container in bootstrap

Containers are the most basic layout element in Bootstrap and are required when using our default grid system. Choose from a responsive, fixed-width container (meaning its max-width changes at each breakpoint) or fluid-width (meaning it’s 100% wide all the time).
While containers can be nested, most layouts do not require a nested container.

<div class="container">
  <!-- Content here -->

Awgiedawgie 440215 points

                                    Our default .container class is a responsive, fixed-width container, meaning its max-width changes at each breakpoint.

&lt;div class=&quot;container&quot;&gt;
  &lt;!-- Content here --&gt;

4.2 (10 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440215 points

                                    &lt;div class=&quot;container-sm&quot;&gt;100% wide until small breakpoint&lt;/div&gt;
&lt;div class=&quot;container-md&quot;&gt;100% wide until medium breakpoint&lt;/div&gt;
&lt;div class=&quot;container-lg&quot;&gt;100% wide until large breakpoint&lt;/div&gt;
&lt;div class=&quot;container-xl&quot;&gt;100% wide until extra large breakpoint&lt;/div&gt;

4 (6 Votes)
Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    meaning it&rsquo;s 100% wide all the time

3.6 (5 Votes)
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container-fluid width bootstrap 4 make container smaller bootstrap 4 smaller container width container-fluid full width bootstrap 4 bootstrap container 1 bootstrap 4 adjust container margin container css responsive boostrap containers container class in boorstrap container defold proparty bootstrap contianer in container nested container in bootstrap container responsive container Classs in Bootstrap div class container example container-fluid css code fluid box bootstrap 4 how many container classes are there in bootstrap boostrap layout fluid make your own bootstrap responsive container Setting it to a breakpoint (sm, md, lg, xl) will set the Container as fluid until the specified breakpoint. example bootstrap container w3schools bootstrap containerfluid container size bootstrap 4 container-fluid bootstrap w3schools bootstrap container c bs4 responsive how to make full width container in bootstrap boostrap layout container exempe in bootstrap 4 container in bootstrap 4 bootstrap what is container-fluid code for container in bootstrap narrow container div bootstrap example what is container fluid bootstrap container-fluid principle bootstrap container class width how to set container in bootstrap bootstrap container v5 container class in bootstrap 3 set responsive width bootstrap making bootstrap like container convert container bootstrap to container mdl css class container bootstrap bootstrap set container width container in html bootstrap cover-container bootstrap bootstrap contairner for items bootstrap contairner max width container max width viewport css bootstrap 4 bootstrap container-lg not working how to set full width of button in container fluid container size in bootstrap bootstrap container style create a bootstrap container bootsrap container fluid bootstrap container have different widths bootstart containers have different widths bootstrap set container to max width how many pixels is bootstrap container full screen container bootstrap container full class how add container in bootstrap 4 container fluid code in bootstrap container background bootstrap container fluid lg container class width css bootstrap samples container bootstrap container max width How to make container, like bootstrap's `container` bootstrap container default max width CONTAINER AND MAIN CLASS bootstrap container fluid max width bootstrap container class attributes bootstrap container size create code for container boot strap container fluid in bootstrap 4 default container width in bootstrap bootsrap container size containers on boostrap about containers in bootstrap 4 how to make ocntainer to container-fluid full width in css bootstrap 4 container example bootstrap mobile container wide in bootstrap bootstrap css full width get bootstrap contenaire bootstrap change container width on small primary container in bootstrap bootstrap container styles container for small device bootstrap div break points bootstrap container only container for the bootstrap class 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containers cotainer html fluid css div fluid container bootstrap4 container boostrap fluid fluid container for forms html container-xl bootstrap container in html bootstrap container breakpoints bootstrap 4 container full width full width container bootstrap media size bootstrap 4 calculation for logo media size bootstrap calculation make container class bigger width bootstrap container fluid in html css seting container class bootstrap section container bootstrap container only on desktop bootstrap container-fluid low let content of container should go down bootstrap change data bs container for bootstrap data-bs-container bootstrap