flutter button border radius

                onPressed: () {},
                color: Colors.amber,
                shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
                    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10)),
                child: Text("Click This"),

Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
  borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(18.0),
  side: BorderSide(color: Colors.red)

3.43 (7 Votes)
Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    Padding(  padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 150.0, right: 0.0),  child: RaisedButton(    textColor: Colors.white,    color: Colors.black,    child: Text("Search"),    onPressed: () {},    shape: new RoundedRectangleBorder(      borderRadius: new BorderRadius.circular(30.0),    ),  ),)

4 (1 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

              color: Colors.red,
              shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
                  borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(18.0)),
              child: new Text('round button'),
              onPressed: () {},

3.86 (7 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

  onPressed: () {},
  elevation: 2.0,
  fillColor: Colors.white,
  child: Icon(
    size: 35.0,
  padding: EdgeInsets.all(15.0),
  shape: CircleBorder(),

4.2 (10 Votes)
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button border radius circle flutter rounded button flutter with icon elevated button style border radius flutter RaisedButton border radiusand color flutter flutter simple round button how to add border radius to button in flutter make material button rounded flutter round icon button container flutter flutter text button no border radius flutter round bnutton size round button flutter roundbutton flutter' elevated button flutter rounded How to create border radius in ElevatedButton in Flutter How to create border radius ElevatedButton in Flutter button style border radius flutter flutter rounded border elevated button How to create a rounded ElevatedButton in Flutter how to add border radius to elevated button in flutter flutter rounded button click "flutter elevated button border radius" how to round border of elevated button flutter elevated button flutter radius bordered button in flutter roundedbutton icon flutter flutter make elevated button rounded rounded side in elevated button flutter rounded side button flutter rounded rectangle button widget flutter flutter rounded flat button how to add border radius for a button in flutter ElevatedButton how to add border radius for a button in flutter button set border radius flutter flutter button with rounded corners textbutton round flutter flutter cupertinobutton corner set button corner radius flutter rounded corners button flutter outline button rounded corners button flutter outlinedbutton flutter circle border buttons add border radius to button flutter ElevatedButton add border radius to button flutte elevated button border curved flutter border curved elevated button flutter Create a rounded button / button with border-radius in Flutter flutter button example border radius flutter rounded boll icon button round border card flutter flutter textbutton round box flutter circle elevated button border round button with label below flutter flutter rounded ElevatedButton flutter round eleverter button textbutton round corners flutter add round border to icon flutter flutter rounded textbutton flutter round button number flutter button radius circle textbutton border radius flutter how to round the borders of an elevated button in flutter round icon button border flutter flutter add radius to elevated button border how to curve the edges of button in flutter flutter ButtonStyle corner radius flutter elevated button corner radius rounded colour button flutter flutter button with border radius flutter roundeed button textbutton no rounded cornera flutter border raised button flutter how to round elevatedbutton in flutter how to round button in flutter rounded border button fluter flutter elevated button with border radius border radius button flutter how to set button radius in flu flutter small round button how to make materialbutton with ounded corners flutter rounded button with icon in flutter round corner elevated button flutter how to change radius of elevatedbutton in flutter flatbutton border radius flutter example change elevated button border radius flutter flutter rounded icon button flutter ElevatedButton circle corner Create a rounded button in Flutter border radius text button flutter OutlinedButton border radius flutter flutter button corner radius flutter button style border radius rounded nutton in flutter flutter small rounded button button style round button flutter style round elevated button in flutter style round button in flutter round outlined button flutter flutter change button radius raisedbutton corner radius flutter rasied button borders flutter code how create rounded button flutter border radius in elevated button flutter rounded corner in textbutton flutter add circle border to circle button flutter make round button flutter roundedge button flutter evaluated