flutter container border

  height: 100,
  width: 100,
  decoration: BoxDecoration(
    border: Border.all(
      color: Colors.blue,
    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),
  child: Center(
    child: Text('mrflutter.com'),


  child: Text(
    'This is a Container',
    textScaleFactor: 2,
    style: TextStyle(color: Colors.black),
  decoration: BoxDecoration(
    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10),
    color: Colors.white,
    boxShadow: [
      BoxShadow(color: Colors.green, spreadRadius: 3),
  height: 50,


  decoration: BoxDecoration(
    border: Border.all(
      color: Colors.red,  // red as border color
  child: Text("Your text...")

Interlocutor 115 points

                                    new Container(
  margin: const EdgeInsets.all(15.0),
  padding: const EdgeInsets.all(3.0),
  decoration: BoxDecoration(
    border: Border.all(color: Colors.blueAccent)
  child: Text("My Awesome Border"),

4 (5 Votes)
Snowball 110 points

   decoration: BoxDecoration(
   borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(20))
 child: ...

4 (8 Votes)
Mike Evering 115 points

                                    decoration: BoxDecoration(
          borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(50.0),
          border: Border.all(
            color: Colors.blue,
            width: 2.0,

4.1 (10 Votes)
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BorderRadius.circular(10.0), border: Border.all( color: Colors.orange, ), ); chnage border in flutter how to set border for top in flutter flutter add border to shape flutter outline container assign border to container decoration in flutter how to color only border of icnos flutter border side different color container flutter border line different color container flutter border line only flutter container how to give border to only three sized of a container flutter container box border add container border line colour in glutter text border in flutter flutter add border bottom to ClipRREct container border rounded flutter flutter border width not working flutter container border radius only borderside style border radius flutter flutter container box border flutter give container border left flutter give container border side flutter container border line container decoration border radiusflutter border container flutter color how to set container border size flutter how to set containeter border flutter borderradius.all flutter text with border in flutter flutter material widget border flutter material border outline container border outlined container border how to create tear border in flutter how to get borders of a container flitter how to change borger color of continer flutter container flutter background radius container borderradius flutter flutter container border only bottom borderradiuis flutter add border to conatainer flutter box decoration flutter border give a container border specify border radius dart create corder in flutter flutter border left color to container flutter border color to container whatt widgets can use borders in flutter add outline container flutter box decoration top bottom border flutter flutter give container border radius radius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),border: Border(top: ), border weight flutter decoration: BoxDecoration( borderRadius: BorderRadius, flutter widget outline bordercolor in boxdecoration in flutter decoration: BoxDecoration( border: Border.right borderradius flutter giving one border side of container a color in flutter giving a container border color in flutter Using shape for border in pdf flutter container border show only outside flutter flutter style bottom form border add stroke to a contaienr flutter container border box outside border flutter set border on text in flutter flutter container error border flutter change thickness of border flutter flutter dotted border how to create border on expanded widgets flutter bottom border container flutter add bottom border to container outline border flutter container flutter container box decoration how to show widgets borders in flutter? change margin color of container flutter flutter bottom navigation bar border radius container flutter flutter container background border radius container decoration flutter circle container border flutter flutter border outside flutter border glitch flutter border outer how to create border in flutter flutter borderside out of border add hoizontal border line flutter BoxDecoration border wdth in flutter flutter caontainer border radius how to change bottom border color in flutter contaier design the border of a container flutter design the border of a container add border to container in flutter box decoration border flutter border width flutter flutter container border outline border radius flutter flutter textfield border radius container circle border flutter add border to sizedbox in flutter flutter border radius for container fultter container border flutter stadium flutterborder radius flutter container stroke container border radius only flutter flutter right border between container flutter border between container flutter add border to container only bottom boxdecoration border radius border below the Text visible with some light shade in flutter how to add border color in container flutter flutter container border color only how to set container border in flutter how to give border radius to container in flutter border of container border copntainer flutter border of a container in flutter outline color container flutter BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(10.0)) flutter border 1 px flutter give container border top create a border for a container flutter' flutter text bottom line border decoration container flutter flutter text with border add border in text style