data vs container bootstrap max container width bootstrap container fluid when small website container fluid should i use bootstrap container or fluid can we put a container in a container html css bootstrap getbootstrap container class bootstrap max-width 1200px bootstrap container padding styling a container we should we write custom styles for bootstrap container bootstrap 3 container default width is bootstrap container responsive bootstrpa bnested containers bootstrap nested containers fuild css fluid background color bootstrape container code responsive fixed width container div class container fluid bootstrap full page container container fluid class in bootstrap 3 bootstrap container md css bootstrap container md csss outer-container in bootstrap 4 fixed width container bootstrap container css width of boostrap container container-xl vs container-fluid bootstrap how to make container in container fluid using media qui=ery creating a container in html bootstrap fluid scaling bootstrap max width container bootstrap responsive container custom css bootstrap custom classes container bootstrap custom container bootstrap change to fluid on small bootstramp container styling bootstramp container code main container html container bootstrap until certain width container in css container area bootstrap bootstarp container fluid bootstrap layoout bootstrap full size container container class in css code bootstrap full width container bootstrap mdia Fluid bootstrap isFluid bootstrap bootstrap 4 make container wider height of container viewport bootstrap boostrap 4 and full width container In Bootstrap, the .container class provides a responsive fixed-width container? what is the css for bootstrap container how to make container fluid worklike container @media bootstrap does bootstrap set the size of the viewpoint css container-fluid bootstrap container large What Layout Is Used For Providing 100% Width In Bootstrap? class=&quot;container-fluid&quot; how to set max wight container-fluid bootstrap 4 types of containers in bootstrap caontiner md fluid full width container bootstrap 4 bootstrap 4 container-fluid full width ciontainer bootstrap bottstrap container css container properties bootstrap valid container elements in bootstrap container full width bootstrap container breakpoints without bootstrap html container breakpoints a div with the classes container-fluid and cover bootstrap container make wider containor in bootstrap container section bootstrap what does the bootstrap container fluid look like bootstrao layout bootstrap continer container types in bootstrap full width with bootstrap css classes for container class in bootstrap bootstrap continers div class fluid container bootstrap container full width when small bootstrap container width 100 on small screens bootstrap container fluid html bootstrap container-fludi bootstrap comtainer css bootstrap container set width responsive containers boostrap container fluid what is a bootstrap container container max width bootstrap bootstra container fluid class lg and lower bootstra container fluid lg and lower bootstrap what is a container bootsrap media bootstrap container-fluid width what is inside the container class bootstrap bootstrap 4 fluid container container width container bootstrap cs container md fluid bootstrap for desktop and not mobile ss-container bootstrap not working bootstrap class fluid container fluid class bootstrap container class all styling bootstrap container full width of screen bootstrap container-fluid max width bootstrap container fluid set width container default botstrap container class boostrap css class container container sizing bootstrap css for container fluid bootstrap 4 container max width how to make containers in bootstrap bootstrap bigger container container class css in bootstrap div container in bootstrap container size bootstrap container vs container fluid bootstrap Which of the following are valid container elements defined by Bootstrap? bootstrap container sizing bootstrap 4 container fluid responsive bootstrap using container sub container homeContainer class bootstrap.css bootstrap container widths bootstrap sub-container creating container in bootstrap container fluid and container how to change bootstrap container container none bootstrap bootstrap cointainer fluid container fluid example container bootstrap width how to make a bootsrap container full width bootstrap container fluid responsive bootstrap with container bootstrap cotainer css div container fluid bootstrap cotainer css How do I create a full width container in bootstrap? what is the use of container class in bootstrap container small bootstrap bootstrap css containers container fluid responsive w3schools container fluid div class container bootstrap 4 make container bigger bootstrap bootstrap container fluis bootstrap 4 full screen container html bootstrap container samples boostap container css boothstrap container fluid make container in bootstrap full main