kill port 8080 windows cmd command

netstat -ano | findstr :3001
taskkill /PID <yourid> /F

Tom H 140 points

                                    Steps to kill process running on port 8080 in Windows cmd/terminal,

#1 netstat -ano | findstr &lt; Port Number &gt;
#2 taskkill /F /PID &lt; Process Id &gt;

3.67 (3 Votes)
Coworker 110 points

                                    netstat -ano | findstr :&lt;PORT&gt;
taskkill /PID &lt;PID&gt; /F

4.17 (6 Votes)
Moonicorn 125 points

                                    netstat  -ano  |  findstr  &lt;Port Number&gt;
taskkill  /F  /PID  &lt;Process Id&gt;

4.33 (3 Votes)
Purefan 115 points

                                    netstat -ano | findstr &quot;PORT_NUMBER&quot;

taskkill /PID PORT_NUMBER /f


                                    kill process in windows

3.75 (4 Votes)
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kill a port on windows win kill port kill all processes on a port windows terminal kill process on port 8080 netstat how to force kill all port windows cmd to kill port 8080 kill listening port windows howto kill port on windows10 windows kill open ports Identify and stop the process that's listening on port 8085 or configure this application to listen on another port. kill windows process running on port stop running port windows 10 how to kill a listener port windows stop port 8080 windows 10 how to stop process on port 8080 how to stop an app running on port 8080 kill used port in windows port kill cmd in windows stop service on port 8080 windows how to kill a port on windows 10 kill by specific port windows how to kill all port in windows find port and kill process windows kill existing port in windows how to kill port 3000 in windows how to kill a process on a particuler port in windows how to stop process at any port kill port pc how to stop port 8080 in windows using cmd kill the process running on port 8080 windows end process on port how to stop the process that's listening on port 8080 WIN 10 KILL PROCESSE ON PORT kill process with port number kill all processes using port 8080 kill windows port command to kill running port in windows kill 8081 port in windows how to stop application running on port 8080 in windows window kill port terminal how to kill sevices running on port in windows windows kill task by port find and kill process on port windows window stop process by port kill a running port in windows how to kill whatever is running on port 8080 how to kill process in one port how to kill a port number in windows windows kill port task view processus with port and kill windows 10 windows how to kill process using a specific ip port kill port tools windows how to kill process running on port in windows kill a process running on a port kill process in windows using port number kill a running processon port windows kill process using a port windows how to kill process which are run on specific port how to kill process running at particular port how to stop a process in port kill process using port windows kill task on port windows kill process using port number in windows Identify and stop the process that's listening on port 8080 or configure this application to listen on another port. to sprung project running windows find and kill process on port find and kill service running on port windows kill the port in windows how to kill port in window 10 kill all port windows stop the process that's listening on port 8080 kill port cmd windows how to kill server running on port in windows 10 kill a port windows kill the process currently using a port on localhost in windows Address already in use how to kill a specific port in windows kill task port 8080 cmd stop all processes on port windows kill process running on port 8080 windows kill ports cmd kill port listener windows cmd kill port stop program using port 80 kill program that is running on given port in cmd killing the process running in 8080 port in windows kill a process in windows port kill port 8080 in widnos 10 how to kill 300 port in windows cmd command to kill process port windows close process on port how to kill listning of application uses port 80 stop process on port from cmd windows how to kill a process on a port? how to kill port windows how to kill port 8070 windows 10 kill the process using port windows10 how to kill process on port powershell port terminal kill windows how to kill ports on windows stop port 8080 windows kill process cmd on port windows terminate pocess on port kill ports on windows kill process running at port windows powershell kill task port 8080 how to kill the process running on port how to kill running port in windows kill running port widows kill process using port get process running on port 8080 and quit windows get process running on port 8080 and quit windows stop process on port 3000 kill port 8080 windows cmd windows kill port Identify and stop the process that's listening on port 8081 or configure this application to listen on another port. cmd kill process listening on port how to stop the processus listening to port 8080 cmd to kill port win how to stop the process running on a port in windows kill process on port windows powershell kill process on particular port windows how to stop windows process on 8080 port how to kill my current port in windows kill a process in a port windows kill port in cmd windows kill process attached to port kill pid running on port windows how to kill port 3000 on windows windows check port listening and kill how do i find and stop an application running on port 8080 kill the port cmd stop application in port process windows stop port 80 on windows how to kill the application running on a port in windows