flutter give a container a border outline color in boxdecoration flutter create border in dart boder cotainer flutter flutter set border to zero border in flutter border radius container stack flutter border radius container flutter flutter container border are choppy border side flutter flutter container border bootm border color of container flutter make container rounded flutter border bottom container flutter border-radius flutter border decoration flutter image border radius flutter container border radius image in flutter add border in flutter flutter container boerdr flutter create container with black border flutter container with border flutter container rounded border outline wiget flutter box decoration border radius flutter boxdecoration border radius flutter decoration border in flutter flutter container with rounded border adding border to container in flutter container top border flutter outline sizedbox flutter outline box flutter flutter style border container bottom border color border of container flutter how to give border to container in flutter board to container flutter container color with border flutter flutter bottom line of container flutter set bottom line border radius to container flutter add borders to a container flutter container border create border for container flutter give border to fittedbox flutter howto give aborder color for box decoration radius.circular flutter flutter container borders color how to give border for container border color in container in flutter border flutter text how to provide border radius to container in flutter how to provide border to container in flutter border radius of 50 % in flutter border radius conatiner flutter how to add border radius to container flutter flutter input border radius flutter text border color How to add border to a widget in Flutter How to add border to a widget in Flutter ? How to add borders to a widget in Flutter container border bottom flutter boxdecoration border stroke flutter boarderRadius flutter flutter border and border radius flutter give container boder FLutter widgeet with border color stadium border for container bordersize in container flutter flutter BoxDecoration border style boxdecoration border flutter boxdecoration border fltter set bottom border container flutter change border edge color flutter how to set border in flutter give color to border box decoration container how to add border around the text widget black border to container flutter how to use border in container in flutter color the border from a container flutter change the color of a border in container Flutter show border of container in flutter container border red color flutter container border Raiudsflutter changin border radius flutter border radius for container in flutter flutter decoration: new BoxDecoration( border color flutter give container boder bottom container border right flutter border curve flutter container border all and width flutter container outline color how to display column borders flutter flutter row border color flutter container border thickness borded container flutter flutter set container border flutter box decoration border container borderradius only flutter how to make border container flutter how to make border container how to set certain border flutter Container decoration border Row decoration flutter box decoration flutter border color container bottom color flutter boxdecoration border color flutter widget on border color borderRadius in flutter flutter border widget borders inside the container flutter flutter container borders itno flutter border to container left border color card dflutter flutter make border flutter container border width set border of box flutter container border with different color flutter container border for three sides flutter customer border for container in flutter flutter container decoration border radius only example add border to text flutter border container how to set border for container in flutter border outline flutter container flutter hcange container border color container outline flutter border into container flutter expanded() border color flutter expanded border color flutter container flutter color border only container bottom border flutter flutter boxdecoration to top how to add border radius color in flutter for row border bottom in box decoration flutter box with border flutter flutter box decoration border radius use border box flutter flutter listile border border in container outline border on container in flutter continer decoration border in flutte border color BoxDecoration boxborder only bottom flutter add border to container flutter BorderRadius color flutter example border color all flutter flutter make border container become all white bottom border container flutter border radius flutter container flutter container only border flutter container not all borders how to add border in container flutter flutter border width margin flutter border width how to put a lower border in a container flutter flutter draw border on top Draw border around container in flutter flutter container border radius all flutter container bottom border flutter container bottom line fluter container borderRadius with border flutter container border should have all container with border flutter fluter container border top flutter container border radios border radius of container in flutter flutter set border color container container stadium border flutter border color of containerin flutter flutter border on expanded border on box flutter add border container flutter bordererdradius color border flutter border in container flutter flutter container border style flutter container right border continer decoration border in flutter flutter contaier border flutter container decoration border radius give boundry to container