can we have abstract class having no abstract method in java?

abstract class AbstractDemo { // Abstract class
   private int i = 0;
   public void display() { // non-abstract method
      System.out.print("Welcome to Tutorials Point");
public class InheritedClassDemo extends AbstractDemo {
   public static void main(String args[]) {
      AbstractDemo demo = new InheritedClassDemo();

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can normal class have abstract method non abstract method in abstract class when to use abstract class and interface in java can we make a class abstract without an abstract method can abstract have no abstract methods can non abstract class have abstract methods java which method types allowed in abstract classes in java non abstract method in java All methods in an abstract class must be abstract can abstract classes have all abstract methods A class can be made abstract without any abstract method can an abstract class define both abstract methods and non-abstract methods abstract classes contains both abstract and non abstract method? a. Abstract classes usually have one or more empty abstract methods b. An abstract class is one from which you cannot inherit, but from which you can create concrete objects c. An abstract method has no body, curly braces, or statements Do Abstract classes usually have one or more empty abstract methods. A class that contains abstract methods must be abstract. If you create an empty method within an abstract class, the method is abstract even if you do not explicitly use the keyword abstract. can we create abstract class without abstract method If you provide an empty method within an abstract class, the method is an abstract method even if you do not explicitly use the keyword ____ when defining the method. how to call abstract class method in java can abstract class infer/ommit abstract methods java is it necessary to write abstract method in abstract class abstract class in java without abstract method Can we have abstract class without having any abstract method in java in java we can declare class an abstract class without having abstract method eclared inise Can an abstract method be defined in a non-abstract class? java can interface have non abstract methods can a class without abstract method named abstract can abstract classes only have abstract methods using abstract class without abstract methods java does an abstract class need an abstract method Can abstract classes have no methods and properties? can an abstract class define both abstract and non abstract methods do you have to implement all methods of an abstract class is it possible to have an abstract class without abstract method can abstract class have no abstract methods can we call class base as abstract without having abstract method which of these can be used to fully abstract a class from its implementation
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