TypeScript Class Example

abstract class Department {
  constructor(public name: string) {}

  printName(): void {
    console.log("Department name: " + this.name);

  abstract printMeeting(): void; // must be implemented in derived classes

class AccountingDepartment extends Department {
  constructor() {
    super("Accounting and Auditing"); // constructors in derived classes must call super()

  printMeeting(): void {
    console.log("The Accounting Department meets each Monday at 10am.");

  generateReports(): void {
    console.log("Generating accounting reports...");

let department: Department; // ok to create a reference to an abstract type
department = new Department(); // error: cannot create an instance of an abstract class
Cannot create an instance of an abstract class.2511Cannot create an instance of an abstract class.department = new AccountingDepartment(); // ok to create and assign a non-abstract subclass
Property 'generateReports' does not exist on type 'Department'.2339Property 'generateReports' does not exist on type 'Department'.Try

Simon LANG 95 points

                                    class Info {
  private name: string ;
    this.name = n ;
    console.log(`Your name is  ${this.name}`);

const a = new Info('joyous');

4.1 (10 Votes)
Nelsonic 85 points

                                    class Animal {  public name: string;
  public constructor(theName: string) {    this.name = theName;  }
  public move(distanceInMeters: number) {    console.log(`${this.name} moved ${distanceInMeters}m.`);  }}Try


                                    class GenericNumber<T> {
    zeroValue: T;
    add: (x: T, y: T) => T;

let myGenericNumber = new GenericNumber<number>();
myGenericNumber.zeroValue = 0;
myGenericNumber.add = function(x, y) { return x + y; };

3.71 (14 Votes)

                                      var obj:any = {}
  obj.prop = 5;

3.88 (8 Votes)
Zikato 95 points

                                    class Animal {
  move(distanceInMeters: number = 0) {
    console.log(`Animal moved ${distanceInMeters}m.`);

class Dog extends Animal {
  bark() {
    console.log("Woof! Woof!");

const dog = new Dog();

