markdown code block

| Tables   |      Are      |  Cool |
| col 1 is |  left-aligned | $1600 |
| col 2 is |    centered   |   $12 |
| col 3 is | right-aligned |    $1 |
An amazing website for building a table in markdown:

Jammo82 105 points

var s = "JavaScript syntax highlighting";

No language indicated, so no syntax highlighting. 
But let's throw in a <b>tag</b>.

3.89 (9 Votes)
Suspectus 105 points

                                    Colons can be used to align columns.

| Tables        | Are           | Cool  |
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| col 3 is      | right-aligned | $1600 |
| col 2 is      | centered      |   $12 |
| zebra stripes | are neat      |    $1 |

Markdown | Less | Pretty
--- | --- | ---
*Still* | `renders` | **nicely**
1 | 2 | 3

3.5 (8 Votes)

                                    [a link] (


require 'redcarpet'
markdown ="Hello World!")
puts markdown.to_html

HD Jeong 105 points

                                    ```<name of the language>


print("Hello World")

3.7 (10 Votes)
Are there any code examples left?
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add link in markdown file how to provide link in markdown how to make a link in markdown code ' how to add link in file markdown add code blocks link to markdown section how to use html code in markdown code how to create link to a website in markdown readme .md link how to link something on markdown markdown add link to website create table with markdown link and readme how to make links in markdown inline code in markdown markdown how to do a code block how to add links in readme markdown external link code example markdown from html table to markdown table markdown format table markdown italics in code block markdown readme code syntax how to add within page hyperlink in who to link in markdown how to add website link in markdown how to define a code block in markdown markdown link document markdown display link markdown creating block of code how to create anchor links in readme html table to markdown table markdown how to add a codeblock how to put ` in markdown code markdown 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markdown documentation of code with markdown markdown example for code put link in readme markdown code block under a list markdown code block for command line tables in markdown syntax markdown table of\ add link in github markdown code html adding code to markdown tabels in markdown html to markdown table tablas markdown how to place a link in markdown make a link github readme make markdown tables markdownd table make markdown table markdown code blocks late how to add link in github markdown internet link in page link with & markdown link within page markdown table in mark down how to create a table in markdown markdown to write code markdown list of codeblock languages block code markdown how to add hyperlink in markdown urlk table syntax markdown comand code markdown markdown write a link How do I make a table in markdown? markdown code block html format table markdown markdown format code how to link in markdown markdown embedded code how to do link in markdown how do use table in markdown file markdown use cod markdown set code language wiki markdown link Markdown Tabler link in markdown section add link in github readme with markdown tabl;es code in markdown' code block in list markdown specify code in markdown source code in markdown lists in table markdown markdown large code block link to section markdown markdown # link how to add a link in markdown file markdown add code in > insert code format in markdown how to add a link to markdown code block language css create a link in a readme markdown block markdown link reference markdown liinks make link in readme file github how to create a table markdown setting code block in markdown linking markdown pages markdown code list add code block in markdown markdown code block diigo adding code blocks to markdown How to mark text as code in Markdown markdown with code results markdown with code readme md link add how to add link readme add hyperlink in how to make a markdown table markdown for code blocks markdown http link example of writing code in markdown markdown include code block markdown code inline how to hyperlink in readme tablaton markdown how to include link in markdown markdown table guide markdown in document link ``` markdown code blocks markdownit table markdown text code block md codes markdown block href in markdown how to write link in html markdown how to write link in markdown A MArkdown Link markdown reference links markdown link to markdown link external how to document my code with markdown readme markdown code what is markdown code block markdown syntax highlighting code block block of code in markdown how to put links in table markdown syntax codeblock in markdown markdown link section markdown syntax code block how to include a link in markdown how to add link to readme markdown anchor links make table in markdown how to write code block in markdown code in markdown file include an link in markdown markdown heading in table can i use markdown code on a 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in coding display code markdown code block on markdown how to create code block with markdown code markdown systax markdown code syntax languages markdown for codeblock markdown liink markdown include link markdown bold in code block markdown bold on code block table mark down markdown a href markdown url links table in a table markdown markdown table to table markdown file links put link in displaying code in markdown adding markdown code block in html code block language markdown link in markdown file links on markdown markdown show code add a link to markdown for language generation how to create a table in markdown