
import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom";

function HomeButton() {
  let history = useHistory();

  function handleClick() {

  return (
    <Button type="button" onClick={handleClick}>
      Go home

Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    history.pushState(state, title[, url])

4 (4 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

  key: 'ac3df4', // not with HashHistory!
  pathname: '/somewhere',
  search: '?some=search-string',
  hash: '#howdy',
  state: {
    [userDefined]: true

5 (1 Votes)
Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    window.history.pushState(&quot;http://example.ca&quot;, &quot;Sample Title&quot;, &quot;/example/path.html&quot;);

Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    class Comp extends React.Component {
  componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
    // will be true
    const locationChanged =
      this.props.location !== prevProps.location;

    // INCORRECT, will *always* be false because history is mutable.
    const locationChanged =
      this.props.history.location !== prevProps.history.location;

&lt;Route component={Comp} /&gt;;

3.5 (2 Votes)
Rubixphys12 15320 points

                                    // usually all you need
&lt;Link to=&quot;/somewhere&quot;/&gt;

// but you can use a location instead
const location = {
  pathname: '/somewhere',
  state: { fromDashboard: true }

&lt;Link to={location}/&gt;
&lt;Redirect to={location}/&gt;

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window.history.pushState history push react browser router history push state react router dom html history pushstate what is history.push in react history. push react -pushState or history.push(&quot;/&quot;) history.pushState or history.push(&quot;/&quot;) history.pushState or history.push(&quot;7&quot;) history.pushState or history.push use history without props in react how to use history.pushstate react push route render history.pushstate() example react history.push how it works? javascript use history.pushState react route push react get props from history history.pushstate() youtube pushstate react router dom Route.push react history.push() react router History.pushState histor.js react router push history push react router react use history pushstate push.history in react js react router push with state window.history.pushState( history.push then history pushstate javascript history.push('/'); history on react and history.push how to get props.history react-router-dom push to page Router.push( react &quot;history.push history push from history push with state react how to use history in react using props react history props history.push component history.push state react reacct router push js history push state render history with props how to get history props window.history.pushstate w3schools route and history.push in react state in history push reactjs push react-router this.props.history.get in react js this.$router.push react how to use history push react router push react router props.history react window.history.pushState(&quot;&quot;, &quot;&quot;, '/newpage'); reactjs router push reactjs history.push history.push with function window.history pushstate window.location history.push history.push(routeTo react router push history state history.pushState+ history.location history.push how does history.push('/') work history.pushState npm use.History history.push Using history.push() Method ract router push or router? ract router push pusher in reactjs pusher reactjs react router history push class history.push(/) history.push state react router react how to get this.props.history history push in react js react router add ul components react router dinamic push history push props react window history pushstate what is history push in react use of push in routing react history push / history.push state history push state react router what does history.push do browser router history.push history. push push tab router react dom use react router to push to pages location push react router html5 history pushstate props props.history React-Router history push how to use this.history.push history.pushstate route javascript history.pushstate route = javascript history pushstate history push js history push react router dom\ Router push react-router react this.props.history how to get object with router history.push react history .push history react prop react router history this.props router react .push history props push route in history router push react react-router-dom react dom history push react router push state push in routing react history.pushstate state how to push to react router what does history .push do props include history example of history.pushState push and pushstate in react history props.history functions react router history push class component props.history methods props.history in react js history.push.location react-router push use history push with state js window history push react router location push history.push(&quot;/&quot;) history prop react router push props react router dom what is prop.history in react history push with state react router history push state history.push(state use history.push react react history pushstate this props history react router dom push route how to use router push in react router.push in react js router push from react react router.push() history.pushstate react reactjs history push react history push state history.push method history.pushstate react router reacth router push history.pushState reacty react push route history.push react js window.history.pushstate functio in javascript window.history.pushstate in javascript history.push( history.push this props history react history.push on react react router dom push with state window.history.pushstate react react history.pushstate react router dom push to anoter page react router history prop router react push what is this.props.history in react history .pushstate react history.push state router push react history route props push react router dom history.push with state js history pushstate react history.push state example react history pushstate example history pushstate example history push state react router history.push append props.history. jquery history pushstate history .push react withHistory is mutable class component browserHistory.push browserHistory.push('/signup'); history router react js history push javascript history state react react history router api history api in props The history.pushState method js push history hash react native router push history.replace in react js react router history replace history object react router types oh history action in react hisotry.push props.location.history.push with id how i find id without axios call react history api react browserrouter use history in classComponent react browserrouter history push react router history.replace javasript url history history replace react router how to use this.props.history in react History pop react router js history pushstate only adds one how to mount the coponent while using history.push history props in react window.history push url react history object react router replace state route history react history.js in react &lt;Router history={}&gt; in React history.replace react router window history push react touter pop react history state use history state react istory push history react router dom react router router.push react router push to history url history replace react js BrowserHIstory react touer windows.history.pushstate history push react-router-dom react history() history/browser react history react training get browser history react router dom react unexpected history what is the react push history.push get history in react router dom history in react router dom what is push history in ract history.block react router react browserrouter get history props.history.push react props.history.push react .hist React history.replace React history