4 (2 Votes)
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class variable typescript public generic interface ts typescript functions in class generic "Function" typescript typescript generic function type <S> ts create new instance of class ts declare new class typescript class for each properties how to create an instance in typescript class how to create an instance of a class type script how to call class in typescript ts protected type as a class property how to make a template function using typescript typescript clases functions new object in typescript constructor new typescript how to create a constructor with argument in typescript class typescript class attribute type what is generic classes in angular class syntax typescript typescript declare type class typescript type generate class instance how to make an object property a class typescript class methods typescript create custom modifier typescript typescrip declarre class new object typescript generics typescript interface with generics ts new object typescript call method of abstract class typescript class protected typescript specify interface with generic but must be string or number new instance of class in constructor typescript how to force ts to instanciate a new object typescript how to call class method abstract variable with private type script abstract variable with private ts abstract type with private ts angular generic Any typescript bean with other object construction hierarchy in ts constructor in abstract class typescript super constructor in typescript how to write constructor in typescript typescript use generic type on if typescript use generic type Typescript - abstract class, type, interface, typescript basics and React with typescript class implementation in TS typescript class object constructor typescript interface property visibility ts interface with generic function how to use this in class in ts typescript generic type of type typescript default class public variable typescript class public variable typescirpt difference between generic types and type annotation typescirpt generic types typescript generic class T implements interface typescript bean generics with string typescript generics string typescript typescript for method in class generics in speicific types typescript generics typescritp type: class typescript typescript t type javascript class definitions ts typescript abstract method typescript class variables pass type as parameter typescript extend and use private property typescript how can i set up property of a class in typescript what is abstract class in typescript new constructor in class of typescript typescript abstract function declare class varibale typescript instantiate class typescript define generic type in angular generic function pass only first generic typescript pass only first template typescript object type T typescript return generic tpye without passing it interface return generic type typescript class initialization typescript multiple arg generics in typescript abstract class typescript typescript type class tsx create new class TS Public variable generic type generics interfaces typescript create object of class in typescript public typescript class ts typescript class variable?:string typescruot generics typescript define class of attribvute typescript generics extends typescript add extra property typescript class for long object template class typescript typescript for new create class instances typescript typescript base class typescript private public protected typescript genericts limit to types typescript new typescript pass type as function parameter typescript pass typof as generic typescript declare generic fields in object type angular declare variable with a generic ytpe ts create instance in constructor typescript class generics ts create class in jtypescript typescript extend class constructor super angular typescript extend class constructor constructor type script generics on function parameters typescript type generic in typescript how to assign a bunch of vaibales to the keys in the object in typescript class how ro know a values of a generic in typescript extend class ts typescript inheritance class What is generic type in angular' typescript create object typescript create property and set it in the constructor -g typescript classes typescript typescript assign new object constructor typescript new object of class how to make to class in ts class and constructor in typescript class fountevent typescript typescript create generic type typescript generic arguments protected ts static attribute tyepscript ts extends field typescript interaction between classes typescript function template new object declaration typescript type generic typescript set object property typescript how to extend model with another model in typescript how to use generic types in typescript in function typescript make class call object inside class typescript extend in typescript typescript use case of class typescript use case of classe 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class typescript typescript generic array typescript+define a class with properties typescript declare property type instance object typescript typescrpit add prop javascript generic function create a nimal class with multiple attributes in typescript typescript constructor class typescript use define for class fields typescript create object from string typescript functions with properties access class variables typescript class typescript implement type typescript instance how to define a property in a class using a typescript class in a typescript pass an array as generic typescript typescript how to declare new clast lists inheritance typescript protected keyword typescript static class typescript typescript object extend class typescript define object of class with additional properties create object inside function ts new object in function typescript how to add methods in a package class using typescript ts create class from type typescript object type deduction ts how to instnce class with param without the need to add service every time ts creat class typescript angular do we need to define properties with this typescript do we need to define properties with this tsc make a class with a constructor typescrpt class javascript generic class ts class property class property ts ts private character nodejs typescript class method with parameters typescript model constructor typescript assign and modify typescript generic object typescript instance variables typescript create an object typescript generics follow interface typescript generics with interface typescript generics with ts many instances with same functions define a class node.ksin typescript typescript constructor return type instance class typescript class extends parameters constructor ts object.T typescript typescript extends class constructor with attributes typescript TypeScript define variable to be equal to class typescript class es6 class typescript create object with new protected variable typescript extend property typescript build typescript class typescript inheritance example object initializer typescript adavance how to get property of a class in other class typescript type for new constructor function typescript typescipt generics <t> typescript inherit function returning martcap typscript static attribute typescript ts class constructor meaning typescript [...this.ew] pass a parameter of type type in typescript declare type in class typescript generics in javascript object.create in typescript create a new object in typescript typescript class level property typescript protected attribute create new object from existing object typescript patent constructor typescript classes project typescript classe typescript inheritance in typescript with example get object of type script class in java javascript only pass required in generic type in TS generic extends typescript typescript instantiate