flutter text field next line

  keyboardType: TextInputType.multiline,
  maxLines: null,

ADG 75 points

                                    new TextField(
  keyboardType: TextInputType.multiline,
  maxLines: whatever,

WeirdElfB0y 115 points

                                    Using Ellipsis

  "This is a long text",
  overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,

Using Fade

  "This is a long text",
  overflow: TextOverflow.fade,
  maxLines: 1,
  softWrap: false,

Using Clip

  "This is a long text",
  overflow: TextOverflow.clip,
  maxLines: 1,
  softWrap: false,

If you are using Text inside a Row, you can put above Text inside Expanded like:
  child: AboveText(),

4.33 (3 Votes)
She 110 points

                                    Text('\$8.99', style: TextStyle(decoration: TextDecoration.lineThrough))

4.33 (3 Votes)
Silence 110 points

     children: [
                  child: Text('Add long text here',
                  maxLines: 1,
                  softWrap: false,
                  overflow: TextOverflow.fade,

3.5 (2 Votes)
Xurshid29 90 points

  keyboardType: TextInputType.multiline,
  maxLines: null,

4.38 (8 Votes)
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flutter text overflow next line flutter text cebter line How to make text automatically go to next line in flutter flutter text lines flutter largetext new line how to do multiline text in flutter how to add multi text field in row ui flutter text go new line in flutter Multi text area in flutter nextline property in text in flutter text description not going in new line in flutter textspan in new line in flutter next line in string in flutter flutter text throgh line flutter text auto new line text in card flutter text return line overflow how to enter text to new line when overflow ellipsis in flutter put take TextSpan to next line flutter use of textbaseline in flutter Text under line in flutter dart flutter text widget new line textpainter in multiline flutter make the text Goes to next line on long text in flutter how to make a text go to next line in futter how text align automatically in next line flutter flutter draw a line under text how to wrap text in next line flutter 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with line flutter flutter long text multiline multiline input in textformfeald flutter flutter text multiline overflow line in flutter flutter textspan new line flutter make the text wrap to next line wrap text to new line in flutter next line text span flutter dart multiline text make selected text wrap to next line flutter flutter text force one line how to make a line on text flutter flutter how to force text onto next line multiline on field submitted not working flutter flutter multiline text bs code flutter text field next lbutton how to overflow text to next line on flutter new line in text flutter flutter text not go to the next line multyline text field flutter using nextline in text flutter How to make a line through text in Flutter? paragraph next line in flutter flutter how to submit multiline textfield flutter how to submit multiline text how to line break a text in flutter how to go next line in text in flutter add hint text in multiline text field on top flutter text in next line in flutter to type next line in flutter How to add new line to text flutter text in 2 lines flutter How to have multiplpe text fields in flutter how to make a text automatically go to the next line in case it overflows in flutter flutter TextFormField multirows next line in flutter flutter word overflow to next line Text continue on next line flutter how to make text in container to come in next line flutter text field of multiline in flutter line over text in dart textfield with multiline text in multiple lines flutter multi line text input in flutter accept multi line text input in flutter set multiline input in textfield flutter text on container end the line flutter flutter multiline text with newlines flutter text goes automatic line break flutter stacxk text new line input filed multiline flutter two text field in one row flutter textfield flutter styles multiline flutter multiple line form field flutter text field create new line on overflow flutter multiple text 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flutter text multiline flutter line on text flutter flutter multiline text with data text new line in flutter text fo to next line flutter set line on the text in flutter put overflow text to the next line flutter multiline textormfield flutter flutter text snext line flutter display multiline text flutter multiline text with scroll textbase line flutter how to allow text to go into new line in flutter break long text into next line flutter flutter making text go to next line flutter multiline text area how to automatically break textspan into new lines in flutter how to automatically break text into new lines in flutter line through flutter text How to put a line over text in flutter text don't go to next line flutter flutter TextField muliple line flutter text overflow to next line how to add line breaks in text overflow flutter how to add text in to line in flutter flutter force text to next line text to next line if overflow flutter column text to next line if overflow flutter how to make text overflow to next line flutter how to show a multiline hint text in flutter how to shift text automatically next line in flutter flutter break text into new line if it over flows on screen flutter text overflow break line how to take multiple text field text in flutter flutter display text on a new line Flutter TextField multiline exemple text not going to next line flutter text throuw line flutter how to make line of text flutter flutter textfield multiple rows add next line in row flutter text in single line in flutter line through in flutter line through flutter Add multiline in textbox for description in flutter two textfield in row flutter flutter textfield multiline overlab how to add line above text flutter make textfield multiline flutter TextInputType.multiline flutter next line in flutter text flutter text in row continue to next line flutter textfield line text overflow to next line flutter create multi line input field in flutter multi line text in flutter multi 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flutter Text long new line flutter make text widget overflow to next line flutter flutter line break text how to have a line under textfield in flutter automatically shift text to new line flutter text to next line fluter automatically add new lines to text widget flutter text in end the line flutter flutter new line in text flutter multiline text form field break text line in row flutter automatic line wrap for text in flutter textfield automatic go next line in flutter flutter text automatic line