
//Func is a invokeable container for Mehod or function method 
//that returns something. They can accept inputs based on the generals 
//that you template on and reserve the last general template for the return. 
//If you do not need a return or wish to return nothing check out the Action Class
Func<string/*Or some other type to return*/> YourFuncProperty
= new Func(()=>{/*do something*/ return "or return what you want";});
Func<string/*Or some other type to return*/> YourFuncProperty
= ()=>{/*do something*/return "or return what you want";};
//for a paramiterized func
/*Or some other types followed by others optional comma seperated*/,
string/*Or some other type to return last*/> YourParamitarizedFuncProperty =
  (x/*Each Param will be to the comma seperated types*/)=>
  {/*do some with the inputs*/return $"you entered a {x} or return what you want";};

// you can invloke them by calling their invokes.
string YouReturn = YourFuncProperty.Invoke();
string YouReturn = YourParamitarizedFuncProperty.Invoke(5);
//The last is the basic sycronous way. For a aysnc call uses
//however, you will need to begin a await with EndInvoke to get your result after.
string YouReturn = YourFuncProperty.EndInvoke();
string YouReturn = YourParamitarizedFuncProperty.EndInvoke(5);

//You can also fill them with defined methods in a class if you wish, 
//but the signatures must match.
Func<string> YourActionDefinedProperty = YourDefinedMethod;
string YourDefinedMethod()
  //do something
  return "or return what you want";

//Example of use
public sealed class DataContainer
  	//A bit contrived but we will give the ablity to overide the printout 
  	//of the class while still keeping it sealed. See the invoke at ToString.
  	//could be useful in a library or something?
	static func<string> SealedFuncStringOverride;

	DataContainer(datetime Date)
      this.Date = Date;
  	public datetime Date {get; private set;}
  	public int Amount {get; private set;}
  	public string Info {get; private set;}
  	public string FirstName {get; private set;}
  	//The invoke is used in here.
  	public override string ToString()
        return SealedFuncStringOverride.BeginInvoke();
      return base.ToString;


                                    int ungetc(int char, FILE *stream)

4.1 (10 Votes)

                                    using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using static System.Console;
namespace CSFlow.Delegates.Others
    public class ActionFunc

        public static void Run ()
            // Example of : Action
            // Use action when a mathod return void
            Action&lt;string&gt; display = new Action&lt;string&gt;(DisplayMessage);
            display(&quot;Calculate Discount :&quot;);

            // Example of : Func
            // Use action when a mathod return value
            Func&lt;double, double&gt; discount = new Func&lt;double, double&gt;(Discount);

            List&lt;Customer&gt; custList = new List&lt;Customer&gt;();
            custList.Add(new Customer { Id = 1, FirstName = &quot;Joydip&quot;, LastName = &quot;Kanjilal&quot;, State = &quot;Telengana&quot;, City = &quot;Hyderabad&quot;, Address = &quot;Begumpet&quot;, Country = &quot;India&quot; });
            custList.Add(new Customer { Id = 2, FirstName = &quot;Steve&quot;, LastName = &quot;Jones&quot;, State = &quot;OA&quot;, City = &quot;New York&quot;, Address = &quot;Lake Avenue&quot;, Country = &quot;US&quot; });
            custList.Add(new Customer { Id = 3, FirstName = &quot;Sefat&quot;, LastName = &quot;Anam&quot;, State = &quot;OSA&quot;, City = &quot;New York&quot;, Address = &quot;Manhatten&quot;, Country = &quot;US&quot; });

            // Example of : Predicate
            // Use Predicate for search data
            Predicate&lt;Customer&gt; FindAddress = customer =&gt; customer.Address == &quot;Manhatten&quot;;

            Customer searchData = custList.Find(FindAddress);

            display($&quot;{searchData?.FirstName} {searchData?.LastName} From - {searchData?.City} &quot;);


        static void DisplayMessage (string message)

        static double Discount (double money)
            return money * .5;

        class Customer
            public int Id { get; set; }
            public string FirstName { get; set; }
            public string LastName { get; set; }
            public string Address { get; set; }
            public string City { get; set; }
            public string State { get; set; }
            public string Country { get; set; }


                                    function greetMe(yourName) {
  alert(&quot;Hello &quot; + yourName)
console.log(eval('3 + 5'))

3.8 (5 Votes)

                                     Func&lt;string, string&gt; convert = delegate(string s)
    { return s.ToUpper();};

 string name = &quot;Dakota&quot;;

// This code example produces the following output:
//    DAKOTA

3.83 (6 Votes)
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