class how to define an object called name in typescript with two properties] how to create object in typescript define this class typescript this@class typescript typescript object class typescript generics constraints typescript new class instance with properties ts make class member pribate typescript class/method return this inheritance export default class typescript property inheritance type constrant js constructor function typescript typescript claases use in another class create an object in typescript Out Scope TypeScript This code is outside the class/object, can also be used to create a new class/object/declare add a parameter in an object typescript typescript class and constructor define generic type in typescript identity type typescript typescript declare class and add value typescript generic function type signature ts class extends generic create class properties in typescript initialize class property typescript typescript generics function extends typescript !: class typescript accept a generic typescript constructor receive a instance this = instance class typescript class method typescript typeacrtipt public with typecreate a class property typescript generics with 2 types how to extend ts class extends typescript Typescript can we use a value as a generic type generic function as parameter typescript inherit function parameters typescript define class ts declare class property in angular class extends typescript using a class as a type ts extends constructor and super how to inherit a class in typescript create a method that can only be called in constructor ts bean concept in typescript Derived Cass woth function in typescript typescript abstarct class personal detail class in typescript refer object of class in another class in typescript create object of another class in typescript create object of other class in typescript create class object in typescript typescript class type declaration typescript object containing functions inheritance in typescirpt t in typescript typescript "<T>" typescript add type to class typescript child class typescript how to make classes reference each other typescript example class typescript add a property to an object is of a class create object typescript set property on object typescript typescript parametrized interface typescript private class add properties to class typescript javascript generics return this typescript default properties typescript generic with typeof object typescript create class instance typescript declare constructor typescript declaration constructor typescript constructor new class instance in typescript typescript constructor guide assign property in typescript can you use attribute class definitions annotations typescript interface method signature extend class definition typescript from existing class data extend class definition typescript create instance of class in typescript create class and instace for it typescript decalre class with get set property in typescript typescript generic function of certain base type typescript generic array type class in typescript with get set property typescript coerce property ts declare new object typescript default constructor generic arguments typescript check if number use property without diclearing property typescript how to add property to class without declaring typescript generic types in typscript functions setting properties typescript class readonly typescript class constructor in typescript typescript generic class model ts typescript typescript types of classes typescript add property to inherited class typescript template type of subclass typescript extends from main base class create object in typescript typescript virtual method typesript create virtual function typescript inheritence generics with a string typescript typescript object instance what is typescript controctor want paramter called object instance what is ts object instance typescript access modifiers create a typescrypt class ts class typescript add generic to function methods in typescript typescript generics in interface What are Generics in TypeScript? typescript class error initialization on constructor typescript class constructor typescript class define attributes typescript new object property in typescript class defining a method inside a class field typescript class model typescript initialization interface typescript type generic typescript generic class type typescript property constructor typescritp generics ts extend class typescript define type in class typescript define class but not all properties typescript class static property what are generics in typescript constructor typescript class that implement string replacement in typescript typescript how to initialize api ur in class constructor typescript default class constructor typescrip function generic type typescript new type how to access class variable in typescript typescript class extends class type argument typescript how to new for class in typescript typescript new class set properties not in constructor create new object with properties typescript create new object typescript assign properties to object typescript typescript new class set variable typescript class init method typescript class on init specify type in generics typescript typescript any class with method typescript declare variable in class generics in typescritp inheritance in typescript typescript inheritance typescript extends typescript super pass type as argument typescript typescript pass type as argument initialize class in typescript constructor typescript constructor typescript new class instance interfaces with generics typescript typescript constructor based on object items typescript constructor based on object generic typescript extends interafce generic typescript function typescript class inheritance extends in typescript typescript extend typescript create new instance of class how to declare variable in constructor in typesript interface typescript generic type script properties name constraints ts using a generic function to create a class typescript typescript generic function restrict type typescript restrict generic function to certain type typescript restrict generic type declare variable in typescript class class js access property typescript typedscript object class generic fucntions typescript typescrpit function extending get type of custom class typescript how to get type of my class in typescript generics typescript T object typescript get interface from class generic args typescript specificy generic type angular template function angular typescript T=object typescript t as type properties that start with # typescript classes angular generics static generic variable typescript typescript custom type one more field to object typescript class extends type parameter typescript using generics in typescript <T> in typescript generic method in typescript generic t typescript create a template class typescript generic class typescript typescript generic array of types typescript geerics Is there a way to instantiate objects from a string holding their class name in typescript typescript typing an object property which can be generic typescript write generic function typescript {var:type} arguments typescript assign properties to member object ts generics typescript pass type name as parameter typescript pass type as parameter typescript generic funciton typescript assign property to this typescript this in genric type typescript parameter type class instead of 'type of' typescript new model with properties common functionality generic base class typescript create generic base class typescript generic syntax typescript typescript generics where accessing generic type object typescript typescript create new attribute in object typescript template type interface typescript interface with template type U typescript typescript passing in types typescript generics for as function typescript generics for argument