media query desktop

/* Extra small devices (phones, 600px and down) */
@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {...}

/* Small devices (portrait tablets and large phones, 600px and up) */
@media only screen and (min-width: 600px) {...}

/* Medium devices (landscape tablets, 768px and up) */
@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {...}

/* Large devices (laptops/desktops, 992px and up) */
@media only screen and (min-width: 992px) {...}

/* Extra large devices (large laptops and desktops, 1200px and up) */
@media only screen and (min-width: 1200px) {...}

Rev1.0 95 points

                                    @media (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 800px) {

/* your css code here  */

/* html { background: red; } */


4.25 (8 Votes)


@media( media feature ) {
    // CSS Property

The screen resolutions of different devices are listed below:

Mobile (Smartphone) max-width: 480px
Low Resolution Tablets and ipads max-width: 767px
Tablets Ipads portrait mode max-width:1024px
Desktops max-width:1280px
Huge size (Larger screen) max-width: 1281px and greater

3.5 (4 Votes)
Glennw 95 points


3 (1 Votes)
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desktop different how to add media queries for tablet mobile and computer screen size media query for table and mmobile media query tablet size css for tablet only css movile creen mobile media query sizes and tab media query sizes css only tablette screen css media queries mobile first breakpoints media query for tablet and ipad @media css tablet media responsive @media device width screen size responsive how much is a phone screen size in px for css @media media queries mobile view width for mobile and laptop screen sizes pixels css proper media queries css for all devices and browsers tab media query with height media queries for all devices css tablet media query breakpoints media query for laptop and desktop screen css tablet portrait css common phone sizes common phone max height mediaquerys phone css @media screen width sizes use media query for ios @media max width laptop make media view port for all mobile devces media query mobile and tablet is desktop ? mediaquery @media query for mobile media query css for mobile and tablet how to write the iphone 5/se break points in css mobile and laptop compatible size css how to use media quety @ media css mobile media query for Mabile &Tablet css media desktop responsive mobile tablet desktop 13 inch laptop media query mediaquery phone tablet laptop screen size media query screen size for tablets media query only mobile css check for tablet media queries breakpoints screen first css when mobile smallest screen size media query mobile responsive query media queries for tablets only how to setup css for mobile phones portrait tablet ipad media query phone sizes in px for css mobile screen sizes css breakpoints media queries github css media queries mobile tablet desktop media css for all device media querry for laptop screen mobile screen size responsive design mediaquery for iphone css max width at mobile @media screen tab setting max width to screen width android devices width for responsive responsive media queries sizes tablet 768 px media screen for iphone media query only for desktop why is 768 mobile width media query css all devices most used media query sizes minimumm width of tablet maximum width mobile screen mobile first media queries mobile phone css media query media query github all screen size media query for different different device how to write media queries css for responsive design desktop size css css media query pc good phone width and height mobile width screen size mobile size device width media query css min and max for all devices css media queries desktop hd breakpoints css media queries all devices css desktop query smartphone media size tablet css what are the media breakpoints of an iphone responsive screen mobile and media query desktop and laptop and tab mediaquery normal laptop width for responsive css mobile device max height @media screen css 32 inch mobile tablet desktop screen sizes css media query desktop minimum screen width for mobile mobile and tablet media query desktop resolution media query mrdia query media query for screen tablet hanheld device max width media git css media queries for smartphones media query for phone and tablet css media query mobile device css media queries mobile and desktop max width desktop media query for mobile device big tablet media query css phone screen size 10 inch tablet media query 1389 px media quries media query for mobile phones media quey for mobile desktop layout css list of media queries css only for tablet media query of tab or big size mobile css tricks media queries github media querys sizes 320px media query resposive size github media query responsive mobile screen size html css mobile min 320 @media max-width for pc mobile screen size for media query media query to keep coloumns horizontal in mobile media query for mobile width 320px csstricks @ media screens for desktops what is css responsive width of tablet and mobile @media for desktop tablet media query size device ratio query tablet tablet landscape media query 1025 media query tab media query laptop media query for laptop and mobile css media queries mobile media query small devices css tree media query github example d"esktop css only screen media query for laptop and tablet screen media query css for all devices with example responsive media queries for all devices min-width of phone tablet and laptop how to write media query for all devices css pixel height different on mobile @media all and (min-width 768px) media query max width for mobile media queries css tricks responsive screen sizes css media screen sizes mobile and macbook media queries css all media query for above tablet smallest device screen for media queries default css for mobile website max mobile device width what max width for mobile mobile phone media queries media queries for screen sizes android tablet 10 inch screen media query mobile tabelt and seskotp sozes medi query width sizes how to know width phone css media queries in css breakpoiunts css device width max width for desktop media screen css for all devices main media query sizes how to use media css css max width desctop desktop screen size media query css query mobile screen css