how to do database testing in your framework

For database testing For manual I use Oracle sql developer for producing SQL
FOR AUTOMATION; I use JDBC library to integrate
java by getting a CONNECTION from oracle database
then creating STATEMENTS using SQL queries and
then storing the data into a RESULTSET object.
I use java data structures to use store data inside and
compare them
and since I'm using DATA DRIVEN and CUCUMBER
BDD framework, all of these tests are stored inside feature
I have RUNNER classes that helps generate codes from
FEATURE FILE and implement them into a file called b
I also have HOOK class that implements my codes that
run before and after all my tests - this is where I invoke my
TAKESCREENSHOT interface which triggers when I use
scenario interface (when scenario fails)
It takes a picture when you are on the step that failed
StepDefinition - this is where I stored my codes that
based on gherkin language expected value DDT
If I'm working with small amounts of test data, I'm
going to operate with scenario outlines, this where I create
examples and store data using pipeline
In my automation framework I had database utility class
which handles everything related to setting up
connections, closing connections, getting data from
database and storing results from database into
different collections arrays etc. So that I can easily work with
And I use it in my framework by
 using Connection interface, with getConnection method(url,username, password)
I’m keeping url, username, password in the configuration
url starts with oracle or postgresql, mysql...
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url,
username, password) //throws SQL exception:checked
Statement statement = connection.CreateStatement()
//throws SQL exception: checked exception
ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery("Query")
resultSetMetaData=resultSet.getMetaData() columns
getConnection -> connection.CreateStatement -> Resultset
ResultSetMetaData rsm = resultSet.getMetaData();
I can retrieve the column names and counts with the help of
Make sure you start your loop from 1 until <= last value
How did you do DB testing in your framework?
List <Map<String, String>> list = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
for(i = 1; i<= rsm.getColoumnCount;i++ ){
map.put(rsm.getColoumnName(i), result.getString(i))

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