python sun tracking

# sunpos.pyimport mathdef sunpos(when, location, refraction):# Extract the passed data    year, month, day, hour, minute, second, timezone = when    latitude, longitude = location# Math typing shortcuts    rad, deg = math.radians, math.degrees    sin, cos, tan = math.sin, math.cos, math.tan    asin, atan2 = math.asin, math.atan2# Convert latitude and longitude to radians    rlat = rad(latitude)    rlon = rad(longitude)# Decimal hour of the day at Greenwich    greenwichtime = hour - timezone + minute / 60 + second / 3600# Days from J2000, accurate from 1901 to 2099    daynum = (        367 * year        - 7 * (year + (month + 9) // 12) // 4        + 275 * month // 9        + day        - 730531.5        + greenwichtime / 24    )# Mean longitude of the sun    mean_long = daynum * 0.01720279239 + 4.894967873# Mean anomaly of the Sun    mean_anom = daynum * 0.01720197034 + 6.240040768# Ecliptic longitude of the sun    eclip_long = (        mean_long        + 0.03342305518 * sin(mean_anom)        + 0.0003490658504 * sin(2 * mean_anom)    )# Obliquity of the ecliptic    obliquity = 0.4090877234 - 0.000000006981317008 * daynum# Right ascension of the sun    rasc = atan2(cos(obliquity) * sin(eclip_long), cos(eclip_long))# Declination of the sun    decl = asin(sin(obliquity) * sin(eclip_long))# Local sidereal time    sidereal = 4.894961213 + 6.300388099 * daynum + rlon# Hour angle of the sun    hour_ang = sidereal - rasc# Local elevation of the sun    elevation = asin(sin(decl) * sin(rlat) + cos(decl) * cos(rlat) * cos(hour_ang))# Local azimuth of the sun    azimuth = atan2(        -cos(decl) * cos(rlat) * sin(hour_ang),        sin(decl) - sin(rlat) * sin(elevation),    )# Convert azimuth and elevation to degrees    azimuth = into_range(deg(azimuth), 0, 360)    elevation = into_range(deg(elevation), -180, 180)# Refraction correction (optional)    if refraction:        targ = rad((elevation + (10.3 / (elevation + 5.11))))        elevation += (1.02 / tan(targ)) / 60# Return azimuth and elevation in degrees    return (round(azimuth, 2), round(elevation, 2))def into_range(x, range_min, range_max):    shiftedx = x - range_min    delta = range_max - range_min    return (((shiftedx % delta) + delta) % delta) + range_minif __name__ == "__main__":# Close Encounters latitude, longitude    location = (40.602778, -104.741667)# Fourth of July, 2022 at 11:20 am MDT (-6 hours)    when = (2022, 7, 4, 11, 20, 0, -6)# Get the Sun's apparent location in the sky    azimuth, elevation = sunpos(when, location, True)# Output the results    print("\nWhen: ", when)    print("Where: ", location)    print("Azimuth: ", azimuth)    print("Elevation: ", elevation)# When:  (2022, 7, 4, 11, 20, 0, -6)# Where:  (40.602778, -104.741667)# Azimuth:  121.38# Elevation:  61.91

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