github add code in markdown add link can you make tables in markdown code markdown example how to add http link to what is table in markdown cod markdown code to markdown codeblock markdown markdown weblink markdown language code block add code to markdown code block style markdown code box in markdown add code markdown markdown html code block html links in markdown 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repository readme table creator markdown loinks list weblink markdown md line create a link in md file markdown create a table md code tag how to make an ordered list in markdown adding link to on github add hyperlink github readme link to other folder markdown quote code block markdown block code links readme github github markdown table in file how to get link open code page in markdown table of contents md file link to website markdown anchor link markdown file code blocks in markdown jaon markdown box code how to create a code snippet in markdown write in markdown How do you markdown a table? markdown table how do markdown table format md table syntax markdown command md easy table markdown internal link markdown notation to add code best way to write markdown formater add link to readme file link file from markdown markdown create link markdown import markdown from url how to make a link in markdown generate markdown table markdown table creation markdown code generator how to link github how to create a file links in markdown file hyperlink in markdown file how to write file readme code section insert url in github readme markdown syntax markdown read dynamic link markdown codestyle markup how to link markdown link to other file how to post link in markdown file. link url with / in markdown markdown link to directory github markdown markdown lists md add a link .md add link md file lnik github markdown code block title markdown table generator online insert link in insert table in markdown how to make a table in md providing links in markdown tble add link to md file github markdown table creator quote markdown markdown headline readme code quote mdarkodwn url in markdown github markdown italyc md make a table markdown normal text git link markdown file to front page markdown para md file reference another md file href readme insert line in markdown markdown table gneratoe url to refer a file in read me table in md format markdown table genrator markdown 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hyperlink .md markdown html md horizontal line markdown link to website link something in markdown unordered list reeadme github markdown list numeric all markdown rules markdown refer to a file github markdown html cheatsheet html table in markdown readme md insert link add hyperlink in md file how to add a link with different text in markdown file markdown syntax header insert code in md links in markdown markdown tabel markdown references markdown syntax for tables markdown file cheatsheet snippet to markdown huyperlink markdown syntax github readme underline putting href in git readme create markup table markdown code formatting escape "#" in markdown cheatset markdown markdown putting everything on one line. link in .md file how to show link in md file in github how to show link in md file link in markup language Git hyperlink to files README add bold github read me file add link on md url md readme markdown table make table to markdown code example in markdown github hyperlinks markdown syntax title link to a project markdown markdown embed code reference the readme in a folder md table template github md relative url github code block how to share link on markdown hyperlink syntax how to build a table in markdown markdown headr README hyperlinks markdown language quote markdown link converter link from markdown to other markdown file adding a link in markdown linking markdown files markdown directory link .md code block md file note markdown multi axis table markdown file:// link markdown file: link how to make table markdown markdown # readme include link list markdown github leave links to files in readme how to add alink to table with md how to add external link in md file embed a link in markdown include link in markdown add code markdown grid markdown md insert link in github readme creating a link in markup makrdown table markdown code blocks inserting code in markdown beutifull markdown tables markdown make header markdown creating table markdown syntax table link to gifuhb folder in markdown markdown link code tabel in markdown how to links in markdown syntax markdown for table plain text to table markdowbn [Markdown & Wiki Reference](/Markdown-&-Wiki-Reference) how to add tables in markdown code blocks in markdown github link to readme markdown how to code block adding link in making a table in markdown adding link to how to create table in md markdown for code how to write link readme in github create a table md markdown spreadsheet markdown link other md markdown js code makdown table markdown quotation link to file github markdown create link in link md files github markdown url as text markdown link relative path how to table in markdown markdown inline code syntax highlighting how to create table in markdown create a table in md file mark down info url on markdown link readme reference to other md markdown create table with dimensions use html in markdown github how to prevent a link that opens a image it start to download] automatically markdown markdown tablwe how to add link to read me Link readme md markdown url add link readme mardown code code blocks markdown hoow to make a tabe in markdown markdown link to github how to add to markdown table how to link to another markdownfile md file table href in generate table in markdown markdwon code filed git markdown table add table in markdown