break flutter card multiline text textfield flutter validation multiline line over text on flutter text overline flutter flutter multiple line textformfield how to send text overflow to next line flutter how to send textoverflow to next line flutter multiline in tet flutter new line text widget flutter wrap text to next line flutter add multiline in textfeildform in flutter line on word flutter flutter TextFormField multiline markdown how to make text to next line in flutter flutter multiline text in column flutter text auto new line multiple text fields flutter flutter multiline textfiled flutter text box message with multiline how to make multiple line text field in flutter flutter text next line begin text in next line if overflow in flutter textfield multiline multiline TextFormField in flutter text next line flutter draw line next to text in flutter line text and line in flutter having line under text flutter flutter text linethrough flutter textfauld multiline text text new line flutter flutter text multiline in column flutter how to add the multi lines in text field multilinee text flutter text input flutter line text in flutter MultiLine text widget flutter flutter text new line how to make the row wrap to the next line in flutter flutter text line over text flutter text in row go to the next line flutter text go to the next line flutter text line through multi text in container flutter how to move text to next line in flutter flutter multiline text form fields flutter text to next line flutter text field, multiline flutter multi line text field wrap how to create line breaks in text in flutter flutter show 2 lines of text and then cut how to make flutter text field multiline how to give a line under text in flutter Flutter text overflow multiline text not go to next line flutter textfield flutter multiline How do I get text to overflow to the next line in flutter flutter text line flutter multiline text field don't have done button on keyboard flutter multiline input text field flutter multiline design text field flutter multiline Line in text widghit flutter how to adjust multi line text in flutter use multi textfield in a row flutter how to define the multi-lines in textfield in flutter TextField multi line flutter flutter wrap text to next line make text go to next line automactically flutter how to set overflow text start in new line in flutter text overflow in next line flutter how to set 3 line text in flutter text multiline text edit flutter flutter textfield multiline number make text go to next line automaticalyy flutter how to make text move to the next line automatically flutter inside a container how to make text move to the next line automatically flutter next line character in container in flutter next line in container in flutter text is overflowing instead of going to new line flutter flutter multiline text input flutter multiline textinput flutter multiple line text field multiline textbox flutter flutter wrap text to new line flutter multiple text field in row flutter textbox multiline flutter text field multiline change keys line in flutter multiline textview in flutter flutter multi line rich text box how to give text on next line in flutter how to implement multiline for text input flutter flutter text one line how to break line in text inside container flutter flutter text new line overflow flutter rich text multiline flutter multiline for textformfield multiline textfield with size flutter flutter multi line input use of line through in flutter flutter multi line textfield form flutter text in multiple lines flutter text field in multiple lines flutter text flow to next line text flutter wrup when overflow new line how to have multiline text field in flutter wrap text to next line in row flutter multiline text in row flutter how to make text new line in flutter text 2 lines flutter add new lines flutter move text in row to the next line flutter text wrap to next line with row flutter text wrap to next line flutter text return to next line how to give next line in flutter text multiline text box flutter flutter multiline text widget flutter textlisst overflow new line flutter text overflow new line multiline text in a text widget flutter textformfield flutter multiline and showing lines how to make text on one line flutter flutter text go to next line when text overflow multiline text in flutter flutter line through text how to make text go on the next line in flutter line to the text in fluter new line on flutter text flutter multi line textfield text overflow line break flutter flutter row wrap to next line flutter multiline text multiline text in column flutter overflow text to next line flutter multiline text flutter text not go to new line flutter large formfield flutter flutter row make owerflowed goest to next line text warp to next lineflutter mark dash on text flutter multiline line in edittext flutter flutter textediting multiline flutter extend textformfield to show 3 lines can I wrap RichText in expanded in a row flutter multi line text flutter flutter break line of text multiline textfield no enter flutter multiline textfield no value flutter TextFormField auto new line TextInputType.multiline flutter long text field flutter textformfield how to enter nextline flutter move extra text to next line breakline flutter text multiline input in flutter flutter textfield multiline enter to submit flutter wrap multiple text flutter text multiple wrap text flutter warp two large text field in flutter flutter text input wrap text formfield text warp flutter textfield multiple lines flutter big text form field text flexible flutter Text on next line if overflows in flutter flutter text line for textfiel dshow flutter text line for textfieldshow wrap text inside stack flutter wrap text in stack flutter box in flutter with wrap text how to make text go to a new line if it overflows flutter make text flixable flutter wrap text inside container flutter Text field that can take a paragraph flutter wrap text overflow in a row flutter text wrap in a column flutter textfield doesnt go to next line flutter textstyle line on middle flutter textformfield with multiple lines space flutter text to next line flutter wrap textfield in flutter how to put stike throught text in flutter textview new line flutter keyboard multi line text in button flutter how check textfield new line flutter multi line textfield with count fllutter multiline textfeild flutter textformfield after typing the first line in flutter 8. How to show two lines in textformfield after typing the data make text field multi line flutter how to make textfield multiline in flutter text automatically moves to the next line flutter flutter richtext wrap textfield flutter multiline increase box size Line and word in flutter flutter input big text area flutter input