media queries tablet size css media queries tablet media query all tablet media query max width for desktop responsive width size min max widt smartphone media query order for mobile and tablet media query media sizes media query orientation portrait and landscape tablet how to create media queries in responsive web design mobile view @media query @media iphone tablet max width css mobile sizes css breakpoint css tablet media query for mobile tablet and desktop css media query iphone media query for mobile device width media query css for laptop and desktop media query from small to big devices desktop only media query media css for all devices can a media queries for tablet size mediaquery css tablet media querys for tablet and movile min-width and max-width for mobile device mobile css styles @media all and (max-width: 430px) for phone mobile tablet and desktop breakpoints media media css for tablet view only max-width 767 media query laptop media query css screen size break point @media screen and (max-width 768px) @media query large mobile only landscape media query large mobile landscape media query large mobile media query tablet landscape media query mobile landscape view media query media width mobile max width for smartphone css media queries landscape mobile css media tablet screen mobile media css media quries is applying on desktop applied on mobile when i apply media quries it is applied on desktop also desktop forst media queries media queries in css tablet widht how to use media query css for all devices media query template media query css moble media query for all devices CSS media selector tablet Making the Home Screen Mobile Responsive with CSS Media Queries iphone media querz media queries to cover all devices media queries for all tablets how to get my phone screen size for media quer media query all devices tablet min width laptop media query use ipad elements screen sizes media queries tablet screen size media queries css PC mobile tablet min device width mobile ? /* Tablets Ipads portrait mode width media queries tablet and mobile css media query most common how to make response css my code for mobile css iphone 5 screen size media screen mobile and tablet tablet sizes for media queries tablet breakpoints css use device width media queries max width mobile media query portatil tablet view media query tablet width media query media query css for desktop tablet size css css @media tablet how to use media device in mobile media query responsice css media query width greater on mobile than on tablet css media query mobile portrait tablet dimensions css max-width mobile css min width of tablet media quert for tablet screen sizes for media queries width tablet breakpoint of mobile phones in pixels apply csss if tablet morph desktop tablet mobile css @ media screen sizes tablet width screen css css media query mobile responsive css @media size tablet media width css mobile device width media query min width for desktop new iphone media query landscape landscape mobile media query how to design css for mobile desktop size media query mobilemediq query media screen sizes min to max mobile media queries px mobile responsive media query example only target desktop css media query if tablet or mobile add media queries css direction tablet media query standard size of media query media query css for mobile browser window size new for all device media queries css new device media queries css desktop screen size in pixels media query media querie laptop standard devices media queries how to add media query to css media queries min-width: for phone, tablet, laptop css @media tablet and mobile only media queries sizes for phone tablet lptop media query tablet landscape only mobile browser width how to put media query in css css for mobile max mobile phone size css standard size media queries what is media query list media query list for all devices tablet media query 1280x800 tablet mediaquery media tablet css tablet size media query for responsive design max mobile width media query css tablet tablet css media query all devices media queries css how to make responsive website in css less than screen size screen dimentions for tablet in css How to know the min-width of mobile phone screen syntax for media query only mobile media query between dekstop and tablet between tablet and desktop media css between tablets and desktop media css media queries phone tablet desktop how to make a website responsive media queries media queries for tablets media queries for tablet and mobile what is the min diwth for mobile screen small phone media query iphone width pixels for media queries widt sizes mobile, tablet screeen desktop device width detect tablet and desktop screens css mobile width height tablet screen size css media not desktop-only media !== desktop-only media <> desktop-only media screen for mobile devices all device width for media query media query for modile view media query getting applied for both tab and desktop css media queiries for desktop, ttale, mobile media query for desktop and laptop without touch media query for desktop and laptop media points css media quieries for tablets css media tablet size css media device dimensions media css breakpoints what is the media query max width for mobile css media queries for all devices media width size for mobile and tablet css for mobile tablet and desktop css styles for tablet what is the largest width of a mobile in landscape media query less all but mobile TABLET SCREEEN PX CSS phone media queries tablet screen min width @media only screen tablet phone dimensions with 767 pixel all mobile device media query tab max width css mobile screen min width media queries for smaller desktop standard mobile width css screens mediaqueries desktop how to create media query for mobile and tablets media desktop all media query css media query target phone desktop media css media smartphone css mediaqueries tablet media queries from desktop to mobile max screen width for mobile mediaqueries size media query for multiple devices media queries for tablet and desktop css media query pc tablet mobile css device width for tablet tablet screen width meda querie laptop css media query width for mobile devices css media sizes css media 1280 tablet tab size for responsive design css tablet media query media query tablette css pixels of each device screen size