content container bootstrap css of container in bootstrap is bootstrap container device spesific bootstrap conatiner bootstrap code container ARRANGE CONTAINERS BOOTSTRAP CSS container bootstrap 4 width container in bootstrap 4 with a responsive fixed-width container with a max-width setting html boot straP CPNARINER what is bootstrap ontainer bootstrap 4 fluid layout all width bootstrap 4 container md find container class in bootstrap file bootstrap layout html container 'defect_trend' not found bootstrap container template bootstrap make container class= container bootstrap container class bootstrap 4 full width container container-fluid-sm bootstrap bootstrap customize COntainer class container container vs container-fluid bootstrap bootstrap 4 max width container how to use fluid container css how to use fluid container how many pixels is a bootstrap container how to change container width in bootstrap 4 how to use container fluid in container class in bootstrap bootstrap containter bootstrap container box contener fluid in boot strap bootstrap contaoiner container field bootstrab bootstrap cintainer fluid in container boxes css boostrap custom container bootstrap 4 nested container bootstrap html fluid container simple container in bootstrap 4 what is the small size of container in html container classes in bootstrap 4 bootstrap fluid what is the size of container in bootstrap bootsrap container css bootstrap containers with 72dpi class container-fluid in bootstrap container smaller bootstrap bootstrap fluid lg container fluid bootstrap in sm container-fluid syntax container-fluid bootstrap use make container size bigger bootstrap bootstrap set width of container container and container fluid responsive container class fluid css create a container in bootstrap how to do containers in bootstrap container bootstrap example container css bootstrap bootstrap contraner bootstrap4 containers class container in html bootstrap container-fluid html container bootstrap div class container in css use of container in bootstrap boot strap containers bootstrap responsive container example different types of container classes bootstrap container fluid class=container html container fluid in bootstrap class instead of container in bootstrap does bootstrap containers work in javascript bootstrap container css how to style container in bootstrap bootstrap 4 container fluild two types of container classes in bootstrap container class css div class container what is fluid container bootstrap container fluid class class container--fluid container width bootstrap different types of containers bootstrap tags html bootstrap container examples bootstrap container classes class container fluid conainer class bootstrao bootstrap container entire page responsive container css containers bootstrap 4 default container size bootstrap class container bootstrap bootstrap body container bootstrap fluid container example containers in bootstrap div class = container responsive fixed width container and fluid bootstrap container example code how to use bootstrap container bootstrap 4 container class width bootstrap 4 contanier container class in css bootstrap container fluid container-fluid bootstrap what does bootstrap container do fluid in bootstrap container or container-fluid bootstrap add container bootstrap bootstrap contaner what is container fluid in bootstrap bootstrap container width container html bootstrap bootstrap container-fluid example what is a container bootstrap bootstrap .container .container bootstrap bootstrap container pages container class bootstrap bootstrap example container what is the use of container fluid in bootstrap container bootstrap 4 bootstrap 4 container width what does container class do in bootstrap container fluid bootstrap 4 example container fluid css bootstrap container in plain html bootstrap class container bootstrap container example container div in bootstrap containers bootstrap fluid container bootstrap bootstrap container fluid css code container bootstrap in which category is containers bootstrap container property in bootstrap why we use container class in bootstrap boostrap 4 container code .container class bootstrap container fluid bootstrap conatiner in bootstrap container boostrap css container class class container css bootstrap containers container class bootstrap 4 bootstrap 4 container container css css bootstrap container-fluid bootstrap example default css for container in bootstrap bootstrap container class css container html container class properties in bootstrap html container what is the use of container class in html bootstrap container bootstrap 3 box container bootstrap box container react bootstrap container what the use for container in bootstrap container class in bootstrap bootstrap container code what does container do in bootstrap what is bootstrap container container bootstrap class bootstrap container class container in bootstrap
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