button in corner radius in flutter corner radius elevatedbutton flutter corner radius elevated button flutter corner radius evaluted button flutter roundeddd button material flutter flutter radius button how to give radius to elevatedbutton flutter how to give radius to raisedbutton flutter material button rounded border flutter border radius for elevated button in flutter round textbutton flutter make elevated button rounded in flutter make material button rounded in flutter rounded button size in flutter how to get rounded button in flutter flutter rounded text button flutter rounded elevated button flutter buttonborder radius flutter ElevatedButton border radius how to set elevated button to roundercorner in flutter MaterialButton radius flutter flutter MaterialButton radius flutter elevationbutton border radius rounded borders to button flutter borderRadius button flutter how to give rounded border to raisedbutton flutter button border in elevated button flutter how to make button border rounded in elevated button flutter flutter TextButton rounded corners elevated button styleFrom border radius flutter change corner radius of elevated button flutter rounded border to textbutton flutter changer elevated button border radius flutter make rounded button flutter border radius botton flutter flutter cool round button round trianglet button flutter how to change border radius of elevatedbutton in flutter button with border flutter flutter elevatedbutton radius radius to elevated button flutter flutter textbutton round button round cornered button flutter circular border button flutter Raised BUTTON circular border button flutter BUTTON how to add rounded button in the center flutter flutter text('button border-radius) flutter icon button border radius elevatedbutton flutter radius flutter curved button flutter "elevatedbutton" radius flutter elecatedbutton radius flutter elevated button with rounded corners flutter button rounded border textbutton have rounded corner flutter elevated button radius in flutter how to set border radius of button in flutter rounded icon button in flutter flutter how to make round buttons how to make a flutter button have rounded borders round buttons in flutter flutter textbutton rounded how to make border radius to material button flutter flutter round button with border flutter circle button with border flutter ButtonStyle radius outline button flutter rounded borders flutter how to round border of flatbutton border radius in flutter in raisedbutton roundedloadingbutton flutter radius on raised button flutter rounded button in flutter medium button border flutter elevated button flutter round border radius raised button flutter round icon button flutter flutter round button with text rounded corner for elevated button flutter rounded corner for material button flutter change radius of circular buttons in flutter change radius of round buttons in flutter textbutton rounded flutter make elevated button round flutter onside rounded button flutter flutter rounded corner button elevated button rounded corners flutter how to define border radius in elevated button flutter how to define border radius in elevatedbutton flutter changing the radius of outline button flutter flutter text button round elevated button rounded border flutter flutter corner button flutter elevated button border ra flutter outlined button rounded corners flutter round TExtButton flutter 2 round button flutter button border raduis rounded center button flutter color add border radius to elevated button flutter rounded corner elevated button flutter round corner of raisedbutton in flutter button border in flutter material button radius flutter how to give radius to button in elevated button flutter how to give radius to button in flutter flutter elevated button button style rounded corners border radius for buton flutter give rounded corners to elevated button flutter flutter materialbutton border radius rounded buttons flutter add border radius to button flutter border radius button with icon flutter flutter round elevated button raised button border flutter how to create rounded button in flutter change border radius of button flutter corner button flutter set radius to materialbutton flutter round elevated button flutter border button in flutter rounded text button flutter flutter raisedbutton radius border radius elevated button flutter border in elevated button flutter button corner to corner in flutter rounded raised button in flutter how to radius button in flutter material flutter round button flutter round border how to circular border of elevated button flutter how to circular border of elevatebutton flutter outline button border radius flutter rounded raisedbutton flutter how to make rounded elevated button flutter how to round the corner of the raisedbutton flutter roundButton flutter round shape to elevated button in flutter material button rounded flutter elevatedbutton border radius flutter how to make round in flatbuttons in flutter style outlinedbuttons with rounded corners flutter style buttons with rounded corners flutter flutter whats the default border radius of a button how to make flat button border rounded in flutter elevated button