npm react uuid guid generate node how to install uuid in react windowos guid node js random uuid js what does uuid do in react uuid with javascript generate uuid nodejs uuid npm react uuid javscript use uuid javascript uuidv4 create js node.js generate uid from string js random uid how to use uui in react import react library uuidv4 npm i uuid uuid js generator uuid v5 generator js uuid npm npm random uuid generator react key npm radom uuid generator js custom uuid using uuid with react uuid v4 react uuidv4 reactjs how to install uuid in react how to import uuid in react nodejs generate uuid react uuidv4 get uuid js import uuid react how to use uuid in react react uuid uuid generator react node js generate random guid node js guid javascript create uuid4 library uuid in reactjs import uui in reactr npm uuid random number uuid react example use uuod in nodejs uuid javascript\ generate unique id js node generate uuid uuid4 js lightweight uuid generator library js uuid nodejs.com guid npm js create unique id uuid. js generate uuid v4 javascript generate uuid node js using uuid in js nodejs generate uuid number typescript how to create uuid how to use uuidv1 js generate uid uid v4 node javascript generate id uuid node js uudi in nodejs uuid generator npm documentation js uuid generator generate uuid js generate random uuid typescript nodjes generate uuid nodejs uuid generation js uuid uuid react generate UUID in node generate GUID in node uuid4 library javascript uuid js docs uuid generator javascript uuid v4 javascript node js uuid nodejs guid generator generate uuid express js generate guid express js generate ID js npm uuid generate random id javascript uuid in express how create timer with javascript how to add a forgien key on mongoose generate new fs key in xfilesharingpro set id dom javascript assegnare id javascript generate hmac key c# with json file unique id generator create a test library javascript how to hide api key in javascript python uuid generator setattribute id javascript js new uuid uuid methods js guid generator javascript js uid generator uuid v4 js uuid js javascript uudi uuid generator js uuid javascript browser uuid javascript javascript uuid generator generate unique id javascript javascript uuid uuid javascript generator generate uuid javascript javascript create uuid node-uuid uuid javascript node-uuid clientside nodej uuid
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