how to assign struct address to the pointer


struct dog
    char name[10];
    char breed[10];
    int age;
    char color[10];

int main()
    struct dog my_dog = {"tyke", "Bulldog", 5, "white"};
    struct dog *ptr_dog;
    ptr_dog = &my_dog;

    printf("Dog's name: %s\n", ptr_dog->name);
    printf("Dog's breed: %s\n", ptr_dog->breed);
    printf("Dog's age: %d\n", ptr_dog->age);
    printf("Dog's color: %s\n", ptr_dog->color);

    // changing the name of dog from tyke to jack
    strcpy(ptr_dog->name, "jack");

    // increasing age of dog by 1 year

    printf("Dog's new name is: %s\n", ptr_dog->name);
    printf("Dog's age is: %d\n", ptr_dog->age);

    // signal to operating system program ran fine
    return 0;

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