radius flutter border radius on button flutter flutter flatbutton rounded rounded buttons in flutter set border radius in flutter button make border radius circle for button in flutter raisedbutton flutter rounded in flutter flutter make a textbutton rounded border radius in button flutter Rounded elevtaed button style from flutter round button in flutter round corner raised button flutter flutter material button border radius flat rounded button flutter border radius ElevatedButton flutter flutter make round button flutter outline button radius rounded rectangle border flutter button round material button flutter rounded elevated button flutter button corner radius flutter round corner elevatedbutton flutter corner radius in elevated button flutter raisedbutton flutter border raisedbutton flutter border radius rounded rectangle border flutter elevated button rounded border button flutter custom rounded iconbutton using flutter flutter border radius icn button raised button round corner flutter flutter round icon button button with circular border flutter rounded button rounded corner in flutter round flat button flutter flutter elevated button stylefrom give border radius flutter elevated button radius flutter raised button more curved how to change raised button border in flutter border of button in flutter border radius to button flutter flutter create a rounded button with container flutter text button border radius Futter rounded button corner shape button in flutter curved button flutter set border radius of button in flutter flutter raisedbutton border make container curved with button flutter button radius flutter flutter rounded buttons rounded button icon and text flutter round corners of button in flutter how to make a long rounded button in flutter small border to button flutter hoe to give rounded edges to raised button flutter cornerradius as round in material button flutter roundeed button flutter how to create raised button with rounded corner flutter floating Action button round border flutter floatingbutton round border flutter how to change border of button flutter rectangular border flutter round button elevated button rasied button border line flutter borderside rasied buttons flutter flutter container decoration border radius on button RaisedButton radius in flutter rounded flat button flutter raisedbutton flutter size icon button flutter rounded button fluteer dan radius flutter roundedButton flutter elevated Button border Radius rounded corners on ElevatedButton in flutter circle border button flutter elevation button with rounded corner flutter radius of the elevated button in flutter border radius flutter elevatedbutton button flutter rounded raisedbutton flutter rounded edges of 16 border of raised button flutter make rounded rectangle buttons in flutter curved raisedbutton flutter roundedbutton flutter how to make a button round flutter flutter how to roundend border border radius in FlatButton flutter curved raised button flutter round button flutter outline color elevated button rounded flutter flutter button rounded styles give border radius to an elevated button dart give border radius to a button dart button rounded flutter button outline border radius flutter flutter styling round button flutter styling roundbutton elevated button flutter border radius elevated button border radius flutter flutter elevated button no border radius left border radius to raised button flutter border radius to raised button flutter raised button border radius flutter raisedbutton border radius flutter material text button rounded borderds flutter how to make rounded button in flutter make flat button border radius flutter how to make BorderRadius for ElevatedButton in flutter how to make BorderRadius for button in flutter flutter : rouned corners raised button flutter elevatedbutton corner radius flutter raisedbutton corner radius flutter add border radius to raisedbutton button flutter round flutter "2.0" rounded button flutter 2.0 rounded button make a material button round flutter create round shaped button in flutter material button border radius flutter rounded button in flutter 2 add border radius for material button flutter flutter button rounded bourd flutter border radiuis button how to make button round in flutter flutter outline button border radius flutter rounded corners button make buttons rounded flutter how to make rounded border for buttons in flutter flutter button with round border make a flutter flatbutton rounded flutter outlinedbutton border radius button with border gradent flutter rounded corners button flutter rounded small button flutter flutter code to create a rounded button flutter + RaisedButton.icon with Round shape flutter give a border radius to a button flutter border radius material button flutter round button full with flutter round buttons border buttom flutter how to create curved edges in flutter button biutton border radius flutter flutter buttonstyle border radius RoundedBorder button in flutter creating a rounded button with Elevated button flutter flutter rounded button doc flat button rounded flutter design round raised button in flutter radius raied button flutter how to make elevatedButton rounded