fix indentation visual studio

Indenting Shortcut

To format a selection: Ctrl+K, Ctrl+F
To format a document: Ctrl+K, Ctrl+D

On macOS, use the CMD ⌘ key instead of Ctrl:
To format a selection: CMD ⌘+K, CMD ⌘+F
To format a document: CMD ⌘+K, CMD ⌘+D

Kuku 105 points

                                    shift + alt + f

3 (2 Votes)
Doug Allee 120 points

                                    Select the text you want to automatically indent.
Click Format Selection in Edit, Advanced, or press CTRL+K, CTRL+F. 
Format Selection applies the smart indenting rules for the language 
in which you are programming to the selected text.

4 (5 Votes)
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