get int from another script unity

//Make Health public
public class PlayerScript: MonoBehaviour {
  public float Health = 100.0f;

//Access it.

public class Accessor : MonoBehaviour {
    void Start()
        GameObject thePlayer = GameObject.Find("ThePlayer");
        PlayerScript playerScript = thePlayer.GetComponent<PlayerScript>();
        playerScript.Health -= 10.0f;

The111 125 points

                                     public class PointScript : MonoBehaviour {      public static int playerScore;  //  Static keyword makes this variable a Member of the class, not of any particular instance.      void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)     {         if (other.tag == &quot;Player&quot;)             playerScore++;  //  The code that any instance can use to cause the score to be incremented, since the playerScore variable is a Static member, all instances of this class will have access to its value regardless of what instance next updates it.     } }

4.33 (6 Votes)
Josephine 100 points

                                     public SriptName MyScript;  void Start() { MyScript = GameObject.Find(&ldquo;NameOfObjectWithScript&rdquo;).GetComponent&lt;ScriptName&gt;(); }  void Update() { Debug.Log(MyScript.MyInt); }

3.89 (9 Votes)
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