flutter round shape button in flutter flutter round border button flutter rounded circular buttons flutter rounded oval buttons round a button in flutter flutter flat button round rounded border in RaisedButton flutter how to create rounded corner raised button in flutter flutter button round corners flutter RaisedButton curved edges add button in corner flutter circle right bottom corner button in flutter circle right bottom corner button\m in flutter circle right btton corner button\m in flutter corner button in flutter raised button flutter shape FlatButton flutter round shape flutter image button radius raisedbutton radius flutter border radious in a button in flutter material button border radius elevated button flutter shape flutter round elevating button flutter round elevator button flutter round elevatd button flutter button border flutter material button rounded corners radius button flutter raised button flutter border radius rounded button flutter container rounded corner button in flutter TextButton flutter round flutter flatbutton border radius border radius only bottom flutter shape of raised button flutter flat button border flutter rounded shape raised button flutter make button top round flutter flutter button rounded corners flutter Material rounded round add button flutter bottom right raised button round raised button flutter round to the right styling iconbuton radius fluter FlatButton round shape flutter elevated button rounded circular flat button flutter how make raisedbutton as circular in flutter Border color raisedbutton flutter raisedbutton with border flutter rounded raised button eliptical button flutter flutter material button border flutter button with border flutter flat button shape circular flutter circular elevated button radius in flatbutton in flutter border radius flat button flutter flutter button radius how to custom the rasiedbutton with border radius in flutter rounded rectangle button flutter rounded circular button fluetter with radius round border matraisedbutton flutter Material corner radius flutter round border button in flutter flutter shape border circle border radius flutter button flutter flatbutton borderradius how to shape material button in flutter box decoration with button flutter box decoration with button raisedbutton border color flutter radius set in raised botton circular button flutter with shadow nake a border raduis for an RawMaterialButton flutter circular border button flutter round border button flutter round button with border around flutter flutter button with decoration property raised button flutter rounded rounded edges flutter make button round flutter flutter rounded icon give radius to eleveate button in flutter give radius to button in flutter flutter raised button radius borderradius to raisedbutton flutter flatbutton decoration flutter button border radius flutter raisedbutton with border color rounded rectangle button on flutter colored round button in flutter flutter flat button borderradius RaisedButton FLUTTER round flat button radius flutter flutter button round make raisedbutton circular flutter how to make raisedbutton rounded flutter radius RaisedButton flutter flutter raisedbutton border-radius flutter flatbutton shadow on pressed make it circular flutter rounded edge button round button flutter flutter oval button flutter boton redondo how to check for the radius of the button flutter flat button flutter decoration flutter button style shape button border that stay active flutter button border radius in flutter corner rounded flat button flutter put a border radius on raisedbutton flutter use round border in flutter rounded outline button flutter how to add border raduis flutter button new RoundButton textsize flutter dart button with border radius round corner button in flutter flatbutton circle flutter circle border for icons flutter flutter raised button width flatbutton shape widget flutter Elevated button borderRadius raised button decoration flutter oval button flutter app barui oval button flutter ui flutter card border radius flutter raisedbutton block flutter raisedbutton flutter flatbutton radius flutter border radius only top raisedbutton flutter flutter raisedbutton rounded raised button width in flutter raised button flutter size change button shape in flutter background color raised button flutter flat button border radius flutter raised button rounded corners flutter flutter bottom sheet rounded corners flatbutton in flutter border radisu raised button bottomSheet flutter floating raised button bottom flutter give border radius to raisedbutton flutter circle outline stroke button flutter roudn button flutter flutter graident raised button flutter textfield border radius flutter ButtonTheme(shape: making the Raised button round corners in flutter flutter flat button circulat radius for buttons flutter barder color to raisedbutton in flutter flat edgerounded button flutter how to use border radius in flutter on button flutter raw materialbutton border border radius mterial buttons how to make flat button round flutter how to change shape of raisedbutton flutter radius on raised button button decoration in flutter flat button with rounded corners in flutter