Load the pipe-delimited file P. It is organized with 3 fields on each line: firstname|lastname|birthday. Search for the firstname F and last name L, replacing the birthday with B. Write the file back out in the same pipe-delimited format.

# Get the filepath from the command line
import sys
import re
P= sys.argv[1] 
F= sys.argv[2]
L= sys.argv[3]
B= sys.argv[4]

# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Our Helper functions:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------

# Loads the file at filepath 
# Returns a 2d array with the data
def load2dArrayFromFile(filepath):
  # Your code goes here:
  records= []
  with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
    for row in element:
  return records
# Searches the 2d array 'records' for firstname, lastname.
# Returns the index of the record or -1 if no record exists
def findIndex(records, firstname, lastname):
  # Your code goes here:
  for x in range(len(records)):
    row = records[x]
    if row[0]== firstname and row[1]==lastname:
      return x
# Sets the birthday of the record at the given index
# Returns: nothing
def setBirthday(records, index, newBirthday):
  # Your code goes here:
  if index== None:

# Convert the 2d array back into a string
# Return the text of the 2d array
def makeTextFrom2dArray(records):
  # Your code goes here:
  for row in records:
  return charV
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
#  Our main code body, where we call our functions.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------

# Load our records from the file into a 2d array
records= load2dArrayFromFile(P)

# Find out which index, if any, has the name we are hunting
indexWeAreHunting= findIndex(records, F, L)

# Set the birthday record to the one we were passed
setBirthday(records, indexWeAreHunting, B)

# Convert the records into a text string
output= makeTextFrom2dArray(records)

# Your code goes here

# write the text string out to the file

outputFile = open(P,'w')

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