actions Router history.replace() history components react history.push() history.push state push history history pushstate previous history.push usage history react-router-dom how to push and render with browserHistory rreact react url from history in react native react Router.push('/'); history.push react route history . push reactjs router history react dom router history push history.location in react window.history.push react react props history react router pop history this.props.history.push react history.push in react router dom this.history.push react history.pushstate state object history in root of router react this.push.history history object component reactjs histor.push history puh react class components react history from &quot;history/browser history browser react react-router-dom history history react docs reframe push state parameter react routerhistory react router history state history.push.state push state js browser history push react react router dom hashHistory.push('/payment-success'); history.push(&quot;/&quot;); reactjs history push class history methods react react router history api react js history api history push react api history.push in react api react-router-dom push route react router browser history react props.history.push react browser history react memory history history.push to a react component history pushstate saves the state? resct router dom push push window histoyr history from react-router-dom set history location react props.push.history history in react js pushstate javascript example pushstate # to / pushstate in javascript react history go react history replace .pushstate what is the history in react-router-dom props history push push state mdn push state react-router-dom history.push history library for react router or browserRouter jquery pushstate react router use history use history react doesn't work pushstate() window.pushstate history push in react class component history.pushreact router dom props.history.push react router react router props.history.push rreact router props.history.push react routing history window.history.pushState() how to use window.history.push window.history.push(&quot;/:id&quot;0) window.history.push and path parameter url in window history push history get state history router react history action react history pushstate push in history react router props.history in react router history react HTML5 pushState history API reactrouter push browser history api react router react router history example react router dom location history push this.props.push.history react history package react router .push history.push in JS react history prop override history prop from memory router override history from memory router this.props.history.append window.history.pushstate use history javascript history change url history .push in recat js use history in router react history push react router dom history.push in react router use history on react class history.pushState react hisotry use history react router dom props.history.push in react js window pushstate react history push to another router webpage history pusj object reactrouter history window.history.pushstate opposite how to get previous route react router dom check the route history of react router dom reactjs history object window.location.pushstate this.props.history.push(`/`) what is a history stack react router push to browser hostory history.push javascript react history.pushState() let history = use history() history.pushstate example history() history push en react history js push window.history.replaceState js react router memoryHistory push history javascript pushstate jquery example of pushstate method in javascript js pushState react-router-dom histort push hisroey.puah reCT JS history.pushstate -&gt; where are the values saved history.push state -&gt; where are the values saved history.replace window.history react-router-dom history example window.history.pushstate change url history .push state history.push function in javascript react router dom and history history push state title history go to root js pushstate example react browserrouter history history push class component react histroy push browser history react router props.history.location history.replaceState history.pushState('data to be passed', 'Title of the page', '/test'); router history push history push react back not working pushstate api react browerhistory react js router push react push.history to home page use history mode for router in react class component history react this.props.history.push create history react router dom how to call function on history.pushState this.props.history react router history props window push state history.push react import thistory push state thistory push history.push function history in react-router-dom react router dom history pus react router dom history reaact history react props.history javascript pushstate explained javascript pushstate element histyory push react native route history history.push react-router-dom html push state history in react props.history js push history hystory.push react this.props.history history.push route react router replace how to push a user to different route in function component using history push how to use history object in react js history.pushstate json router push react router dom hitory.push react history.replace react props.history with react-window react router dom use history react router push route push something into histroy state push url to history when trying to use history.push returns with route ? class components history.push react-router-dom push history react router push homepage browserHistory.push(url); browserhistory.push react push to browser history javascript history.push(`?s=$ html5 push state how to use history.push in reactjs const click =&gt; { history.push jsx this.history.push history.push hash history.push('/categories') push route react history sets javascript root.history.pushStat history.pushState chrome location.pushstate example location.pushstate window.history.push mdn how history. push works history push in js javascript window history pushstate window.push react how to add history to browserrouter history.push() window.push this.history.push react-router-dom app.js react react router dom push how to use history.push when /: history.pushsta manipulate history javascript javascript push html to history react router push history or redirect history.push in reactjs react history push class component history.push reactjs class component react router use history push history.push reactjs history.push react class this.context.router.history react use history.push to change directory how to access push in react without useHisitory() history.push link HTML5 pushstate js push hash change history pushstate history full url how do yow make push to history in react with history in react history js pushstate push.history react user history example window.history.pushstate inside getderivedstatefromprops this.history.pushState({ prevPath: window.location.pathname } browser router to change the history history.push pushes all the possible urls when used using onclick chrome history push State then history push react react histrory.push redirect to push object to history state push element to history state history push method in react history push method history.push in class component react button history.push(&quot;./complete&quot;) react js history push window history state ie max lenght can we use history.push with form react HTML5 API History.pushstate hoistory.push history.state hide base url history.state make url blank react native router history push use history push in class component use history.push in class use history push without router history.push javascript pushstate mdn history pushstate hash listener window.history.pushstate parameters javascript history pushstate empty use context to store history react browser router history as context browser history state