flutter button decoration border radius in flutter to a button how to make button border rounded in flutter flutter rectangle button rounded icon button flutter material button rounded corners flutter flutter button style rounded round buton shape flutter flutter custom flat button flutter shape of button flutter margin on button all round curved rectangle botton with image and text in flutter flutter inkwell border radius flutter flat button rounded corners flutter custom button shape button round borner flutter change border on raisedbutton flutter change border radius on raisedbutton flutter make raised button circular box decoration raised button flutter flutter material border radius flutter raised button circle border rounded flat button in flutter radius for inkwell outline button shape flutter flutter better shaped button circular button flutter circular raised button flutter flutter raised button border radisu flutter border radius button flutter change button corner radius roundedbutton with size flutter shapebutton size flutter make rounded corner button flutter flutter raised button border radius make a raisedbutton of round shape in flutter shape in raisedbutton in flutter shape in raised button in flutter long rounded button fltter raisedbutton flutter with Icon flutter raisedbutton shape rounded circle flutter decoration: BoxDecoration(border: BorderRadius.circular(20) rounded corner raised button rounded shape for raisedbutton in flutter how to create border for raisedbutton flat button round corners flutter flat button rounded corners flutter make flat button rounded flutter make flatbutton rounded flutter shape raised button flutter add border to raised button flutter border radius IconButton flutter flutter image border radius flutter shape border radius rounded corners flutter button round border flutter material button flutter for a circle border flutter material shape border radius circular shaped raised button flutter flutter make rounded button How to make a RaisedButton rounded border in Flutter raised button shape how to make rounded raised button in flutter curve flutter buttons how to make button radius in flutter shape button flutter how to give shape to raisedbutton influtter flutter input border radius button round flutter radius for raisebutton flutter oval button with icon raised button circular border radius flutter how to make round raised button in flutter raisedbutton flutter shape raised button border radius how to shape raised button in flutter outline button shape in flutter flutter complete rounded button flutter button rounded circular border to material button flutter sharp border radius flutter raisedbutton flutter rounded button radius in flutter change the radius of a raised button flutter flutter raised button shabe raisedbutton box decoration flutter how to give shape in raisedbutton in flutter flutter rounded button with icon Flat Button border reduse in flutter button inside of boxdecoration dart rounded raisedbutton flutter decorate raisedbutton flutter circle flat buttons flutter circle flatbuttond flutter rounded outline button material button border flutter flutter flat button corner radius flutter button theme shape raisedbutton shape unique button shapes in flutter different button shapes in flutter button shapes in flutter how to make the corners of a button rounded in flutter rounded edges button in flutter custom inkwell border flutter inkwell custom border flutter How to change the radius of the outlinebutton circular how to make a button rounded in flutter flutter curved edges button rounded material button flutter curve edges of button in flutter change shape of button flutter rawmaterialbutton border color shape border radius flutter flutter raisedbutton decoration change shape of button in flutter CircleBorder flutter round material button shape flutter flutter outline button shape make button rounded flutter material border radius flutter shape of material button flutter RoundedButton shadow dart RoundedButton elevation flutter RoundedButton dart flutter materialbutton borderradius flutter risedbutton shape flutter add border radius to flat button flutter rounded material button how to round the button in flutter flutter button shape rounded one side only how to add border in raised button flutter raisedbutton rounded corners flutter border shape for raised button flutter raisedbutton shape border RaisedButton border circle flat button flutter flutter Material(borderRadius: ) border radius flutter flatbutton "Create a rounded button Flutter" Create a rounded button Flutter materialbbutton shape flutter creating an oval button with button theme in flutter border radius material button flutter button boxradius flutter RoundedShapeBorder flutter raisedbutton corner radius how to decrease size of rounded rectangle button flutter how to have rounded buttons in flutter how to use shape in button in flutter flutter rounded container like button round corncers button flutter flutter roundrectanguar button flutter elevated button shape how to change the shape of button in flutter flatbutton in flutter for custom shape rounded button flutter width roundedbutton box size fit futter flutter raisedbutton set