add a link in include code markdown blockquote markdown markdown amd link in embed markdown link md file table format discord table generator table in .md file markup html link add link md file github markdown link to html file put table in markdown espanso add url markdown how to hyperlink in markdown markup links markdown bullet points markdown tabme markdown tabe button table in md file table mark down to table markdown table fitch style markdown table examples md table generator generate markdown table online make table in md file markdown tabelle mardown strikethrough hyperlink github readme md file table syntax how to create a link to local file in github readme bullet poiint markdown outline link text markdown can you create a table in markdown tables markdown how to write a link in an md file markdown highlight text markdown links to other files github markdown add a file link md file link with & show a table in markdown numbered list in markdown add links in markdown code formater markdown wiki markdown cheat sheet md file table link to h3 how to add url in can i reference a file markdown github\ edit md table easier wiki markdown make a table in markdown github readme link to a file markdown creating a table for readme md file numbered list html markdown table readme create link markdown insert code add link to link to markdown file embedding links in markdown how to make a table in markdown markdown generator for dep chart simple create markdown link markdown table formatter create a table markdown markdown comparison table markdown relative page navigation markdown create reference how to embed link in markdown format markdown table markdown table editor how to add link in .md file link to document in md jupyter markdown table maker github link to another md file pretty format with tabs markdown table online markdown enumerated list add table in md how to create a link in markdown full markdown guid how to put a block of code in markdown markdown matrix table how to link text to markdown table to markdown table markdown tbale markdown documentation link to another page quote another markdown file github md link md table maker links to external site in links in mark down table add link in how to add code in mardown markdown add hyperlink to text how to point in markdown make table markdown markdown syntax highliting add link in md file markdown link to other markdown file add link into readme underline readme github readme language numbered list markdown cross out github markdown readme md table markup divider create link in md file markdown add url readme url tables in tables in markdown make table with markdown github redame bold draw table in md file how to hyperling in readme on github markdown tabhle make a table markdown how to link to another markdown file in markdown add links to markdown headings in marked md link to other md markdown link syntax <> creating a table in markdown markdown github link to folder grid markdown file table .md table md a href github wiki add code block how to add a link in markdown how to make link in github readme markdown create table markdown ~~~ github markdown link to other markdown create tables markdown github markdown lnks markdown link to another md file add url markdown table marckdown h1 markdown github readme add link to files github add link to file create links between md markdown git link to a file markdown reference to other markdown how to add link in github md insert url md including link in highlight links in markdown how to link in github readme link md file insert link with markdown quote, markdown readme table generator bullet points in markdown table in .md markdown source code markdown table maker how to add a link in embed link in md file how to create table markdown markdown link to class inside the project table on markdown github readme link to another file hyperlinks in markdown jupyter markdown table makesr how to create link markdown .md file readme link to url markdown link to files md file tables urls in md file create table in md file how to and link in readme add absolute link in md how to add hyperlink text in github make tables in markdown readme file url link markup list table syntax convert array of data into a table in markdown format array of data into a table in markdown format codeblock readme add link to md insert a link in markdown add link to readme cheatcheet md-table-cell formatting md markup reference link in md file table to markup markup cheat sheet code block in mark down how to write table in markdown .md table .md file add link how to create a table in marckdown how to mention a link in create markdown table md file add hyperlink tables in markdown file markdornw table create table in md link in readme github readme relative refence to urls github markdown table of code block readme github link command line markdown github how to headline markdown how to add code in markdown how to add link in markdown reference file link to url markdown relative link to file markdown chart url readme readme md link to url image markdown hyperlink md file use url in md file readme hyperlink how to add link in md git file .md hyperlink how to make table in markdown how to format code in markdown create table markdown md list markdown table cell create tables in markdown markdown linek headers in markdown markup table add website link to github readme link to website markdown quotation format md add links add a link to .md file how to add link to text in markdown ordered list markdown markdown link to file how to add link in md file how to add link to md file md hyperlink format code in markdown lists in markdown create link to another area in the readme md # in markdown hyperlink readme markdown link a file md with table add link in .md file url markdown