javascript window history push can i do append in history object in react react js history.push react history push use history windows.history.push js history empty state pushstate pushstate example javascript browserrouter history react native window.history.pushState api unexpected use of 'history' browser history push react class componetn history push see when window push state react router don history push window push in react history pushstate chrome how to use history in react pushstate history api history api push current state history api push this state push state before link history api react router.push history push from context history.push class component withrouter history push pushstate add new url 17 | super(props); 18 | 19 | this.state = { &gt; 20 | location: props.history.location | ^ 21 | }; 22 | 23 | // This is a bit of a hack. We have to start listening for location | super(props); 18 | 19 | this.state = { &gt; 20 | location: props.history.location | ^ 21 | }; 22 | 23 | // This is a bit of a hack. We have to start listening for location window history push react how to get the state from pushState can i use history push state history react push last react router push from inside component how to use history.push in class component this.props.history.push react-router-dom createBrowserHistory.push how to use history in proper way in reactjs This is a bit of a hack. We have to start listening for location window histroy push state history push in react use history pushstate super(props); 18 | 19 | this.state = { &gt; 20 | location: props.history.location | ^ 21 | }; 22 | 23 | // This is a bit of a hack. We have to start listening for location window.history.push e window.push.history.pushstate url php does not recognize window.push.history.pushstate url link, histoy push histor. push in reactjs add history to BrowserRouter pushstate window.history.pushState() grader js push state react broswer router push history history.push react v4 react add history to props react router push from browser does history.go() html give control to all history react router redirect push to history js history update url history.push jquery react router v4 browserrouter history js history.pushstate history.push react example how to pass history, location etc in react component react router dom UseHistory history.push react react history push history histtory push in js history push in pure js mdn history.push and history.replace in javascript createbrowserhistory react router v4 pushstate event web push work with react router how to use history.push in react history api pushState javascript pushState react usehistory can send to another rout not history one react router dom history push redirect react redirect push history this.props.history.push example history.puush react js opposite of pushstate Router.push react use history in react router how to history.push button react browser history push react router push in react router dom router save history react-dom-router react push history react router dom history.push with props how to see in the spa state the initial page load to grab the URL string and set into a variable react router dom history example Unexpected use of 'history' react router simple example using react history.push pushstate example react createBrowserHistory push history react router expose history stack use history react router pushstate history javascript react router dom push history unexpected use of history in reactjs react router withHistory push router react history.push in javascript push history react create path for website histpry js react window.history.pushstate how to implement browserhistory with react-router v4 react use history push history.push react router history.push example react router history.push example using history.push react javascript history push what is history.push react eero in this._history.replaceState(state, title, url); angular react router history.add js history api push history.push() react window.history.pushstate javascript history.pushstate javascript history react router push browserHistory.push() react router dom set route to replace no push to history react save link from history object react router history.push react native routing using history.push in react react link history push check what was pushed to history react window.push js javascript window.history.pushstate javascript on pushstate event react router dom history push js document location push implement history browser javascript javascript history.pushstate react router history.push history push creating new route reactjs history function react render javascript pushstate go back window.history.pullstate jquery window.history.pushstate jquery get data from history.push javascript get data from history push javascript window.history.pushstate example history.push component react react history.push( pushstate javascript histiry.pish react react class component history react class component history push history class function react js maintain history states history.push how to use it in react pushState js props in route react history react router history push history in react router how to use history in react-router-dom react window push state can we use history to go into another website react action is not exported from history in react-router unexpected use of history react how to use browserhistory in react history.psuh react react redirect history push react router dom 5 history push class add history react history.push react router dom .push() in reactjs router react redux history push history.push a function withrouter and history push how to use withrouter history push how to use browser history from react-router how to use createBrowserHistory with react-router-dom how to use react-router-dom with history in react react router dom history.push react houter dom history push give acces to history in app level react router createBrowserHistory push explpain history.push react react-router-dom history.replace react router Router history how to enable props.history in react react router push history to current path how to enable history.location in react router.push react router router pudh history before router pudh history react how to use history.push history.push in react browserRouter push history .push redux push history history push react router dom location Can I use history.push in index react js? history.location react index page index using history.push use history push history.push function in react react router push ihstory react-router-dom push react history with props how to render component in react router history.push react react router props from history react router props history can I use history.push inside a non react component handle state after history push react save history in router react react-router-dom history push what is match location and history props in axios add history to react router unexpected use of 'history' react react router history pushj browserhistory react router react routing methods react use history path history.push in react js history.push useHistory on click not working react router browserhistory.push react native how to declare react history React router push how to access history in app.js in functional components historey.push react how to use history.push history push react router path react using history in react react history react router dom api hashhistory.push react-router 4 react use history history.pushstate using history react router how to call history.push on click react react history push react router history react make history work with BrowserRouter react history push redirect react history.push history push react router save history react-route-dom push pages using react-router-dom use history react react router dom push to page react history push to root this.history.push functionality? history react router react router dom push
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