onclick re

handleClick(id) {


        vote_status: !this.state.vote_status,


    let vote_object = {
        voting_object: id,
        post_id: this.props.postId


render() {

    console.log("getVoteStatus", this.props.getVoteStatus)

    let {contents, submitvote, postId, voted_id} = this.props

    return (

        <div className="txt_vote_bar_div" style={{
            color: voted_id === contents.post_poll_content_id ? 'white' : '#9da0a4',
            backgroundColor: this.state.vote_status ? '#0b97c4' : '#FFFFFF'
        }} id={contents.post_poll_content_id}>
            <p className="txt_vote_choice"
               style={{color: this.state.vote_status || voted_id === contents.post_poll_content_id ? '#FFFFFF' : '#6a6a6a'}}
               id={"id" + contents.post_poll_content_id}
               onClick={() => {

               }}> {contents.content} </p>
            <p className="txt_tot_votes"
               style={{color: this.state.vote_status || voted_id === contents.post_poll_content_id ? '#FFFFFF' : '#6a6a6a'}}> {contents.votes}%

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