big text field goto next line Flutter text flutter text multiline wrap flutter multiline text change the single line how to take to next line in flutter using Textfield how to wrap text with center widget flutter flutter textFormField 4 lines how to make text go to next line in flutter textformfield large input how to split lines inside textfield in flutter flutter wrap texr how to break text in flutter textspan new line flutter text overflowed flutter row slash widget in flutter flutter text wrap for text flutter text field next line multiline text form field flutter how to make text in flutter to automatically come in next line draw line text flutter flutter text no wrap line-through flutter Multi Int Field multiple lines text field box multiline flutter text form field multiline flutter text field multiple lines flutter Flutter make text wrap to new line in container flutter textfield suffix multiline flutter multiline textfield tags flutter TextFieldTags multi line flutter overflow text new line drop extra text flutter flutter text overflow wrap fluter text contunue another tine column how to wrap text in flutter flutter long text flutter text continue another line textfield helper text go down one line flutter text overflow flutter textfield multiline min height go to next line when enter flutter textformfield textwrap widget flutter how to make to next line using textfield in flutter Flutter- wrapping text expanded textfield multiple row text flutter wrap break text flutter next line flutter text auto next line change size of container wrap text flutter how to make long text to make it nextr tline in flutter flutter text out screen style for Wrap widget flutter flutter text soft wrap multi line input flutter input for long text flutter fold a text if its too long flutter textfield increase line as we write text flutter multiline text field in flutter how to multiline text field in flutter flutter text multiline strike through flutter auto change line into row fluttr text decoration.line through flutter multiline property in textfield flutter flutter text form field multiline column wrap text flutter paragraph input flutter flutter text not auto break line text form multiline flutter text form multi line flutter wrap text in flutter large text input flutter flutter text multiline in row get bigger text box in flutter flutter textfied one line bigger flutter wrap text and widget on same row multiline text input flutter move container to new line flutter flutter text to next line in container flutter wrap text what happens if i wrap my text widget in expanded class textdecoration.linethrough color flutter big text field flutter strikethrough text flutter flutter cross text striked string flutter flutter text price scarification text flutter text price caucher barrier flutter text price barrier line through text inn futter flutter textfield long text how to wrap text to down in flutter flutter put line over text flutter line in text field textformfield multiline wrap text in row flutter Wrap flutter new line flutter make text go to next line flutter wrap text in row flutter textformfield nb line text wrap in container flutter flutter input text check new lines FLUTTER textfield for long text text new line when to long flutter wrap text on overflow flutter break the text if text is not fit in line in flutter strike text in flutter split from textfield line flutter text field mullti line flutter flutter column text overflo flutter text set no wrap flutter text striked flutter text wrap multiline text input in flutter line in text flutter text is breaking in flutter flutter Textfield multiple line flutter text strikethrough how to draw a line above text in flutter multiline textfield flutter flutter textarea input flutter multi line text field flutter text field multiline flutter text field error message multiline textfield wrap text flutter flutter title wrap text not going to new line flutter flutter multi textfield how to create multiline textformfield for address in flutter flutter row text wrap flutter textfield multiline increse height when new line flutter wrap title flutter wrap long text text not go to second line in flutter flutter text not wrapping text overflow error in flutter make text wrap inside widget in flutter when text is more auto entr text flutter flutter text prevent wrap 3 lines textformfield flutter textoverblow down flutter textfield text line overflowing text to new line in flutter underline text flutter flutter long textfield multiline how to expand a text field when user write more than one line in flutter make text stay within widget flutter flutter wrap one line make text wrap flutter description box in flutter flutter button text overflow long string wrap in flutter multiline text filed flutter flutter text break line textField with more lines Flutter flutter text break large text flutter text with line wrap text inside a column flutter how to control overflow of text flutter text overflow in new line in flutter automatic text to next line in container in flutter flutter multiline textformfield size line full textformfeild flutter mostrare textfield with more lines flutter big Textfiesld for input flutter multiline textbox in flutter changing color of line through in flutter cros line flutter multiline box flutter flutter textfield for peragraph flutter multiline textformfield infinite height flutter multiline textformfield how to make textformfield multilined in flutter Text crossed in flutter flutter + InputTextField Multiline allow enter in flutter textfield flutter text form field wrap text flutter text field that wraps flutter big textfield flutter strike text flutter textformfield multiline inputfield enter new line in flutter multiline text field flutter how to display multiple line text in textformfield flutter textfield on noew line flutter inputtextfield automatically break line flutter inputtextfield jump line flutter multiline textfield flutter crossout text multiline textfield in flutter how to use text line throw in flutter line over the text flutter multiline textformfield flutter textformfield flutter multiline lined text field flutter how to make a big text field in flutter flutter textfield multiline flutter textfield move to next line allow enter in textFiled flutter how to get textfield and text in single line flutter textfield multiline flutter flutter multiline text Button flutter multiline Button how to show only 3 lines for textfield in flutter paragraph textFiled in flutter big text box flutter text line through on single item on list flutter how to have the a text field go to the next line in flutter flutter textfield go on line how to enable multiline text form fields flutter long text field in flutter flutter multiline text field
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