interface with generics typescript generic usage node js typescript typescript generics named parameter request generic where properties are types typescript how to demonstrate classes, inheritance and interfaces in typescript parameterized types typescript typescript generics from list of types typescript generic out of set typescript generic of generic typescript define generic ts use generic method typescript class type as parameter typescript typed generric <> in typescript array of type T typescript creating a variable using a generic string syntax javascript typescript generics type typescript parameter extends another type typescript abstract interface property generic type array typescript pass generic type as parameter in interface js pass generic type as parameter js typescript class as typescript declare generics as nubmer and stirng show property of model typescript add property to an object typescript typescript interface with generic T typescript add new property to object typescript interface generics typescript template type angular typescript type component extend generic return class with parameter typescript typescript <D extends object> typescript generics types ts adding properties to object typescript add property to object in line typescript generic function return type typescript generics return type typescript assign values to object generic javascript typescript template t constructor add one of more generic parameters typescript how to make sure sent genereic type is class typescript object type agrument angular generics in typescript and how to use them typescript generics example typescript declare extend object object generic typescript generic javascript <> typescript template T create generic type typescript Capital T generic typescript generic types in typescript function property typescript create value from generic type typescript generic method typescript ts add properties to object ts generics in function methods typescript generic type T and T typescript type arguments how to add object in object typescript typescript create a generic type typescript interface generic function generic typescript typescript function generic typescript set object to object typescript generics in functions how to call a function with generic types in typescript typescript type generic what is a typescript generic typescript parameter class type ts generic for functions typescript create type typescript assign property from inside function use generics typescript function generics typescript typescript pass type of interface to function typescript model js generics typescript get all instances of base class c# generic parameter object property typescript script attribute typescript generic types on functions typescript typescript generic of only some specific types typescript generic restrict type typescript generic only some type typescript object interface looseobject generic class in typescript typescript add any type in parameter angular generic type typescript extended properties object type argument in typescript 2 arguments generics typescript typescrip @type t function parameter interface typescript generic type is any typescript generic type constraints typescript function type in generic add object field in another typescript typescript add object typescript arg take two types Using T typescript generic functions typescript "typescript" dynamically create object es6 generic in typescript typescript generic functions typescript variable type extends class how to use generics in typescript model generic array typescript how to make a generic variable in javascript typescript new generic class typescript new generic type typescript use generic type as value typescript new T() typescript generic function examples typescript generic variable arguments adding a property to an object typescript passing a type as generic typescript accesing generic model typescript pass class type to function typescript generic type typescript get generic type value typescript generic typescript functions generic typescript with only few types available specify type for generic typescript typescript generic function interface typescript interface function generics typescript tipe T typescript type a function with generic parameter js genric typescript [T] typescript type constraints typescript type param <T> typescript angular typescript variable of type params angular variable of type params typescript generics multiple constraints list generic type must have fields typescript declare generic type typescript typescript generic one parameter function generic function in typescript multiple generic types typescript classes An argument for 'itemA' was not provided typescript return generic type instance typescript T extends function typescript T extends function javascript generic constraints in typescript typescript declaring a type with generics generic types in typescript with fixed values typescript generic class interface angular generic class typescript type array vs generic variable type typescript argument interface generic typescript typescript is not generic es6 genaric object typescript generic with interface class constructor typescript define generic object with string values typescript class template generic type parameter typescript generic class typescript argument typescript <> type of T t extends number typescript t extends typescript t extends class typescript typescript t typescript template class generic object typescript typescript use a generic object getting attributes typescript use a generic object typescript can i call a function with a generic parameter typescript generic two types generic type in typescript function with angle brackets typescript typescript example function with generics typescript interface <T> <> typescript typescript angle brakcets interface generics typescript typescript <> diamond notation typescript typescript function type argument the type is not generic typescript ts function generic typescrt function with generic type generic function typescript how to use generics in typescript typescript generic = how to use generic types in typescript typescript class type generics typescript template with extends typescript generic constraints typescript method generics typescript interface generic type typescript object generic typescript <T> generic js generics pass class array typescript typescritp <> generic parameter typescript only class parameter generic parameter typescript only class typescript t extends typescript type generics typescript angle brackets typescript generic for array or object for function argumnets function return generic typescript T typescript typescript type parameter angle brackets typescript javascript generics typescript geneirc typescript doctype for generic type typescript type t typescript generic method typescript generic function type get<T> type script tyoescript generic funcito generics in typescript typescript generics type constraints typescript generic typescript generic interface typescript condition on type generico generic types example ts generic interface typescript where t typescript typescript interface template typescript generic property with type generic typescript typescript generic object string to int typescript generic type costraints typescript generic type one of two typescript generic get function parameter type typescript generic constraint how to make function more generic typescript generic function ts typescript generic type vaiable typescript generic type typescript generic typescript generics fucntion how to set a generics base in typescript generics javascript generic types typescript typescript generic types class <T typescript typescript generic type parameter typescript constraints generics typescript array of types generic function typescript typescript generics typescript generic function typescript class type t
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