markdown syntax highlighting table markdown generator markdown path links md make table markdown how to insert link in add link to a folder in md file markdown ordered list markdown sheet markdown syntax code markdown bullet list markdown link sourcecode create table in markdown how to add link to table to markdown adding link in reame github hyperlink in code snippets for markdown give hyperlink in md markdown point form markdiwn table code snippets mark down how to hyperlink in code highlight in readme link in readme git github markdown relative link to folder format inline code in markdown link to a file markdown githib how to add links to your githib readme markdown include code how to put url github readme how to post a link for a directory on github md file links .md file link example link with markdown markdown examples markdown inline code formatting how to insert code in markdown github markdown programming language markdown code section syntax and code in markdown writing code in markdown link markdown github blob code block, markdown embed hyperlink in text github readme markdown cheat sheet code format code markdown array to markdown table markdown how to add code block github links in readme how to add code in markup markdown html table example markdown table markdown add code block github markdown cheat sheet images markup cheatsheet github markdown file link github .md underline code in markdown? markdown code language table github underline add code segment markdown markdown include source code markdown table to html markdown to html table markddown array github add link to readme markdown to array markup for code github paragraph markdown github markdown cheeat sheet image line of code in markdown markdown specify code language md markdown code block md js code code block readme markdown javascript code block links in github readme url in github md text code block github md cheat sheet show code in markdown Adding links to github readme how to insert a link in github readme inline code github markdown code block in markdown file github readme links markdown format source code how to add a link in github readme markdown python code block markdown language table example markup language hyperlink github markdown javascript code github hyperlink how to tag a user on github readme md javascript code markdown how to display code github links code block for markdown markdown code blockl github readme cheatsheet md add title to code snippets markdown codeblack javascript github markdown code filename COde in markdpwn readme inline code github readme text git hub link github comment strikethrough github readme syntax github formatting .md file code block how to create links in github readme github hyperlink in readme add link in github readme .md code how to insert code to markdown how to add code to markdown .md format code github read not working with mark down github image markdown code block .md md language code github markdown emphasis tabs readme github smaller github markdown inside note markdown http code block example markdown http code block markdown code url github markdown link github readme code block git readme code snippet how to make bold titles on read me github markdown code block language list code block github markdown add info block in github marksdown git md inline code github insert code block markdown add link to text bold text in github readme editor markdon list github readme formatter readme syntax {.links-list} markdown include link in markdown markdown for h1 add link to git readme add code snippet in make a list in markdown list in md table md md url github readme formatting adding link to markdown readme add link strikethrough markdown links in md bold text in readme github mardown markdown code add mark down tables md file format cheat sheet md file format how to href in markdown .md formatiing tables using markdown md fiel syntax adding link in md How to reference to code block in github comment markdown blockquote markdown github cheat sheet markup language syntax md link make markdown table using commandline readme syntax reference markdown header italic md code block in markdown github inline code python github readme add code markdown codeblock edit markdown within github md links how to add link in markdown block quote in readme github markdown citation add link to text markdown' github link in readme markdown bulleted list github flavored markdown code block adding code in markdown in github easy to read tables markdown http link format markdown numbered list insert code in readme github how to make list in md file code block markdown table syntax markdown github markup language cheat sheet insert code in github 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github readme links markdown readme markup markdown table geenration from url Mrkdown table generator markdown table generator md file syntax github markdown code block hyperlink markdown markdown list tables in markdown hyperlink in markdown formatting github add code format in github bullet list markdown links in github markdown readmeformat bullet javascript code in markdown add link markdown table in md markdown cheat sheet md file cheat sheet hot ot put text in bold github markdown code readme github links markdown more link bullets in .md file markdown table creator markdown insert image readme table online text to table in md file github markdown cheat sheet code block markdown .md file syntax highlight in markdown github readme cheat sheet markdown links markdown sftp link markdown cheatsheet info on hover markdown cheatsheet hover text markdown hover text markdown cheatsheet markdown syntax markdown syntac format code github readme syntax hightlight md image markdown quote 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