flutter flutter add border to container container borders flutter flutter border decoration flutter put border around containers container flutter border border line flutter decoration border flutter flutter text border flutter container no border borders flutter borderside color flutter container border in flutter container add border radio to any widget flutter flutter container top border flutter container top bor decoration of container for border color in flutter flutter container stadium border container wiith stadium border container border left color flutter borderRadius: BorderRadius.all() how give card boader color in flutter bordering contaioner widget in flutter add border in contanier how to add a border bottom in flutter flutter border to a container flutter adding border to container border radius only flutter by using boxdecoration border radius flutter by using boxdecoration how to set border for container in flulter border text flutter flluter add border color flutter container border line cut border radius in flutter flutter column border how to add border to text in flutter border color container flutter add bottom border to container flutter circular border and color to single border container flutter how to set border radius using borderside flutter give color to single border container in flutter how can add border to container in flutter how to outline ize box fluuter flutter borderbottom Flutter + Box with Colored Outline how to add an outline around children flutter set container border flutter containcer border width flutter flutter decoration border only how to add a border to a container flutter flutter text with border] flutter container borders how to draw borders in flutter flutter bordered box flutter card border colors flutter container border bottom borderThickeness boxdecroation flutter flutter container frame contaner border contaner border flutter example use of borderradius.circular flutter add left border container flutter left border container flutter flutter border top color with boder radius how to give radius to container in flutter how to give borer for container in flutter flutter add border on container flutter border around container flutter container margin and border flutter change boxdecoration border color flutter border.all size border left flutter border design in container flutter custom border radius flutter container bottom border widget flutter bottom border flutter boxdecoration border radius flutter box border box border decoration flutter flutter border on a container container border radius flutter flutetr add bottom border topcontainer flutetr add botrtom border topcontainer border color to cotainer container borde color flutter how to change the color of a container border in flutter border for cotnaienr in flutter How to create border for cotnaiern in flutter border radius contanier boxdecoration bottom border flutter decoration border bottom set color border container flutter flutter widget border add border in container flutter How to set border for box in fultter how to put only border colour to a shape in flutter put a border to a containe flutter] flutter container border size design container border in flutter flutter container border top border on container in flutter container border in flutter flutter container border visibility margin color flutter flutter row border how can give container raduios border flutter container bordr flutter border container border background of text in flutter how to put border to a container in flutter border adround container blutter flutter border radius flutter give container border color border radius topleft in flutter container boxdecoration border how to create a border in flutter container border rdius flutter border radius color flutter flutter card border color how to add borders to containers in flutter how to add a border to a row in flutter container border width flutter box border flutter boxdecoration shape flutter left side radius border flutter container flutter add a border to container how to show border of container in flutter flutter container decoration border flutter border Boxdecoration flutter container border radius container round border flutter border for container in flutter flutter stack border flutter set border on row flutter borderradius flutter decoration border flutter add border around container flutter border example flutter container radius flutter border radius one side flutter rounded container futter rounded container flutter box border example give a container a border dart flutter box border width flutter box border color add border around text flutter flutter give column border flutter give columnborder flutter give container border container border color flutter container bottom border color give border to container flutter flutter container olny border how to add border to container in flutter flutter outline border in image boder color container flutter how to make container with border in flutter container flutter border line flutter Boxdecoration borderside bottom giving border width to three sides of a container flutter how to give border color to container in flutter how to add border to a container in flutter border color for container in flutter how to give three side border for text box in flutter flutter boxdecoration borderside flutter boxdecoration border flutter boxdecoration border color border in material flutter flutter container outline border container flutter BoxDecoration border color flutter flutter container border side container border flutter how to give color to border of container in flutter how to use border class in flutter flutter container border add a border in container in flutter how to add color to border javafx adding border in flutter
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