kill a process running on port in windows kill port with cmdd how to kill port in windows using cmd kill port window 10 kill local server running on port 8080 windows stop port 80 windows 10 stop process on port 8080 how to kill port 80 in windows how to kill specific port in windows kill process work on 8080 port debian how to stop service running on port 8080 in windows 10 kill the process running on port how to kill open port in windows &quot;windows 10&quot; kill stop port running in background &quot;windows 10&quot; kill stop port how to kill port from cmd kill process on port 8080n windows 10 can not kill port 80 on window how to kill the port 8080 in windows how to kill a process in a expeciifc port on windows kill port 8080 windows command kill process listening on port windows kill process running on port kill pid port windows identify and stop any process that's listening on port 80 linux identify and stop any process that's listening on port 80 window kill port kill port 80880 terminal command stop all process on port 8080 how to kill process running on same port windows 10 windows kill a running port stop program running on port 8080 stop a process on port windows how to Identify and stop the process that's listening on port 8080 or configure this application to listen on another port. in windows how to Identify and stop the process that's listening on port 8080 or configure this application to listen on another port. find and kill process on port how to Identify and stop the process that's listening on port 8080 or configure this application to listen on another port stop port 80 windows if system is running how to kill applications on port 8080 kill port command for windows kill port command for windows see processes on port 8080 find a process running on a port windows and kill it kill process in port windows cmd kill process on port 8080 kill process from port windows kill a process running on port windows how to kill port windows 10 kill process on a port windows kill port in command prompt kill a process in windows port 3000 kill process on port 30 windows kill port in windowa windows find port and kill process windows server kill service by port killing a process running on a port in windows kill port i widows how to kill port in windwos kill process on port windows kill service using port stop port 80 windows kill processus on port windows turn off process running on port windows kill a process listening on a port windows force kill port in windos stop process on port windows 10 kill process port stop all processes running on port 80 stop running port in windows kill process in specific port windows how to kill a port in windows 8080 kill process running on port 8080 stop all processes on port 80 how to stop application running on port 8082 windows kill process on a specific port windows windows kill service by listening port Identify and stop the process that's listening on port 8080 or configure this application to listen on another port close all processes with port 80 windows kill process running on port windows kill process on port docker windows lsof port kill kill a task at a port on windows powershell command stop process on port how to find process id running port 8080 kill port in cmd window kill a port in windows cmd find process on port and kill windows kill window port how to stop port 8080 windows kill process on port 8000 windows how to kill a process in windows running ona port how to find out and kill who is using the port 8080 in windows windows stop process on port how to kill port on windows 10 kill a process running on a port in windows windows kill port in use Identify and stop the process that's listening on port 8080 or configure this application to listen on another port ubuntu kill port 8080 windows cmd command kill process running on a port windows kill process on port 3000 windows kill port in windows 10 how to stop process running on port how to kill port 8080 windows easy kill port process winodw kill port all windows kill a process running on port in windows through batch script kill process at port windows how to kill port task 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kill port usage windows kill port 8080 cmd close process on port windows windows command to kill process on port kill all processes on port windows cmd kill process on port in windows how to stop process listening on port 8080 how to listen to the process running in port 8080 and kill it in linux killl port windows kill port 5000 windows kill 8080 port in windows windows how to kill port used process kill port how to listen to the process running in port 8080 and kill it how to kill port number in win dows killport local windows script to kill process by port kill all process using port 80 windows kill all processes on port 8080 windows command to kill a port in windows kill process running on port 80 windows kill port number on windows stop port 80 using cmd kill processes on port windows stop port 5000 in windows kill all localhost ports how to kill a port in windows in use kill process port number how to stop a port from process windows kill port running windows stop a port windows kill a process at port 8080 kill a process at port kill all running on port windows stop process on a specific port kill process with port in windows how to stop a port from listening kill process port windows kill running port windows kill program running on port kill pid using port windows netstat stop process on port raspbarry kill program thats is using a port end serrvice running on port with cmd kill process port powershell how to stop a localhost server windows ping port process running on port