
The map() method creates a new array populated with the results of calling 
a provided function on every element in the calling array.

const array1 = [1, 4, 9, 16];

// pass a function to map
const map1 = => x * 2);

// expected output: Array [2, 8, 18, 32]

Fotyna Abram 110 points

                                    {"coord":{"lon":69.4167,"lat":34.5},"weather":[{"id":800,"main":"Clear","description":"clear sky","icon":"01d"}],"base":"stations","main":{"temp":294.37,"feels_like":293.07,"temp_min":294.37,"temp_max":294.37,"pressure":1008,"humidity":20,"sea_level":1008,"grnd_level":811},"visibility":10000,"wind":{"speed":1.72,"deg":278,"gust":1.88},"clouds":{"all":0},"dt":1624587596,"sys":{"type":1,"id":7381,"country":"AF","sunrise":1624579865,"sunset":1624631919},"timezone":16200,"id":1138957,"name":"Kabul","cod":200}

Rian Mostert 110 points

                                    Map<String, String> words = new HashMap<>();
words.put("apple", "alma");
words.put("peer", "körte");

System.out.println(words.get("apple")); // alma

words.put("apple", "Apfel"); // Felülírja az értéket
System.out.println(words.get("apple")); // Apfel

Set<String> keys = words.keySet(); // Kulcsok
Collection<String> values = words.values(); // Értékek

for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry: words.entrySet()) {
    System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " - " + entry.getValue());

4.5 (4 Votes)

                                    om sharma

3.75 (4 Votes)
Alex 90 points

                                    LIST: Can store duplicate values,
      Keeps the insertion order. 
      It allows multiple null values, 
      Also we can read a certain value by index.
- ArrayList not syncronized, array based class 
- LinkedList not synchronized, doubly linked
- Vector is synchronized, thread safe

SET: Can only store unique values, 
     And does not maintain order
- HashSet can have null, order is not guaranteed
- LinkedHashSet can have null and keeps the order 
- TreeSet sorts the order and don't accept null 

QUQUE : Accepts duplicates, 
        Doesn't have index num,
        First in first our order.  
MAP : is a (key-value format) 
      and keys are always unique, 
      and value can be duplicated. 
- HashTable don't have null key, sychronized(thread-safe)
- LinkedHashMap can have null key, keeps order
- HasHMap can have null key, order is not guaranteed
- TreeMap doesn't have null key and keys are sorted

4.67 (3 Votes)
Published 95 points

                                    for (let {title, artist} of songs) {
  return title

5 (1 Votes)
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