
let arr1 = [0, 1, 2];
let arr2 = [3, 5, 7];
let primes = arr1.concat(arr2);

// > [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7]


                                    const array1 = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
const array2 = ['d', 'e', 'f'];
const array3 = array1.concat(array2);

// expected output: Array ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]

4.17 (6 Votes)
Zoltan K. 100 points

                                    var str1 = "Hello ";
var str2 = "world!";
var res = str1.concat(str2);

3.5 (2 Votes)
zzephyrs 85 points

                                    I sent this message using cntrl g

4 (5 Votes)

                                    It is strongly recommended to use the string
concatenationoperators (+, +=) instead of String.concat
method for perfomance reasons

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merging two arrays in node js concat vs += 3 Ways to Concatenate String and no. in JavaScript javascript merge 2 array js how to concat 2 string how to concat string using javascript join two array in java script marget two array javascript how concat string in javascript js concatenate to string string variable concatenation javascript js array join two arrays string javascript concatenation + concatenation js how to join two arrays together js js array merge array of arrays concatenating string in js string concatination js concatinate string in js why can I concat to a string in js what is concatenating strings ? js concat two strings in js concat strings mdn concat using , combine two array javascript js concateate string how to combine one array in javascript how to combine array in javascript merge two array in one array js combine multiple arrays js javascript merge arrays inside array integrate two arrays js string concatenate in javacsript Js merge 2 arrays into one js how can 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Append the values from the second array into the first, maintaining the ordering. mix two arrays javascript concat strong and text in js how to add to a string in javascript mdn .join append to start of string javascript for with 2 array js javascropt concat array contact javascript how to join 2 strings in javascript .concat mdn javascript append strin i nnjs javascript concat list appending string in javascript add stringto begining of string javascript prepend string to a string js concat method add to a string in js js concatenating strings js arrary concat concat directly in string without = js mdn array concat js add text to string js string prepens concatenate a string in javascript concat 4 strings in javascript how to use a function to add to a string javascript add two array of objects in javascript js add character to string contact of array nodejs merge 2 arrays how to append to a string in javascript javascript add two strings together js array combine append js string what is concatenate in javascript append two lists javascript javascript add one array into another string.Concat javascript string concatenation $ prepend string typescript javascript concat with plus concat in a string merge two string js js join two different array into one single array concatenate two arrays in javascript javascript add strings together combine two arrays javascript\ combine two variable into one array javascript append \ in string object javascript js cocat string concat javascript combine lists prepend string javascript concayt text javascript concat two arrays in react conca stringst js concat string in javascript js array erge string concatenation O(n) javascript append strings java scipt concatenar arrays js concatenate commais js cancatenation in javascript javascript how to merge two arrays adding strings together js concat elements js arguments node jcombine 2 array add strings together in js concatenate from left string jaavscript how to combine two arrays merge two arraysa concat javascript= input concat javascript= javascript concatenate prepend string how to add strings together in javascript array.conca concat method in javascript concat string object javascript javascript concat array to superarray string push javascript concat array same concat array of objects javascript not knowing how many add 2 arrays javascript concat javascipr combine array of arrays javascript concat to an array in react js list concat add arrays javascript a new array with the elements from both concatenated merge two arrays object javascript how to return string with append characters javascript javascript append characters .concat es6 array concat undefined js array merger concat function javascript js ,concat array concat where javascript concat wehrre javascript concat three arrays javascript how to merge arrays javascript merge two lists javascript combine 2 elements in array javascript concat List in .js file add an array to another array javascript 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