windows windows stop port windows 10 kill all command prompt stop process on port windows check open ports windows allow connections on port windows allow connections on port where disable windows port unblocking windows close port kill process windows killall windows how to kill localhost 8080 how to stop a localhost 8080 how to close a localhost port close an app that use a specific port kill all ports listening on 8081 kill 3000 on windows how to close localhost ports kill 8080 kill 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localhost pid find and kill process on port on windows shutdown already running port in windows windows kill process running on 8080 stop listening to port 22 Windows CLI kill process on port how to kill any activity on a port stop netstat process how to end activity on port stop localhost command line end localhost port process find out and kill windows stop server in 8080 how to kill 3000 port in windows how to kill port 8080 find and kill program at port 80 windows 7 how to kill http port in windows 10 how to kill http port stop process on port 80 windows findstr kill used port windows how kill port in windows kill port 8081 windows server port stop localhost:8888 get rid of cmd how to stop the running port in system how to stop ports in windows how to stop all local host port killl comand windows kill process on specific port how to kill a port number how to stop local host from running find process on port and kill it windows cmd delete proccess on port stop port being ised close localhost port when i kill a port it keeps comming back how to run process running on port how to stop a port from listening in windows kill service on port kill webserver at port number command to kill server how to stop process at a port kill a process running on a port windows kill port running windows running stop server running on localhost stop port cmd how to stop usage of a port how to kill task in cmd for port how to stop all server running on a port windows find if something is running on port and stop it killl pid port 80 cmd how to delete whats running in the port windows find process running on port and kill kill the process running on port windows how to clear localhost commad to killa port stop port kill process blocking port windows window how to kill active port how to kill port 8080 using cmd git bash address already in use how to remove port from application kill port 8080 windows command line kill process on port 8080 how to stop app running on ports kill 8080 port how to kill localhost connection in git bash stop all service in a port how to ternimate a port how to stop a localhost port terminal windows kill process port cmd command to kill process on port how to kill all PIDs on a port windows windows kill process on port 8081 close an app running in a port how to kill process on windows 10 running on specific port command to kill task on specific port shutdown 8080 port windows cmd kill port 8011 kill port 8080 in windows cli kill all 8080 processes kill port 300 process windows 10 kill port using cmd windows terminate process on port how to kill process at port in windows stop service in port windows kill port number in windows hpw to remove port usage on local host in linux hpw to remove port usage on local host stop service in a port how to stop process running on port 8080 how to kill localhost:5000 killing port in windows windows 10 kill process on port stops tasks in port 8080 how to stop a server running on a port find &amp; kill open port stop app on a port kill task on port cmd kill port in use find whats running on port and stopping it windows netstat listening ports find kill windows how to close program on a port kill all processes local host how to clear everything that running on ports port kill on windows how to identify and stop the process that's listening on port 8080 close the port on 8080 on cmd close the port on 8080 how to port free force in windows cmd how to terminate port how to clear a port windows 10 kille process at port kill port cmd how to stop server running on port 8080 windows close program by port used command close program by port used stop other service running on port 8080. how to kill the port in cmd Identify and stop the process that's listening on port 8080 or configure this application to listen on another port. windows kill process by port no how to kill localhost stop a process running on a port in windows kill all port 8080 stop any port how to clear port bofo open new task server kill process by port terminal command kill the server mac check ports in use git bash kill port in use git bash netstat kill port kill a service running on a port stop localhost windows kill app port how to free port 8080 in windows 10 how to kill port address how to kill node server port kill a process in windows 10 Web server failed to start. Port 8080 was already in use. find open port and kill terminate process in 8080 maxc remove application by port windows stop localhost cmd kill localhost cmd how to stop port 8080 in windows 10 how to kill the port how to close port already in use find and kill process by port windows kill localhost port terminta runiing port 443 stop process on a port kill running port in windows cmd how to kill a process at a port how to kill ports how to clear all localhost ports how to kill process at port 8080 stop port id windows window terminanted port use end process on port 9000 how to stop current server listening how to stop a running port kill port in windows cmd how to kill a java port how to stop already running port how to stop one port from listening end process on a port find port and stop process running in it