border radius Flattbutton icon radius flutter circular flat button give shape to raisedbutton flutter radius border raised button flatbutton flutter border radius how to color a roundbutton in flutter how to make a full round button flutter creating round button flutter flatbutton border radius flutter flutter raisedbutton rounded corners flutter raisedbutton icon border radius flutter flat button border radius flutter round button opacity material roundborders flutter flutter material with rounded border raised button border fluter shape border round flutter set button border radius theme flutter border circle button flutter round shape border flutter rounded raied button size rounded raied button button radius color flutter rectangle button flutter flat button decoration flutter raised buttonborderr in flutter rounded shape flutter flutter material rounded corners raised button flutter border flutter inkwell raised button material button shapeborder round corner button flutter flutter material borderradius radius to raised button flutter flutter button border radius inkwell border radiu flutter how to curve a button in flutter border radius shape flutter shape on button in flutter how to add curved border to raised button flutter create big materialbutton circle border borderradius of raisedbutton flutter Flatbutton with round shape flutter Flatbutton with round shape raisedbutton circular flutter raisedbutton flutter round corner flutter button with shape flat button rounded corners flutter outline flutter shape circle border raised buttom shape rounded widget flutter how to give shape of raisedbutton in flutter flutter flat button radius flatbutton reduis flutter inkwell custom border rounded flat button flutter shape RaisedButton border radius border radius raisedbutton flutter raised button shape design flutter how to change a flat buttons border radious in flutter circular outline button flutter inkwell border radius flutter outlinebutton rounded rectangle shape full size button with rounded corners in flutter how to add round button in flutter RaisedButton radius round rect with shape flutter button raisedbutton with shape raisedbutton rounded flutter create rounded corners on raised button flutter raisedbutton borderradius how to make round button in flutter shape of raized button shape flutter rounder corners how to curved border of a raised button in flutter boxdecoration border in flatbuton flutter button shape raised butoon flutter rounded corners flutter RaisedButton( round button border radius material button border material button flutter borderradius material button flutter button shape dart roundline in button flutter flat button flutter radius change the button shap when pressed flutter how to make a button round in flutter round buttons flutter flat button with radius flutter flat button with radius flutter border radius 50% Changing shape of raised button flutter rectangular button flutter change raised button border radius flutter how to create rounded raised button in flutter flutter rectangle raised button radius of raised button in flutter flutter rounded material examples raised button radius flutter how to change the raised button shape flutter dart reaised button without border round raised button flutter round raised button set width flutter round raised button flutter How to round raised button flutter rounded edges for buttons in flutter flutter raised button border flutter raised button rounded corners Rounded raised button flutter border radius to raised button in flutter set radius to raised button flutter round button, new code round shape on raised button flutter RAISED BUTTON WITH CURVED EDGES FLUTTER flutter raised button shape change raised button shape flutter flutter circular raised button how to shape raised button to square raised button circular flutter flutter round raised button How to make make curved raised button in flutter raised button border color flutter shape rouded flutter round image button flutter with text how to set the cart border radius in flutter button with rounded corners flutter rounded corner button flutter flutter raisedbutton border radius border raisedbutton flutter how to change the shape of a buton in flutter to cicular How to change the shape of the raised button flutter flutter flatbutton decoration oval Raised button shape flutter changing the radius of raisedbutton flutter changing the radice of raisedbutton flutter creating a rounded button in flutter how to give broder radius to raised button flutter add border radius to raised button round button in flutter how to round raised button edges flutter rounded button in flutter raisedbutton shape flutter rounded button flutter flutter button wit rounded corner icon and text flatbutton rounded corners flutter flatbutton rounded corners flutter rounded button how to add border radius to raisedbutton flutter how to make a flat button of circular shape in flutter change rounded button chape flutter how to give radius flat button in flutter flutter button one side not coming flutter round button widgets android edittext border radius rounded retangular button flutter flutter round button
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