media query for tablets only css tablet, mobile media query size of tablet screen in pixels media queries css media queries tablets media query phnoe down mobile tablet pc media queries tablet landscape (1024x768) media query desktop queries media query to select for typical tablet device viewport size maximum cellphone screen width pixels mobile height width tab screen width and mobile screen width css media query if desktop media query mobile width css media query not mobile media querie tablet smaller devices media query media querys screen While designing a page for mobile first view, which of the following media queries can be used? media query only for tablet tablet screen size media query css desktop media query how many pixels is tablet css mobile screen size media query device width media query css responsive on tablet css media queries for large desktop official mobile tablet and desktop breakpoints for media query media query for tablets css resolution for mobile devices mobile width media query media query css breakpoints laptop max width for css media query media query desktop only max width for phone css screen resolution media query for tablet and mobiles mobile screen size width css media query for tablet and mobile navbar in media query tablet size media query for phone mobile breakpoint css media query 767 madia query mobile screen size css media query max width for mobile table and dekstop mobile and tablet size css best css media queries for all devices mobile css width css media query for mobile and tablet css @media phone css tablet pixels css media query fro mobile and tablet media query for cellphone media query for smarphone css what width to consider mobile media query phone width min-width for mobile devices media query media query tablet landscape media query css px> @media screen sizes css at meida for ihpone size css media query desktop width tablet width css responsive for tablets css mobile size media query css only for tablet mode how to structure css for mobile desktop and tablet tablet width pixels css max width for mobile css width mobile devices css media query mobile and talbet css device screen size tab screen size css tablet with css css guidelines for laptop screen, mobile screen and tablet screen css for mobile devices and tablets css media mobile size css mobile width screen em media query gist target mobile devices css css media tablet only media query for potrait mobile css dla pc i mobile css media query for mobile media query base cssgist mediaquery for all mobile and tablet devices css media query tablet landscape css media query desktop sizes css media queries only mobile mobile css sizes media small desktop media query github small desktop media query css target mobile media query for tablet mobile and computer device by px css tablet breakpoint css mobile width css @media css for mobile css code only in desktop and tablet phone tablet desk stand pixels css how to media on laptop query mobile view media query media query small screen size mobile media query css media css mobile size mediaquery from phone to tablet or ipad css media queries media css smartphone media screen css for mobile css target mobile phone media query for laptop and desktop css media not mobile css tablet breakpoint phone media query max-width for mobile css media query to cover all resolutions of desktop tablet sizes css tab max width css media query css media query mobile only css media query sizes css tablet media query min width for mobile media query desktop css mobile only media query media query for small screen css media queries for mobile all devices media query desktop first css media tablet width media query for dekstop mediaquery mobile media query mobile tablet desktop media query phone sizev media query for phones media query min- and (max for all devices) max-width for phones css mobile css media query media query for mobile view iphone resolution for html and css code media query tablet media query css mobile min width for desktop media query css device resolution media query for all mobile devices landscape media query for all mobile devices mobile landscape media query css desktop sizes css query mobile media query showing for desktop maobile media query media query for mobile and tablet mobile media query what are the sizes of mobile screens css media query for mobile css css target desktop only what is mobile width and tablet width css media query css for tablet css 320 media query mobile @media query mobile mobile media query size css recommended media queries media query css mobile and tablet different mobile screen width css media query all screen size media query desktop device width css tablet media query media query css for all devices meida query for less than desktop css media query mobile what is media query for mobile view and tablet view css media screen width and height mobile tablet media query for devices starting from tablet and lower how to write media query for mobile phone max width css styles for phones css css for mobile and desktop mobile and pc and tablet html css max mobile width css css device query phones landscape mode browser width css maximum phone width css media queries for android devices media query for desktop viewport desktop media query media query for tablet viewport and use media queries mobile media query sizes max width for desktop css @media screen sizes media queries for tablet mobile and tablet size css media query mobile tablet media query css media queires for desktop mobile device media query sizes @media mobile landscape but desktop media queries css mobile media query for mobile media query device breakpoints media queries for all devices media screen for mobile best media query max with for mobile max width for mobile mobile tablet desktop media queries media queries breakpoints mobile screen width mobile css css media query devices mobile width mobile screen css media query screen size media query for different screen sizez phones width in media css tablet media queries mobile height and width how big are mobile phones width and height media screen size css mobile max width tablet css width media query for desktop screen width for mobile devices standard mobile screen size css what should the width and hieght be for mobile view css max width of mobile screen
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