command to kill port number in windows how to kill any port in windows kill process on port cmd kill port 8000 windows port kill windows kill ports from git bash kill all ports from git bash how to stop all running ports from bash how to stop all running ports how to stop a port from running windows kill process on port 8080 how to kill the running port in windows port kill in windows kill port 3000 windows 10 kill usage of port how can i close already running port kill a process in windows on a port kill a process in windows how to abort port clear port 8080 stop port in use restart 8080 port stop ports in windows kill server command git bash kill process on port how to kill port 5432 on pc how to kill process running on localhost port how to close port in task manager stop process on specific port windows windows kill all task of a process port how to free a port in windows 10 kill on port windows command to kill a process running on a port windows stop 8000 port npx kill port windows how to kill 3306 port in window neststat kill process killing port in use how to kills server on a specifi port kill port 25565 windows how to kill all connection to serial port in java stop 8080 port windows stop 8080 port how to kill port 443 in windows windows netstat kill port stop port service in port cli kill what is listening on port how to kill localhost port stop port 8080 how to stop service in a port stop my server running on port how to stop port kill process in windows by port kill port 3000 windows kill process on port windows 10 kill command to stop port how to kill port using cmd how to kill process in windows killing a port in windows how to close all ports running on my local machine how to stop application using port 52050 kill all ports in windows how to free a localhost port how to stop a process running at a localhost port how to kill port in terminal terminate port in windows kill as server on a port port in use stop it kill task in port 8080 how to kill all port that is being used by windows port already in use windows kill taskkill port 300 windows 10 kill port how to close localhost port terminate port how to clear port mac terminal how to kill the process running on port 8080 how to kill the process running on port 8080 windows kill process by port how to stop port 8080 in windows windows kill by port windows kill process cmd taskkill port kill process using specific port windows how to terminate local host on terminal how exit a programm knowing is port how to kill process on port in windows how to close app on port 8080 kill a process in windows cmd how to kill a localhost kill process on ports windows kill app on port port kill in wondow how to kill port kill process port 8080 how to terminate on local host how to kill the process in windows kill task at port windows kill port terminal windows kill process windows port 8080 kill localhost kill process at port 8080 kill process at port 8080 cmd kill all localhost ports windows kill process in windows turn off port running how to stop proccese on local host usin terminal terminate localhost port how to stop the specific port windows port killer kill port windows 10 howdo I kill the process currently using a port on localhost ubuntu howdo I kill the process currently using a port on localhost in ubuntu kill all ports cmd netstat kill port windows cmd kill process on localhost windows stop program on port how to reset port 8080 windows kill port listner how to stop a port in windows kill process terminal windows git bash kill port window port kill stop runnin port cmd how to stop running port 8080 how to kill process running on port windows how to kill process running on port how to kill port in cmd taskkill from port close port 8080 close process using port taskkill netstat ano HOW TO KILL PORT ON GIT BASH WINDOWA bash kill port 3000 windows how to kill port git bash how to kill all ports on git bash kill process on port netstat how to kill listeners on a port windows command to kill all ports how to kill process on port windows check port and kill windows stop task on port kill port on windows mac kill process on port how to kill process port in windows clear localhost port kill already running port how to stop listening port in windows netstat ano kill how to kill process runnig in specific ports in windows windows kill process using port kill command using port stop port 8080 using cmd kill all ports on windows line kill all ports on window all of them kill all ports on window kill ports windows powershell kill process on port port killer application windows kill port widnows cmd clearing port 8080 windows check process running on port and kill how to terminate port 8080 kill server windows how to stop something running on a port how to kill process in 8080 killthe port manully in windows how to kill the port in windows stop a process on a port windows how to kill process on port kill process on port windowsz windows command prompt kill port kill address already in use windows stop localhost from running kill all listener on a specific port windows server free port 8080 windows kill the port on windows windows kill connection on port killall ports command windows kill port process windows kill port process windows cmd command for kill a process at port kill port 8080 kill software running on a port how to kill port any number in windows windows kill task on port command to kill PORT close service running on port how to end local host kill prot winmdoes Could not find process: typeyourpidhere kill port windows cmd how to kill port 8080 in windows kill 8080 port windows how to stop a port how to close port 8080 how to stop a project from running on a port windows kill local process on port stop the port kill the process running on port in windo sudo kill terminal command all ports windows kill procces on port how to kill a server on a port how to killall localhost connections how to kill a post in windows using cmd prompt how to close all localhosts on windows 10 how to end task on a specific port windows kill port 8080 windows how to stop application running on a port windows 10 how to stop running services in windows 10 at 8080 kill process on port 8080 windows 10 kill proccess on port 8080 kill process from netstat how to kill the port 8080 session in windws how to free the 8080 port in windows 10 how to stop application at port how to stop application running on port kill 8080 port from cmd cmd kill process by port kill the prot how to kill all ports on windows how to kill a process on 8080 kill processes on port 8080 how to terminate localhost port kill what is running on port 8080 localhost kill port how to stop a application using a port command to stop in use ports kill process windows port how to close server at 8080 windows kill a process on port how can I stop running my local port? force kill port windows kill-port on windows close all the app using port 8080 how to kill a process in a port windows how to stop operations running on com ports stop all processes on port taskkill cmd on port kill port window how to kill the already running port close all running port windows kill an app running on a specific port close application on port windows kill server running on port windows kill server running on port how to killl a localhost port on windows kill everything on a port windows end task of a port end tasks of a port kill netstat process kill with port number to kill process with port number in windows KILL PROSSES AT PORT 8080 CMD how to stop other services on specific ports hw to kill a used port in windows close application running on port pkill port how to kill a process through port number kill port in command kill program using port windows kill process on port in windows how to forcefully kill process in windows on port 8080 how to stop process running on port 8080 in windows stop services running on a port windows cmd kill processs port powershell free 3000 port force port process cancel in windows 10 stop port 8888 kill process using a port how to check pid of localhost how to kill server running on port stop all running ports how to stop a service running on a port in windows close application runing on port kill port number how to stop the ports which are running taskkill port 8080 8080 port kill how to close all localhost server port already in use windows 10 terminate server on local port how to free port 8081 how to killer port 8080\ kill port command window close app using port 8000 windows 7 kill app on port windows 10 clear port 8080 windows how to kill process in windows on port kill process on portno stop listening at port 8080 stop service on port windows how to kill something running on a port in windows windows 10 kille application running on port kill task running on a port command to kill running ports in windows task kill port number kill something running on a port windows kill port number 5700 how to stop the process that's listening on port how to stop service running on port 8080 how to stop services running on port 8080 windows kill port in use. window how to kill port in windows 10 cmd kill process on port task kill on port cmd windows find port in use and kill how to kill process on port 51211 windows windows stop process running on port 8080 how to kill the port using cmd kill task on port cmd windows sever kill port kill the port in windows 10 cmd kill process at port kill process by port windows how to kill a port in windows powershell stop process runnong on port stop the process running on port how to kill a process listening to a particular port on windows powershell kill a process by port stop port windows how to stop process on port 8080 in windows kill process running on port windows 10 how to kill the process in windows in a port number kill process running in port windows kill port in windows how to kill all the active ports in windows how to free up port in windows kill service running on port windows how to kill port usage windows task kill find port find (and kill) process locking port 3000 on windows remove running port windows how to empty port on windows how to kill port on windows port kill command in windows stop port tunning free port in windows stop running all ports how to kill a port in use how to kill a port windows how to kill a port how to kill a server running on a port Identify and stop the process that's listening on port 8080 how to stop running port in windows how to kill things running on a port windows how to stop 8080 port in windows netstat kill close process on port kill process on 8080 stop ports in use windows stop port 3000 in windows kill running port in windows how to kill process running on port in windows 10 kill the server port remove provess on a port free a port in windows kill port windows how to shutdown local port stop process running on port kill all ports running on your computer close a given port windows kill process on port 8080 windows kill all ports windows close 8080 port kill ports in use windows stop service running on port kill service by port number on windows windows kill process on port how to stop an app running a specific port port=8080 bash command on windows kill a port in windows how to stop server running on port 8080 how to kill a process running on a port in windows kill process on port windows
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